path: root/README.md
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+TOSA Serialization Library
+# Introduction
+The *TOSA Serialization library* provides methods to read and write serialized
+TOSA graphs (<https://developer.mlplatform.org/w/tosa/>). The library includes
+a FlatBuffers schema and a C++ API for reading and writing TOSA graphs.
+# Usage
+The section below describes serialization_lib API usage. For more
+details, please refer to `include/tosa_serialization_handler.h`.
+## TosaSerializationHandler
+This is the top-level class that contains the entire TOSA graph. In
+particular, it contains a vector of `TosaSerializationBasicBlock` objects,
+and provides API for file IO, block access, and version checking.
+ a. `LoadFileJson(filename)`:
+ Load json-formatted file "filename" from disk, and initialize the
+ internal graph structure.
+ Requires the schema file to be loaded via `LoadFileSchema()`.
+ b. `SaveFileJson(filename)`:
+ Snapshots the internal graph structure and saves out JSON-formatted file
+ `filename` to disk.
+ Requires the schema file to be loaded via `LoadFileSchema()`.
+ c. `LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(filename)`:
+ Load serialized flatbuffer file "filename" from disk, and initialize the
+ internal graph structure.
+ d. `SaveFileTosaFlatbuffer(filename)`:
+ Snapshot the internal graph structure and saves out serialized
+ flatbuffer file `filename` to disk.
+ e. `GetTosaVersion()`:
+ Return TOSA version implemented by the serialization library.
+ f. `GetBlockByName()`:
+ Return vector of `TosaSerializationBasicBlock`. Returns `nullptr` if
+ nothing matches. A valid graph must have one `main` block as the first
+ block being traversed.
+ g. `GetMainBlock()`:
+ Shortcut for accessing the `main` block. Equivalent to
+ `GetBlockByName("main")`.
+ h. `GetInputs()` / `GetOutputs()`:
+ Shortcut for `main` block's input/output tensor name. Input tensors of
+ the main block are usually treated as `tosa.PLACEHOLDER`. Output tensors
+ are the output of the entire graph and should be evaluated when graph
+ traversal has finished.
+## TosaSerializationBasicBlock
+This is the basic-block class. It contains vectors of
+`TosaSerializationOperator` and `TosaSerializationTensor`. Once entering
+a basic block, all of the operators within the block will be evaluated
+in order.
+Upon reaching a TOSA control flow operator (`tosa.WHILE` and
+`tosa.COND_IF`), the status of current unfinished block will be saved, and
+the blocks specified in control flow operator will be evaluated first. Once
+the control flow blocks finishes its evaluation, the original unfinished
+block status will be restored and evaluation continues. This is more
+analogous to a function call than a compiler basic block.
+ a. `GetName()`:
+ Return string of the basic block.
+ b. `GetOperators()`:
+ Return vector of `TosaSerializationOperator`
+ c. `GetTensors()`:
+ Return vector of `TosaSerializationTensor`
+ d. `GetTensorByName(name)`:
+ Return the `TosaSerializationTensor` with name `name`. Returns `nullptr`
+ if nothing matches.
+ e. `GetInputs()` / `GetOutputs()`:
+ Return input/output tensor name of the basic block.
+## TosaSerializationOperator
+The operator class contains (1) what TOSA Op, (2) attribute (compile-time-
+known input), (3) quantization information and (4) input/output tensor
+names. The combination of (Op, attribute, quantization information) is
+defined in include/operator.def.
+ a. `GetOp()`:
+ Return TOSA Op. Defined in schema `tosa.fbs`.
+ b. `GetAttribute()` / `GetAttributeType()`:
+ `GetAttribute()` returns the base object of attribute.
+ `GetAttributeType()` returns which type of attribute the base object
+ needs to be casted to. Type of attribute is defined in `tosa.fbs` and
+ `include/attribute.def`.
+ c. `GetQuantInfo()` + `GetQuantInfoType()`:
+ `GetQuantInfo()` returns the base object's quantization information.
+ `GetQuantInfoType()` returns which type of quantization information the
+ base object needs to be casted to. Type of quantization information is
+ defined in `tosa.fbs` and `include/quant_info.def`.
+ d. `GetInputTensorNames()` / `GetOutputTensorNames()`:
+ Returns the input/output tensor name of the basic block.
+ e. `GetInputTensors()` / `GetOutputTensors()`:
+ Returns the input/output tensor of the basic block.
+## TosaSerializationTensor
+The tensor class contains (1) data type, (2) shape, (3) symbolic link to
+numpy file, (4) format and (5) usage.
+ a. `GetName()` / `SetName(name)`:
+ `GetName()` returns the name of the tensor. `SetName()` sets the name
+ of the tensor.
+ b. `GetShape()`:
+ Returns the shape of the tensor as `vector<int32_t>`.
+ c. `GetDtype()` / `SetDtype(dtype)`:
+ `GetDtype()` returns the data type of the tensor. `SetDtype()` sets the
+ data type of the tensor. DType is defined in `tosa.fbs`.
+ d. `GetNpyFilePtr()`:
+ Return the numpy file pointer of this tensor if this is a constant
+ tensor. Return `nullptr` if the tensor is not constant.
+# License
+The *TOSA Serialization Library* is licensed under Apache-2.0.