path: root/compute_kernel_writer/src/cl/CLKernelWriter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'compute_kernel_writer/src/cl/CLKernelWriter.cpp')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compute_kernel_writer/src/cl/CLKernelWriter.cpp b/compute_kernel_writer/src/cl/CLKernelWriter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91512bde23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute_kernel_writer/src/cl/CLKernelWriter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arm Limited.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+ * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+ * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include "src/cl/CLKernelWriter.h"
+#include "ckw/Error.h"
+#include "ckw/Kernel.h"
+#include "ckw/TensorSampler.h"
+#include "ckw/TileOperand.h"
+#include "ckw/types/DataType.h"
+#include "ckw/types/MemoryOperation.h"
+#include "ckw/types/TargetLanguage.h"
+#include "src/cl/CLHelpers.h"
+#include "src/cl/CLTensorArgument.h"
+#include "src/cl/CLTile.h"
+#include "src/cl/helpers/CLMemoryOpBufferHelper.h"
+#include "src/cl/helpers/CLMemoryOpImage2dHelper.h"
+#include "src/cl/helpers/ICLMemoryOpHelper.h"
+#include "src/ITensorComponent.h"
+#include "src/TileView.h"
+#include "src/types/DataTypeHelpers.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+std::string generate_cl_extensions()
+ std::string ext = R"(
+#if defined(cl_khr_fp16)
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable
+#endif // defined(cl_khr_fp16)
+#if defined(cl_arm_printf)
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_arm_printf : enable
+#endif // defined(cl_arm_printf);
+#define inf (INFINITY)
+ return ext;
+} // namespace
+namespace ckw
+CLKernelWriter::CLKernelWriter() = default;
+CLKernelWriter::~CLKernelWriter() = default;
+std::unique_ptr<Kernel> CLKernelWriter::emit_kernel(const std::string &name)
+ std::string code;
+ code += generate_cl_extensions();
+ code += "__kernel void ";
+ code += name;
+ code += "\n(\n";
+ // Create the list of arguments.
+ std::vector<KernelArgument> arguments;
+ for (const auto &tensor : _tensors)
+ {
+ const auto tensor_id = tensor->info().id();
+ const auto storages = tensor->storages();
+ const auto components = tensor->components();
+ for (const auto &storage : storages)
+ {
+ code += cl_get_variable_storagetype_as_string(storage.type);
+ code += " ";
+ code += storage.val;
+ code += ",\n";
+ arguments.emplace_back(tensor_id, storage.type);
+ }
+ for (const auto &component : components)
+ {
+ const auto &tile = component->tile();
+ const auto &tile_info = tile.info();
+ CKW_ASSERT(tile.is_scalar());
+ code += cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(tile_info.data_type(), 1);
+ code += " ";
+ code += tile.name();
+ code += ",\n";
+ arguments.emplace_back(tensor_id, component->component_type());
+ }
+ }
+ if (code.size() >= 2 && code[code.size() - 2] == ',' && code[code.size() - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ // Remove the last comma in the argument list.
+ code.pop_back();
+ code[code.size() - 1] = '\n';
+ }
+ code += ")\n{\n";
+ code += _body_source_code;
+ code += "}\n";
+ return std::make_unique<Kernel>(TargetLanguage::OpenCL, arguments, code);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_assign(const TileOperand &dst, const TileOperand &src)
+ const auto dst_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ const auto src_view = to_cl_tile_view(src);
+ const auto dst_w = dst_view.width();
+ const auto dst_h = dst_view.height();
+ const auto src_w = src_view.width();
+ const auto data_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(dst_view.data_type(), dst_w);
+ const auto broadcast_src_x = dst_w != 1 && src_w == 1;
+ const std::string src_prefix = broadcast_src_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_view.data_type() == dst_view.data_type(), "Source and destination type must match.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_view.height() == dst_h || src_view.height() == 1,
+ "Tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_w == dst_w || src_w == 1, "Tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ // Broadcasting on y dimension is automatic (see CLTile::vector).
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, " = ", src_prefix, src_view.vector(y).str, ";\n");
+ }
+void CLKernelWriter::op_cast(const TileOperand &dst, const TileOperand &src, ConvertPolicy policy)
+ const auto dst_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ const auto src_view = to_cl_tile_view(src);
+ const auto dst_w = dst_view.width();
+ const auto dst_h = dst_view.height();
+ const auto src_w = src_view.width();
+ const auto dst_type = dst_view.data_type();
+ const auto convert_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(dst_type, src_w);
+ const auto dst_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(dst_type, dst_w);
+ const std::string sat = policy == ConvertPolicy::Saturate ? "_sat" : "";
+ CKW_ASSERT_IF(policy == ConvertPolicy::Saturate, !is_data_type_float(dst_type));
+ const auto broadcast_x = dst_w != 1 && src_w == 1;
+ const std::string prefix = broadcast_x ? "(" + dst_type_str + ")" : "";
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_view.height() == dst_h || src_view.height() == 1,
+ "Tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_w == dst_w || src_w == 1, "Tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ // Broadcasting on y dimension is automatic (see CLTile::vector).
+ if (src_view.data_type() == dst_view.data_type())
+ {
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, " = ", src_view.vector(y).str, ";\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, " = ", prefix, "convert_", convert_type_str, sat, "(",
+ src_view.vector(y).str, ");\n");
+ }
+ }
+void CLKernelWriter::op_unary(const TileOperand &dst, UnaryOp op, const TileOperand &src)
+ const auto dst_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ const auto src_view = to_cl_tile_view(src);
+ const auto dst_w = dst_view.width();
+ const auto dst_h = dst_view.height();
+ const auto src_w = src_view.width();
+ const auto data_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(dst_view.data_type(), dst_w);
+ const auto broadcast_src_x = dst_w != 1 && src_w == 1;
+ const std::string src_prefix = broadcast_src_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ const auto op_info = cl_get_unary_op(op);
+ const auto op_is_func = std::get<0>(op_info);
+ const auto &op_name = std::get<1>(op_info);
+ const auto op_prefix = op_is_func ? op_name + "(" : op_name;
+ const auto op_suffix = op_is_func ? ")" : "";
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_view.data_type() == dst_view.data_type(), "Source and destination type must match.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_view.height() == dst_h || src_view.height() == 1,
+ "Tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(src_w == dst_w || src_w == 1, "Tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ // Broadcasting on y dimension is automatic (see CLTile::vector).
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, " = ", src_prefix, op_prefix, src_view.vector(y).str, op_suffix, ";\n");
+ }
+void CLKernelWriter::op_binary(const TileOperand &dst, BinaryOp op, const TileOperand &first, const TileOperand &second)
+ const auto dst_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ const auto lhs_view = to_cl_tile_view(first);
+ const auto rhs_view = to_cl_tile_view(second);
+ const auto dst_w = dst_view.width();
+ const auto dst_h = dst_view.height();
+ const auto lhs_w = lhs_view.width();
+ const auto rhs_w = rhs_view.width();
+ const auto data_type = lhs_view.data_type();
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(lhs_view.data_type() == rhs_view.data_type(), "LHS and RHS type must match.");
+ if (op == BinaryOp::MatMul_Nt_T)
+ {
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(lhs_view.height() == dst_h, "LHS tile height must match the DST tile height");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(rhs_view.height() == dst_w, "RHS tile height must match the DST tile width");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(lhs_view.width() == rhs_view.width(), "LHS tile width must match the LHS tile width");
+ CKW_ASSERT(is_data_type_float(data_type));
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ for (int32_t x = 0; x < dst_w; ++x)
+ {
+ for (int32_t k = 0; k < lhs_w; ++k)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.scalar(y, x).str, " = fma(", lhs_view.scalar(y, k).str, ", ",
+ rhs_view.scalar(x, k).str, ", ", dst_view.scalar(y, x).str, ");\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(lhs_view.height() == dst_h || lhs_view.height() == 1,
+ "LHS tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(rhs_view.height() == dst_h || rhs_view.height() == 1,
+ "RHS tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(lhs_w == dst_w || lhs_w == 1,
+ "LHS tile width must match destination or LHS is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(rhs_w == dst_w || rhs_w == 1,
+ "RHS tile width must match destination or RHS is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ const auto op_info = cl_get_binary_op(op, data_type);
+ const auto op_is_func = std::get<0>(op_info);
+ const auto &op_name = std::get<1>(op_info);
+ const auto data_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(data_type, dst_w);
+ const auto broadcast_lhs_x = dst_w != 1 && lhs_w == 1;
+ const auto broadcast_rhs_x = dst_w != 1 && rhs_w == 1;
+ const std::string lhs_prefix = broadcast_lhs_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ const std::string rhs_prefix = broadcast_rhs_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ const std::string op_prefix = op_is_func ? " = " + op_name + "(" : " = ";
+ const std::string op_separator = op_is_func ? ", " : " " + op_name + " ";
+ const std::string op_suffix = op_is_func ? ");\n" : ";\n";
+ // Broadcasting on y dimension is automatic (see CLTile::vector).
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, op_prefix, lhs_prefix, lhs_view.vector(y).str, op_separator, rhs_prefix,
+ rhs_view.vector(y).str, op_suffix);
+ }
+ }
+void CLKernelWriter::op_ternary(
+ const TileOperand &dst, TernaryOp op, const TileOperand &first, const TileOperand &second, const TileOperand &third)
+ const auto dst_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ const auto first_view = to_cl_tile_view(first);
+ const auto second_view = to_cl_tile_view(second);
+ const auto third_view = to_cl_tile_view(third);
+ const auto dst_w = dst_view.width();
+ const auto dst_h = dst_view.height();
+ const auto first_w = first_view.width();
+ const auto second_w = second_view.width();
+ const auto third_w = third_view.width();
+ const auto data_type = dst_view.data_type();
+ const auto data_type_str = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(data_type, dst_w);
+ const auto op_info = cl_get_ternary_op(op);
+ const auto op_is_func = std::get<0>(op_info);
+ const auto &op_name = std::get<1>(op_info);
+ const auto broadcast_first_x = dst_w != 1 && first_w == 1;
+ const auto broadcast_second_x = dst_w != 1 && second_w == 1;
+ const auto broadcast_third_x = dst_w != 1 && third_w == 1;
+ const std::string first_prefix = broadcast_first_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ const std::string second_prefix = broadcast_second_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ const std::string third_prefix = broadcast_third_x ? "(" + data_type_str + ")" : "";
+ CKW_UNUSED(op_is_func);
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(op_is_func, "The only supported ternary operator is function.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(second_view.data_type() == dst_view.data_type(), "2nd source and destination type must match.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(third_view.data_type() == dst_view.data_type(), "3rd source and destination type must match.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(first_view.height() == dst_h || first_view.height() == 1,
+ "1st tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(second_view.height() == dst_h || second_view.height() == 1,
+ "2nd tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(third_view.height() == dst_h || third_view.height() == 1,
+ "3rd tile height must match or source is broadcasting in y dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(first_w == dst_w || first_w == 1,
+ "1st tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(second_w == dst_w || second_w == 1,
+ "2nd tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(third_w == dst_w || third_w == 1,
+ "3rd tile width must match or source is broadcasting in x dimension.");
+ // Broadcasting on y dimension is automatic (see CLTile::vector).
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < dst_h; ++y)
+ {
+ append_code(dst_view.vector(y).str, " = ", op_name, "(", first_prefix, first_view.vector(y).str, ", ",
+ second_prefix, second_view.vector(y).str, ", ", third_prefix, third_view.vector(y).str, ");\n");
+ }
+void CLKernelWriter::op_if_generic(
+ const TileOperand &lhs, BinaryOp op, const TileOperand &rhs, const std::function<void()> &body, bool is_else_if)
+ const auto lhs_view = to_cl_tile_view(lhs);
+ const auto rhs_view = to_cl_tile_view(rhs);
+ const auto op_name = std::get<1>(cl_get_binary_op(op, lhs_view.data_type()));
+ CKW_ASSERT(op == BinaryOp::Less || op == BinaryOp::LessEqual || op == BinaryOp::Equal ||
+ op == BinaryOp::GreaterEqual || op == BinaryOp::Greater);
+ CKW_ASSERT(lhs_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(rhs_view.is_scalar());
+ if (is_else_if)
+ {
+ append_code("else ");
+ }
+ append_code("if (", lhs_view.scalar(0, 0).str, " ", op_name, " ", rhs_view.scalar(0, 0).str, ")\n{\n");
+ write_body(body);
+ append_code("}\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_if(const TileOperand &lhs,
+ BinaryOp op,
+ const TileOperand &rhs,
+ const std::function<void()> &body)
+ op_if_generic(lhs, op, rhs, body, false /* is_else_if */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_else_if(const TileOperand &lhs,
+ BinaryOp op,
+ const TileOperand &rhs,
+ const std::function<void()> &body)
+ op_if_generic(lhs, op, rhs, body, true /* is_else_if */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_else(const std::function<void()> &body)
+ append_code("else\n{\n");
+ write_body(body);
+ append_code("}\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_for_loop(const TileOperand &var,
+ BinaryOp cond_op,
+ const TileOperand &cond_value,
+ const TileOperand &update_var,
+ AssignmentOp update_op,
+ const TileOperand &update_value,
+ const std::function<void()> &body)
+ const auto var_view = to_cl_tile_view(var);
+ const auto cond_value_view = to_cl_tile_view(cond_value);
+ const auto update_var_view = to_cl_tile_view(update_var);
+ const auto update_value_view = to_cl_tile_view(update_value);
+ CKW_ASSERT(var_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(cond_value_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(update_var_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(update_value_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(var_view.data_type() == cond_value_view.data_type());
+ CKW_ASSERT(update_var_view.data_type() == update_value_view.data_type());
+ const auto cond_op_name = std::get<1>(cl_get_binary_op(cond_op, var_view.data_type()));
+ CKW_ASSERT(cond_op == BinaryOp::Less || cond_op == BinaryOp::LessEqual || cond_op == BinaryOp::Equal ||
+ cond_op == BinaryOp::GreaterEqual || cond_op == BinaryOp::Greater);
+ append_code("for (; ", var_view.scalar(0, 0).str, " ", cond_op_name, " ", cond_value_view.scalar(0, 0).str, "; ",
+ update_var_view.scalar(0, 0).str, " ", cl_get_assignment_op_as_string(update_op), " ",
+ update_value_view.scalar(0, 0).str, ")\n{\n");
+ write_body(body);
+ append_code("}\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_return()
+ append_code("return;\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_get_global_id(const TileOperand &dst, int32_t dim)
+ const auto tile_view = to_cl_tile_view(dst);
+ CKW_ASSERT(tile_view.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(tile_view.data_type() == DataType::Int32 || tile_view.data_type() == DataType::Uint32);
+ CKW_ASSERT(dim >= 0 && dim <= 2);
+ append_code(tile_view.scalar(0, 0).str, " = get_global_id(", std::to_string(dim), ");\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_print(const std::string &prefix, const std::vector<TileOperand> &operands)
+ std::string format_code;
+ std::string args_code;
+ for (auto &op : operands)
+ {
+ const auto tile_view = to_cl_tile_view(op);
+ const auto name = tile_view.name();
+ const auto width = tile_view.width();
+ const auto height = tile_view.height();
+ const auto data_type = tile_view.data_type();
+ // Construct the format specifier to print out one row of the tile.
+ std::string row_format("%");
+ if (width > 1)
+ {
+ row_format += "v" + std::to_string(width);
+ }
+ switch (data_type)
+ {
+ case DataType::Fp32:
+ row_format += "hlg";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Fp16:
+ row_format += "hg";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Int32:
+ case DataType::Bool:
+ row_format += (width > 1) ? "hli" : "i";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Int16:
+ row_format += "hi";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Int8:
+ row_format += "hhi";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Uint32:
+ row_format += (width > 1) ? "hlu" : "u";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Uint16:
+ row_format += "hu";
+ break;
+ case DataType::Uint8:
+ row_format += "hhu";
+ break;
+ default:
+ CKW_THROW_MSG("Unsupported data type!");
+ }
+ if (width > 1)
+ {
+ row_format = "[" + row_format + "]";
+ }
+ // Construct the format specifier for the printf statement.
+ format_code += name + " = ";
+ if (height == 1)
+ {
+ format_code += row_format;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ format_code += "[" + row_format;
+ for (int32_t row = 1; row < height; ++row)
+ {
+ format_code += ", " + row_format;
+ }
+ format_code += "]";
+ }
+ format_code += "\\n";
+ // Construct the variable arguments for the printf statement.
+ for (int32_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
+ {
+ args_code += ", " + tile_view.vector(row).str;
+ }
+ }
+ append_code("printf(\"", prefix, "\\n", format_code, "\"", args_code, ");\n");
+void CLKernelWriter::op_comment(const std::string &text)
+ CKW_ASSERT(text.find("\n") == text.npos);
+ CKW_ASSERT(text.find("\r") == text.npos);
+ append_code("// ", text, "\n");
+ CKW_UNUSED(text);
+const std::string &CLKernelWriter::body_source_code() const
+ return _body_source_code;
+TensorOperand CLKernelWriter::declare_tensor_argument(const std::string &name, const TensorInfo &info)
+ const auto fullname = generate_full_name(name);
+ auto tensor = std::make_unique<CLTensorArgument>(fullname, info, false /* return_dims_by_value */);
+ const auto operand = create_tensor_operand(*tensor);
+ _tensors.insert(std::move(tensor));
+ return operand;
+TileOperand CLKernelWriter::declare_tile(const std::string &name, const TileInfo &tile_info)
+ const std::string fullname = generate_full_name(name);
+ const int32_t height = tile_info.height();
+ const int32_t width = tile_info.width();
+ const DataType data_type = tile_info.data_type();
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(std::find_if(_tiles.begin(), _tiles.end(),
+ [=](const std::unique_ptr<CLTile> &e)
+ { return e->name() == fullname; }) == _tiles.end(),
+ "There is already a tile with name: " + fullname);
+ auto tile = std::make_unique<CLTile>(fullname, tile_info);
+ for (int32_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
+ {
+ const std::string cl_type = cl_get_variable_datatype_as_string(data_type, width);
+ append_code(cl_type, " ", tile->vector(row).str, ";\n");
+ }
+ const auto operand = create_tile_operand(*tile);
+ _tiles.insert(std::move(tile));
+ return operand;
+TileOperand CLKernelWriter::declare_constant_tile(const ConstantData &data)
+ auto tile = std::make_unique<CLTile>(get_values(data), get_data_type(data));
+ const TileOperand operand = create_tile_operand(*tile);
+ _constant_tiles.insert(std::move(tile));
+ return operand;
+void CLKernelWriter::op_write_raw_code(const std::string &raw_code)
+ append_code(raw_code);
+TileView<CLTile> CLKernelWriter::to_cl_tile_view(const TileOperand &operand) const
+ const auto tile_and_area = get_tile(operand);
+ ITile &tile = std::get<0>(tile_and_area);
+ const TileArea area = std::get<1>(tile_and_area);
+ // Check if the tile is a CLTile created by this kernel writer.
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (const auto &t : _tiles)
+ {
+ if (&tile == t.get())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &t : _constant_tiles)
+ {
+ if (&tile == t.get())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ for (const auto &t : _tensors)
+ {
+ const auto components = t->components();
+ for (const auto component : components)
+ {
+ if (&tile == &component->tile())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CKW_ASSERT_MSG(found, "The tile is not found!");
+ }
+ return {static_cast<CLTile &>(tile), area};
+void CLKernelWriter::op_load(const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch)
+ const CLTile dilation_x({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ const CLTile dilation_y({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ op_load_store(MemoryOperation::Load, tile_op, tensor_op, sampler, x, y, z, batch, dilation_x, dilation_y,
+ false /* indirect buffer */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_load_dilated(const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch,
+ const TileOperand &dilation_x,
+ const TileOperand &dilation_y)
+ const auto dil_x_view = to_cl_tile_view(dilation_x);
+ const auto dil_y_view = to_cl_tile_view(dilation_y);
+ op_load_store(MemoryOperation::Load, tile_op, tensor_op, sampler, x, y, z, batch, dil_x_view, dil_y_view,
+ false /* indirect buffer */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_store(const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch)
+ const CLTile dilation_x({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ const CLTile dilation_y({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ op_load_store(MemoryOperation::Store, tile_op, tensor_op, sampler, x, y, z, batch, dilation_x, dilation_y,
+ false /* indirect buffer */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_store_dilated(const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch,
+ const TileOperand &dilation_x,
+ const TileOperand &dilation_y)
+ const auto dil_x_view = to_cl_tile_view(dilation_x);
+ const auto dil_y_view = to_cl_tile_view(dilation_y);
+ op_load_store(MemoryOperation::Store, tile_op, tensor_op, sampler, x, y, z, batch, dil_x_view, dil_y_view,
+ false /* indirect buffer */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_load_indirect(const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch)
+ const CLTile dilation_x({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ const CLTile dilation_y({{"1"}}, DataType::Int32);
+ op_load_store(MemoryOperation::Load, tile_op, tensor_op, sampler, x, y, z, batch, dilation_x, dilation_y,
+ true /* indirect buffer */);
+void CLKernelWriter::op_load_store(MemoryOperation op,
+ const TileOperand &tile_op,
+ const TensorOperand &tensor_op,
+ TensorSampler &sampler,
+ const TileOperand &x,
+ const TileOperand &y,
+ const TileOperand &z,
+ const TileOperand &batch,
+ const TileView<CLTile> &dilation_x,
+ const TileView<CLTile> &dilation_y,
+ bool indirect_buffer)
+ CKW_UNUSED(dilation_x);
+ CKW_ASSERT(dilation_x.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(dilation_y.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(dilation_x.scalar(0, 0).str == "((int)(1))"); // Dilation in x dimension is not implemented yet
+ if (indirect_buffer)
+ {
+ CKW_ASSERT(dilation_y.scalar(0, 0).str == "((int)(1))" && dilation_x.scalar(0, 0).str == "((int)(1))");
+ }
+ ITensor &tensor = get_tensor(tensor_op);
+ const auto tile = to_cl_tile_view(tile_op);
+ const auto x_tile = to_cl_tile_view(x).full_tile();
+ const auto y_tile = to_cl_tile_view(y).full_tile();
+ const auto z_tile = to_cl_tile_view(z).full_tile();
+ const auto batch_tile = to_cl_tile_view(batch).full_tile();
+ std::unique_ptr<ICLMemoryOpHelper> helper;
+ switch (sampler.storage())
+ {
+ case TensorStorageType::BufferUint8Ptr:
+ helper = std::make_unique<CLMemoryOpBufferHelper>(this, &tensor, &sampler, op, tile);
+ break;
+ case TensorStorageType::Texture2dReadOnly:
+ case TensorStorageType::Texture2dWriteOnly:
+ helper = std::make_unique<CLMemoryOpImage2dHelper>(this, &tensor, &sampler, op, tile);
+ break;
+ default:
+ CKW_THROW_MSG("Unsupported tensor storage");
+ }
+ CKW_ASSERT(x_tile.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(z_tile.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT_IF(indirect_buffer, y_tile.info().width() == 1);
+ CKW_ASSERT_IF(!indirect_buffer, y_tile.is_scalar());
+ CKW_ASSERT(batch_tile.is_scalar());
+ helper->initialize(&x_tile, &z_tile, &batch_tile);
+ for (int row = 0; row < tile.height(); ++row)
+ {
+ if (!indirect_buffer)
+ {
+ std::string coord_y = y_tile.scalar(0, 0).str + " + " + std::to_string(row);
+ if (dilation_y.scalar(0, 0).str != "((int)(1))")
+ {
+ coord_y += " * " + dilation_y.scalar(0, 0).str;
+ }
+ helper->write_row(row, coord_y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ helper->write_row(row, y_tile.scalar(row, 0).str);
+ }
+ }
+ helper->finalize();
+} // namespace ckw