path: root/src/core/NEON/kernels/NEGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToInt8ScaleByFixedPointKernel.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-22Port NEGEMMLowp Part 1Manuel Bottini
2021-04-14Remove unused AccessWindow* includesMichele Di Giorgio
2021-03-08Remove usage of valid window region in NHWC CPU kernels - Part2SiCongLi
2020-11-03COMPMID-3638: Move NEON kernelsMichalis Spyrou
2020-10-20COMPMID-3637: Move utility headers from arm_compute to srcSang-Hoon Park
2020-10-07COMPMID-3637: Move wrapper to srcGeorgios Pinitas
2020-07-09COMPMID-3324: Adjusting capitalization of Arm copyright claim to reflect Arm ...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-06-25COMPMID-3538: Remove templates from NEGEMMLowpOffsetContributionOutputStageKe...Michalis Spyrou
2020-03-02COMPMID-3097 Fuse activation with fully connected layer CLGiorgio Arena
2019-11-27COMPMID-2805: Add QASYMM8_SIGNED support in NEGEMMLowpOutputStageGeorgios Pinitas