path: root/reference_model/src/verify/verifiers.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-16SPECIAL data gen mode for FP16 and FP32evacha01
2024-02-26Verifier - change to output largest error devianceJeremy Johnson
2024-02-08Main Compliance: Add RESIZE supportJeremy Johnson
2024-01-08Main Compliance: REDUCE_PRODUCT supportJeremy Johnson
2024-01-08Main Conformance: Re-adjust TANH compliance checkJeremy Johnson
2023-11-16Main Compliance testing support for EXP & POWJeremy Johnson
2023-11-02Main compliance testing support for MULJeremy Johnson
2023-10-03Add reduce product verifierJack Frankland
2023-10-02Add ULP verification for fp32Jack Frankland
2023-09-28feat: Add exact verifierJack Frankland
2023-09-07Rework TOSA verification APIGeorgios Pinitas