path: root/src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp b/src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp
index 720164366e..19adc1ef34 100644
--- a/src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp
+++ b/src/gpu/cl/kernels/ClScatterKernel.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@
#include "arm_compute/core/CL/ICLTensor.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/ITensorPack.h"
#include "arm_compute/core/TensorInfo.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/Utils.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/utils/DataTypeUtils.h"
+#include "arm_compute/core/utils/helpers/AdjustVecSize.h"
+#include "src/common/utils/Log.h"
+#include "src/core/helpers/WindowHelpers.h"
+#include "support/Cast.h"
+#include <cstdint>
namespace arm_compute
@@ -33,44 +42,207 @@ namespace opencl
namespace kernels
+constexpr int max_index_length = 5;
+} // namespace
-Status ClScatterKernel::validate(const ITensorInfo *src,
- const ITensorInfo *updates,
+Status ClScatterKernel::validate(const ITensorInfo *updates,
const ITensorInfo *indices,
const ITensorInfo *dst,
const ScatterInfo &info)
+ const TensorShape &ind_shape = indices->tensor_shape();
+ const TensorShape &upt_shape = updates->tensor_shape();
+ const TensorShape &dst_shape = dst->tensor_shape();
+ const int32_t upt_dims = upt_shape.num_dimensions();
+ const int32_t dst_dims = dst_shape.num_dimensions();
+ const int32_t ind_dims = ind_shape.num_dimensions();
+ const int32_t data_dim = upt_dims - (ind_dims - 1); // Number of batch dims is the number of indices dims - 1
+ const int32_t index_len = ind_shape[0];
+ bool unsupported_padding_config =
+ (dst_dims == index_len) && index_len > 1 && (dst->has_padding() || updates->has_padding());
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(unsupported_padding_config, "Padding is not supported with these shapes.");
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_DATA_TYPE_NOT_IN(dst, DataType::F32, DataType::F16, DataType::S32, DataType::S16,
+ DataType::S8, DataType::U32, DataType::U16, DataType::U8);
+ // Check data dims in update tensor and output tensor are equal
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < data_dim; i++)
+ {
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(upt_shape[i] != dst_shape[i],
+ "Data dims should be same size in both updates and ouput tensor.");
+ }
+ // Check if batch dims in indices and updates tensor are equal.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ind_dims - 1; i++)
+ {
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(upt_shape[data_dim + i] != ind_shape[i + 1],
+ "Batch dimensions should be the same in updates and indices tensor.");
+ }
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(ind_shape[1] != upt_shape[data_dim],
+ "Height of indices tensor should match size of highest dimension in updates tensor "
+ "(Excluding batch dimension)");
+ data_dim >= dst_dims, "Update tensor cannot have more dims than output tensor. (Excluding batch dimensions)");
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON(index_len != dst_dims - data_dim);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG((ind_dims < 2), "Shape of Indices tensor must be at least 2D");
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(index_len > max_index_length, "Maximum supported index length is 5!");
+ ARM_COMPUTE_RETURN_ERROR_ON_MSG(index_len > dst_dims && dst_dims != 1,
+ "Index length should be smaller than or equal to number of output dims");
return Status{};
void ClScatterKernel::configure(const ClCompileContext &compile_context,
- const ITensorInfo *src,
const ITensorInfo *updates,
const ITensorInfo *indices,
ITensorInfo *dst,
const ScatterInfo &info)
- ARM_COMPUTE_UNUSED(compile_context);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR_ON_NULLPTR(updates, dst, indices);
+ ARM_COMPUTE_LOG_PARAMS(updates, indices, dst, info);
+ const TensorShape &dst_shape = dst->tensor_shape();
+ const int index_len = indices->dimension(0);
+ // Check for single element data block
+ const bool is_scalar_block = (dst->num_dimensions() == static_cast<uint32_t>(index_len));
+ const int n0 = adjust_vec_size(16 / updates->element_size(), is_scalar_block ? 1 : updates->dimension(0));
+ const int partial_n0 = updates->dimension(0) % n0;
+ // The GWS will be 2D [x, y]
+ // x-dimension refers to the x coordinate of the dst tensor
+ // y-dimension refers to the collapsed y-coordinate of the data part of the dst tensor
+ Window win;
+ if (!is_scalar_block)
+ {
+ win = calculate_max_window(dst_shape, Steps(n0));
+ // Collapse the dimensions corresponding to indices in the execution window
+ for (int i = 0; i < index_len; ++i)
+ {
+ win.set(dst->num_dimensions() - (i + 1), Window::Dimension(0, 1, 1));
+ }
+ win = win.collapse(win, 1);
+ }
+ // Set build options
+ CLBuildOptions build_opts;
+ build_opts.add_option("-DDATA_TYPE=" + get_cl_type_from_data_type(dst->data_type()));
+ build_opts.add_option_if(is_data_type_float(dst->data_type()), "-DIS_FLOAT");
+ const int num_dims = dst->num_dimensions();
+ TensorShape ind_collapsed = indices->tensor_shape().collapsed_from(1);
+ build_opts.add_option("-DNUM_INDICES=" + support::cpp11::to_string(ind_collapsed[1]));
+ build_opts.add_option("-DINDEX_LENGTH=" + support::cpp11::to_string(index_len));
+ // We provide 5 variables to use in a constant array
+ for (int i = 1; i <= max_index_length; i++)
+ {
+ build_opts.add_option("-DOUT_SHAPE_N_MINUS_" + support::cpp11::to_string(i) + "=" +
+ support::cpp11::to_string(dst_shape[std::max(num_dims - i, 0)]));
+ }
+ build_opts.add_option("-DN0=" + support::cpp11::to_string(n0));
+ build_opts.add_option("-DPARTIAL_N0=" + support::cpp11::to_string(partial_n0));
+ switch (info.func)
+ {
+ case ScatterFunction::Update:
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSCATTER_FUNCTION=UPDATE_OP");
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSKIP_OUTPUT_READ");
+ break;
+ case ScatterFunction::Add:
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSCATTER_FUNCTION=ADD_OP");
+ break;
+ case ScatterFunction::Sub:
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSCATTER_FUNCTION=SUB_OP");
+ break;
+ case ScatterFunction::Max:
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSCATTER_FUNCTION=MAX_OP");
+ break;
+ case ScatterFunction::Min:
+ build_opts.add_option("-DSCATTER_FUNCTION=MIN_OP");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Not implemented");
+ }
+ // Create kernel
+ std::string kernel_name = "scatter_mp1d_2d_mpnd";
+ build_opts.add_option("-D" + upper_string(kernel_name));
+ ICLKernel::configure_internal(win);
+ _kernel = create_kernel(compile_context, kernel_name, build_opts.options());
+ // Set config_id for enabling LWS tuning
+ _config_id = kernel_name;
+ _config_id += "_";
+ _config_id += lower_string(string_from_data_type(updates->data_type()));
+ _config_id += "_";
+ _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(dst->dimension(1));
+ _config_id += "_";
+ _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(dst->dimension(0));
+ _config_id += "_";
+ _config_id += support::cpp11::to_string(dst->dimension(2));
+ _config_id += "_";
void ClScatterKernel::run_op(ITensorPack &tensors, const Window &window, cl::CommandQueue &queue)
+ const auto updates =
+ utils::cast::polymorphic_downcast<const ICLTensor *>(tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_0));
+ const auto indices =
+ utils::cast::polymorphic_downcast<const ICLTensor *>(tensors.get_const_tensor(TensorType::ACL_SRC_1));
+ auto dst = utils::cast::polymorphic_downcast<ICLTensor *>(tensors.get_tensor(TensorType::ACL_DST));
+ const ITensorInfo *dst_info = dst->info();
+ const ITensorInfo *upd_info = updates->info();
+ const int num_dims = dst_info->num_dimensions();
+ const int ind_dims = indices->info()->num_dimensions();
+ const int index_len = indices->info()->dimension(0);
+ bool unsupported_padding_config =
+ num_dims == index_len && index_len > 1 && (dst_info->has_padding() || upd_info->has_padding());
+ if (unsupported_padding_config)
+ {
+ ARM_COMPUTE_ERROR("Unsupported Configuration! Padding not supported with these shapes.");
+ }
+ // calculate m-dimensional data block strides in updates and destination tensors
+ const int upt_block_stride =
+ updates->info()->strides_in_bytes()[updates->info()->num_dimensions() - (ind_dims - 1)];
+ const int out_block_stride = dst_info->strides_in_bytes()[num_dims - index_len];
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ add_2D_tensor_argument(idx, updates, window);
+ add_2D_tensor_argument(idx, indices, window);
+ add_2D_tensor_argument(idx, dst, window);
+ _kernel.setArg<cl_int>(idx++, upt_block_stride);
+ _kernel.setArg<cl_int>(idx++, out_block_stride);
+ enqueue(queue, *this, window, lws_hint());
} // namespace kernels