AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
6 daysMulti-Dimensional and Batched Scatter Reference and Dataset Implementation.release_candidateMohammed Suhail Munshi
6 daysScatter GPU Kernel Implementation for 1D tensors.Mohammed Suhail Munshi
11 daysUpdate documentation for 24.04 releaseMichael Kozlov
12 daysFix v7 test failure when core matmul result is dequantized into fp32Gunes Bayir
12 daysfix compilation errors on linux with gcc12Sunita Nadampalli
13 daysAdd s8f32 kernels and dynamic QuantizationInfoJonathan Deakin
13 daysAdd guarding for accumulation validation test in aarch32Radu Salavat
2024-04-12Runtime checks for bf16 fixed format testsDavid Svantesson-Yeung
2024-04-12Accumulation in Cpu Gemm kernels is not supported for quantized kernels in aa...Radu Salavat
2024-04-11Add SME2 implementation of softmax for FP16Gunes Bayir
2024-04-11Add in place summation to CPU GEMM kernelsRadu Salavat
2024-04-09Specify absolute toleranceSangwon Ha
2024-04-05Fix compiler errorPablo Marquez Tello
2024-04-04Parallelise im2col along dimensions with higher number of iterationsMilos Puzovic
2024-04-02Add SME2 implementation of softmax for FP32Viet-Hoa Do
2024-03-27Added new NEON fixed format fast math mode hybrid kernel with maximum height ...Milos Puzovic
2024-03-26Fix graph examples for WoAPablo Marquez Tello
2024-03-25Adds Tests and reference implementation for scatter operator with 1D tensors.Mohammed Suhail Munshi
2024-03-22[ONCPUML-1451] Guard bf16 to bf16 tests with ARM_COMPUTE_ENABLE_FIXED_FORMAT_...Renato Arantes
2024-03-22Fix for nightly build failures for androidMohammed Suhail Munshi
2024-03-21Workaround to enable cross-compiling from macOS® to Android™Jakub Sujak
2024-03-21Add skeleton for CLScatter op, reference and testsMohammed Suhail Munshi
2024-03-21[ONCPUML-1451] Add matmul kernel to enable bf16 to bf16 operations via PyTorc...Renato Arantes
2024-03-20Make Cpu/Gpu/Ref scalar/vectoral S32 division consistentGunes Bayir
2024-03-20Increase tolerance_num of Cpu RNNLayer testsGunes Bayir
2024-03-19Increase MatMul and DilatedConv test Q8 thresholds to 1Gunes Bayir
2024-03-19Fix overflow in NEMeanStdDevNormalizationKernelPablo Marquez Tello
2024-03-18Fix quant. gemv kernel driver by adding set_quantized_bias()Gunes Bayir
2024-03-14arm_gemm: Fix bias handling for sme2 FP16 GEMV.David Mansell
2024-03-14Fix validation in pool2d assembly wrapperPablo Marquez Tello
2024-03-12Optimize CpuSoftmaxKernel for axis != 0 and neon kernelsOmar Al Khatib
2024-03-12Update documentation for 24.02.1 releaseFelix Thomasmathibalan
2024-03-12Fix WoA nightly failurePablo Marquez Tello
2024-03-11Prefer indirect Gemm vs. Direct convolution if supportedGunes Bayir
2024-03-11Set int8 test tolerance in FullyConnected to int8Gunes Bayir
2024-03-04Disable FP16 on 32 bitPablo Marquez Tello
2024-03-04Fix performance regression in fixed-format kernelsGunes Bayir
2024-03-01Set Neon™ as present for WoAPablo Marquez Tello
2024-02-22Fix segfault in DWC in WoAPablo Marquez Tello
2024-02-22Fix OpenBSD® build failure caused by patch 11144Gunes Bayir
2024-02-21Integrate new pretranspose_b_array with extra fused transpose of BGunes Bayir
2024-02-20Requantization cases for offset changes onlyMohammed Suhail Munshi
2024-02-15Fix linker errors in validation suite for WoAPablo Marquez Tello
2024-02-15Fix validation suite on WoAPablo Marquez Tello
2024-02-14Fix escape character issues in format_code scriptGunes Bayir
2024-02-14Fix compiler errors in cl-clangPablo Marquez Tello
2024-02-14[QTest] Use dynamic output quantization in Depthwise Conv testsOmar Al Khatib
2024-02-12Disable some DirectConv2d tests in Dynamic FusionGunes Bayir
2024-02-12Update documentation for 24.02 releaseFelix Thomasmathibalan
2024-02-12Fix parallel depthwise perf regression from 2db938cJonathan Deakin