path: root/src/tosa_serialization_handler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tosa_serialization_handler.cpp')
1 files changed, 762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tosa_serialization_handler.cpp b/src/tosa_serialization_handler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fe152f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tosa_serialization_handler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, ARM Limited.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "tosa_serialization_handler.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace tosa;
+TosaSerializationTensor::TosaSerializationTensor(const flatbuffers::String* name,
+ const flatbuffers::Vector<int32_t>& shape,
+ DType dtype,
+ const flatbuffers::String* npy_filename)
+ _dtype = dtype;
+ std::copy(shape.begin(), shape.end(), std::back_inserter(_shape));
+ assert(name);
+ _name = name->str();
+ if (npy_filename)
+ {
+ _npy_filename = npy_filename->str();
+ }
+TosaSerializationTensor::TosaSerializationTensor(std::string& name,
+ const std::vector<int32_t>& shape,
+ DType dtype,
+ const std::string& npy_filename)
+ _dtype = dtype;
+ _shape = shape;
+ _name = name;
+ _npy_filename = npy_filename;
+ _dtype = DType_UNKNOWN;
+ _name = "UNKNOWN";
+TosaSerializationOperator::TosaSerializationOperator(Op op,
+ Attribute attribute_type,
+ const TosaAttributeBase* attribute,
+ QuantInfo qinfo_type,
+ const TosaQuantInfoBase* qinfo,
+ std::vector<std::string> input_tensor_names,
+ std::vector<std::string> output_tensor_names)
+ _op = op;
+ _attribute_type = attribute_type;
+ switch (attribute_type)
+ {
+ case Attribute_NONE:
+ _attribute = new TosaNoneAttribute();
+ break;
+#define DEF_ATTRIBUTE(NAME, ...) \
+ case Attribute_##NAME##Attribute: \
+ _attribute = new Tosa##NAME##Attribute(attribute); \
+ break;
+#include "attribute.def"
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationOperator::TosaSerializationOperator(): Attribute %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesAttribute()[attribute_type]);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ _qinfo_type = qinfo_type;
+ switch (qinfo_type)
+ {
+ case QuantInfo_NONE:
+ _qinfo = new TosaNoneQuantInfo();
+ break;
+ case QuantInfo_##NAME##QuantInfo: \
+ _qinfo = new Tosa##NAME##QuantInfo(qinfo); \
+ break;
+#include "quant_info.def"
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationOperator::TosaSerializationOperator(): QuantInfo %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesQuantInfo()[qinfo_type]);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ assert(_attribute && _qinfo);
+ _input_tensor_names = input_tensor_names;
+ _output_tensor_names = output_tensor_names;
+ delete _attribute;
+ delete _qinfo;
+ // TosaSerializationTensor should be free'd in TosaSerializationSerializationHandler destructor
+TosaSerializationBasicBlock::TosaSerializationBasicBlock(std::string name,
+ std::vector<TosaSerializationOperator*> operators,
+ std::vector<TosaSerializationTensor*> tensors,
+ std::vector<std::string> inputs,
+ std::vector<std::string> outputs)
+ _name = name;
+ _operators = operators;
+ _tensors = tensors;
+ _inputs = inputs;
+ _outputs = outputs;
+ // deallocate all operators
+ for (auto op : GetOperators())
+ {
+ delete op; // ~TosaSerializationOperator()
+ }
+ // deallocate all tensors
+ for (auto ts : GetTensors())
+ {
+ delete ts; // ~TosaSerializationTensor()
+ }
+ _schemaLoaded = false;
+ SetTosaVersion();
+ Clear(); // deallocate all basic blocks
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::SetTosaVersion()
+ // version is specified within .fbs
+ // and it's encoded as defaulted value of CreateTosaVersion()
+ // need to write out one object to read that value out
+ // TODO: very costly now. is there any better way to encode constant in .fbs?
+ auto fboffset_version = CreateVersion(_builder);
+ auto fboffset_tosa_graph = CreateTosaGraphDirect(_builder, fboffset_version, nullptr);
+ _builder.Finish(fboffset_tosa_graph);
+ std::string jsongen;
+ uint8_t* buf = _builder.GetBufferPointer();
+ auto fb_tosa_graph = GetTosaGraph(buf);
+ auto fb_tosa_version = fb_tosa_graph->version();
+ _version.set_version(fb_tosa_version->_major(), fb_tosa_version->_minor(), fb_tosa_version->_patch(),
+ fb_tosa_version->_experimental());
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::LoadFileSchema(const char* schema_filename)
+ std::string schema;
+ bool ok;
+ ok = flatbuffers::LoadFile(schema_filename, false, &schema);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error loading schema file: %s\n", schema_filename);
+ }
+ ok = _parser.Parse(schema.c_str());
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error parsing ISA schema file: %s\n", schema_filename);
+ }
+ _schemaLoaded = true;
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::LoadFileJson(const char* filename)
+ std::string jsonfile;
+ bool ok;
+ tosa_err_t err;
+ if (!_schemaLoaded)
+ {
+ }
+ ok = flatbuffers::LoadFile(filename, false, &jsonfile);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error loading json file: %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ ok = _parser.Parse(jsonfile.c_str());
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error parsing json file: %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ uint8_t* buf = _parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer();
+ err = InitWithBuf(buf);
+ if (err != TOSA_OK)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::SaveFileJson(const char* filename)
+ std::string jsongen;
+ tosa_err_t err;
+ if (!_schemaLoaded)
+ {
+ }
+ err = FreezeBuilder();
+ if (err != TOSA_OK)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ uint8_t* buf = _builder.GetBufferPointer();
+ if (!GenerateText(_parser, buf, &jsongen))
+ {
+ printf("Couldn't serialize parsed data to JSON!\n");
+ }
+ FILE* file = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ if (!file)
+ {
+ printf("Couldn't open output file: %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ if (fwrite(jsongen.c_str(), sizeof(char), jsongen.size(), file) != jsongen.size())
+ {
+ printf("Error writing to json output file: %s\n", filename);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ if (file)
+ fclose(file);
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(const char* filename)
+ std::string read_buffer;
+ tosa_err_t err;
+ uint8_t* buf;
+ bool ok;
+ ok = flatbuffers::LoadFile(filename, false, &read_buffer);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error loading flatbuffer file: %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ buf = (uint8_t*)read_buffer.data();
+ err = InitWithBuf(buf);
+ if (err != TOSA_OK)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::SaveFileTosaFlatbuffer(const char* filename)
+ tosa_err_t err;
+ err = FreezeBuilder();
+ if (err != TOSA_OK)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ uint8_t* buf = _builder.GetBufferPointer();
+ bool ok = flatbuffers::SaveFile(filename, (const char*)buf, _builder.GetSize(), false);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ printf("Error saving floatbuffer file: %s\n", filename);
+ }
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::Clear()
+ // deallocate all basic blocks
+ for (auto bb : GetBlocks())
+ {
+ delete bb;
+ }
+ _blocks.clear();
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::CheckTosaVersion(const TosaVersion& read_version)
+ if (_version != read_version)
+ {
+ printf("WARNING: read tosa version: %s != schema tosa version %s\n", read_version.to_string().c_str(),
+ _version.to_string().c_str());
+ }
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::InitWithBuf(const uint8_t* buf)
+ auto fb_tosa_graph = GetTosaGraph(buf);
+ auto fb_tosa_version = fb_tosa_graph->version();
+ auto fb_tosa_blocks = fb_tosa_graph->blocks();
+ std::vector<std::string> operator_inputs_container;
+ std::vector<std::string> operator_outputs_container;
+ std::vector<TosaSerializationOperator*> block_operators_container;
+ std::vector<TosaSerializationTensor*> block_tensors_container;
+ std::vector<std::string> block_inputs_container;
+ std::vector<std::string> block_outputs_container;
+ TosaAttributeBase* typed_attribute = NULL;
+ TosaQuantInfoBase* typed_qinfo = NULL;
+ TosaSerializationOperator* new_operator = NULL;
+ TosaSerializationBasicBlock* new_block = NULL;
+ TosaSerializationTensor* new_tensor = NULL;
+ // erase container
+ Clear();
+ TosaVersion read_version(fb_tosa_version->_major(), fb_tosa_version->_minor(), fb_tosa_version->_patch(),
+ fb_tosa_version->_experimental());
+ tosa_err_t err = CheckTosaVersion(read_version);
+ if (err != TOSA_OK)
+ return err;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fb_tosa_blocks->size(); i++)
+ {
+ auto curr_block = fb_tosa_blocks->Get(i);
+ auto block_name = curr_block->name()->str();
+ auto fb_tosa_operators = curr_block->operators();
+ block_operators_container.clear();
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < fb_tosa_operators->size(); j++)
+ {
+ auto curr_operator = fb_tosa_operators->Get(j);
+ auto operator_op = curr_operator->op();
+ auto attribute_type = curr_operator->attribute_type();
+ auto attribute = curr_operator->attribute();
+ auto operator_qinfo_type = curr_operator->quant_info_type();
+ auto operator_qinfo = curr_operator->quant_info();
+ // input tensors
+ auto operator_inputs = curr_operator->inputs();
+ operator_inputs_container.clear();
+ if (operator_inputs)
+ {
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < operator_inputs->size(); k++)
+ {
+ auto curr_input = operator_inputs->Get(k);
+ operator_inputs_container.push_back(curr_input->str());
+ }
+ }
+ // output tensors
+ auto operator_outputs = curr_operator->outputs();
+ operator_outputs_container.clear();
+ if (operator_outputs)
+ {
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < operator_outputs->size(); k++)
+ {
+ auto curr_output = operator_outputs->Get(k);
+ operator_outputs_container.push_back(curr_output->str());
+ }
+ }
+ switch (attribute_type)
+ {
+ case Attribute_NONE:
+ typed_attribute = new TosaNoneAttribute();
+ break;
+#define DEF_ATTRIBUTE(NAME, ...) \
+ case Attribute_##NAME##Attribute: \
+ typed_attribute = new Tosa##NAME##Attribute(attribute); \
+ break;
+#include "attribute.def"
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationHandler::InitWithBuf(): Attribute %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesAttribute()[attribute_type]);
+ }
+ switch (operator_qinfo_type)
+ {
+ case QuantInfo_NONE:
+ typed_qinfo = new TosaNoneQuantInfo();
+ break;
+ case QuantInfo_##NAME##QuantInfo: \
+ typed_qinfo = new Tosa##NAME##QuantInfo(operator_qinfo); \
+ break;
+#include "quant_info.def"
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationHandler::InitWithBuf(): QuantInfo %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesQuantInfo()[operator_qinfo_type]);
+ }
+ new_operator =
+ new TosaSerializationOperator(operator_op, attribute_type, typed_attribute, operator_qinfo_type,
+ typed_qinfo, operator_inputs_container, operator_outputs_container);
+ if (new_operator)
+ {
+ block_operators_container.push_back(new_operator);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if (typed_attribute)
+ delete typed_attribute;
+ if (typed_qinfo)
+ delete typed_qinfo;
+ }
+ auto fb_tosa_tensors = curr_block->tensors();
+ block_tensors_container.clear();
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < fb_tosa_tensors->size(); j++)
+ {
+ auto curr_tensor = fb_tosa_tensors->Get(j);
+ auto tensor_name = curr_tensor->name();
+ auto tensor_shape = curr_tensor->shape();
+ auto tensor_type = curr_tensor->type();
+ auto tensor_npy_filename = curr_tensor->npy_filename();
+ new_tensor = new TosaSerializationTensor(tensor_name, *tensor_shape, tensor_type, tensor_npy_filename);
+ if (new_tensor)
+ {
+ block_tensors_container.push_back(new_tensor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ auto block_inputs = curr_block->inputs();
+ auto block_outputs = curr_block->outputs();
+ block_inputs_container.clear();
+ block_outputs_container.clear();
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < block_inputs->size(); j++)
+ {
+ auto curr_block_input = block_inputs->Get(j);
+ block_inputs_container.push_back(curr_block_input->str());
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < block_outputs->size(); j++)
+ {
+ auto curr_block_output = block_outputs->Get(j);
+ block_outputs_container.push_back(curr_block_output->str());
+ }
+ new_block = new TosaSerializationBasicBlock(block_name, block_operators_container, block_tensors_container,
+ block_inputs_container, block_outputs_container);
+ if (new_block)
+ {
+ this->GetBlocks().push_back(new_block);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return TOSA_OK;
+tosa_err_t TosaSerializationHandler::FreezeBuilder()
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<TosaBasicBlock>> fboffset_blocks;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<TosaOperator>> fboffset_block_operators;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<TosaTensor>> fboffset_block_tensors;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> fboffset_block_inputs;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> fboffset_block_outputs;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> fboffset_operator_inputs;
+ std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> fboffset_operator_outputs;
+ // translate TosaFlatbufferOperator to flatbuffers::Offset<TosaOperator>
+ for (auto block : GetBlocks())
+ {
+ fboffset_block_operators.clear();
+ fboffset_block_tensors.clear();
+ fboffset_block_inputs.clear();
+ fboffset_block_outputs.clear();
+ auto block_name = _builder.CreateString(block->GetName().c_str());
+ for (auto tensor_str : block->GetInputs())
+ {
+ auto tensor_name = _builder.CreateString(tensor_str.c_str());
+ fboffset_block_inputs.push_back(tensor_name);
+ }
+ for (auto tensor_str : block->GetOutputs())
+ {
+ auto tensor_name = _builder.CreateString(tensor_str.c_str());
+ fboffset_block_outputs.push_back(tensor_name);
+ }
+ auto fb_block_inputs = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_block_inputs);
+ auto fb_block_outputs = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_block_outputs);
+ for (auto op : block->GetOperators())
+ {
+ fboffset_operator_inputs.clear();
+ fboffset_operator_outputs.clear();
+ auto operator_op = op->GetOp();
+ auto attribute_type = op->GetAttributeType();
+ for (auto tensor_str : op->GetInputTensorNames())
+ {
+ auto tensor_name = _builder.CreateString(tensor_str.c_str());
+ fboffset_operator_inputs.push_back(tensor_name);
+ }
+ for (auto tensor_str : op->GetOutputTensorNames())
+ {
+ auto tensor_name = _builder.CreateString(tensor_str.c_str());
+ fboffset_operator_outputs.push_back(tensor_name);
+ }
+ auto fb_operator_inputs = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_operator_inputs);
+ auto fb_operator_outputs = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_operator_outputs);
+ flatbuffers::Offset<void> fb_attribute;
+ switch (attribute_type)
+ {
+ case Attribute_NONE:
+ fb_attribute = 0;
+ break;
+#define DEF_ARGS_S_STR(NAME, V) , _builder.CreateString(reinterpret_cast<Tosa##NAME*>(op->GetAttribute())->V().c_str())
+#define DEF_ARGS_S_DEFAULT(NAME, V) , reinterpret_cast<Tosa##NAME*>(op->GetAttribute())->V()
+#define DEF_ARGS_S_string(NAME, V) DEF_ARGS_S_STR(NAME, V)
+#define DEF_ARGS_V(NAME, T, V) , _builder.CreateVector<T>(reinterpret_cast<Tosa##NAME*>(op->GetAttribute())->V())
+#define DEF_ARGS_1(NAME, T0, F0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0)
+#define DEF_ARGS_2(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1)
+#define DEF_ARGS_3(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2)
+#define DEF_ARGS_4(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3)
+#define DEF_ARGS_5(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4)
+#define DEF_ARGS_6(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5)
+#define DEF_ARGS_7(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5, T6, F6, V6) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5) DEF_ARGS_##F6(NAME, T6, V6)
+ case Attribute_##NAME##Attribute: \
+ fb_attribute = Create##NAME##Attribute(_builder DEF_ARGS_##NUM_ARGS(NAME##Attribute, __VA_ARGS__)).Union(); \
+ break;
+#include "attribute.def"
+#undef DEF_ARGS_1
+#undef DEF_ARGS_2
+#undef DEF_ARGS_3
+#undef DEF_ARGS_4
+#undef DEF_ARGS_5
+#undef DEF_ARGS_6
+#undef DEF_ARGS_7
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S
+#undef DEF_ARGS_V
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_int32_t
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_float
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_bool
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_ResizeMode
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_string
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S_STR
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationHandler::FreezeBuilder(): Attribute %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesAttribute()[attribute_type]);
+ }
+ auto qinfo_type = op->GetQInfoType();
+ flatbuffers::Offset<void> fb_operator_qinfo;
+ switch (qinfo_type)
+ {
+ case QuantInfo_NONE:
+ fb_operator_qinfo = 0;
+ break;
+#define DEF_ARGS_S(NAME, T, V) , reinterpret_cast<Tosa##NAME*>(op->GetQInfo())->V()
+#define DEF_ARGS_V(NAME, T, V) , _builder.CreateVector<T>(reinterpret_cast<Tosa##NAME*>(op->GetQInfo())->V())
+#define DEF_ARGS_1(NAME, T0, F0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0)
+#define DEF_ARGS_2(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1)
+#define DEF_ARGS_3(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2)
+#define DEF_ARGS_4(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3)
+#define DEF_ARGS_5(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4)
+#define DEF_ARGS_6(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5)
+#define DEF_ARGS_7(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5, T6, F6, V6) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5) DEF_ARGS_##F6(NAME, T6, V6)
+#define DEF_ARGS_8(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5, T6, F6, V6, T7, F7, \
+ V7) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5) DEF_ARGS_##F6(NAME, T6, V6) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F7(NAME, T7, V7)
+#define DEF_ARGS_9(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5, T6, F6, V6, T7, F7, \
+ V7, T8, F8, V8) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5) DEF_ARGS_##F6(NAME, T6, V6) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F7(NAME, T7, V7) DEF_ARGS_##F8(NAME, T8, V8)
+#define DEF_ARGS_10(NAME, T0, F0, V0, T1, F1, V1, T2, F2, V2, T3, F3, V3, T4, F4, V4, T5, F5, V5, T6, F6, V6, T7, F7, \
+ V7, T8, F8, V8, T9, F9, V9) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F0(NAME, T0, V0) DEF_ARGS_##F1(NAME, T1, V1) DEF_ARGS_##F2(NAME, T2, V2) DEF_ARGS_##F3(NAME, T3, V3) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F4(NAME, T4, V4) DEF_ARGS_##F5(NAME, T5, V5) DEF_ARGS_##F6(NAME, T6, V6) \
+ DEF_ARGS_##F7(NAME, T7, V7) DEF_ARGS_##F8(NAME, T8, V8) DEF_ARGS_##F9(NAME, T9, V9)
+ case QuantInfo_##NAME##QuantInfo: \
+ fb_operator_qinfo = \
+ Create##NAME##QuantInfo(_builder DEF_ARGS_##NUM_ARGS(NAME##QuantInfo, __VA_ARGS__)).Union(); \
+ break;
+#include "quant_info.def"
+#undef DEF_ARGS_1
+#undef DEF_ARGS_2
+#undef DEF_ARGS_3
+#undef DEF_ARGS_4
+#undef DEF_ARGS_5
+#undef DEF_ARGS_6
+#undef DEF_ARGS_7
+#undef DEF_ARGS_8
+#undef DEF_ARGS_9
+#undef DEF_ARGS_10
+#undef DEF_ARGS_S
+#undef DEF_ARGS_V
+ default:
+ printf("TosaSerializationHandler::FreezeBuilder(): Attribute %s not implemented yet\n",
+ EnumNamesAttribute()[attribute_type]);
+ }
+ auto fboffset_operator =
+ CreateTosaOperator(_builder, operator_op, attribute_type, fb_attribute, fb_operator_inputs,
+ fb_operator_outputs, qinfo_type, fb_operator_qinfo);
+ fboffset_block_operators.push_back(fboffset_operator);
+ }
+ auto fb_block_operators = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_block_operators);
+ for (auto tensor : block->GetTensors())
+ {
+ auto tensor_name = _builder.CreateString(tensor->GetName().c_str());
+ auto tensor_shape = _builder.CreateVector(tensor->GetShape());
+ auto tensor_dtype = tensor->GetDtype();
+ flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> tensor_npy_filename = 0;
+ if (!tensor->GetNpyFilePtr().empty())
+ tensor_npy_filename = _builder.CreateString(tensor->GetNpyFilePtr().c_str());
+ auto fboffset_tensor =
+ CreateTosaTensor(_builder, tensor_name, tensor_shape, tensor_dtype, tensor_npy_filename);
+ fboffset_block_tensors.push_back(fboffset_tensor);
+ }
+ auto fb_block_tensors = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_block_tensors);
+ auto fboffset_block = CreateTosaBasicBlock(_builder, block_name, fb_block_operators, fb_block_tensors,
+ fb_block_inputs, fb_block_outputs);
+ fboffset_blocks.push_back(fboffset_block);
+ }
+ auto fb_blocks = _builder.CreateVector(fboffset_blocks);
+ auto fb_version = CreateVersion(_builder, GetTosaVersion()._major, GetTosaVersion()._minor, GetTosaVersion()._patch,
+ GetTosaVersion()._experimental);
+ auto fb_graph = CreateTosaGraph(_builder, fb_version, fb_blocks);
+ _builder.Finish(fb_graph);
+ return TOSA_OK;