path: root/src/core/CL/gemm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-09-30COMPMID-2571: Add mixed-precision support in CLGEMMReshaped for FP16Gian Marco Iodice
2019-09-26COMPMID-2571: Add support for FP16 in CLGEMMReshaped - part 1Gian Marco Iodice
2019-09-23COMPMID-2668: Add GEMM/GEMMLowp heuristic for Mali-G51Gian Marco Iodice
2019-07-18COMPMID-2096: Refactor the CLGEMMLowp function selection (heuristic)Gian Marco Iodice
2019-04-16COMPMID-2110: Enable CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyReshapeOnlyRHSKernel in CLGEMMLowpGian Marco Iodice
2019-04-08COMPMID-2097: Implement a heuristic to dispatch CLGEMMReshapedOnlyRHS kernel ...Gian Marco Iodice