path: root/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
diff options
authorColm Donelan <Colm.Donelan@arm.com>2019-11-29 09:10:59 +0000
committerMatteo Martincigh <matteo.martincigh@arm.com>2019-11-29 11:37:17 +0000
commit2ba48d251d0fe4dca214497ac33283106ca0973b (patch)
treed92ca2462e1853ac116dc8dd26c7c3afac4103c6 /src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
parente011d20f279e6e67e899bc6930b0266fc357bc1c (diff)
IVGCVSW-4118 Fix long unit test execution
* Reduced sleep_for timings * Removed duplicate SendStreamMetaDataPacket. * Modified SendCounterPacket::WaitForPacketSent to use wait_for * Modified SendCounterPacket::Send WaitingForAck to use wait_for * Added destructor to StreamRedirector. * Added method SendCounterPacketTests::HasWrittenData * Restructured many tests in ProfilingTests. Signed-off-by: Keith Davis <keith.davis@arm.com> Change-Id: I55c59cac6674ac40a1056a5302a997d5da9e9d91 Signed-off-by: Colm Donelan <Colm.Donelan@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
index 4c4ec0ad42..73f1c20246 100644
--- a/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
+++ b/src/profiling/test/ProfilingTests.cpp
@@ -143,53 +143,90 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckCommandHandler)
+ // A 1mSec timeout should be enough to slow the command handler thread a little.
CommandHandler commandHandler0(1, true, commandHandlerRegistry, packetVersionResolver);
+ // This should start the command handler thread return the connection ack and put the profiling
+ // service into active state.
- commandHandler0.Start(testProfilingConnectionBase);
+ // Try to start the send thread many times, it must only start once
- commandHandler0.Stop();
+ // This could take up to 20mSec but we'll check often.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ if (profilingStateMachine.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2));
+ }
BOOST_CHECK(profilingStateMachine.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
+ // Close the thread again.
+ commandHandler0.Stop();
- // commandHandler1 should give up after one timeout
- CommandHandler commandHandler1(10, true, commandHandlerRegistry, packetVersionResolver);
- commandHandler1.Start(testProfilingConnectionTimeOutError);
+ // In this test we'll simulate a timeout without a connection ack packet being received.
+ // Stop after timeout is set so we expect the command handler to stop almost immediately.
+ CommandHandler commandHandler1(1, true, commandHandlerRegistry, packetVersionResolver);
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+ commandHandler1.Start(testProfilingConnectionTimeOutError);
+ // Wait until we know a timeout exception has been sent at least once.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ if (testProfilingConnectionTimeOutError.ReadCalledCount())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2));
+ }
+ // and leave another short period for the timeout exception to be processed and the loop to break.
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(3));
+ // The command handler loop should have stopped after the timeout.
- commandHandler1.Stop();
+ commandHandler1.Stop();
+ // The state machine should never have received the ack so will still be in WaitingForAck.
BOOST_CHECK(profilingStateMachine.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
- // Now commandHandler1 should persist after a timeout
+ // Disable stop after timeout and now commandHandler1 should persist after a timeout
+ // Restart the thread.
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ // Wait for at the three timeouts and the ack to be sent.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- if (profilingStateMachine.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active)
+ if (testProfilingConnectionTimeOutError.ReadCalledCount() > 3)
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2));
+ // Even after the 3 exceptions the ack packet should have transitioned the command handler to active.
BOOST_CHECK(profilingStateMachine.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- CommandHandler commandHandler2(100, false, commandHandlerRegistry, packetVersionResolver);
+ // A command handler that gets exceptions other than timeouts should keep going.
+ CommandHandler commandHandler2(1, false, commandHandlerRegistry, packetVersionResolver);
- // commandHandler2 should not stop once it encounters a non timing error
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500));
+ // Wait for two exceptions to be thrown.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ if (testProfilingConnectionTimeOutError.ReadCalledCount() >= 2)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2));
+ }
@@ -591,50 +628,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceDisabled)
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
- armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- // Redirect the output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
- std::stringstream ss;
- StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(boost::contains(ss.str(), "Cannot connect to stream socket: Connection refused"));
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
- armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options);
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- // Redirect the output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
- std::stringstream ss;
- StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(boost::contains(ss.str(), "Cannot connect to stream socket: Connection refused"));
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
@@ -653,6 +646,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceCounterDirectory)
BOOST_CHECK(counterDirectory1.GetCounterCount() == 0);
BOOST_CHECK(counterDirectory1.GetCounterCount() != 0);
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
@@ -682,7 +678,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceCounterValues)
writers.push_back(std::thread(&ProfilingService::AddCounterValue, profilingServicePtr, counterUid, 10));
writers.push_back(std::thread(&ProfilingService::SubtractCounterValue, profilingServicePtr, counterUid, 5));
std::for_each(writers.begin(), writers.end(), mem_fn(&std::thread::join));
uint32_t counterValue = 0;
@@ -692,6 +687,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceCounterValues)
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(profilingService.SetCounterValue(counterUid, 0));
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(counterValue = profilingService.GetCounterValue(counterUid));
BOOST_CHECK(counterValue == 0);
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
@@ -2187,86 +2185,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(RequestCounterDirectoryCommandHandlerTest2)
BOOST_TEST(header2Word1 == 419); // data length
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
- // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
- SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
- // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
- std::stringstream ss;
- StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
- // Calculate the size of a Stream Metadata packet
- std::string processName = GetProcessName().substr(0, 60);
- unsigned int processNameSize = processName.empty() ? 0 : boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(processName.size()) + 1;
- unsigned int streamMetadataPacketsize = 118 + processNameSize;
- // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
- armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Bring the profiling service to the "WaitingForAck" state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
- // Remove the packets received so far
- mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
- profilingService.Update();
- // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet to be sent
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
- // Check that the mock profiling connection contains one Stream Metadata packet
- const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
- BOOST_TEST(writtenData.size() == 1);
- BOOST_TEST(writtenData[0] == streamMetadataPacketsize);
- // Write a valid "Connection Acknowledged" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate a valid
- // reply from an external profiling service
- // Connection Acknowledged Packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero):
- // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
- // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000001
- // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
- uint32_t packetId = 37; // Wrong packet id!!!
- uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
- // Create the Connection Acknowledged Packet
- Packet connectionAcknowledgedPacket(header);
- // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
- mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(connectionAcknowledgedPacket));
- // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
- // the Connection Acknowledged packet gets processed by the profiling service
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
- // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
- BOOST_CHECK(boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=37 and Version=4194304 does not exist"));
- // The Connection Acknowledged Command Handler should not have updated the profiling state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
- // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
- options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
@@ -2300,12 +2218,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodConnectionAcknowledgedPacket)
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet to be sent
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Check that the mock profiling connection contains one Stream Metadata packet
const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
- BOOST_TEST(writtenData.size() == 1);
- BOOST_TEST(writtenData[0] == streamMetadataPacketsize);
+ if (writtenData.size() > 1)
+ {
+ // If this thread has been blocked for some time a second or more Stream Metadata packet could have been sent.
+ // In these cases make sure all packet are of length streamMetadataPacketsize
+ for(uint32_t packetLength : writtenData)
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(packetLength == streamMetadataPacketsize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(writtenData.size() == 1);
+ BOOST_TEST(writtenData[0] == streamMetadataPacketsize);
+ }
// Write a valid "Connection Acknowledged" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate a valid
// reply from an external profiling service
@@ -2325,8 +2255,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodConnectionAcknowledgedPacket)
// Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
- // Wait for the Counter Directory packet to be sent
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ // Wait for the counter directory packet to ensure the ConnectionAcknowledgedCommandHandler has run.
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection, 5000);
// The Connection Acknowledged Command Handler should have updated the profiling state accordingly
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
@@ -2336,18 +2266,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodConnectionAcknowledgedPacket)
profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
- // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
- std::stringstream ss;
- StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
// Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
@@ -2356,91 +2279,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceBadRequestCounterDirectoryPacket)
// Bring the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
- // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
- // (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
- // Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
- helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::Active);
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
// Get the mock profiling connection
MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- // Remove the packets received so far
- mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
- // Write a valid "Request Counter Directory" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate a valid
- // reply from an external profiling service
- // Request Counter Directory packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero):
- // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
- // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000011
- // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
- uint32_t packetId = 123; // Wrong packet id!!!
- uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
- // Create the Request Counter Directory packet
- Packet requestCounterDirectoryPacket(header);
- // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
- mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(requestCounterDirectoryPacket));
- // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
- // the Create the Request Counter packet gets processed by the profiling service
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
- // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
- BOOST_CHECK(boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=123 and Version=4194304 does not exist"));
- // The Request Counter Directory Command Handler should not have updated the profiling state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
- options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
- SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
- // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
- armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Bring the profiling service to the "Active" state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
- profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -2463,7 +2319,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodRequestCounterDirectoryPacket)
// Wait for the Counter Directory packet to be sent
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection, 5000);
// Check that the mock profiling connection contains one Counter Directory packet
const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
@@ -2479,18 +2335,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodRequestCounterDirectoryPacket)
profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
- // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
- std::stringstream ss;
- StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
// Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
@@ -2505,88 +2354,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceBadPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket)
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
- // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
- // (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
- // Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
- helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::Active);
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
// Get the mock profiling connection
MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- // Remove the packets received so far
- mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
- // Write a "Periodic Counter Selection" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate an input from an
- // external profiling service
- // Periodic Counter Selection packet header:
- // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
- // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000100
- // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
- uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
- uint32_t packetId = 999; // Wrong packet id!!!
- uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
- // Create the Periodic Counter Selection packet
- Packet periodicCounterSelectionPacket(header); // Length == 0, this will disable the collection of counters
- // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
- mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(periodicCounterSelectionPacket));
- // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
- // the Periodic Counter Selection packet gets processed by the profiling service
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
- // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
- BOOST_CHECK(boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=999 and Version=4194304 does not exist"));
- // The Periodic Counter Selection Handler should not have updated the profiling state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
- options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
- LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
- // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
- SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
- // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
- armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Bring the profiling service to the "Active" state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
- profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -2632,7 +2411,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceBadPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketInval
// Keep waiting until all the expected packets have been received
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
if (writtenData.empty())
@@ -2676,18 +2455,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketNoCo
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -2710,7 +2489,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketNoCo
// Wait for the Periodic Counter Selection packet to be sent
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection, 5000);
// The Periodic Counter Selection Handler should not have updated the profiling state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
@@ -2744,18 +2523,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketSing
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -2799,7 +2578,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketSing
// Keep waiting until all the expected packets have been received
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
if (writtenData.empty())
@@ -2828,7 +2607,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketMult
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
// Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
@@ -2843,18 +2621,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketMult
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -2900,7 +2678,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPeriodicCounterSelectionPacketMult
// Keep waiting until all the expected packets have been received
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
if (writtenData.empty())
@@ -2929,7 +2707,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceDisconnect)
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
// Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
@@ -2956,23 +2733,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceDisconnect)
// Try to disconnect the profiling service while in the "Active" state
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Check that the profiling connection is open
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected); // The state should have changed
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected); // The state should have changed
// Check that the profiling connection has been reset
mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
@@ -2987,7 +2764,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPerJobCounterSelectionPacket)
// Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
// Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
@@ -3002,18 +2778,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPerJobCounterSelectionPacket)
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
// (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
- helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent();
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
// Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
- // Get the mock profiling connection
- MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
- BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
// Remove the packets received so far
@@ -3037,7 +2813,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckProfilingServiceGoodPerJobCounterSelectionPacket)
// Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
// the Per-Job Counter Selection packet gets processed by the profiling service
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5));
// The Per-Job Counter Selection packets are dropped silently, so there should be no reply coming
// from the profiling service
@@ -3079,4 +2855,323 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CheckConfigureProfilingServiceOff)
profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
+ LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
+ armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
+ ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ profilingService.Update();
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ // Redirect the output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
+ profilingService.Update();
+ streamRedirector.CancelRedirect();
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ if (!boost::contains(ss.str(), "Cannot connect to stream socket: Connection refused"))
+ {
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ BOOST_FAIL("Expected string not found.");
+ }
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
+ LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
+ armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
+ ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ profilingService.Update();
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ profilingService.Update();
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ // Redirect the output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
+ profilingService.Update();
+ streamRedirector.CancelRedirect();
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ if (!boost::contains(ss.str(), "Cannot connect to stream socket: Connection refused"))
+ {
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ BOOST_FAIL("Expected string not found.");
+ }
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
+ LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
+ // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
+ SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
+ // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
+ // Calculate the size of a Stream Metadata packet
+ std::string processName = GetProcessName().substr(0, 60);
+ unsigned int processNameSize = processName.empty() ? 0 : boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(processName.size()) + 1;
+ unsigned int streamMetadataPacketsize = 118 + processNameSize;
+ // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
+ armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
+ ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Bring the profiling service to the "WaitingForAck" state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Remove the packets received so far
+ mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
+ profilingService.Update();
+ // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet to be sent
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Check that the mock profiling connection contains one Stream Metadata packet
+ const std::vector<uint32_t> writtenData = mockProfilingConnection->GetWrittenData();
+ if (writtenData.size() > 1)
+ {
+ // If this thread has been blocked for some time a second or more Stream Metadata packet could have been sent.
+ // In these cases make sure all packet are of length streamMetadataPacketsize
+ for(uint32_t packetLength : writtenData)
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(packetLength == streamMetadataPacketsize);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(writtenData.size() == 1);
+ BOOST_TEST(writtenData[0] == streamMetadataPacketsize);
+ }
+ // Write a valid "Connection Acknowledged" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate a valid
+ // reply from an external profiling service
+ // Connection Acknowledged Packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero):
+ // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
+ // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000001
+ // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
+ uint32_t packetId = 37; // Wrong packet id!!!
+ uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
+ // Create the Connection Acknowledged Packet
+ Packet connectionAcknowledgedPacket(header);
+ // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
+ mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(connectionAcknowledgedPacket));
+ // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
+ // the Connection Acknowledged packet gets processed by the profiling service
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(7));
+ streamRedirector.CancelRedirect();
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ if (!boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=37 and Version=4194304 does not exist"))
+ {
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ BOOST_FAIL("Expected string not found.");
+ }
+ // The Connection Acknowledged Command Handler should not have updated the profiling state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
+ LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
+ // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
+ SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
+ // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
+ // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
+ armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
+ ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Bring the profiling service to the "Active" state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
+ // (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
+ helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::Active);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
+ // Remove the packets received so far
+ mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
+ // Write a valid "Request Counter Directory" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate a valid
+ // reply from an external profiling service
+ // Request Counter Directory packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero):
+ // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
+ // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000011
+ // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
+ uint32_t packetId = 123; // Wrong packet id!!!
+ uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
+ // Create the Request Counter Directory packet
+ Packet requestCounterDirectoryPacket(header);
+ // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
+ mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(requestCounterDirectoryPacket));
+ // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
+ // the Create the Request Counter packet gets processed by the profiling service
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(7));
+ streamRedirector.CancelRedirect();
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ if (!boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=123 and Version=4194304 does not exist"))
+ {
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ BOOST_FAIL("Expected string not found.");
+ }
+ // The Request Counter Directory Command Handler should not have updated the profiling state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Locally reduce log level to "Warning", as this test needs to parse a warning message from the standard output
+ LogLevelSwapper logLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity::Warning);
+ // Swap the profiling connection factory in the profiling service instance with our mock one
+ SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper helper;
+ // Redirect the standard output to a local stream so that we can parse the warning message
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ StreamRedirector streamRedirector(std::cout, ss.rdbuf());
+ // Reset the profiling service to the uninitialized state
+ armnn::Runtime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
+ ProfilingService& profilingService = ProfilingService::Instance();
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
+ // Bring the profiling service to the "Active" state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Initialize the counter directory
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::NotConnected);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Create the profiling connection
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::WaitingForAck);
+ profilingService.Update(); // Start the command handler and the send thread
+ // Get the mock profiling connection
+ MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection = helper.GetMockProfilingConnection();
+ BOOST_CHECK(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Wait for the Stream Metadata packet the be sent
+ // (we are not testing the connection acknowledgement here so it will be ignored by this test)
+ helper.WaitForProfilingPacketsSent(mockProfilingConnection);
+ // Force the profiling service to the "Active" state
+ helper.ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState::Active);
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
+ // Remove the packets received so far
+ mockProfilingConnection->Clear();
+ // Write a "Periodic Counter Selection" packet into the mock profiling connection, to simulate an input from an
+ // external profiling service
+ // Periodic Counter Selection packet header:
+ // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000
+ // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000100
+ // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000
+ uint32_t packetFamily = 0;
+ uint32_t packetId = 999; // Wrong packet id!!!
+ uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16);
+ // Create the Periodic Counter Selection packet
+ Packet periodicCounterSelectionPacket(header); // Length == 0, this will disable the collection of counters
+ // Write the packet to the mock profiling connection
+ mockProfilingConnection->WritePacket(std::move(periodicCounterSelectionPacket));
+ // Wait for a bit (must at least be the delay value of the mock profiling connection) to make sure that
+ // the Periodic Counter Selection packet gets processed by the profiling service
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(7));
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ streamRedirector.CancelRedirect();
+ // Check that the expected error has occurred and logged to the standard output
+ if (!boost::contains(ss.str(), "Functor with requested PacketId=999 and Version=4194304 does not exist"))
+ {
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ BOOST_FAIL("Expected string not found.");
+ }
+ // The Periodic Counter Selection Handler should not have updated the profiling state
+ BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == ProfilingState::Active);
+ // Reset the profiling service to stop any running thread
+ options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
+ profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);