path: root/arm_compute/core/NEON/NEAsymm.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-07COMPMID-3637: Move wrapper to srcGeorgios Pinitas
2020-07-09COMPMID-3324: Adjusting capitalization of Arm copyright claim to reflect Arm ...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-06-25COMPMID-3538: Remove templates from NEGEMMLowpOffsetContributionOutputStageKe...Michalis Spyrou
2019-12-20COMPMID-2773 [NE] add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED to QuantizationLayerSang-Hoon Park
2019-12-20COMPMID-2608: Enable quantization with multiplier greater than 1 on NEONMichele Di Giorgio
2019-12-20COMPMID-2767 [NEON] add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED to DequantizationLayerSang-Hoon Park
2019-12-05COMPMID-2796: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in NEActivationLayer and NEPRelu...Michalis Spyrou
2019-12-04COMPMID-2826 Comply with DCL51-CPPMichalis Spyrou
2019-11-27COMPMID-2805: Add QASYMM8_SIGNED support in NEGEMMLowpOutputStageGeorgios Pinitas
2019-11-12COMPMID-2895: Remove QASYMM8_PER_CHANNEL data typeGeorgios Pinitas
2019-11-06COMPMID-2308: NEConvolutionLayer: support QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL filtersGeorgios Pinitas
2019-10-01COMPMID-2699: Add support for QASYMM16 in NEQuantizationLayerMichele Di Giorgio
2019-08-30COMPMID-2418: CLDequantizationLayer support for QASYMM8_PER_CHANNELMichalis Spyrou
2019-07-03COMPMID-2409: Add QSYMM16 support for PixelWiseMultiplication for NEONManuel Bottini
2019-06-24COMPMID-2235: Extend type support for CL/NEON DequantizationLayer.Georgios Pinitas
2019-06-03COMPMID-2225: Add interface support for new quantized data types.Georgios Pinitas
2019-04-15COMPMID-1995: Fix NEPoolingLayer for quantized 3x3Georgios Pinitas
2019-03-18COMPMID-1995: Fix compiler issues for invalid min,max arguments.Georgios Pinitas
2019-03-15COMPMID-1694: Fuse offset contribution with the output stage when we use NEGE...George Wort
2019-02-08COMPMID-1918: Different qinfos support in NEConcatLayer.Pablo Tello
2018-11-02COMPMID-791: Adds support of QASYMM8 in NEDepthwiseConvolution3x3Georgios Pinitas
2018-11-02IVGCVSW-820: Add QASYMM8 support to NeonActivationLayerKernelMichel Iwaniec
2018-11-02COMPMID-706 - Add GEMMLowp output stage for scaling by a fixed point numberGian Marco