AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-15COMPMID-2331: Fix FFTConvolutionLayer when no bias is used.Georgios Pinitas
2019-05-15COMPMID-2334: Extend search space for the EXHAUSTIVE OpenCL tunerGian Marco Iodice
2019-05-14COMPMID-1995: Change CLTuner default mode to NORMALMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-13COMPMID-2326: (Nightly) NEDepthConcatenate bechmark failureMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-13COMPMID-2177: Fix clang-tidy warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-13COMPMID-2177 Fix clang warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-13COMPMID-2325: (Nightly) CLDeconvolution mismatchesgiuros01
2019-05-10Update function listMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Update list of kernels/functionsMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10COMPMID-2177 Fix clang warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Switch data submodule and create release submoduleMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Update READMEMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Update Doxygen versionMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Increment SONAME version and update release versionMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Update LICENSE dateMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Remove blocks of codes / files which are marked as INTERNAL_ONLYMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10Remove tests/benchmark_examples, tests/validate_examples and corresponding bu...Michalis Spyrou
2019-05-10COMPMID-2217: Remove 3rdparty folderMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-10COMPMID-1635: Optimize CLDeconvolutionLayer - Part IIIgiuros01
2019-05-09COMPMID-2115: Fix CLFuseBatchNormalizationManuel Bottini
2019-05-09COMPMID-1973: Implement FFTConvolutionLayer on NEONgiuros01
2019-05-09COMPMID-2118 : (Nightly) : CLGroupedGEMMConvolutionLayer validation issuesVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-05-08COMPMID-1995: Updated Doxygen. Included Warning that CLGEMMInterleave4x4 CLGE...Usama Arif
2019-05-07COMPMID-2177 Fix clang warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-05-03COMPMID-2144 : Update documentation for the new OpenCL tunerVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-05-03COMPMID-2108: Fuse Activation Layer in CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3Kernels ...Manuel Bottini
2019-05-02COMPMID-2176: Add dilation support in calculate_same_pad()Pablo Tello
2019-05-01COMPMID-1963: Implement FFT (2D) on NEONgiuros01
2019-05-01COMPMID-1995: Fix clang-tidy warningsMichalis Spyrou
2019-04-29COMPMID-2117 : Use FFT convolution if output feature map depth is less than i...Vidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-04-26COMPMID-1961: Implement FFT (1D) on NEONgiuros01
2019-04-26COMPMID-1995: Fix memory management for weights transform in CLFFTGeorgios Pinitas
2019-04-26COMPMID-1995: Update clang-tidy rulesMichalis Spyrou
2019-04-25COMPMID-1974 : Extend CLTuner to support different of level of tuningVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-04-25COMPMID-2119: (Nightly) : CLDepthwiseConvolutuion asserts on validateUsama Arif
2019-04-25COMPMID-2114: CLBatchToSpace missing validation testPablo Tello
2019-04-24COMPMID-2120: (Nightly) CLWinogradOutputTransform asserts on validateGeorgios Pinitas
2019-04-24COMPMID-1995: Update documentation with kernel/function supportGeorgios Pinitas
2019-04-24COMPMID-2048: Add support for dilation in NEDepthwiseConvolution.Usama Arif
2019-04-23COMPMID-1995: Fix Disabled suite in test framework.Georgios Pinitas
2019-04-18COMPMID-2112: Rework memory manager support in NEWinogradLayerGeorgios Pinitas
2019-04-18COMPMID-2047: Add support for dilation in CLDepthwiseConvolution.Usama Arif
2019-04-18COMPMID-2116: (Nightly) : CLWidthConcatenate fails on 32-bit for QASYMM8Georgios Pinitas
2019-04-17COMPMID-2049: Add support for deconvolution for qasymm8 on NEONUsama Arif
2019-04-17COMPMID-1995: Fix release buildsGeorgios Pinitas
2019-04-16COMPMID-2051 Refactor shape_calculator::calculate_concatenate_shapeMichalis Spyrou
2019-04-16COMPMID-2110: Enable CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapeOnlyRHSKernel in CLGEMMLowpGian Marco Iodice
2019-04-16COMPMID-1995: Improves DepthwiseConvolution for qasymm8.Georgios Pinitas
2019-04-16COMPMID-2063: New Winograd implementationPablo Tello
2019-04-15COMPMID-2111: ConcatenateLayer API should accept an index instead of an enumGeorgios Pinitas