path: root/src/runtime/CL/functions/CLHarrisCorners.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-10COMPMID-2177 Fix clang warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-04-08COMPMID-2098: Scope handling of memory group resources.Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-773: Add CL/NEON Harris Corners benchmark testsAlex Gilday
2018-11-02COMPMID-534: Port MemoryManager to CL functions (Images)Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-481: Add thread info parameterMoritz Pflanzer
2018-11-02COMPMID-424 NEON/CL Harris Corners validation tests.Giorgio Arena
2018-09-17COMPMID-417: Extract common toolchain support fileMoritz Pflanzer
2018-09-17COMPMID-250 make BorderSize explicit and fix float value validation bugsteniu01
2018-09-17COMPMID-344 Updated doxygenAnthony Barbier