path: root/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-07-25Reorganize the kernels into nhwc, nchw and common foldersAdnan AlSinan
2021-06-24Rework gemmlowp reshaped_only_rhs using the new macrosGiorgio Arena
2021-05-12Fix GEMMLowp output stage validation crash when input's first dimension == 1Giorgio Arena
2021-04-28Add explicit cast on GEMMLowp kernelMichalis Spyrou
2021-01-19Remove padding from direct convolution - OpenCLGian Marco Iodice
2020-11-13COMPMID-3956: Nightly CL failure on G71 with error code -7Manuel Bottini
2020-11-03COMPMID-3721: Remove OpenCL padding CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHSKe...Manuel Bottini
2020-10-29COMPMID-3928: Fix output conversion in gemmlowp_mm_nativeMichele Di Giorgio
2020-10-29COMPMID-3720: Remove OpenCL padding CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedKernelManuel Bottini
2020-10-26COMPMID-3925: Dispatch CLGEMM with no padding y requirementGian Marco Iodice
2020-10-22COMPMID-3599: Fix OpenCL gemmlowp_offset_contribution kernelMichele Di Giorgio
2020-10-22COMPMID-3878: Fix nightly failure due to missing conversion to output data typeMichele Di Giorgio
2020-10-21COMPMID-3722: Remove OpenCL padding: CLGEMMLowpOffsetContributionKernelMichele Di Giorgio
2020-10-21COMPMID-3729: Remove OpenCL padding: CLGEMMLowpReductionKernelMichele Di Giorgio
2020-10-21COMPMID-3712 Remove OpenCL padding: CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3NHWCKernel ...Giorgio Arena
2020-10-21COMPMID-3599 Fix CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyNativeKernel nightly failuresSiCong Li
2020-10-16COMPMID-3724: Remove OpenCL padding: CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ScaleByFloatK...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-10-15COMPMID-3719: Remove OpenCL padding: CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyNativeKernelmorgolock
2020-10-14COMPMID-3829: Create CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ScaleByFixedPointKernel and r...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-08-12COMPMID-3608: Fix z index in gemmlowp_mm_reshaped_only kernelGian Marco Iodice
2020-07-20COMPMID-3532: Align data type support between doxygen and implementation - CLMichele Di Giorgio
2020-07-09COMPMID-3324: Adjusting capitalization of Arm copyright claim to reflect Arm ...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-05-06COMPMID-3434 Add SIMD support in gemmlowp_mm_nativeSiCong Li
2020-04-23COMPMID-3405: Fixed issue in gemmlowp_mm_native - OpenCLGian Marco Iodice
2020-04-20COMPMID-3304: Update OpenCL GEMM heuristic for Int8Gian Marco Iodice
2020-04-14COMPMID-3348: Fix issue in gemmlowp_matrix_b_reduction OpenCL kernelGian Marco Iodice
2020-04-14COMPMID-3239: Implement QSYMM16 LayerNormalizationKernel for CLSheri Zhang
2020-04-08COMPMID-3236: Extend CLGEMMLowpReduction kernels to multiply by a scalar valueMichele Di Giorgio
2020-03-30COMPMID-3069 Fix bug on QASYMM8_SIGNED GEMMLowp CL kernelLuca Foschiani
2020-03-25COMPMID-2968: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32To...Sheri Zhang
2020-03-23COMPMID-2967 Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToU...Luca Foschiani
2020-03-09COMPMID-2789: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMDeconvolutionLayerSheri Zhang
2020-03-06COMPMID-2847: Fuse output stage in GEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapedOnlyRHSMichele Di Giorgio
2020-03-02COMPMID-2792: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyResha...Sheri Zhang
2020-01-15COMPMID-3007: Nightly CLGEMM fails in creating kernel on firefly64Michele Di Giorgio
2020-01-14COMPMID-2790: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCoreManuel Bottini
2019-12-03COMPMID-2794: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpOutputStageManuel Bottini
2019-12-03COMPMID-2793: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyResha...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-11-28COMPMID-2609: Enable quantization with multiplier greater than 1 on OpenCLMichele Di Giorgio
2019-11-14COMPMID-2309 : CLConvolutionLayer: support QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL filtersVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-10-24COMPMID-2501: Support multiplier > 1 during QASYMM8 requantization for Quanti...Manuel Bottini
2019-07-18COMPMID-2096: Refactor the CLGEMMLowp function selection (heuristic)Gian Marco Iodice
2019-07-12COMPMID-2468: (Nightly) Bug in CL QSYMM16Michalis Spyrou
2019-07-11COMPMID-2410: Create a new GEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt16ScaleKernel for CLManuel Bottini
2019-06-17COMPMID-2401: Fix CLGemmLowp macro expansion on no-dot platformsGeorgios Pinitas
2019-06-10COMPMID-2094: Implement CLGEMMLowpNativeGian Marco Iodice
2019-06-03COMPMID-2379: Use the macros available in gemm_helpers.h in GEMMLowp OpenCL k...Gian Marco Iodice
2019-05-30COMPMID-2373: Remove unused gemmlowp opencl kernelsGian Marco Iodice
2019-05-20COMPMID-2338: Remove CLGEMMInterleave4x4 and CLGEMMTranspose1xWGian Marco Iodice
2019-04-16COMPMID-2110: Enable CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapeOnlyRHSKernel in CLGEMMLowpGian Marco Iodice