path: root/src/core/CL/kernels/CLDirectConvolutionOutputStageKernel.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-15COMPMID-2600: Implement a new and generic depthwise convolution for CL QASYMM...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-07-03COMPMID-2072: Use a constexpr for num_elems_processed_per_iteration where pos...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-02-12COMPMID-1934: Doxygen online documentation errors on FirefoxManuel Bottini
2018-11-02COMPMID-1478: Stop relying on static default OpenCL objects in cl2.hppAnthony Barbier
2018-11-02COMPMID-1390: OCLGrind and benchmark tests fail for QASYMM8Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-1363: Handle null bias pointer in DirectConvolutionOutputStageKernelAnthony Barbier
2018-11-02COMPMID-811 Add NHWC data format support for CL depthwise convolutionGiorgio Arena
2018-11-02COMPMID-655 : Check FP16 is supported by the GPUVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2018-11-02COMPMID-936: Convolution failure in NEON Convolution Layer.Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-856: CL Depthwise Convolution QASYMM8 supportGeorgios Pinitas