path: root/arm_compute/core/CL/kernels/CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ScaleKernel.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-09COMPMID-3324: Adjusting capitalization of Arm copyright claim to reflect Arm ...Michele Di Giorgio
2020-04-22COMPMID-3280: Make all ML primitives for CL use the new interface - Part1 - Fix2Manuel Bottini
2020-04-20COMPMID-3304: Update OpenCL GEMM heuristic for Int8Gian Marco Iodice
2020-04-17COMPMID-3280: Make all ML primitives for CL use the new interface - Part 1Manuel Bottini
2020-03-26COMPMID-2966 Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in NEGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToU...Luca Foschiani
2020-03-23COMPMID-2967 Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpQuantizeDownInt32ToU...Luca Foschiani