path: root/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl b/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl
index 8140b8f2a5..a2a47d7823 100644
--- a/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl
+++ b/src/core/CL/cl_kernels/gemmlowp.cl
@@ -814,6 +814,301 @@ __kernel void gemmlowp_mm_reshaped_only_rhs_t(IMAGE_DECLARATION(lhs),
#undef RHS_STEP_X
+#if defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER)
+/** This OpenCL kernel computes the matrix multiplication between 2 matrices with fused output stage using fixed-point arithmetic.
+ * The LHS matrix is NOT reshaped
+ * The RHS matrix is reshaped with @ref CLGEMMReshapeRHSMatrixKernel and the block K0xN0 is transposed
+ *
+ * @note The input data type must be passed at compile time using -DDATA_TYPE (i.e. -DDATA_TYPE=uchar)
+ * @note The accumulator data type must be passed at compile time using -DACC_DATA_TYPE (i.e. -DACC_DATA_TYPE=uint)
+ * @note The number of columns of LHS matrix must be passed at compile time using -DK (i.e. -DK=64)
+ * @note The block's dimensions used for reshaping the RHS matrix (N0 and K0) must be passed at compile time using -DN0 and -DK0 (i.e. -DN0=8, -DK0=4).
+ * @note The number of M0 rows to process must be passed at compile time using -DM0 (i.e. -DM0=2)
+ * @note The number of K0xN0 horizontal blocks stored on the same output row of the reshaped RHS matrix must be passed at compile time using -DH0 (i.e. -DH0=2)
+ * @note If the K0xN0 blocks in the reshaped RHS matrix have been interleaved, the option -DRHS_INTERLEAVE must passed at compile time.
+ * @note Only the following configurations of M0, N0 and K0 are currently supported:
+ * - M0 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
+ * - N0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+ * - K0 = 2, 3, 4, 8, 16
+ * - H0 >= 1
+ *
+ * @note In case the input or output have to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor, the following information must be passed at compile time:
+ * -# REINTERPRET_INPUT_AS_3D: To reinterpret the input as 3D
+ * -# REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D: To reinterpret the output as 3D
+ * -# HEIGHT_GEMM3D: The height of the output in case it has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor.
+ * -# DEPTH_GEMM3D: The depth of the output in case it has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor
+ * (HEIGHT_GEMM3D * DEPTH_GEMM3D) = columns LHS matrix
+ *
+ * @note The offset, scalar scale factor and number of bits to shift right of output tensor must be passed at compile time using -DRESULT_OFFSET, -RESULT_MULTIPLIER and -DRESULT_SHIFT
+ * @note In case the addition of int32 biases is required, -DADD_BIAS should be passed at compile time
+ * @note The output datatype should be passed at compile time using -DOUTPUT_DATA_TYPE
+ * @note In case the clamping of the result is required, the min and max bounds can be passed at compile time using -DMIN_BOUND and -DMAX_BOUND.
+ * These values can be used to implement "rectified linear unit" activation functions
+ * @note In case of per-channel quantization of matrix B, -DPER_CHANNEL_QUANTIZATION must be passed at compile time.
+ *
+ * @param[in] lhs_ptr Pointer to the LHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: QASYMM8/QASYMM8_SIGNED
+ * @param[in] lhs_stride_x Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] lhs_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] lhs_stride_y Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] lhs_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] lhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the LHS reshaped matrix
+ * @param[in] rhs_ptr Pointer to the RHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[in] rhs_stride_x Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] rhs_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] rhs_stride_y Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] rhs_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] rhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the RHS reshaped matrix
+ * @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination matrix Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] dst_step_y dst_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the destination matrix
+ * @param[in] lhs_stride_z Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] rhs_stride_z Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] dst_stride_z Stride of the destination tensor in Z dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] lhs_cross_plane_pad (Optional) Bottom paddings for LHS matrix in unit of elements (only if defined REINTERPRET_INPUT_AS_3D)
+ * @param[in] dst_cross_plane_pad (Optional) Bottom paddings for the output matrix in unit of elements (only if defined REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+ * @param[in] sum_col_ptr (Optional) Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data type: S32
+ * @param[in] sum_col_stride_x (Optional) Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_col_step_x (Optional) sum_col_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_col_stride_y (Optional) Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_col_step_y (Optional) sum_col_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_col_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the source tensor
+ * @param[in] sum_row_ptr (Optional) Pointer to the source tensor. Supported data type: S32
+ * @param[in] sum_row_stride_x (Optional) Stride of the source tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_row_step_x (Optional) sum_row_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_row_stride_y (Optional) Stride of the source tensor in Y dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_row_step_y (Optional) sum_row_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] sum_row_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the source tensor
+ * @param[in] biases_ptr (Optional) Pointer to the biases tensor. Supported data type: S32
+ * @param[in] biases_stride_x (Optional) Stride of the biases tensor in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] biases_step_x (Optional) biases_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] biases_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the biases tensor
+ * @param[in] result_multipliers_ptr (Optional) Pointer to the output multipliers vector for per-channel quantization. Supported data types: S32
+ * @param[in] result_multipliers_stride_x (Optional) Stride of the output multipliers vector in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] result_multipliers_step_x (Optional) output_multipliers_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] result_multipliers_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the output multipliers vector
+ * @param[in] result_shifts_ptr (Optional) Pointer to the output shifts vector for per-channel quantization. Supported data types: S32
+ * @param[in] result_shifts_stride_x (Optional) Stride of the output shifts vector in X dimension (in bytes)
+ * @param[in] result_shifts_step_x (Optional) output_shifts_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
+ * @param[in] result_shifts_offset_first_element_in_bytes (Optional) The offset of the first element in the output shifts vector
+ */
+__kernel void gemmlowp_mm_reshaped_only_rhs_t_fused_output_stage_fixedpoint(IMAGE_DECLARATION(lhs),
+ uint lhs_stride_z,
+ uint rhs_stride_z,
+ uint dst_stride_z
+ ,
+ uint lhs_cross_plane_pad
+ ,
+ uint dst_cross_plane_pad
+#if defined(A_OFFSET)
+ ,
+#endif // defined(A_OFFSET)
+#if defined(B_OFFSET)
+ ,
+#endif // defined(B_OFFSET)
+#if defined(ADD_BIAS)
+ ,
+#endif // defined(ADD_BIAS)
+ ,
+ VECTOR_DECLARATION(result_multipliers),
+ VECTOR_DECLARATION(result_shifts)
+#endif // defined(PER_CHANNEL_QUANTIZATION)
+ )
+ // Block size
+#define RHS_BLOCK_SIZE ((K0) * (N0))
+ // RHS offset and step X
+#if defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+#define RHS_OFFSET_X (K0)
+#define RHS_STEP_X ((K0) * (H0))
+#define RHS_STEP_LOOP (1)
+#else // defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+#define RHS_STEP_X (K0)
+#define RHS_STEP_LOOP (H0)
+#endif // defined(RHS_INTERLEAVE)
+ uint x = get_global_id(0);
+ uint y = get_global_id(1);
+ uint z = get_global_id(2);
+#if defined(DUMMY_WORK_ITEMS)
+ if((x * N0 >= N) || (y * M0 >= M))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#endif // defined(DUMMY_WORK_ITEMS)
+ // Compute LHS matrix address
+ uint lhs_offset = lhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes + y * M0 * (uint)lhs_stride_y;
+ // Compute RHS matrix address
+ uint rhs_offset = rhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x % H0) * (uint)RHS_OFFSET_X + (x / (uint)H0) * rhs_stride_y;
+#if defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+ // Do not slide matrix B if the matrix B has 3 dimensions and matrix A more than 3
+ rhs_offset += (z % MATRIX_B_DEPTH) * rhs_stride_z;
+#else // defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+ rhs_offset += z * rhs_stride_z;
+#endif // defined(MATRIX_B_DEPTH)
+ REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(8, uint, zlhs, 0); //uint zout0=0,zout1=0,zout2=0,... zout7=0;
+ REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(16, uint, zrhs, 0);
+ // The plane (zlhs) is calculated dividing M (y * M0) by HEIGHT_GEMM3D
+ CALCULATE_Z_OFFSET(M0, uint, zlhs, y, HEIGHT_GEMM3D, DEPTH_GEMM3D, lhs_cross_plane_pad, lhs_stride_y);
+ // Add offset for batched GEMM. The batches will be in the fourth dimension and for this reason we
+ // multiply lhs_stride_z by DEPTH_GEMM3D
+ lhs_offset += z * lhs_stride_z * DEPTH_GEMM3D;
+#else // defined(REINTERPRET_INPUT_AS_3D)
+ // Add offset for batched GEMM
+ lhs_offset += z * lhs_stride_z;
+#endif // defined(REINTERPRET_INPUT_AS_3D)
+ // Initialize the accumulators
+ REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(M0, VEC_DATA_TYPE(ACC_DATA_TYPE, N0), c, 0); //VEC_DATA_TYPE(ACC_DATA_TYPE, N0) c0=0,c1=0,c2=0,... c(N0-1)=0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < K; i += K0)
+ {
+ // Load values from LHS matrix
+ LOAD_BLOCK(M0, K0, DATA_TYPE, a, lhs_ptr, lhs_offset, lhs_stride_y, zlhs);
+ // Load values from RHS matrix
+ LOAD_BLOCK(N0, K0, DATA_TYPE, b, rhs_ptr, rhs_offset, RHS_STEP_X, zrhs);
+ // Partial matrix multiplication M0,N0,K0
+ ARM_MM_K0XN0XM0(M0, N0, K0, a, b, c);
+ lhs_offset += K0;
+ rhs_offset += N0 * RHS_STEP_X * RHS_STEP_LOOP;
+ }
+ // Result of MM is of type DATA_TYPE
+ __global uchar *dst_addr = dst_ptr + dst_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0) * sizeof(DATA_TYPE) + (y * (uint)M0 * dst_stride_y);
+ REPEAT_VAR_INIT_TO_CONST(8, uint, zout, 0); //uint zout0=0,zout1=0,zout2=0,... zout7=0;
+ // The plane (zout) is calculated dividing M (y * M0) by HEIGHT_GEMM3D
+ CALCULATE_Z_OFFSET(M0, uint, zout, y, HEIGHT_GEMM3D, DEPTH_GEMM3D, dst_cross_plane_pad, dst_stride_y);
+ // Add offset for batched GEMM. The batches will be in the fourth dimension and for this reason we
+ // multiply dst_stride_z by DEPTH_GEMM3D
+ dst_addr += z * dst_stride_z * DEPTH_GEMM3D;
+#else // defined(REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+ // Add offset for batched GEMM
+ dst_addr += z * dst_stride_z;
+#endif // defined(REINTERPRET_OUTPUT_AS_3D)
+ // Convert result of matrix multiplication to S32
+ int batch_id = z;
+#if defined(DEPTH_GEMM3D)
+ batch_id /= (int)DEPTH_GEMM3D;
+#endif // defined(DEPTH_GEMM3D)
+ // Offset contribution: c += (A_OFFSET * sum_col) + (B_OFFSET * sum_row) + K_OFFSET;
+#if defined(A_OFFSET)
+ // Compute the offset contribution due to A_OFFSET
+ __global uchar *sum_col_addr = sum_col_ptr + sum_col_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0) * sizeof(int);
+#if defined(SUM_COL_HAS_BATCHES)
+ sum_col_addr += z * sum_col_stride_y;
+#endif // defined(SUM_COL_HAS_BATCHES)
+ VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0)
+ a_offset_s32 = VLOAD(N0)(0, (__global int *)sum_col_addr);
+ a_offset_s32 *= (VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0))A_OFFSET;
+ REPEAT_ADD_VECTOR_TO_VAR(M0, offset_s32_, a_offset_s32);
+#endif // defined(A_OFFSET)
+#if defined(B_OFFSET)
+ // Compute the offset contribution due to B_OFFSET
+ __global uchar *sum_row_addr = sum_row_ptr + sum_row_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (y * (uint)M0) * sizeof(int) + z * sum_row_stride_y;
+#if defined(HEIGHT_GEMM3D) && defined(DEPTH_GEMM3D)
+ sum_row_addr += (batch_id % (int)DEPTH_GEMM3D) * (int)HEIGHT_GEMM3D * sizeof(int);
+#endif // defined(HEIGHT_GEMM3D) && defined(DEPTH_GEMM3D)
+ LOAD_SCALAR_AS_VECTOR(M0, N0, int, b_offset_s32_, sum_row_addr, 0, sum_row_stride_x);
+ REPEAT_MLA_VAR_WITH_CONST_VEC(M0, offset_s32_, b_offset_s32_, (VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0))B_OFFSET);
+#endif // defined(B_OFFSET)
+#if defined(ADD_BIAS)
+ // Add bias
+ __global uchar *bias_addr = biases_ptr + biases_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0) * sizeof(int);
+ VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0)
+ bias_values = VLOAD(N0)(0, (__global int *)bias_addr);
+ REPEAT_ADD_VECTOR_TO_VAR(M0, offset_s32_, bias_values);
+#endif // defined(ADD_BIAS)
+ REPEAT_ADD_TWO_VARS(M0, c_int, offset_s32_);
+ // Multiply by result_mult_int and shift
+ __global uchar *result_multipliers_addr = result_multipliers_ptr + result_multipliers_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0) * sizeof(int);
+ __global uchar *result_shifts_addr = result_shifts_ptr + result_shifts_offset_first_element_in_bytes + (x * (uint)N0) * sizeof(int);
+ VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0)
+ res_mul = VLOAD(N0)(0, (__global int *)result_multipliers_addr);
+ VEC_DATA_TYPE(int, N0)
+ res_shift = VLOAD(N0)(0, (__global int *)result_shifts_addr);
+#else // RESULT_SHIFT >= 0
+#endif // RESULT_SHIFT < 0
+#endif // defined(PER_CHANNEL_QUANTIZATION)
+ // Add the offset terms to GEMM's result
+#if defined(MIN_BOUND)
+#endif // defined(MIN_BOUND)
+#if defined(MAX_BOUND)
+#endif // defined(MAX_BOUND)
+ // Convert and store output block (does convert saturate)
+ CONVERT_STORE_BLOCK(M0, N0, DATA_TYPE, c_int, dst_addr, dst_stride_y, zout);
+#undef RHS_OFFSET_X
+#undef RHS_STEP_X
+#endif // defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER)
#endif // defined(M0) && defined(N0) && defined(K0) && defined(H0) && defined(DATA_TYPE) && defined(K)
#if defined(M0) && defined(N0) && defined(K0) && defined(K)
@@ -840,7 +1135,7 @@ __kernel void gemmlowp_mm_reshaped_only_rhs_t(IMAGE_DECLARATION(lhs),
* -# DEPTH_GEMM3D: The depth of the output in case it has to be reinterpreted as a 3D tensor
* (HEIGHT_GEMM3D * DEPTH_GEMM3D) = columns LHS matrix
- * @param[in] lhs_ptr Pointer to the LHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: F16/F32
+ * @param[in] lhs_ptr Pointer to the LHS reshaped matrix. Supported data type: QASYMM8
* @param[in] lhs_stride_x Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] lhs_step_x src_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] lhs_stride_y Stride of the LHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
@@ -852,7 +1147,7 @@ __kernel void gemmlowp_mm_reshaped_only_rhs_t(IMAGE_DECLARATION(lhs),
* @param[in] rhs_stride_y Stride of the RHS reshaped matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] rhs_step_y src_stride_y * number of elements along Y processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] rhs_offset_first_element_in_bytes The offset of the first element in the RHS reshaped matrix
- * @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination matrix Supported data type: same as @p lhs_ptr
+ * @param[out] dst_ptr Pointer to the destination matrix Supported data type: S32
* @param[in] dst_stride_x Stride of the destination matrix in X dimension (in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_step_x dst_stride_x * number of elements along X processed per workitem(in bytes)
* @param[in] dst_stride_y Stride of the destination matrix in Y dimension (in bytes)
@@ -1389,7 +1684,7 @@ __kernel void gemmlowp_offset_contribution(TENSOR3D_DECLARATION(mm_result)
vstore4(in_s32, 0, (__global int *)mm_result_addr);
-#if defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT)
+#if defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT) && defined(OUTPUT_DATA_TYPE)
/* OpenCL kernel used to add the offset contribution after @ref CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyKernel and it quantizes down to uint8.
* This kernel takes a final int32 accumulator value (the output of @CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyKernel), adds to it the offset contribution of matrix A and matrix B and quantizes to uint8 through the output stage.
@@ -1742,7 +2037,7 @@ __kernel void gemmlowp_offset_contribution_quantize_down_fixedpoint(TENSOR3D_DEC
// Store the result
vstore4(res, 0, (__global OUTPUT_DATA_TYPE *)dst_addr);
-#endif // defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT)
+#endif // defined(RESULT_OFFSET) && defined(RESULT_MULTIPLIER) && defined(RESULT_SHIFT) && defined(OUTPUT_DATA_TYPE)
#endif // defined(K_OFFSET)