path: root/examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py
diff options
authorSiCong Li <sicong.li@arm.com>2019-10-01 19:26:00 +0100
committerSiCong Li <sicong.li@arm.com>2019-10-23 15:15:05 +0000
commite36b5266e4c6593932432bc0289e431d007b8710 (patch)
tree29917a9746ab84f33e07cc8e7239530e93e4bb6f /examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py
parent48b3ef89de5f21a0169d8416e3d54081f82c7bf8 (diff)
COMPMID-2567: Create a python script to parse the CLGEMM benchmarks and
return the optimal configuration * Fix GEMM Reshaped example by adding the reshape lhs kernel. * Extend runner shell script to save result files with a defined file extension * Extend runner shell script to print out progress and time * Add python script * Update README Change-Id: I484ec8945aded4341743bc1024820523392b8ce3 Signed-off-by: SiCong Li <sicong.li@arm.com> Reviewed-on: https://review.mlplatform.org/c/2122 Comments-Addressed: Arm Jenkins <bsgcomp@arm.com> Reviewed-by: Georgios Pinitas <georgios.pinitas@arm.com> Reviewed-by: Gian Marco Iodice <gianmarco.iodice@arm.com> Tested-by: Arm Jenkins <bsgcomp@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py')
1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py b/examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8093ad0e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gemm_tuner/GemmTuner.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import argparse
+import csv
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque, namedtuple
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Deque, Dict, Generator, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union
+# Types
+# Gemm strategy
+Strategy = Enum("Strategy", ["Native", "ReshapedOnlyRHS", "Reshaped"])
+# Gemm parameter
+class GEMMParam(NamedTuple):
+ M: int # Number of lhs matrix rows
+ N: int # Number of rhs matrix columns
+ K: int # Number of lhs matrix columns/rhs matrix rows
+ B: int # Batch size
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_from_strs(*args):
+ return GEMMParam(*map(int, args))
+# Gemm configuration for strategy Native
+class NativeGEMMConfig(NamedTuple):
+ m0: int # Number of rows processed by the matrix multiplication
+ n0: int # Number of columns processed by the matrix multiplication
+ k0: int # Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_from_strs(*args):
+ *mnk, = map(int, args)
+ return NativeGEMMConfig(*mnk)
+# Gemm configuration for strategy Reshaped Only RHS
+class ReshapedOnlyRHSGEMMConfig(NamedTuple):
+ m0: int # Number of rows processed by the matrix multiplication
+ n0: int # Number of columns processed by the matrix multiplication
+ k0: int # Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication
+ h0: int # Number of horizontal blocks of size (k0xn0) stored on the same output row
+ interleave_rhs: bool # Interleave rhs matrix (1) / Do not interleave rhs matrix (0)
+ transpose_rhs: bool # Transpose rhs matrix but not lhs matrix (1) / Do not transpose rhs matrix but do transpose lhs matrix (0)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_from_strs(*args):
+ *mnkh, interleave_rhs, transpose_rhs = map(int, args)
+ interleave_rhs = interleave_rhs == 1
+ transpose_rhs = transpose_rhs == 1
+ return ReshapedOnlyRHSGEMMConfig(*mnkh, interleave_rhs, transpose_rhs)
+# Gemm configuration for strategy Reshaped
+class ReshapedGEMMConfig(NamedTuple):
+ m0: int # Number of rows processed by the matrix multiplication
+ n0: int # Number of columns processed by the matrix multiplication
+ k0: int # Number of partial accumulations performed by the matrix multiplication
+ v0: int # Number of vertical blocks of size (m0xk0) stored on the same output row
+ h0: int # Number of horizontal blocks of size (k0xn0) stored on the same output row
+ interleave_lhs: bool # Interleave lhs matrix (1) / Do not interleave lhs matrix (0)
+ interleave_rhs: bool # Interleave rhs matrix (1) / Do not interleave rhs matrix (0)
+ transpose_rhs: bool # Transpose rhs matrix but not lhs matrix (1) / Do not transpose rhs matrix but do transpose lhs matrix (0)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_from_strs(*args):
+ *mnkvh, interleave_lhs, interleave_rhs, transpose_rhs = map(int, args)
+ interleave_lhs = interleave_lhs == 1
+ interleave_rhs = interleave_rhs == 1
+ transpose_rhs = transpose_rhs == 1
+ return ReshapedGEMMConfig(*mnkvh, interleave_lhs, interleave_rhs, transpose_rhs)
+# Measurement we take from the benchmark result.
+class Measurement(NamedTuple):
+ opencl_timer_ms: float
+ def is_better_than(self, other):
+ return self < other
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms + other.opencl_timer_ms)
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms - other.opencl_timer_ms)
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms * other.opencl_timer_ms)
+ def __floordiv__(self, other):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms // other.opencl_timer_ms)
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms / other.opencl_timer_ms)
+ def __pow__(self, power):
+ return Measurement(self.opencl_timer_ms ** power)
+# GEMMConfig Type
+GEMMConfigT = Union[NativeGEMMConfig, ReshapedOnlyRHSGEMMConfig, ReshapedGEMMConfig]
+# Representation of the benchmark result from a single experiment
+class BenchmarkResult(NamedTuple):
+ gemm_param: GEMMParam
+ strategy: Strategy
+ gemm_config: GEMMConfigT
+ measurement: Measurement
+# Representation of a single row of BenchmarkResult in CSV
+# NOTE: In the CSV representation, we merge all fields of Gemm Config into a single field "GEMMConfig", but keep the
+# fields of GEMMParam and Measurement
+# The example entry including header would look like:
+# M , N , K , B, Strategy , GEMMConfig , OpenCLTimer_MS
+# 1225, 32, 192, 1, Reshaped , 4-4-4-3-1-1-1-0 , 0.3309
+BenchmarkResultCSVRow = namedtuple(
+ "BenchmarkResultCSVRow", GEMMParam._fields + ("Strategy", "GEMMConfig") + Measurement._fields
+def benchmark_result_2_csv_row(result: BenchmarkResult) -> BenchmarkResultCSVRow:
+ """ Convert a BenchmarkResult into its CSV row form """
+ return BenchmarkResultCSVRow(
+ *(result.gemm_param + (result.strategy.name, str(result.gemm_config)) + result.measurement)
+ )
+class GEMMBenchmarkResultRecorder:
+ """ A recorder that records and organises GEMM Benchmark results, and produces various reports on the record.
+ """
+ SummaryLevel = Enum("SummaryLevel", ["Short", "Detailed"])
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Initializer
+ """
+ # Record that holds all recorded benchmark results.
+ # Indexed by (GEMMParam, Strategy) and each such pair maps to a deque of (GEMMConfig, Measurements),
+ # with the best one always at the front (index 0) of the deque
+ self._benchmark_result_record: Dict[
+ Tuple[GEMMParam, Strategy], Deque[Tuple[GEMMConfig, Measurements]]
+ ] = {}
+ # Strategies recorded
+ self._strategies = set()
+ def add(self, benchmark_result: BenchmarkResult):
+ """ Add a benchmark result to the record.
+ Keep the best gemm config at the front of the deque.
+ """
+ gemm_param, strategy, gemm_config, measurement = benchmark_result
+ # Update strategies encoutnered
+ self._strategies.add(strategy)
+ # Update the best configuration of the given gemm param
+ configs_with_measurements = self._benchmark_result_record.setdefault(
+ (gemm_param, strategy), deque([])
+ )
+ if len(configs_with_measurements) == 0:
+ configs_with_measurements.append((gemm_config, measurement))
+ else:
+ best_config, best_measurement = configs_with_measurements[0]
+ if measurement.is_better_than(best_measurement):
+ configs_with_measurements.appendleft((gemm_config, measurement))
+ else:
+ configs_with_measurements.append((gemm_config, measurement))
+ def get_config_distributions(self):
+ """ Return GEMMConfigDistribution for each strategy
+ """
+ gemm_config_distributions: Dict[Strategy, GEMMConfigDistribution] = defaultdict(
+ GEMMConfigDistribution
+ )
+ for benchmark_result in self.get_record(only_best_config=True):
+ gemm_param, strategy, gemm_config, measurement = benchmark_result
+ gemm_config_distributions[strategy].add(benchmark_result)
+ return gemm_config_distributions
+ def save_to_csvs(self, out_dir, only_best_config=True):
+ """ Save records to an output directory of csv files.
+ The directory is organized such that each strategy gets its own CSV file.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+ logging.info("Output directory {} does not exist. Creating...".format(out_dir))
+ os.mkdir(out_dir)
+ for strategy in self._strategies:
+ out_csv_path = os.path.join(out_dir, strategy.name)
+ if os.path.exists(out_csv_path):
+ overwrite = (
+ input(
+ "Output CSV {} already exists. Overwrite? [Y/N]: ".format(out_csv_path)
+ ).lower()
+ == "y"
+ )
+ if not overwrite:
+ logging.info("Skipping {}".format(out_csv_path))
+ continue
+ logging.info("Saving csv file to {}".format(out_csv_path))
+ with open(out_csv_path, "w") as f:
+ csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=BenchmarkResultCSVRow._fields)
+ csv_writer.writeheader()
+ csv_writer.writerows(
+ benchmark_result_2_csv_row(res)._asdict()
+ for res in self.get_record(only_best_config)
+ if res.strategy == strategy
+ )
+ logging.info("Saved")
+ def summary(self, sum_level=SummaryLevel.Short):
+ """ Return the summary string of the record
+ """
+ num_raw_records = sum(1 for _ in self.get_record(only_best_config=False))
+ gemm_params_per_strategy = defaultdict(list)
+ for gemm_param, strategy, _, _ in self.get_record(only_best_config=True):
+ gemm_params_per_strategy[strategy].append(gemm_param)
+ global_summary = f"""
+=== {self.__class__.__name__} Summary ===
+Strategies recorded: {", ".join(map(lambda s: s.name, self._strategies))}
+Total number of results recorded: {num_raw_records}
+[Per strategy]
+ """
+ strategy_summaries = []
+ for strategy in gemm_params_per_strategy:
+ summary = f"""
+Strategy {strategy.name}:
+GEMM parameters:
+ Number of: {len(gemm_params_per_strategy[strategy])}
+ """
+ if sum_level == self.__class__.SummaryLevel.Detailed:
+ summary += f"""
+ Content: {gemm_params_per_strategy[strategy]}
+ """
+ strategy_summaries.append(summary)
+ return global_summary + "".join(strategy_summaries)
+ def get_record(self, only_best_config=True) -> Generator[BenchmarkResult, None, None]:
+ """ Return an iterator that iterates over the record.
+ """
+ for (
+ (gemm_param, strategy),
+ configs_with_measurements,
+ ) in self._benchmark_result_record.items():
+ if only_best_config:
+ best_gemm_config, best_measurement = configs_with_measurements[0]
+ yield BenchmarkResult(gemm_param, strategy, best_gemm_config, best_measurement)
+ else:
+ for gemm_config, measurement in configs_with_measurements:
+ yield BenchmarkResult(gemm_param, strategy, gemm_config, measurement)
+class GEMMConfigDistribution:
+ """ A representation of the GEMM Configuration distribution produced by the GEMMBenchmarkResultRecorder.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """ Initializer
+ """
+ self._gemm_config_dist: Dict[GEMMConfig, List[Tuple[GEMMParam, Measurement]]] = defaultdict(
+ list
+ )
+ self._gemm_config_freq = Counter()
+ def add(self, benchmark_result: BenchmarkResult):
+ """ Add a benchmark result to the distribution
+ """
+ gemm_param, _, gemm_config, measurement = benchmark_result
+ self._gemm_config_dist[gemm_config].append((gemm_param, measurement))
+ self._gemm_config_freq[gemm_config] += 1
+ def get_measurement(self, gemm_config, measure=min):
+ """ Get measurement of a gemm_config
+ """
+ return measure(list(zip(*self._gemm_config_dist[gemm_config]))[1])
+ def distribution(self):
+ return self._gemm_config_dist
+ def frequency(self):
+ """ Get the frequency of each (best) gemm config recorded
+ """
+ return self._gemm_config_freq.copy()
+ def best_config(self):
+ """ Get the overall best config, as voted by all benchmark results.
+ """
+ return self._gemm_config_freq.most_common(1)
+ def std(self):
+ """ Get the standard deviation as a measure of dispersion of the distribution. We should aim for higher values
+ as they indicate there is high variation in the distribution. Thus the evidence of the best config is stronger.
+ """
+ freqs = self._gemm_config_freq.values()
+ if len(freqs) == 0:
+ return 0
+ mean_freq = sum(freqs) / len(freqs)
+ return math.sqrt(sum((freq - mean_freq) ** 2 for freq in freqs) / len(freqs))
+# Globals
+# Gemm config type factory
+# Produces a GEMMConfig type specific to a Strategy
+ Strategy.Native: NativeGEMMConfig,
+ Strategy.ReshapedOnlyRHS: ReshapedOnlyRHSGEMMConfig,
+ Strategy.Reshaped: ReshapedGEMMConfig,
+# Mapping from example binary name to Strategy
+# Assume 1-to-1 mapping
+ "benchmark_cl_gemm_native": Strategy.Native,
+ "benchmark_cl_gemm_reshaped_rhs_only": Strategy.ReshapedOnlyRHS,
+ "benchmark_cl_gemm_reshaped": Strategy.Reshaped,
+# Gemm example arguments type factory
+# Produces a Gemm_Example_Args type specific to a Strategy
+# Gemm example arguments consist of:
+# GEMMParam + GEMMConfig
+# in that order.
+# For example, the example args of running a reshaped rhs only example could be:
+# 100,100,100,1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1
+# M ,N ,K, B,m0,n0,k0,h0,interleave_rhs,transpose_rhs
+# <-GEMMParam-><-------------GEMMConfig-------------->
+# Note that the test strategy_name == strategy.name is in place to avoid unwanted enum aliases
+ strategy: namedtuple(
+ "{}_Gemm_Example_Args".format(strategy_name),
+ GEMMParam._fields + GEMM_CONFIG_FACTORY[strategy]._fields,
+ )
+ for strategy_name, strategy in Strategy.__members__.items()
+ if strategy_name == strategy.name
+# File extension used for benchmark result json files
+BENCHMARK_RESULT_JSON_EXTENSION = "gemmtuner_benchmark"
+# Functions
+def parse_benchmark_commandline(commandline: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """ Parse the benchmark example command-line string into a dictionary of command-line agruments
+ """
+ args = commandline.split()
+ # Discard program name
+ args = args[1:]
+ # Split into a list of (argument name, argument value)
+ args = map(lambda arg: arg.split("="), args)
+ def transform(_name):
+ # Strip '-'/"--" if it exists
+ _name = _name.lstrip("-")
+ return _name
+ return {transform(name): val for name, val in args}
+def extract_benchmark_results(json_results: Dict) -> Generator[BenchmarkResult, None, None]:
+ """ Parse the benchmark result and extract relevant information, namely:
+ GEMM param,
+ Strategy,
+ GEMM config,
+ Measurements
+ """
+ for json_res in json_results:
+ # Get example test and test data.
+ # There should only be 1 test per run
+ example_tests = list(json_res["tests"].items())
+ assert len(example_tests) == 1
+ example_fn, example_test_data = example_tests[0]
+ # Process example file name
+ example_fn = example_fn.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
+ # Get strategy
+ strategy = EXAMPLE_FILE_2_STRATEGY[example_fn]
+ # Get gemm params + gemm configs from example args
+ benchmark_args = parse_benchmark_commandline(json_res["CommandLine"])
+ Gemm_Example_Args_T = GEMM_EXAMPLE_ARGS_FACTORY[strategy]
+ example_args = Gemm_Example_Args_T(*(benchmark_args["example_args"].split(",")))
+ # Gemm_Example_Arg consists of GEMMParam first and then GEMMConfig (in that order)
+ gemm_param_fields_len = len(GEMMParam._fields)
+ gemm_param = GEMMParam.parse_from_strs(*example_args[:gemm_param_fields_len])
+ GEMMConfig = GEMM_CONFIG_FACTORY[strategy]
+ gemm_config = GEMMConfig.parse_from_strs(*example_args[gemm_param_fields_len:])
+ # Get OpenCL_Time_Ms stats
+ measurements = list(example_test_data["measurements"].items())
+ # There should only be 1 instrument per run
+ assert len(measurements) == 1
+ measurement_instrument, data = measurements.pop()
+ # Get instrument name and assert that it is the one we expect
+ measurement_instrument_name = measurement_instrument.split("/")[0]
+ assert measurement_instrument_name == "OpenCLTimer"
+ # Take the MINIMUM of the raw data as the measurement value
+ measurement_val = min(data["raw"])
+ measurement = Measurement(measurement_val)
+ yield BenchmarkResult(gemm_param, strategy, gemm_config, measurement)
+def parse_json(dir_name):
+ """ Glob all benchmark result json files and parse them into json objects (dicts).
+ """
+ for res_fn in Path(dir_name).rglob("*.{}".format(BENCHMARK_RESULT_JSON_EXTENSION)):
+ with open(res_fn) as res_fp:
+ yield json.load(res_fp)
+# Main
+def main(args):
+ logging.info("Searching best gemm configurations from {}".format(args.benchmark_results_dir))
+ benchmark_results = extract_benchmark_results(parse_json(args.benchmark_results_dir))
+ # Add all benchmark results to the recorder
+ benchmark_result_recorder = GEMMBenchmarkResultRecorder()
+ for benchmark_result in benchmark_results:
+ benchmark_result_recorder.add(benchmark_result)
+ if args.debug:
+ recorder_sum_level = GEMMBenchmarkResultRecorder.SummaryLevel.Detailed
+ else:
+ recorder_sum_level = GEMMBenchmarkResultRecorder.SummaryLevel.Short
+ # Print overall summary of the recorded results
+ print(benchmark_result_recorder.summary(sum_level=recorder_sum_level))
+ # Get GEMM configuration distributions for each strategy
+ all_config_dists = benchmark_result_recorder.get_config_distributions()
+ print("=== Result ===")
+ for strategy, config_dist in all_config_dists.items():
+ print("Strategy: {}".format(strategy.name))
+ print("GEMM Config votes: ")
+ print("GEMM Config: Best measurement, Vote")
+ for config, freq in config_dist.frequency().items():
+ print(config, end=": ")
+ print(config_dist.get_measurement(config), freq, sep=",")
+ print(
+ "Best GEMM Config: {} with std: {}".format(config_dist.best_config(), config_dist.std())
+ )
+ # Save the recorded results to csv files in output directory
+ if args.output_dir is not None:
+ benchmark_result_recorder.save_to_csvs(args.output_dir, only_best_config=(not args.debug))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CL GEMM Tuner")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-b",
+ "--benchmark_results",
+ dest="benchmark_results_dir",
+ metavar="PATH",
+ action="store",
+ type=str,
+ help="Path to benchmark result directory, where benchmark result json files have a file \
+ extension of '{}'".format(
+ ),
+ required=True,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o",
+ "--output_dir",
+ dest="output_dir",
+ metavar="PATH",
+ action="store",
+ type=str,
+ help="Path to directory that holds output csv files. One per strategy",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-D", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="Enable script debugging output"
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level)
+ logging.debug("Arguments: {}".format(args))
+ main(args)