path: root/tests/test_backend_executor_common.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_backend_executor_common.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_backend_executor_common.py b/tests/test_backend_executor_common.py
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--- a/tests/test_backend_executor_common.py
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-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-"""Tests for the common backend module."""
-from __future__ import annotations
-from contextlib import ExitStack as does_not_raise
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any
-from typing import cast
-from typing import IO
-from typing import List
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock
-import pytest
-from mlia.backend.executor.application import Application
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import Backend
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import BaseBackendConfig
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import Command
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import ConfigurationException
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import load_config
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import Param
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import parse_raw_parameter
-from mlia.backend.executor.common import remove_backend
-from mlia.backend.executor.config import ApplicationConfig
-from mlia.backend.executor.config import UserParamConfig
-from mlia.backend.executor.execution import ExecutionContext
-from mlia.backend.executor.execution import ParamResolver
-from mlia.backend.executor.system import System
- "directory_name, expected_exception",
- (
- ("some_dir", does_not_raise()),
- (None, pytest.raises(Exception, match="No directory name provided")),
- ),
-def test_remove_backend(
- monkeypatch: Any, directory_name: str, expected_exception: Any
-) -> None:
- """Test remove_backend function."""
- mock_remove_resource = MagicMock()
- monkeypatch.setattr(
- "mlia.backend.executor.common.remove_resource", mock_remove_resource
- )
- with expected_exception:
- remove_backend(directory_name, "applications")
- "filename, expected_exception",
- (
- ("application_config.json", does_not_raise()),
- (None, pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unable to read config")),
- ),
-def test_load_config(
- filename: str, expected_exception: Any, test_resources_path: Path, monkeypatch: Any
-) -> None:
- """Test load_config."""
- with expected_exception:
- configs: list[Path | IO[bytes] | None] = (
- [None]
- if not filename
- else [
- # Ignore pylint warning as 'with' can't be used inside of a
- # generator expression.
- # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
- open(test_resources_path / filename, "rb"),
- test_resources_path / filename,
- ]
- )
- for config in configs:
- json_mock = MagicMock()
- monkeypatch.setattr("mlia.backend.executor.common.json.load", json_mock)
- load_config(config)
- json_mock.assert_called_once()
-class TestBackend:
- """Test Backend class."""
- def test___repr__(self) -> None:
- """Test the representation of Backend instance."""
- backend = Backend(
- BaseBackendConfig(name="Testing name", description="Testing description")
- )
- assert str(backend) == "Testing name"
- def test__eq__(self) -> None:
- """Test equality method with different cases."""
- backend1 = Backend(BaseBackendConfig(name="name", description="description"))
- backend1.commands = {"command": Command(["command"])}
- backend2 = Backend(BaseBackendConfig(name="name", description="description"))
- backend2.commands = {"command": Command(["command"])}
- backend3 = Backend(
- BaseBackendConfig(
- name="Ben", description="This is not the Backend you are looking for"
- )
- )
- backend3.commands = {"wave": Command(["wave hand"])}
- backend4 = "Foo" # checking not isinstance(backend4, Backend)
- assert backend1 == backend2
- assert backend1 != backend3
- assert backend1 != backend4
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "parameter, valid",
- [
- ("--choice-param value_1", True),
- ("--choice-param wrong_value", False),
- ("--open-param something", True),
- ("--wrong-param value", False),
- ],
- )
- def test_validate_parameter(
- self, parameter: str, valid: bool, test_resources_path: Path
- ) -> None:
- """Test validate_parameter."""
- config = cast(
- List[ApplicationConfig],
- load_config(test_resources_path / "hello_world.json"),
- )
- # The application configuration is a list of configurations so we need
- # only the first one
- # Exercise the validate_parameter test using the Application classe which
- # inherits from Backend.
- application = Application(config[0])
- assert application.validate_parameter("run", parameter) == valid
- def test_validate_parameter_with_invalid_command(
- self, test_resources_path: Path
- ) -> None:
- """Test validate_parameter with an invalid command_name."""
- config = cast(
- List[ApplicationConfig],
- load_config(test_resources_path / "hello_world.json"),
- )
- application = Application(config[0])
- with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
- # command foo does not exist, so raise an error
- application.validate_parameter("foo", "bar")
- assert "Unknown command: 'foo'" in str(err.value)
- def test_build_command(self) -> None:
- """Test command building."""
- config = {
- "name": "test",
- "commands": {
- "build": ["build {user_params:0} {user_params:1}"],
- "run": ["run {user_params:0}"],
- "post_run": ["post_run {application_params:0} on {system_params:0}"],
- "some_command": ["Command with {variables:var_A}"],
- "empty_command": [""],
- },
- "user_params": {
- "build": [
- {
- "name": "choice_param_0=",
- "values": [1, 2, 3],
- "default_value": 1,
- },
- {"name": "choice_param_1", "values": [3, 4, 5], "default_value": 3},
- {"name": "choice_param_3", "values": [6, 7, 8]},
- ],
- "run": [{"name": "flag_param_0"}],
- },
- "variables": {"var_A": "value for variable A"},
- }
- application, system = Application(config), System(config) # type: ignore
- context = ExecutionContext(
- app=application,
- app_params=[],
- system=system,
- system_params=[],
- )
- param_resolver = ParamResolver(context)
- cmd = application.build_command(
- "build", ["choice_param_0=2", "choice_param_1=4"], param_resolver
- )
- assert cmd == ["build choice_param_0=2 choice_param_1 4"]
- cmd = application.build_command("build", ["choice_param_0=2"], param_resolver)
- assert cmd == ["build choice_param_0=2 choice_param_1 3"]
- cmd = application.build_command(
- "build", ["choice_param_0=2", "choice_param_3=7"], param_resolver
- )
- assert cmd == ["build choice_param_0=2 choice_param_1 3"]
- with pytest.raises(
- ConfigurationException, match="Command 'foo' could not be found."
- ):
- application.build_command("foo", [""], param_resolver)
- cmd = application.build_command("some_command", [], param_resolver)
- assert cmd == ["Command with value for variable A"]
- cmd = application.build_command("empty_command", [], param_resolver)
- assert cmd == [""]
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("class_", [Application, System])
- def test_build_command_unknown_variable(self, class_: type) -> None:
- """Test that unable to construct backend with unknown variable."""
- with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown variable var1"):
- config = {"name": "test", "commands": {"run": ["run {variables:var1}"]}}
- class_(config)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "class_, config, expected_output",
- [
- (
- Application,
- {
- "name": "test",
- "commands": {
- "build": ["build {user_params:0} {user_params:1}"],
- "run": ["run {user_params:0}"],
- },
- "user_params": {
- "build": [
- {
- "name": "choice_param_0=",
- "values": ["a", "b", "c"],
- "default_value": "a",
- "alias": "param_1",
- },
- {
- "name": "choice_param_1",
- "values": ["a", "b", "c"],
- "default_value": "a",
- "alias": "param_2",
- },
- {"name": "choice_param_3", "values": ["a", "b", "c"]},
- ],
- "run": [{"name": "flag_param_0"}],
- },
- },
- [
- (
- "b",
- Param(
- name="choice_param_0=",
- description="",
- values=["a", "b", "c"],
- default_value="a",
- alias="param_1",
- ),
- ),
- (
- "a",
- Param(
- name="choice_param_1",
- description="",
- values=["a", "b", "c"],
- default_value="a",
- alias="param_2",
- ),
- ),
- (
- "c",
- Param(
- name="choice_param_3",
- description="",
- values=["a", "b", "c"],
- ),
- ),
- ],
- ),
- (System, {"name": "test"}, []),
- ],
- )
- def test_resolved_parameters(
- self,
- class_: type,
- config: dict,
- expected_output: list[tuple[str | None, Param]],
- ) -> None:
- """Test command building."""
- backend = class_(config)
- params = backend.resolved_parameters(
- "build", ["choice_param_0=b", "choice_param_3=c"]
- )
- assert params == expected_output
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ["param_name", "user_param", "expected_value"],
- [
- (
- "test_name",
- "test_name=1234",
- "1234",
- ), # optional parameter using '='
- (
- "test_name",
- "test_name 1234",
- "1234",
- ), # optional parameter using ' '
- ("test_name", "test_name", None), # flag
- (None, "test_name=1234", "1234"), # positional parameter
- ],
- )
- def test_resolved_user_parameters(
- self, param_name: str, user_param: str, expected_value: str
- ) -> None:
- """Test different variants to provide user parameters."""
- # A sample config providing one backend config
- config = {
- "name": "test_backend",
- "commands": {
- "test": ["user_param:test_param"],
- },
- "user_params": {
- "test": [UserParamConfig(name=param_name, alias="test_name")],
- },
- }
- backend = Backend(cast(BaseBackendConfig, config))
- params = backend.resolved_parameters(
- command_name="test", user_params=[user_param]
- )
- assert len(params) == 1
- value, param = params[0]
- assert param_name == param.name
- assert expected_value == value
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "input_param,expected",
- [
- ("--param=1", ("--param", "1")),
- ("--param 1", ("--param", "1")),
- ("--flag", ("--flag", None)),
- ],
- )
- def test__parse_raw_parameter(
- self, input_param: str, expected: tuple[str, str | None]
- ) -> None:
- """Test internal method of parsing a single raw parameter."""
- assert parse_raw_parameter(input_param) == expected
-class TestParam:
- """Test Param class."""
- def test__eq__(self) -> None:
- """Test equality method with different cases."""
- param1 = Param(name="test", description="desc", values=["values"])
- param2 = Param(name="test", description="desc", values=["values"])
- param3 = Param(name="test1", description="desc", values=["values"])
- param4 = object()
- assert param1 == param2
- assert param1 != param3
- assert param1 != param4
- def test_get_details(self) -> None:
- """Test get_details() method."""
- param1 = Param(name="test", description="desc", values=["values"])
- assert param1.get_details() == {
- "name": "test",
- "values": ["values"],
- "description": "desc",
- }
- def test_invalid(self) -> None:
- """Test invalid use cases for the Param class."""
- with pytest.raises(
- ConfigurationException,
- match="Either name, alias or both must be set to identify a parameter.",
- ):
- Param(name=None, description="desc", values=["values"])
-class TestCommand:
- """Test Command class."""
- def test_get_details(self) -> None:
- """Test get_details() method."""
- param1 = Param(name="test", description="desc", values=["values"])
- command1 = Command(command_strings=["echo test"], params=[param1])
- assert command1.get_details() == {
- "command_strings": ["echo test"],
- "user_params": [
- {"name": "test", "values": ["values"], "description": "desc"}
- ],
- }
- def test__eq__(self) -> None:
- """Test equality method with different cases."""
- param1 = Param("test", "desc", ["values"])
- param2 = Param("test1", "desc1", ["values1"])
- command1 = Command(command_strings=["echo test"], params=[param1])
- command2 = Command(command_strings=["echo test"], params=[param1])
- command3 = Command(command_strings=["echo test"])
- command4 = Command(command_strings=["echo test"], params=[param2])
- command5 = object()
- assert command1 == command2
- assert command1 != command3
- assert command1 != command4
- assert command1 != command5
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "params, expected_error",
- [
- [[], does_not_raise()],
- [[Param("param", "param description", [])], does_not_raise()],
- [
- [
- Param("param", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- Param("param", "param description", [], None),
- ],
- does_not_raise(),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("param1", "param1 description", [], None, "alias1"),
- Param("param2", "param2 description", [], None, "alias2"),
- ],
- does_not_raise(),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("param", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- Param("param", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- ],
- pytest.raises(ConfigurationException, match="Non-unique aliases alias"),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("alias", "param description", [], None, "alias1"),
- Param("param", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- ],
- pytest.raises(
- ConfigurationException,
- match="Aliases .* could not be used as parameter name",
- ),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("alias", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- Param("param1", "param1 description", [], None, "alias1"),
- ],
- does_not_raise(),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("alias", "param description", [], None, "alias"),
- Param("alias", "param1 description", [], None, "alias1"),
- ],
- pytest.raises(
- ConfigurationException,
- match="Aliases .* could not be used as parameter name",
- ),
- ],
- [
- [
- Param("param1", "param1 description", [], None, "alias1"),
- Param("param2", "param2 description", [], None, "alias1"),
- Param("param3", "param3 description", [], None, "alias2"),
- Param("param4", "param4 description", [], None, "alias2"),
- ],
- pytest.raises(
- ConfigurationException, match="Non-unique aliases alias1, alias2"
- ),
- ],
- ],
- )
- def test_validate_params(self, params: list[Param], expected_error: Any) -> None:
- """Test command validation function."""
- with expected_error:
- Command([], params)