path: root/src/core/CL/kernels/CLDepthwiseVectorToTensorKernel.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-15COMPMID-2600: Implement a new and generic depthwise convolution for CL QASYMM...Michele Di Giorgio
2019-08-24COMPMID-2451: Use kernel lws_hint() on enqueueGeorgios Pinitas
2019-02-15COMPMID-1710: Add check on different input/output quantization info were not ...Isabella Gottardi
2018-11-02COMPMID-1478: Stop relying on static default OpenCL objects in cl2.hppAnthony Barbier
2018-11-02COMPMID-1167: Validation for NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayerAbe Mbise
2018-11-02COMPMID-970 : Remove QS8 / QS16 supportVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2018-11-02COMPMID-811 Add NHWC data format support for CL depthwise convolutionGiorgio Arena
2018-11-02COMPMID-655 : Check FP16 is supported by the GPUVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2018-11-02COMPMID-1068 Create validate method to CLDepthWiseConvolutionGiorgio Arena
2018-11-02COMPMID-936: Convolution failure in NEON Convolution Layer.Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-856: CL Depthwise Convolution QASYMM8 supportGeorgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-556: Autoconfigure support in CLDepthwiseConvolution.Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02COMPMID-452 CL Generic Depthwise Convolution implementation.Giorgio Arena