path: root/tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h b/tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h
index 7016e9fb68..6e2e3a3846 100644
--- a/tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h
+++ b/tests/validation/fixtures/DepthwiseConvolutionLayerFixture.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 ARM Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Arm Limited.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
#include "arm_compute/core/TensorShape.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/Types.h"
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "utils/Utils.h"
+#include <cstdint>
#include <random>
namespace arm_compute
@@ -54,31 +55,212 @@ class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture : public framework::Fixt
using TBias = typename std::conditional < std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value || std::is_same<T, int8_t>::value, int32_t, T >::type;
+ void setup_quantization(TensorShape input_shape, TensorShape weights_shape, QuantizationInfo &input_q_info,
+ QuantizationInfo &weights_q_info, DataType data_type)
+ {
+ ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(input_shape);
+ const int32_t t_max = static_cast<int32_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+ const int32_t t_min = static_cast<int32_t>(std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
+ std::mt19937 generator(library->seed() + _hash);
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution_float(-5.0f, 3.0f);
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution_t(t_min, t_max);
+ const float scale_lhs = pow(2, distribution_float(generator)); // [2^-5, 2^3]
+ const float scale_rhs = pow(2, distribution_float(generator)); // [2^-5, 2^3]
+ const int32_t offset_lhs = distribution_t(generator);
+ const int32_t offset_rhs = distribution_t(generator);
+ _input_quantization_info = QuantizationInfo(scale_lhs, offset_lhs);
+ _weights_quantization_info = QuantizationInfo(scale_rhs, offset_rhs);
+ QuantizationHint q_hint = suggest_conv_dst_q_info_and_bias(input_q_info, weights_q_info,
+ weights_shape.y() /* heights */, weights_shape.x() /* width */, 1 /* channels */,
+ data_type, 0.5f /* bias_fraction */);
+ _output_quantization_info = q_hint.q_info;
+ _min_bias = q_hint.bias_min;
+ _max_bias = q_hint.bias_max;
+ }
- template <typename...>
void setup(TensorShape in_shape, Size2D kernel_size, PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info, Size2D dilation,
unsigned int depth_multiplier, DataType input_data_type, DataType weights_data_type,
QuantizationInfo input_quantization_info, QuantizationInfo weights_quantization_info, QuantizationInfo output_quantization_info,
- DataLayout data_layout, ActivationLayerInfo act_info)
+ DataLayout data_layout, ActivationLayerInfo act_info, bool mixed_layout = false, bool in_place = false, bool run_twice = false)
- const DataType bias_data_type = is_data_type_quantized(input_data_type) ? DataType::S32 : input_data_type;
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(mixed_layout && in_place);
+ // This hash is used by random generators. There may be hash collisions but
+ // this is intentional as it's a very easy way to make the the current
+ // random generation process almost different for many test configurations,
+ // which were using the same set of values before.
+ _hash = in_shape[0] + in_shape[1] + in_shape[2] + in_shape[3] +
+ kernel_size.width + kernel_size.height + dilation.x() +
+ dilation.y() + pad_stride_info.pad_bottom() + pad_stride_info.pad_left() + pad_stride_info.pad_right() + pad_stride_info.pad_top();
+ _mixed_layout = mixed_layout;
+ _input_shape = in_shape;
+ _input_data_type = input_data_type;
+ _weights_data_type = weights_data_type;
+ _data_layout = data_layout;
+ _pad_stride_info = pad_stride_info;
+ _act_info = act_info;
+ _depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier;
+ _dilation = dilation;
+ _in_place = in_place;
+ _run_twice = run_twice;
+ _bias_data_type = is_data_type_quantized(_input_data_type) ? DataType::S32 : _input_data_type;
+ _weights_shape = TensorShape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height);
+ const TensorInfo in_info(_input_shape, 1, _input_data_type);
+ const TensorInfo we_info(_weights_shape, 1, _weights_data_type);
+ const ConvolutionInfo info{ _pad_stride_info, _depth_multiplier, _act_info, _dilation };
+ _output_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(in_info, we_info, info);
+ _weights_shape.set(2, _output_shape.z());
+ _biases_shape = TensorShape(_weights_shape[2]);
+ _input_quantization_info = input_quantization_info;
+ _weights_quantization_info = weights_quantization_info;
+ _output_quantization_info = output_quantization_info;
+ if(is_data_type_quantized(_input_data_type) && !is_data_type_quantized_symmetric(weights_data_type) && (!act_info.enabled() || act_info.activation() == ActivationFunction::IDENTITY))
+ {
+ setup_quantization(in_shape, _weights_shape, _input_quantization_info, _weights_quantization_info, _input_data_type);
+ _use_dynamic_output_quant = true;
+ }
+ }
- TensorShape weights_shape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height);
+ void configure_target()
+ {
+ TensorShape input_shape = _input_shape;
+ TensorShape weights_shape = _weights_shape;
+ TensorShape output_shape = _output_shape;
- const TensorInfo in_info(in_shape, 1, input_data_type);
- const TensorInfo we_info(weights_shape, 1, weights_data_type);
- const TensorShape out_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(in_info, we_info, pad_stride_info, depth_multiplier, dilation);
+ if(_data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+ {
+ permute(input_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
+ permute(weights_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
+ permute(output_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
+ }
- weights_shape.set(2, out_shape.z());
- const TensorShape biases_shape(weights_shape[2]);
+ // Create tensors
+ _src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, _input_data_type, 1, _input_quantization_info, _data_layout);
+ _weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, _weights_data_type, 1, _weights_quantization_info, _data_layout);
+ if(_run_twice) {
+ _weights.info()->set_are_values_constant(false);
+ }
+ _biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(_biases_shape, _bias_data_type, 1, _input_quantization_info, _data_layout);
+ TensorType *target_to_use = nullptr;
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target = create_tensor<TensorType>(output_shape, _input_data_type, 1, _output_quantization_info, _data_layout);
+ target_to_use = &_target;
+ }
+ add_padding_x({ &_src, &_biases }, _data_layout);
+ add_padding_x({ &_weights }, _data_layout, true);
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ add_padding_x({ &_target }, _data_layout);
+ }
+ // Create Depthwise Convolution configure function
+ _dwc.configure(&_src, &_weights, &_biases, target_to_use, _pad_stride_info, _depth_multiplier, _act_info, _dilation);
- _target = compute_target(in_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, out_shape, pad_stride_info, dilation, depth_multiplier,
- input_data_type, weights_data_type, bias_data_type, input_quantization_info, weights_quantization_info, output_quantization_info, data_layout, act_info);
- _reference = compute_reference(in_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, out_shape, pad_stride_info, dilation, depth_multiplier,
- input_data_type, weights_data_type, bias_data_type, input_quantization_info, weights_quantization_info, output_quantization_info, act_info);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_target.info()->is_resizable());
+ }
+ void allocate_and_run_target()
+ {
+ // Allocate tensors
+ _src.allocator()->allocate();
+ _weights.allocator()->allocate();
+ _biases.allocator()->allocate();
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target.allocator()->allocate();
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_target.info()->is_resizable());
+ }
+ // Fill tensors
+ fill(AccessorType(_src), 0 + _hash);
+ fill(AccessorType(_weights), 1 + _hash);
+ fill(AccessorType(_biases), 2 + _hash);
+ // Run with variable input
+ if(_run_twice) {
+ _dwc.run();
+ // Fill tensors with a new seed
+ fill(AccessorType(_src), 3 + _hash);
+ fill(AccessorType(_weights), 4 + _hash);
+ fill(AccessorType(_biases), 5 + _hash);
+ }
+ if(_mixed_layout)
+ {
+ mix_layout(_dwc, _src, _target);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Compute function
+ _dwc.run();
+ }
+ }
+ void compute_reference()
+ {
+ SimpleTensor<T> src{ _input_shape, _input_data_type, 1, _input_quantization_info };
+ SimpleTensor<TW> weights{ _weights_shape, _weights_data_type, 1, _weights_quantization_info };
+ SimpleTensor<TBias> biases{ _biases_shape, _bias_data_type, 1, _input_quantization_info };
+ fill(src, 0 + _hash);
+ fill(weights, 1 + _hash);
+ fill(biases, 2 + _hash);
+ if(_run_twice) {
+ SimpleTensor<T> depth_out = reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, _output_shape, _pad_stride_info, _depth_multiplier, _dilation, _output_quantization_info);
+ if(_act_info.enabled()) {
+ reference::activation_layer<T>(depth_out, _act_info);
+ }
+ fill(src, 3 + _hash);
+ fill(weights, 4 + _hash);
+ fill(biases, 5 + _hash);
+ }
+ SimpleTensor<T> depth_out = reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, _output_shape, _pad_stride_info, _depth_multiplier, _dilation, _output_quantization_info);
+ _reference = (_act_info.enabled()) ? reference::activation_layer<T>(depth_out, _act_info) : depth_out;
+ void mix_layout(FunctionType &layer, TensorType &src, TensorType &dst)
+ {
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON(_in_place);
+ // Test Multi DataLayout graph cases, when the data layout changes after configure
+ src.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW ? DataLayout::NHWC : DataLayout::NCHW);
+ dst.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW ? DataLayout::NHWC : DataLayout::NCHW);
+ // Compute Convolution function
+ layer.run();
+ // Reinstating original data layout for the test suite to properly check the values
+ src.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout);
+ dst.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout);
+ }
template <typename U>
void fill(U &&tensor, int i)
@@ -86,27 +268,77 @@ protected:
case DataType::QASYMM8:
- std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> distribution(0, 10);
- library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ if(_use_dynamic_output_quant)
+ {
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(0, 255);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Legacy initialization in case the output quantization info can't be reliably estimated
+ std::pair<int, int> bounds = get_quantized_bounds(tensor.quantization_info(), -1.0f, 1.0f);
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> distribution(bounds.first, bounds.second);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ }
case DataType::QASYMM8_SIGNED:
+ {
+ if(_use_dynamic_output_quant)
+ {
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(-128, 127);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Legacy initialization in case the output quantization info can't be reliably estimated
+ std::pair<int, int> bounds = get_quantized_qasymm8_signed_bounds(tensor.quantization_info(), -1.0f, 1.0f);
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(bounds.first, bounds.second);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case DataType::QSYMM8_PER_CHANNEL:
- std::uniform_int_distribution<int8_t> distribution(-10, 10);
+ int min_bound = 128;
+ int max_bound = -127;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < _weights_quantization_info.scale().size(); i++)
+ {
+ std::pair<int, int> bounds = get_symm_quantized_per_channel_bounds(tensor.quantization_info(), -1.0f, 1.0f, i);
+ if(bounds.first < min_bound)
+ {
+ min_bound = bounds.first;
+ }
+ if(bounds.second > max_bound)
+ {
+ max_bound = bounds.second;
+ }
+ }
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(min_bound, max_bound);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DataType::S32:
+ {
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(_min_bias, _max_bias);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DataType::BFLOAT16:
+ {
+ arm_compute::utils::uniform_real_distribution_16bit<bfloat16> distribution{ -1.0f, 1.0f };
library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
- case DataType::F32:
case DataType::F16:
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
+ arm_compute::utils::uniform_real_distribution_16bit<half> distribution{ -1.0f, 1.0f };
library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
- case DataType::S32:
+ case DataType::F32:
- std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(-100, 100);
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
@@ -115,88 +347,56 @@ protected:
- TensorType compute_target(TensorShape input_shape, TensorShape weights_shape, TensorShape biases_shape, TensorShape output_shape, PadStrideInfo &pad_stride_info, Size2D dilation,
- unsigned int depth_multiplier, const DataType input_data_type, const DataType weights_data_type, const DataType bias_data_type,
- const QuantizationInfo &input_quantization_info, const QuantizationInfo &weights_quantization_info, const QuantizationInfo &output_quantization_info,
- const DataLayout data_layout, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info)
- {
- if(data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
- {
- permute(input_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
- permute(weights_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
- permute(output_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
- }
- // Create tensors
- TensorType src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, input_data_type, 1, input_quantization_info, data_layout);
- TensorType weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, weights_data_type, 1, weights_quantization_info, data_layout);
- TensorType biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(biases_shape, bias_data_type, 1, input_quantization_info, data_layout);
- TensorType dst = create_tensor<TensorType>(output_shape, input_data_type, 1, output_quantization_info, data_layout);
- // Create Depthwise Convolution configure function
- FunctionType dwc;
- dwc.configure(&src, &weights, &biases, &dst, pad_stride_info, depth_multiplier, act_info, dilation);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- // Allocate tensors
- src.allocator()->allocate();
- weights.allocator()->allocate();
- biases.allocator()->allocate();
- dst.allocator()->allocate();
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- // Fill tensors
- fill(AccessorType(src), 0);
- fill(AccessorType(weights), 1);
- fill(AccessorType(biases), 2);
- // Compute function
- dwc.run();
- return dst;
- }
- SimpleTensor<T> compute_reference(const TensorShape &in_shape, const TensorShape &weights_shape, const TensorShape &biases_shape, const TensorShape &out_shape,
- const PadStrideInfo &pad_stride_info, const Size2D &dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier,
- const DataType input_data_type, const DataType weights_data_type, const DataType bias_data_type,
- const QuantizationInfo &input_quantization_info, const QuantizationInfo &weights_quantization_info, const QuantizationInfo &output_quantization_info,
- const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info)
- {
- SimpleTensor<T> src{ in_shape, input_data_type, 1, input_quantization_info };
- SimpleTensor<TW> weights{ weights_shape, weights_data_type, 1, weights_quantization_info };
- SimpleTensor<TBias> biases{ biases_shape, bias_data_type, 1, input_quantization_info };
- fill(src, 0);
- fill(weights, 1);
- fill(biases, 2);
- SimpleTensor<T> depth_out = reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, out_shape, pad_stride_info, depth_multiplier, dilation, output_quantization_info);
- return (act_info.enabled()) ? reference::activation_layer<T>(depth_out, act_info) : depth_out;
- }
TensorType _target{};
SimpleTensor<T> _reference{};
+ TensorType _src{};
+ TensorType _weights{};
+ TensorType _biases{};
+ FunctionType _dwc{};
+ TensorShape _input_shape{};
+ TensorShape _weights_shape{};
+ TensorShape _biases_shape{};
+ TensorShape _output_shape{};
+ DataType _input_data_type{};
+ DataType _weights_data_type{};
+ DataType _bias_data_type{};
+ QuantizationInfo _input_quantization_info{};
+ QuantizationInfo _weights_quantization_info{};
+ QuantizationInfo _output_quantization_info{};
+ DataLayout _data_layout{};
+ PadStrideInfo _pad_stride_info{};
+ ActivationLayerInfo _act_info{};
+ unsigned int _depth_multiplier{};
+ Size2D _dilation{};
+ bool _mixed_layout{ false };
+ bool _in_place{ false };
+ bool _run_twice{ false };
+ bool _use_dynamic_output_quant{false};
+ int32_t _hash{0};
+ // Random initialization limits
+ // Default values are previously handcrafted limits
+ // that sould be used when we don't use dynamic quantization
+ int32_t _min_bias{-100};
+ int32_t _max_bias{100};
+ int32_t _min_u8{0};
+ int32_t _max_u8{50};
+ int32_t _min_s8{-25};
+ int32_t _max_s8{25};
-template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T>
+template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T, bool mixed_layout = false, bool in_place = false, bool run_twice = false>
class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationFixture : public DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>
- template <typename...>
void setup(TensorShape in_shape, Size2D kernel_size, PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info, Size2D dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier, DataType data_type, DataLayout data_layout,
ActivationLayerInfo act_info)
DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>::setup(in_shape, kernel_size, pad_stride_info, dilation, depth_multiplier,
data_type, data_type, QuantizationInfo(), QuantizationInfo(), QuantizationInfo(),
- data_layout, act_info);
+ data_layout, act_info, mixed_layout, in_place, run_twice);
@@ -204,260 +404,362 @@ template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typ
class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerNativeValidationFixture : public DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>
- template <typename...>
void setup(size_t width, size_t height, size_t channel, size_t batch, Size2D kernel_size, size_t depth_multiplier, Size2D dilation, Size2D stride, bool padding_valid, DataType data_type,
DataLayout data_layout)
- const TensorShape src_shape(width, height, channel, batch);
- const TensorShape weights_shape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height, channel * depth_multiplier);
- const TensorShape biases_shape(weights_shape.z());
+ _dilation = dilation;
+ _depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier;
+ _data_type = data_type;
+ _data_layout = data_layout;
+ _input_shape = TensorShape(width, height, channel, batch);
+ _weights_shape = TensorShape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height, channel * _depth_multiplier);
+ _biases_shape = TensorShape(_weights_shape.z());
- PadStrideInfo conv_info;
- conv_info = PadStrideInfo();
+ _conv_info = PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height);
- conv_info = calculate_same_pad(src_shape, weights_shape, PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height), DataLayout::NCHW, dilation);
+ _conv_info = calculate_same_pad(_input_shape, _weights_shape, PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height), DataLayout::NCHW, _dilation);
- _target = compute_target(src_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, conv_info, dilation, depth_multiplier, data_type, data_layout);
- _reference = compute_reference(src_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, conv_info, dilation, depth_multiplier, data_type);
- template <typename U>
- void fill(U &&tensor, int i)
+ void configure_target()
- switch(tensor.data_type())
- {
- case DataType::F32:
- {
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
- library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
- break;
- }
- default:
- library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i);
- }
- }
+ TensorShape input_shape = _input_shape;
+ TensorShape weights_shape = _weights_shape;
- TensorType compute_target(TensorShape input_shape, TensorShape weights_shape, TensorShape biases_shape, PadStrideInfo &conv_info, Size2D dilation,
- unsigned int depth_multiplier, const DataType data_type, const DataLayout data_layout)
- {
- if(data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+ if(_data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
permute(input_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
permute(weights_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
// Create tensors
- TensorType src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(biases_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType dst = create_tensor<TensorType>(TensorShape(), data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
+ _src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ _weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ _biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(_biases_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ _target = create_tensor<TensorType>(TensorShape(), _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
- // Create Depthwise Convolution configure function
- FunctionType dwc;
- dwc.configure(&src, &weights, &biases, &dst, conv_info, depth_multiplier, dilation);
+ add_padding_x({ &_src, &_biases, &_target }, _data_layout);
+ add_padding_x({ &_weights }, _data_layout, true);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
+ // Create Depthwise Convolution configure function
+ const ConvolutionInfo info
+ {
+ _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, ActivationLayerInfo(), _dilation
+ };
+ _dwc.configure(_src.info(), _weights.info(), _biases.info(), _target.info(), info);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_target.info()->is_resizable());
+ }
+ void allocate_and_run_target()
+ {
// Allocate tensors
- src.allocator()->allocate();
- weights.allocator()->allocate();
- biases.allocator()->allocate();
- dst.allocator()->allocate();
+ _src.allocator()->allocate();
+ _weights.allocator()->allocate();
+ _biases.allocator()->allocate();
+ _target.allocator()->allocate();
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_target.info()->is_resizable());
// Fill tensors
- fill(AccessorType(src), 0);
- fill(AccessorType(weights), 1);
- fill(AccessorType(biases), 2);
+ fill(AccessorType(_src), 0);
+ fill(AccessorType(_weights), 1);
+ fill(AccessorType(_biases), 2);
- // Compute function
- dwc.run();
+ arm_compute::ITensorPack pack;
+ pack.add_const_tensor(arm_compute::TensorType::ACL_SRC_0, &_src);
+ pack.add_const_tensor(arm_compute::TensorType::ACL_SRC_1, &_weights);
+ pack.add_const_tensor(arm_compute::TensorType::ACL_SRC_2, &_biases);
+ pack.add_tensor(arm_compute::TensorType::ACL_DST, &_target);
- return dst;
+ // Compute function
+ _dwc.run(pack);
- SimpleTensor<T> compute_reference(const TensorShape &input_shape, const TensorShape &weights_shape, const TensorShape &biases_shape, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info,
- const Size2D &dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier, const DataType data_type)
+ void compute_reference()
- SimpleTensor<T> src{ input_shape, data_type };
- SimpleTensor<T> weights{ weights_shape, data_type };
- SimpleTensor<T> biases{ biases_shape, data_type };
+ SimpleTensor<T> src{ _input_shape, _data_type };
+ SimpleTensor<T> weights{ _weights_shape, _data_type };
+ SimpleTensor<T> biases{ _biases_shape, _data_type };
fill(src, 0);
fill(weights, 1);
fill(biases, 2);
- const TensorShape dst_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(TensorInfo(input_shape, 1, data_type), TensorInfo(weights_shape, 1, data_type), conv_info,
- depth_multiplier, dilation);
- return reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, dst_shape, conv_info, depth_multiplier, dilation);
+ const ConvolutionInfo info{ _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, ActivationLayerInfo(), _dilation };
+ const TensorShape dst_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(TensorInfo(_input_shape, 1, _data_type), TensorInfo(_weights_shape, 1, _data_type), info);
+ _reference = reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, dst_shape, _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, _dilation);
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ void fill(U &&tensor, int i)
+ {
+ switch(tensor.data_type())
+ {
+ case DataType::F32:
+ {
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i);
+ }
TensorType _target{};
SimpleTensor<T> _reference{};
+ TensorType _src{};
+ TensorType _weights{};
+ TensorType _biases{};
+ FunctionType _dwc{};
+ TensorShape _input_shape{};
+ TensorShape _weights_shape{};
+ TensorShape _biases_shape{};
+ DataType _data_type{};
+ DataLayout _data_layout{};
+ PadStrideInfo _conv_info{};
+ Size2D _dilation{};
+ unsigned int _depth_multiplier{};
-template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T>
+template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T, bool in_place = false>
class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerNativeConfigurableValidationFixture : public DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>
- template <typename...>
void setup(size_t width, size_t height, size_t channel, size_t batch, Size2D kernel_size, size_t depth_multiplier, Size2D dilation, Size2D stride, bool padding_valid, DataType data_type,
- DataLayout data_layout, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, unsigned int n0)
+ DataLayout data_layout, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, unsigned int n0, bool export_to_cl_image)
- const TensorShape src_shape(width, height, channel, batch);
- const TensorShape weights_shape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height, channel * depth_multiplier);
- const TensorShape biases_shape(weights_shape.z());
+ _dilation = dilation;
+ _depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier;
+ _data_type = data_type;
+ _data_layout = data_layout;
+ _act_info = act_info;
+ _n0 = n0;
+ _export_to_cl_image = export_to_cl_image;
+ _in_place = in_place;
+ _input_shape = TensorShape(width, height, channel, batch);
+ _weights_shape = TensorShape(kernel_size.width, kernel_size.height, channel * _depth_multiplier);
+ _biases_shape = TensorShape(_weights_shape.z());
- PadStrideInfo conv_info;
- conv_info = PadStrideInfo();
+ _conv_info = calculate_same_pad(_input_shape, _weights_shape, PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height), DataLayout::NCHW, _dilation);
- conv_info = calculate_same_pad(src_shape, weights_shape, PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height), DataLayout::NCHW, dilation);
+ _conv_info = PadStrideInfo(stride.width, stride.height);
- _target = compute_target(src_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, conv_info, dilation, depth_multiplier, data_type, data_layout, act_info, n0);
- _reference = compute_reference(src_shape, weights_shape, biases_shape, conv_info, dilation, depth_multiplier, data_type, act_info);
- template <typename U>
- void fill(U &&tensor, int i)
+ void configure_target()
- switch(tensor.data_type())
+ if(_export_to_cl_image)
- case DataType::F32:
- {
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
- library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
- break;
- }
- case DataType::F16:
- {
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
- library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
- break;
- }
- default:
- library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i);
+ _validate_output &= image2d_from_buffer_supported(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device());
+ _validate_output &= (get_cl_image_pitch_alignment(CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device()) != 0);
- }
- TensorType compute_target(TensorShape input_shape, TensorShape weights_shape, TensorShape biases_shape, PadStrideInfo &conv_info, Size2D dilation,
- unsigned int depth_multiplier, const DataType data_type, const DataLayout data_layout, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, unsigned int n0)
- {
- if(data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+ if(!_validate_output)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TensorShape input_shape = _input_shape;
+ TensorShape weights_shape = _weights_shape;
+ if(_data_layout == DataLayout::NHWC)
permute(input_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
permute(weights_shape, PermutationVector(2U, 0U, 1U));
// Create tensors
- TensorType src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(biases_shape, data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
- TensorType dst = create_tensor<TensorType>(TensorShape(), data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), data_layout);
+ _src = create_tensor<TensorType>(input_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ _weights = create_tensor<TensorType>(weights_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ _biases = create_tensor<TensorType>(_biases_shape, _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ TensorType *target_to_use = nullptr;
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target = create_tensor<TensorType>(TensorShape(), _data_type, 1, QuantizationInfo(), _data_layout);
+ target_to_use = &_target;
+ }
- DWCWeightsKernelInfo dwc_weights_info;
- dwc_weights_info.n0 = n0;
+ DWCComputeKernelInfo dwc_info;
+ dwc_info.n0 = _n0;
+ dwc_info.m0 = _conv_info.stride().first == 1 && _dilation.x() == 1 ? 8 : 1;
+ dwc_info.export_input_to_cl_image = false;
+ dwc_info.export_weights_to_cl_image = _export_to_cl_image;
- DWCKernelInfo dwc_info;
- dwc_info.activation_info = act_info;
+ const ConvolutionInfo conv_kernel_info
+ {
+ _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, _act_info, _dilation
+ };
+ add_padding_x({ &_src, &_biases, &_target }, _data_layout);
+ add_padding_x({ &_weights }, _data_layout, _export_to_cl_image); // Don't add left padding if cl image will be used
// Create Depthwise Convolution configure function
- FunctionType dwc;
- dwc.configure(&src, &weights, &biases, &dst, dwc_weights_info, dwc_info, conv_info, depth_multiplier, dilation);
+ _dwc.configure(&_src, &_weights, &_biases, target_to_use, dwc_info, conv_kernel_info);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(_target.info()->is_resizable());
+ }
- // Allocate tensors
- src.allocator()->allocate();
- weights.allocator()->allocate();
- biases.allocator()->allocate();
- dst.allocator()->allocate();
+ void allocate_and_run_target()
+ {
+ if(!_validate_output)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!src.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!weights.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!biases.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
- ARM_COMPUTE_EXPECT(!dst.info()->is_resizable(), framework::LogLevel::ERRORS);
+ // Allocate tensors
+ _src.allocator()->allocate();
+ _weights.allocator()->allocate();
+ _biases.allocator()->allocate();
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_src.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_weights.info()->is_resizable());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_biases.info()->is_resizable());
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target.allocator()->allocate();
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ASSERT(!_target.info()->is_resizable());
+ }
// Fill tensors
- fill(AccessorType(src), 0);
- fill(AccessorType(weights), 1);
- fill(AccessorType(biases), 2);
+ fill(AccessorType(_src), 0);
+ fill(AccessorType(_weights), 1);
+ fill(AccessorType(_biases), 2);
+ // Test Multi DataLayout graph cases, when the data layout changes after configure
+ _src.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW ? DataLayout::NHWC : DataLayout::NCHW);
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout == DataLayout::NCHW ? DataLayout::NHWC : DataLayout::NCHW);
+ }
// Compute function
- dwc.run();
+ _dwc.run();
- return dst;
+ // Reinstating original data layout for the test suite to properly check the values
+ if(!_in_place)
+ {
+ _target.info()->set_data_layout(_data_layout);
+ }
- SimpleTensor<T> compute_reference(const TensorShape &input_shape, const TensorShape &weights_shape, const TensorShape &biases_shape, const PadStrideInfo &conv_info,
- const Size2D &dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier, const DataType data_type, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info)
+ void compute_reference()
- SimpleTensor<T> src{ input_shape, data_type };
- SimpleTensor<T> weights{ weights_shape, data_type };
- SimpleTensor<T> biases{ biases_shape, data_type };
+ if(!_validate_output)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SimpleTensor<T> src{ _input_shape, _data_type };
+ SimpleTensor<T> weights{ _weights_shape, _data_type };
+ SimpleTensor<T> biases{ _biases_shape, _data_type };
fill(src, 0);
fill(weights, 1);
fill(biases, 2);
- const TensorShape dst_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(TensorInfo(input_shape, 1, data_type), TensorInfo(weights_shape, 1, data_type), conv_info,
- depth_multiplier, dilation);
- return reference::activation_layer(reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, dst_shape, conv_info, depth_multiplier, dilation), act_info);
+ const ConvolutionInfo info{ _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, _act_info, _dilation };
+ const TensorShape dst_shape = compute_depthwise_convolution_shape(TensorInfo(_input_shape, 1, _data_type), TensorInfo(_weights_shape, 1, _data_type), info);
+ _reference = reference::activation_layer(reference::depthwise_convolution(src, weights, biases, dst_shape, _conv_info, _depth_multiplier, _dilation), _act_info);
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ void fill(U &&tensor, int i)
+ {
+ switch(tensor.data_type())
+ {
+ case DataType::F32:
+ {
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(-1.0f, 1.0f);
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DataType::F16:
+ {
+ arm_compute::utils::uniform_real_distribution_16bit<half> distribution{ -1.0f, 1.0f };
+ library->fill(tensor, distribution, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ library->fill_tensor_uniform(tensor, i);
+ }
TensorType _target{};
SimpleTensor<T> _reference{};
+ TensorType _src{};
+ TensorType _weights{};
+ TensorType _biases{};
+ FunctionType _dwc{};
+ TensorShape _input_shape{};
+ TensorShape _weights_shape{};
+ TensorShape _biases_shape{};
+ DataType _data_type{};
+ DataLayout _data_layout{};
+ PadStrideInfo _conv_info{};
+ ActivationLayerInfo _act_info{};
+ Size2D _dilation{};
+ unsigned int _depth_multiplier{};
+ unsigned int _n0{};
+ bool _export_to_cl_image{};
+ bool _validate_output{ true };
+ bool _in_place{ false };
-template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T>
+template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T, bool mixed_layout = false, bool in_place = false>
class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationQuantizedFixture : public DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>
- template <typename...>
void setup(TensorShape in_shape, Size2D kernel_size, PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info, Size2D dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier, DataType data_type,
QuantizationInfo input_quantization_info, QuantizationInfo output_quantization_info, DataLayout data_layout, ActivationLayerInfo act_info)
DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, T>::setup(in_shape, kernel_size, pad_stride_info, dilation, depth_multiplier, data_type,
data_type, input_quantization_info, input_quantization_info, output_quantization_info,
- data_layout, act_info);
+ data_layout, act_info, mixed_layout, in_place);
-template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T, typename TW>
+template <typename TensorType, typename AccessorType, typename FunctionType, typename T, typename TW, bool in_place = false>
class DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationQuantizedPerChannelFixture : public DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, TW>
- template <typename...>
void setup(TensorShape in_shape, Size2D kernel_size, PadStrideInfo pad_stride_info, Size2D dilation, unsigned int depth_multiplier, DataType input_data_type, DataType weights_data_type,
QuantizationInfo input_quantization_info, QuantizationInfo output_quantization_info, DataLayout data_layout, ActivationLayerInfo act_info)
const float out_scale = output_quantization_info.uniform().scale;
const float in_scale = input_quantization_info.uniform().scale;
- std::vector<float> weights_scales{};
- std::mt19937 gen(library->seed());
- std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0.01f, out_scale / in_scale);
+ std::vector<float> weights_scales{};
+ std::mt19937 gen(library->seed());
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dis(0.01f, out_scale / in_scale);
for(size_t i = 0; i < in_shape.z() * depth_multiplier; ++i)
@@ -466,10 +768,10 @@ public:
DepthwiseConvolutionLayerValidationGenericFixture<TensorType, AccessorType, FunctionType, T, TW>::setup(in_shape, kernel_size, pad_stride_info, dilation, depth_multiplier,
input_data_type, weights_data_type,
input_quantization_info, QuantizationInfo(weights_scales), output_quantization_info,
- data_layout, act_info);
+ data_layout, act_info, false, in_place);
} // namespace validation
} // namespace test
} // namespace arm_compute