diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/docker/README.md b/docker/README.md
index 4cd5e1a547..cd4ed3d913 100644
--- a/docker/README.md
+++ b/docker/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
# ARMNN Docker Files
-## [Android NDK to build ArmNN](https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn/blob/branches/armnn_20_02/BuildGuideAndroidNDK.md):</br>
-<b>armnn-android</b> folder has the docker file to build a Android NDK container to build ARMNN.
## [ArmNN on x86_64 for arm64 and arm32](https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn/blob/branches/armnn_20_02/BuildGuideCrossCompilation.md)
<b>x86_64</b> folder has the docker file to build ArmNN under an x86_64 system to target an Arm64 and Arm32 systems.
diff --git a/docker/armnn-android/Dockerfile b/docker/armnn-android/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f753ffed..0000000000
--- a/docker/armnn-android/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:18.04
-ENV TERM linux
-ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
-# Forward system proxy setting
-# ARG proxy
-# ENV http_proxy $proxy
-# ENV https_proxy $proxy
-# Basic apt update
-RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends locales ca-certificates && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Set the locale to en_US.UTF-8, because the Yocto build fails without any locale set.
-RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
-# Again, off the certificare
-RUN echo "check_certificate = off" >> ~/.wgetrc
-RUN echo "[global] \n\
-trusted-host = pypi.python.org \n \
-\t pypi.org \n \
-\t files.pythonhosted.org" >> /etc/pip.conf
-# Get basic packages
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
- apparmor \
- aufs-tools \
- automake \
- bash-completion \
- btrfs-tools \
- build-essential \
- cmake \
- createrepo \
- curl \
- dpkg-sig \
- g++ \
- gcc \
- git \
- iptables \
- jq \
- libapparmor-dev \
- libc6-dev \
- libcap-dev \
- libsystemd-dev \
- libyaml-dev \
- mercurial \
- net-tools \
- parallel \
- pkg-config \
- python-dev \
- python-mock \
- python-pip \
- python-setuptools \
- python-websocket \
- golang-go \
- iproute2 \
- iputils-ping \
- vim-common \
- vim \
- wget \
- libtool \
- unzip \
- scons \
- curl \
- autoconf \
- libtool \
- build-essential \
- g++ \
- cmake && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Download the Android NDK and make a standalone toolchain
-RUN mkdir -p /home/armnn-devenv/toolchains && \
- cd /home/armnn-devenv/toolchains && \
- wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r17b-linux-x86_64.zip && \
- unzip android-ndk-r17b-linux-x86_64.zip
-ENV NDK /home/armnn-devenv/toolchains/android-ndk-r17b
-RUN $NDK/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py \
- --arch arm64 \
- --api 26 \
- --stl=libc++ \
- --install-dir=/home/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r17b
-ENV PATH=/home/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r17b/bin:$PATH
-# Build the Boost C++ libraries
-RUN mkdir /home/armnn-devenv/boost && \
- cd /home/armnn-devenv/boost && \
- wget https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.64.0/source/boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2 && \
- tar xvf boost_1_64_0.tar.bz2
-RUN echo "using gcc : arm : aarch64-linux-android-clang++ ;" > /home/armnn-devenv/boost/user-config.jam && \
- cd /home/armnn-devenv/boost/boost_1_64_0 && \
- ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/home/armnn-devenv/boost/install && \
- ./b2 install --user-config=/home/armnn-devenv/boost/user-config.jam \
- toolset=gcc-arm link=static cxxflags=-fPIC --with-filesystem \
- --with-test --with-log --with-program_options -j8
-# Build the Compute Library
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv && \
- git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary.git && \
- cd ComputeLibrary && \
- scons arch=arm64-v8a neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 extra_cxx_flags="-fPIC" \
- benchmark_tests=0 validation_tests=0 os=android -j8
-# RUN mkdir /home/armnn-devenv/google && \
-RUN mkdir -p /home/armnn-devenv/google && \
- cd /home/armnn-devenv/google && \
- git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf.git && \
- cd protobuf && \
- git checkout -b v3.5.2 v3.5.2 && \
- ./autogen.sh && \
- mkdir x86_build && \
- cd x86_build && \
- ../configure --prefix=/home/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install && \
- make install -j8
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv/google/protobuf && \
- mkdir arm64_build && cd arm64_build && \
- CC=aarch64-linux-android-clang \
- CXX=aarch64-linux-android-clang++ \
- CFLAGS="-fPIE -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-pie -llog" \
- ../configure --host=aarch64-linux-android \
- --prefix=/home/armnn-devenv/google/arm64_pb_install \
- --with-protoc=/home/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install/bin/protoc && \
- make install -j8
-# clone Tensorflow
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv/google/ && \
- git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
-# Clone ARMNN
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv/ && \
- git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn.git
-# Generate TensorFlow protobuf definitions
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv/google/tensorflow && \
- git checkout a0043f9262dc1b0e7dc4bdf3a7f0ef0bebc4891e && \
- /home/armnn-devenv/armnn/scripts/generate_tensorflow_protobuf.sh \
- /home/armnn-devenv/google/tf_pb /home/armnn-devenv/google/x86_pb_install
-ENV PATH=/home/armnn-devenv/toolchains/android-ndk-r17b:$PATH
-# Build Google Flatbuffers for ARMNN TFLite Parser
-RUN cd /home/armnn-devenv/ && \
- git clone https://github.com/google/flatbuffers.git && \
- cd flatbuffers && \
- cd android && cd jni && \
- rm -rf Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_STL := c++_static" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" := clang >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_CPPFLAGS :=-std=c++11" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_ABI := arm64-v8a" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_PLATFORM := android-23" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "NDK_PLATFORM=android-23" >> Application.mk && \
- cd ../ && ndk-build -B
-COPY ./docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/bin
-RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh
-ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
-#To do:
-# 1. Flatbuffers build Application.mk hardcode value need to fix. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/armnn-android/docker-entrypoint.sh b/docker/armnn-android/docker-entrypoint.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b0bf1dcaa2..0000000000
--- a/docker/armnn-android/docker-entrypoint.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-#Function to build ARMNN
-function buildArmNN()
- mkdir -p ${dArmNN}/armnn-devenv && cd ${dArmNN}/armnn-devenv
- git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn.git && cd armnn/
- mkdir build && cd build
- CXX=aarch64-linux-android-clang++ \
- CC=aarch64-linux-android-clang \
- cmake .. \
- -DCMAKE_ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=/home/armnn-devenv/toolchains/aarch64-android-r17b/ \
- -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-pie -llog" \
- -DARMCOMPUTE_ROOT=/home/armnn-devenv/ComputeLibrary/ \
- -DARMCOMPUTE_BUILD_DIR=/home/armnn-devenv/ComputeLibrary/build \
- -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/armnn-devenv/boost/install/ \
- -DTF_GENERATED_SOURCES=/home/armnn-devenv/google/tf_pb/ -DBUILD_TF_PARSER=1 \
- -DPROTOBUF_ROOT=/home/armnn-devenv/google/arm64_pb_install/
- make -j8
-# Function to update Compute Lib
-function updateComputeLib()
- pushd ${dComputeLib}
- git pull
- scons arch=arm64-v8a neon=1 opencl=1 embed_kernels=1 extra_cxx_flags="-fPIC" \
- benchmark_tests=0 validation_tests=0 os=android -j8
- echo "Compute Lib updated"
- popd
-# Function to update FlatBuffer Lib
-function updateFlatBuffer()
- pushd ${dFlatBuffer}
- git pull
- cd android && cd jni && \
- rm -rf Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_STL := c++_static" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" := clang >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_CPPFLAGS :=-std=c++11" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_ABI := arm64-v8a" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "APP_PLATFORM := android-23" >> Application.mk && \
- echo "NDK_PLATFORM=android-23" >> Application.mk && \
- cd ../ && ndk-build -B
- echo "Compute Lib updated"
- popd
-# Main
-if [ ! -d "/work/armnn-devenv/armnn/" ];
- buildArmNN
-# Check Compute Library changes from repo
-cd ${dComputeLib}
-# shellcheck disable=SC1083
-if [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(git ls-remote "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} |
-sed 's/\// /g')" | cut -f1)" ]
- echo "Compute Lib Up-to-date"
- echo "New changes are availble for Compute Library repo."
- echo "Do you wanna update (y/n)?"
- read -r answer
- if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ] ;then
- updateComputeLib
- fi
-# Check Tensorflow changes from repo
-cd ${dTensorflow}
-# shellcheck disable=SC1083
-if [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(git ls-remote "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} |
-sed 's/\// /g')" | cut -f1)" ]
- echo "Tensrflow Lib Up-to-date"
- echo "Tensrflow Lib Not Up-to-date"
- echo "Skipping for now. Issue: #267"
- #echo "New changes are availble for Compute Library repo."
- #echo "Do you wanna update (y/n)?"
- #read answer
- #if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ] ;then
- #
- #fi
-# Check FlatBuffer changes from repo
-cd ${dFlatBuffer}
-# shellcheck disable=SC1083
-if [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(git ls-remote "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} |
-sed 's/\// /g')" | cut -f1)" ]
- echo "FlatBuffer Up-to-date"
- echo "FlatBuffer Not Up-to-date"
- echo "New changes are availble for Compute Library repo."
- echo "Do you wanna update (y/n)?"
- read -r answer
- if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ] ;then
- updateFlatBuffer
- fi
-exec "$@" \ No newline at end of file