path: root/compute_kernel_writer/prototype/include/ckw/KernelWriter.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-09Remove CKW prototype and Template WriterGunes Bayir
2023-09-28Apply clang-format on repositoryFelix Thomasmathibalan
2023-08-30Port Resize operator to CKWGunes Bayir
2023-08-07Port DirectConv2d to CKW backendJakub Sujak
2023-07-26Design wrapper around CKW for easier writingNikolaj Jensen
2023-07-12Add compute kernel writer arguments exportViet-Hoa Do
2023-07-10Port operations to CKW prototypeNikolaj Jensen
2023-07-07Fix code formatting in CKWNikolaj Jensen
2023-07-06Move CKW prototype to separate directoryViet-Hoa Do