BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
experimental/tf28_compatAdd tosa identification numbersFrederick Liardet20 months
mainUpdate flatbuffer to v24.3.7Tai Ly37 hours
v0.23Remove draft tag for 0.23 releaseEric Kunze2 years
v0.30Remove the draft tag from the schema for v0.30Eric Kunze22 months
v0.40Remove draft tag for 0.40 releaseEric Kunze20 months
v0.50Update serialization lib version to 0.50.0Eric Kunze17 months
v0.60Add u8 array to float conversion checkWon Jeon11 months
v0.70Remove draft tag from 0.70 serialization libraryEric Kunze11 months
v0.80Fix numpy deprecation warning message for unsigned int conversionWon Jeon7 weeks
v0.90Remove draft tag from 0.90 serializationEric Kunze6 weeks
v1.00Change serialization version to 1.0.0 draftEric Kunze9 days
v1.0.0-rc0serialization_lib-1.0.0-rc0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze5 days
v0.90.0serialization_lib-0.90.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze5 weeks
v0.100a0serialization_lib-0.100a0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze3 months
v0.90a0serialization_lib-0.90a0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze7 months
v0.80.0serialization_lib-0.80.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze8 months
v0.70.0serialization_lib-0.70.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze11 months
v0.60.0serialization_lib-0.60.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze14 months
v0.50.0serialization_lib-0.50.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze17 months
v0.40.0serialization_lib-0.40.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze20 months
v0.30.0serialization_lib-0.30.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze22 months
v0.23.0serialization_lib-0.23.0.tar.gz  Eric Kunze2 years