BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
branches/arm_compute_23_05_1Update READMEramy.elgammal@arm.com10 months
branches/arm_compute_23_08CPU: Depthwise: Generate correct size for input indirection array.David Mansell9 months
branches/arm_compute_23_11Revert "Fix various coverity issues"Anitha Raj6 months
branches/arm_compute_24_01Update Documentation for 24.01 releaseFelix Thomasmathibalan4 months
branches/arm_compute_24_02Update documentation for 24.02 releaseFelix Thomasmathibalan3 months
branches/arm_compute_24_02_1Remove documentation reference to v24.04Felix Thomasmathibalan8 weeks
branches/arm_compute_24_04Add memory stress tests for per channel quantized convolutionGunes Bayir2 weeks
branches/arm_compute_24_05Add SME2 implementation of Softmax for QASYMM8 and QASYMM8_SIGNED.Omar Al Khatib41 hours
mainMake quantization rounding consistentJonathan Deakin38 hours
release_candidateMake quantization rounding consistentJonathan Deakin38 hours
v24.04ComputeLibrary-24.04.tar.gz  Gunes Bayir2 weeks
v24.02.1ComputeLibrary-24.02.1.tar.gz  Felix Thomasmathibalan8 weeks
v24.02ComputeLibrary-24.02.tar.gz  Felix Thomasmathibalan3 months
v24.01ComputeLibrary-24.01.tar.gz  Felix Thomasmathibalan4 months
v23.11ComputeLibrary-23.11.tar.gz  Anitha Raj6 months
v23.08ComputeLibrary-23.08.tar.gz  David Mansell9 months
v23.05.1ComputeLibrary-23.05.1.tar.gz  ramy.elgammal@arm.com10 months
v23.05ComputeLibrary-23.05.tar.gz  SiCong Li12 months
v23.02.1ComputeLibrary-23.02.1.tar.gz  Jakub Sujak14 months
v23.02ComputeLibrary-23.02.tar.gz  Mohammed Suhail Munshi15 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
38 hoursMake quantization rounding consistentHEADrelease_candidatemainJonathan Deakin
41 hoursAdd SME2 implementation of Softmax for QASYMM8 and QASYMM8_SIGNED.branches/arm_compute_24_05Omar Al Khatib
41 hoursAdd batched indices support to Scatter GPU ImplementationMohammed Suhail Munshi
7 daysarm_gemm: fix SVE check on fast mode kernels.David Mansell
8 daysChange reorder implementation to be vector length agnostic for OHWIo8 reorderRadu Salavat
9 daysNew SME2 heuristics.David Mansell
10 daysAdd fp16 and integer data type support for ScatterNd in GpuGunes Bayir
11 daysDisable SME2 Gemmlowp s8f32 kernel selection in case results needs to be accu...Gunes Bayir
14 daysDisable SME2 Gemm kernel selection in case results needs to be accumulatedGunes Bayir
2024-04-25Add update/index/output (m+1)/2d/(m+n) support for CLScatterGunes Bayir