path: root/src/mlia/backend/vela/compiler.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mlia/backend/vela/compiler.py')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mlia/backend/vela/compiler.py b/src/mlia/backend/vela/compiler.py
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index 0000000..3d3847a
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+++ b/src/mlia/backend/vela/compiler.py
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+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Vela compiler wrapper module."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Literal
+from ethosu.vela.architecture_features import ArchitectureFeatures
+from ethosu.vela.compiler_driver import compiler_driver
+from ethosu.vela.compiler_driver import CompilerOptions
+from ethosu.vela.compiler_driver import TensorAllocator
+from ethosu.vela.model_reader import ModelReaderOptions
+from ethosu.vela.model_reader import read_model
+from ethosu.vela.nn_graph import Graph
+from ethosu.vela.nn_graph import NetworkType
+from ethosu.vela.operation import CustomType
+from ethosu.vela.scheduler import OptimizationStrategy
+from ethosu.vela.scheduler import SchedulerOptions
+from ethosu.vela.tensor import BandwidthDirection
+from ethosu.vela.tensor import MemArea
+from ethosu.vela.tensor import Tensor
+from ethosu.vela.tflite_writer import write_tflite
+from mlia.utils.logging import redirect_output
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Model:
+ """Model metadata."""
+ nng: Graph
+ network_type: NetworkType
+ @property
+ def optimized(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true if model is already optimized."""
+ return any(
+ op.attrs.get("custom_type") == CustomType.ExistingNpuOp
+ for sg in self.nng.subgraphs
+ for op in sg.get_all_ops()
+ )
+class OptimizedModel:
+ """Instance of the Vela optimized model."""
+ nng: Graph
+ arch: ArchitectureFeatures
+ compiler_options: CompilerOptions
+ scheduler_options: SchedulerOptions
+ def save(self, output_filename: str | Path) -> None:
+ """Save instance of the optimized model to the file."""
+ write_tflite(self.nng, output_filename)
+AcceleratorConfigType = Literal[
+ "ethos-u55-32",
+ "ethos-u55-64",
+ "ethos-u55-128",
+ "ethos-u55-256",
+ "ethos-u65-256",
+ "ethos-u65-512",
+TensorAllocatorType = Literal["LinearAlloc", "Greedy", "HillClimb"]
+OptimizationStrategyType = Literal["Performance", "Size"]
+class VelaCompilerOptions: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """Vela compiler options."""
+ config_files: str | list[str] | None = None
+ system_config: str = ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG
+ memory_mode: str = ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG
+ accelerator_config: AcceleratorConfigType | None = None
+ max_block_dependency: int = ArchitectureFeatures.MAX_BLOCKDEP
+ arena_cache_size: int | None = None
+ tensor_allocator: TensorAllocatorType = "HillClimb"
+ cpu_tensor_alignment: int = Tensor.AllocationQuantum
+ optimization_strategy: OptimizationStrategyType = "Performance"
+ output_dir: str | None = None
+ recursion_limit: int = 1000
+class VelaCompiler: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """Vela compiler wrapper."""
+ def __init__(self, compiler_options: VelaCompilerOptions):
+ """Init Vela wrapper instance."""
+ self.config_files = compiler_options.config_files
+ self.system_config = compiler_options.system_config
+ self.memory_mode = compiler_options.memory_mode
+ self.accelerator_config = compiler_options.accelerator_config
+ self.max_block_dependency = compiler_options.max_block_dependency
+ self.arena_cache_size = compiler_options.arena_cache_size
+ self.tensor_allocator = TensorAllocator[compiler_options.tensor_allocator]
+ self.cpu_tensor_alignment = compiler_options.cpu_tensor_alignment
+ self.optimization_strategy = OptimizationStrategy[
+ compiler_options.optimization_strategy
+ ]
+ self.output_dir = compiler_options.output_dir
+ self.recursion_limit = compiler_options.recursion_limit
+ sys.setrecursionlimit(self.recursion_limit)
+ def read_model(self, model: str | Path) -> Model:
+ """Read model."""
+ logger.debug("Read model %s", model)
+ nng, network_type = self._read_model(model)
+ return Model(nng, network_type)
+ def compile_model(self, model: str | Path | Model) -> OptimizedModel:
+ """Compile the model."""
+ if isinstance(model, (str, Path)):
+ nng, network_type = self._read_model(model)
+ else:
+ nng, network_type = model.nng, NetworkType.TFLite
+ if not nng:
+ raise Exception("Unable to read model")
+ try:
+ arch = self._architecture_features()
+ compiler_options = self._compiler_options()
+ scheduler_options = self._scheduler_options()
+ with redirect_output(
+ logger, stdout_level=logging.DEBUG, stderr_level=logging.DEBUG
+ ):
+ compiler_driver(
+ nng, arch, compiler_options, scheduler_options, network_type
+ )
+ return OptimizedModel(nng, arch, compiler_options, scheduler_options)
+ except (SystemExit, Exception) as err:
+ raise Exception("Model could not be optimized with Vela compiler") from err
+ def get_config(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Get compiler configuration."""
+ arch = self._architecture_features()
+ memory_area = {
+ mem.name: {
+ "clock_scales": arch.memory_clock_scales[mem],
+ "burst_length": arch.memory_burst_length[mem],
+ "read_latency": arch.memory_latency[mem][BandwidthDirection.Read],
+ "write_latency": arch.memory_latency[mem][BandwidthDirection.Write],
+ }
+ for mem in (
+ MemArea.Sram,
+ MemArea.Dram,
+ MemArea.OnChipFlash,
+ MemArea.OffChipFlash,
+ )
+ }
+ return {
+ "accelerator_config": arch.accelerator_config.value,
+ "system_config": arch.system_config,
+ "core_clock": arch.core_clock,
+ "axi0_port": arch.axi0_port.name,
+ "axi1_port": arch.axi1_port.name,
+ "memory_mode": arch.memory_mode,
+ "const_mem_area": arch.const_mem_area.name,
+ "arena_mem_area": arch.arena_mem_area.name,
+ "cache_mem_area": arch.cache_mem_area.name,
+ "arena_cache_size": arch.arena_cache_size,
+ "permanent_storage_mem_area": arch.permanent_storage_mem_area.name,
+ "feature_map_storage_mem_area": arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area.name,
+ "fast_storage_mem_area": arch.fast_storage_mem_area.name,
+ "memory_area": memory_area,
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def _read_model(model: str | Path) -> tuple[Graph, NetworkType]:
+ """Read TensorFlow Lite model."""
+ try:
+ model_path = str(model) if isinstance(model, Path) else model
+ with redirect_output(
+ logger, stdout_level=logging.DEBUG, stderr_level=logging.DEBUG
+ ):
+ return read_model(model_path, ModelReaderOptions()) # type: ignore
+ except (SystemExit, Exception) as err:
+ raise Exception(f"Unable to read model {model_path}") from err
+ def _architecture_features(self) -> ArchitectureFeatures:
+ """Return ArchitectureFeatures instance."""
+ return ArchitectureFeatures(
+ vela_config_files=self.config_files,
+ accelerator_config=self.accelerator_config,
+ system_config=self.system_config,
+ memory_mode=self.memory_mode,
+ max_blockdep=self.max_block_dependency,
+ verbose_config=False,
+ arena_cache_size=self.arena_cache_size,
+ )
+ def _scheduler_options(self) -> SchedulerOptions:
+ """Return SchedulerOptions instance."""
+ arch = self._architecture_features()
+ return SchedulerOptions(
+ optimization_strategy=self.optimization_strategy,
+ sram_target=arch.arena_cache_size,
+ verbose_schedule=False,
+ )
+ def _compiler_options(self) -> CompilerOptions:
+ """Return CompilerOptions instance."""
+ return CompilerOptions(
+ verbose_graph=False,
+ verbose_quantization=False,
+ verbose_packing=False,
+ verbose_tensor_purpose=False,
+ verbose_tensor_format=False,
+ verbose_allocation=False,
+ verbose_high_level_command_stream=False,
+ verbose_register_command_stream=False,
+ verbose_operators=False,
+ verbose_weights=False,
+ show_cpu_operations=False,
+ tensor_allocator=self.tensor_allocator,
+ timing=False,
+ output_dir=self.output_dir,
+ cpu_tensor_alignment=self.cpu_tensor_alignment,
+ )
+def resolve_compiler_config(
+ vela_compiler_options: VelaCompilerOptions,
+) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Resolve passed compiler options.
+ Vela has number of configuration parameters that being
+ resolved during passing compiler options. E.g. Vela
+ reads configuration parameters from vela.ini and fills
+ it's internal structures with resolved values (memory mode,
+ system mode, etc.).
+ In order to get this information we need to create
+ instance of the Vela compiler first.
+ """
+ vela_compiler = VelaCompiler(vela_compiler_options)
+ return vela_compiler.get_config()
+def optimize_model(
+ model_path: Path, compiler_options: VelaCompilerOptions, output_model_path: Path
+) -> None:
+ """Optimize model and return it's path after optimization."""
+ logger.debug(
+ "Optimize model %s for device %s",
+ model_path,
+ compiler_options.accelerator_config,
+ )
+ vela_compiler = VelaCompiler(compiler_options)
+ optimized_model = vela_compiler.compile_model(model_path)
+ logger.debug("Save optimized model into %s", output_model_path)
+ optimized_model.save(output_model_path)