diff options
authorEric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>2021-08-12 11:01:14 -0700
committerEric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>2022-06-01 17:29:37 -0700
commit44a13479195a591b436d28efada8953b3cff36ba (patch)
parent7e4148c05a9b7533beb3bc0a5730b4f783e7d87a (diff)
Add FFT operators to MI/MT profiles
Adds FFT2D for complex->complex FFT Adds RFFT2D for real->complex FFT Change-Id: Id50f96b8f66f17c3020767c002f0c1f41a76d62e Signed-off-by: Eric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>
8 files changed, 760 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index cbbbe6a..b7cd640 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,23 +22,29 @@ COMMON_ARGS= -a revnumber="$(TOSAREVISION)"
SPECSRC := tosa_spec.adoc
ADOCFILES = $(wildcard chapters/[A-Za-z]*.adoc)
+FIGURES = $(wildcard figures/*.svg)
-.PHONY: all html pdf clean spell
+.PHONY: all html pdf clean spell copy_html_figures
all: spell html pdf
-html: $(HTMLDIR)/tosa_spec.html
+html: copy_html_figures $(HTMLDIR)/tosa_spec.html
pdf: $(PDFDIR)/tosa_spec.pdf
$(RM) $(HTMLDIR)/tosa_spec.html
+ rm -rf $(HTMLDIR)/figures
$(RM) $(PDFDIR)/tosa_spec.pdf
spell: out/spell.txt
+copy_html_figures: $(FIGURES)
+ $(MKDIR) -p $(HTMLDIR)/figures
+ cp $(FIGURES) $(HTMLDIR)/figures
.PRECIOUS: out/spell.txt
out/spell.txt: $(ADOCFILES) FORCE
@echo Running spell check
diff --git a/chapters/pseudocode.adoc b/chapters/pseudocode.adoc
index d22d180..993c6e7 100644
--- a/chapters/pseudocode.adoc
+++ b/chapters/pseudocode.adoc
@@ -212,4 +212,16 @@ int32_t tensor_size(int32_t input[]) {
return size;
+float_t pi()
+ returns value of pi
+float_t sin(angle)
+ return sine of angle given in radians
+float_t cos(angle)
+ return cosine of angle given in radians
+bool power_of_two(int32_t value)
+ return true if value is a power of two, false otherwise
diff --git a/chapters/tensor_ops.adoc b/chapters/tensor_ops.adoc
index 47768d4..b3f6f5a 100644
--- a/chapters/tensor_ops.adoc
+++ b/chapters/tensor_ops.adoc
@@ -333,6 +333,70 @@ for_each(0 <= n<N, 0 <= oy < OH, 0 <= ox < OW; 0 <= c < C, 0 <= m < M) {
|MI, MT|floating-point|float_t|float_t|float_t
+==== FFT2D
+Performs a batched complex 2D Fast Fourier Transform over the input.
+The complex input values are constructed from the corresponding values in the input_real and input_imag tensors.
+The resulting values in the output are split into the output_real and output_imag tensors.
+No normalization is applied on either the forward or inverse versions of the operation.
+// output[h][w] = \sum_{m=0}^{H-1}\sum_{n=0}^{W-1}input[m][n] * \exp\left(-2\pi i\left(\frac{mh}{H} + \frac{nw}{W}\right)\right)
+.Calculation for the forward FFT2D calculation (direction=false)
+image::forward_fft2d.svg["forward FFT definition", align="center"]
+// output[h][w] = \sum_{m=0}^{H-1}\sum_{n=0}^{W-1}input[m][n] * \exp\left(2\pi i\left(\frac{mh}{H} + \frac{nw}{W}\right)\right)
+.Calculation for the inverse FFT2D calculation (direction=true)
+image::inverse_fft2d.svg["inverse FFT definition", align="center"]
+|Input|in_out_t*|input_real|[N,H,W]|Real part of the complex input. H,W must be powers of two.
+|Input|in_out_t*|input_imag|[N,H,W]|Imaginary part of the complex input. H,W must be powers of two.
+|Attribute|bool_t|inverse|-|false for forward FFT, true for inverse FFT
+|Output|in_out_t*|output_real|[N,H,W]|Real part of the complex output
+|Output|in_out_t*|output_imag|[N,H,W]|Imaginary part of the complex output.
+*Operation Function*
+float sign_val = 1.0;
+if (inverse) {
+ sign_val = -1.0;
+for_each(0 <= n < N, 0 <= oy < H, 0 <= ox < W) {
+ in_out_t sum_real = 0.0;
+ in_out_t sum_imag = 0.0;
+ for_each(0 <= iy < H, 0 <= ix < W) {
+ in_out_t val_real = tensor_read<in_out_t>(input_real, [N,H,W], [n,iy,ix]);
+ in_out_t val_imag = tensor_read<in_out_t>(input_imag, [N,H,W], [n,iy,ix]);
+ float_t a = sign_val * 2 * pi() * ((iy * oy) / H + (ix * ox) / W);
+ sum_real += val_real * cos(a) + val_imag * sin(a);
+ sum_imag += -val_real * sin(a) + val_imag * cos(a);
+ }
+ tensor_write<in_out_t>(output_real, [N,H,W], [n,oy,ox], sum_real);
+ tensor_write<in_out_t>(output_imag, [N,H,W], [n,oy,ox], sum_imag);
+*Supported Data Types:*
Performs a fully connected network.
@@ -479,6 +543,54 @@ for_each(0 <= n < N, 0 <= oy < H, 0 <= ox < W, 0 <= c < C ) {
|MI, MT|floating-point|float_t
+==== RFFT2D
+Performs a batched 2D real-valued Fast Fourier Transform over the input where the input tensor consists of real values producing complex valued output.
+The complex output values will be split into the output_real and output_imag tensor arguments.
+RFFT2D takes advantage of Hermitian symmetry to only calculate the first half of the output.
+Imaginary values with locations h=0,H/2 or w=0,W/2 are zero.
+image::forward_fft2d.svg["forward FFT definition", align="center"]
+|Input|in_out_t*|input|[N,H,W]|Real input. H,W must be powers of two.
+|Output|in_out_t*|output_real|[N,H/2 + 1,W/2 + 1]|Real part of the complex output
+|Output|in_out_t*|output_imag|[N,H/2 + 1,W/2 + 1]|Imaginary part of the complex output.
+*Operation Function*
+for_each(0 <= n < N, 0 <= oy < H/2 + 1, 0 <= ox < W/2 + 1) {
+ in_out_t sum_real = 0.0;
+ in_out_t sum_imag = 0.0;
+ for_each(0 <= iy < H, 0 <= ix < W) {
+ in_out_t val_real = tensor_read<in_out_t>(input_real, [N,H,W], [n,iy,ix]);
+ float_t a = 2 * pi() * ((iy * oy) / H + (ix * ox) / W);
+ sum_real += val_real * cos(a);
+ sum_imag += -val_real * sin(a);
+ }
+ tensor_write<in_out_t>(output_real, [N,H,W], [n,oy,ox], sum_real);
+ tensor_write<in_out_t>(output_imag, [N,H,W], [n,oy,ox], sum_imag);
+*Supported Data Types:*
Performs a 2D transposed convolution over the given tensor input, using the weights tensor.
diff --git a/figures/forward_fft2d.svg b/figures/forward_fft2d.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e012656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figures/forward_fft2d.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
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diff --git a/tools/dictionary.dic b/tools/dictionary.dic
index 94ef782..29be61e 100644
--- a/tools/dictionary.dic
+++ b/tools/dictionary.dic
@@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ CPUs
@@ -49,12 +53,14 @@ README
diff --git a/tools/get_descriptions.py b/tools/get_descriptions.py
index 3f2ee05..beded87 100755
--- a/tools/get_descriptions.py
+++ b/tools/get_descriptions.py
@@ -49,5 +49,8 @@ for name in args.filenames:
# not useful there
if re.match(r'[\[\*]', text):
in_description = False
+ # skip comments
+ elif re.match(r'\w*\/\/', text):
+ continue
diff --git a/tosa_spec.adoc b/tosa_spec.adoc
index 130d98e..1b4eecd 100644
--- a/tosa_spec.adoc
+++ b/tosa_spec.adoc
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
:toc: left
:toclevels: 3
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+:imagesdir: figures