path: root/examples/gemm_tuner/cl_gemm_reshaped_rhs_only.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-28Apply clang-format on repositoryFelix Thomasmathibalan
2023-05-02Fix export_to_cl_image issue in the fp16 GeMM implementationGian Marco Iodice
2021-08-25Move CPU/GPU files from Core/Runtime to the respective backend foldersGeorgios Pinitas
2021-05-18Port CLGEMM to memory injecting interfaceGeorgios Pinitas
2021-03-04Add tuner mode support in GeMM benchmarkGian Marco Iodice
2021-02-09Fix Floating Point Exception for cl_gemm_reshapedManuel Bottini
2020-11-30COMPMID-3982 Add QASYMM8 support to gemm tuner (reshaped and reshaped_only_rhs)SiCongLi
2020-11-07COMPMID-3639: (3RDPARTY_UPDATE) Move CL kernels to srcSang-Hoon Park
2020-10-20COMPMID-3637: Move utility headers from arm_compute to srcSang-Hoon Park
2020-07-22COMPMID-3549: GEMM Tuner - Validate input parametersEren Kopuz
2020-07-09COMPMID-3325: Add support in gemm_tuner for cl_imageManuel Bottini
2020-07-09COMPMID-3324: Adjusting capitalization of Arm copyright claim to reflect Arm ...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-06-18COMPMID-3451: Add support for F16 in Gemm TunerEren Kopuz
2019-09-27COMPMID-2692 Use existing command line infrastructure forSiCong Li
2019-09-25COMPMID-2566 - Add CLGEMMReshapedOnlyRHS exampleSiCong Li