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+# Visual Wake Word Code Sample
+- [Visual Wake Word Code Sample](#visual-wake-word-sample)
+ - [Introduction](#introduction)
+ - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+ - [Building the Code Samples application from sources](#building-the-code-samples-application-from-sources)
+ - [Build options](#build-options)
+ - [Build process](#build-process)
+ - [Add custom input](#add-custom-input)
+ - [Add custom model](#add-custom-model)
+ - [Setting up and running Ethos-U NPU code sample](#setting-up-and-running-ethos_u-npu-code-sample)
+ - [Setting up the Ethos-U NPU Fast Model](#setting-up-the-ethos_u-npu-fast-model)
+ - [Starting Fast Model simulation](#starting-fast-model-simulation)
+ - [Running Visual Wake Word](#running-visual-wake-word)
+## Introduction
+This document describes the process of setting up and running the Arm® Ethos™-U NPU Visual Wake Word example.
+Use case code could be found in [source/use_case/vww](../../source/use_case/vww) directory.
+### Prerequisites
+See [Prerequisites](../
+## Building the Code Samples application from sources
+### Build options
+In addition to the already specified build option in the main reference manual, Visual Wake Word use case specifies:
+- `vww_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` - Path to the NN model file in the `TFLite` format. The model is then processed and included in
+ the application `axf` file. The default value points to one of the delivered set of models.
+ Note that the parameters `vww_LABELS_TXT_FILE`, `TARGET_PLATFORM`, and `ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED` must be aligned with the
+ chosen model. In other words:
+ - If `ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED` is set to `On` or `1`, then the NN model is assumed to be optimized. The model naturally
+ falls back to the Arm® *Cortex®-M* CPU if an unoptimized model is supplied.
+ - if `ETHOS_U_NPU_ENABLED` is set to `Off` or `0`, the NN model is assumed to be unoptimized. Supplying an optimized
+ model in this case results in a runtime error.
+- `vww_FILE_PATH`: Path to directory or file to be used as custom image file(s) to use in the evaluation
+ application. The default value points to the resources/vww/samples folder containing the delivered set
+ of images. See more in the Running custom input data section.
+- `vww_IMAGE_SIZE`: The NN model requires input images to be of a specific size. This parameter defines the
+ size of the image side in pixels. Images are considered squared. Default value is 128, which is what the supplied
+ visual wake word model expects.
+- `vww_LABELS_TXT_FILE`: Path to the labels' text file to be baked into the application. The file is used
+ to map classified classes index to the text label. Change this parameter to point to the custom labels file to map
+ custom NN model output correctly.\
+ The default value points to the delivered labels.txt file inside the delivery package.
+- `vww_ACTIVATION_BUF_SZ`: The intermediate/activation buffer size reserved for the NN model. By default,
+ it is set to 2MiB and should be enough for most models.
+### Build process
+> **Note:** This section describes the process for configuring the build for `MPS3: SSE-300` for different target
+>platform see [Building](../ section.
+Create a build directory and navigate inside:
+mkdir build_visual_wake_word && cd build_visual_wake_word
+On Linux, execute the following command to build **only** Visual Wake Word application to run on the Ethos-U55 Fast
+Model when providing only the mandatory arguments for CMake configuration:
+cmake ../ -DUSE_CASE_BUILD=vww
+To configure a build that can be debugged using Arm-DS, we can just specify the build type as `Debug` and use the `Arm
+Compiler` toolchain file:
+cmake .. \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/toolchains/bare-metal-armclang.cmake \
+Also see:
+- [Configuring with custom TPIP dependencies](../sections/
+- [Using Arm Compiler](../sections/
+- [Configuring the build for simple-platform](../sections/
+- [Working with model debugger from Arm FastModel
+ Tools](../sections/
+-[Building for different Ethos-U NPU variants](../sections/
+> **Note:** If re-building with changed parameters values, it is highly advised to clean the build directory and re-run
+>the CMake command.
+If the CMake command succeeded, build the application as follows:
+make -j4
+Add VERBOSE=1 to see compilation and link details.
+Results of the build will be placed under `build/bin` folder:
+ ├── ethos-u-vww.axf
+ ├── ethos-u-vww.htm
+ ├──
+ ├── images-vww.txt
+ └── sectors
+ └── vww
+ ├── ddr.bin
+ └── itcm.bin
+- `ethos-u-vww.axf`: The built application binary for the Visual Wake Word use case.
+- ``: Information from building the application (e.g. libraries used, what was optimized,
+ location of objects)
+- `ethos-u-vww.htm`: Human readable file containing the call graph of application functions.
+- `sectors/`: Folder containing the built application, split into files for loading into different FPGA memory regions.
+- `Images-vww.txt`: Tells the FPGA which memory regions to use for loading the binaries in sectors/**
+ folder.
+### Add custom input
+The application performs inference on image data found in the folder set by the CMake parameter
+To run the application with your own images first create a folder to hold them and then copy the custom images into this
+mkdir /tmp/custom_images
+cp custom_image1.bmp /tmp/custom_images/
+> **Note:** Clean the build directory before re-running the cmake command.
+Next set `vww_FILE_PATH` to the location of this folder when building:
+cmake .. \
+ -Dvww_FILE_PATH=/tmp/custom_images/ \
+The images found in the `vww_FILE_PATH` folder will be picked up and automatically converted to C++ files
+during the CMake configuration stage and then compiled into the application during the build phase for performing
+inference with.
+The log from the configuration stage should tell you what image directory path has been used:
+-- User option vww_FILE_PATH is set to /tmp/custom_images
+-- User option vww_IMAGE_SIZE is set to 128
+-- Generating image files from /tmp/custom_images
+++ Converting custom_image1.bmp to
+-- Defined build user options:
+-- vww_FILE_PATH=/tmp/custom_images
+-- vww_IMAGE_SIZE=128
+After compiling, your custom images will have now replaced the default ones in the application.
+> **Note:** The CMake parameter vww_IMAGE_SIZE should match the model input size. When building the
+> application, if the size of any image does not match IMAGE_SIZE then it will be rescaled and padded so that it does.
+### Add custom model
+The application performs inference using the model pointed to by the CMake parameter
+> **Note:** If you want to run the model using Ethos-U, ensure your custom model has been run through the Vela compiler
+> successfully before continuing.
+To run the application with a custom model you will need to provide a labels_<model_name>.txt file of labels associated
+with the model. Each line of the file should correspond to one of the outputs in your model. See the provided
+visual_wake_word_labels.txt file for an example.
+Then, you must set `vww_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` to the location of the Vela processed model file and
+`vww_LABELS_TXT_FILE` to the location of the associated labels file.
+An example:
+cmake \
+ -Dvww_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH=<path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite> \
+ -Dvww_LABELS_TXT_FILE=<path/to/labels_custom_model.txt> \
+> **Note:** Clean the build directory before re-running the cmake command.
+The TFLite model pointed to by `vww_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` and labels text file pointed to by
+`vww_LABELS_TXT_FILE` will be converted to C++ files during the CMake configuration stage and then compiled
+into the application for performing inference with.
+The log from the configuration stage should tell you what model path and labels file have been used:
+-- User option vww_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH is set to <path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite>
+-- User option vww_LABELS_TXT_FILE is set to <path/to/labels_custom_model.txt>
+-- Using <path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite>
+++ Converting custom_model_after_vela.tflite to
+-- Generating labels file from <path/to/labels_custom_model.txt>
+-- writing to <path/to/build/generated/src/>
+After compiling, your custom model will have now replaced the default one in the application.
+## Setting up and running Ethos-U NPU code sample
+### Setting up the Ethos-U NPU Fast Model
+The FVP is available publicly from [Arm Ecosystem FVP
+For the *Ethos-U* evaluation, please download the MPS3 based version of the Arm® *Corstone™-300* model that contains *Cortex-M55*
+and offers a choice of the *Ethos-U55* and *Ethos-U65* processors.
+- Unpack the archive
+- Run the install script in the extracted package
+- Follow the instructions to install the FVP to your desired location
+### Starting Fast Model simulation
+Pre-built application binary ethos-u-vww.axf can be found in the bin/mps3-sse-300 folder of the delivery
+package. Assuming the install location of the FVP was set to ~/FVP_install_location, the simulation can be started by:
+$ ~/FVP_install_location/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55
+A log output should appear on the terminal:
+telnetterminal0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
+telnetterminal1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
+telnetterminal2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
+telnetterminal5: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
+This will also launch a telnet window with the sample application's standard output and error log entries containing
+information about the pre-built application version, TensorFlow Lite Micro library version used, data type as well as
+the input and output tensor sizes of the model compiled into the executable binary.
+After the application has started if `vww_FILE_PATH` pointed to a single file (or a folder containing a
+single image) the inference starts immediately. In case of multiple inputs choice, it outputs a menu and waits for the
+user input from telnet terminal:
+User input required
+Enter option number from:
+1. Classify next image
+2. Classify image at chosen index
+3. Run classification on all images
+4. Show NN model info
+5. List images
+1. “Classify next image” menu option will run single inference on the next in line image from the collection of the
+ compiled images.
+2. “Classify image at chosen index” menu option will run single inference on the chosen image.
+ > **Note:** Please make sure to select image index in the range of supplied images during application build. By
+ default, pre-built application has 2 images, index should 0 or 1.
+3. “Run classification on all images” menu option triggers sequential inference executions on all built-in images.
+4. “Show NN model info” menu option prints information about model data type, input and output tensor sizes:
+ ```log
+ INFO - uTFL version: 2.5.0
+ INFO - Added ethos-u support to op resolver
+ INFO - Creating allocator using tensor arena in SRAM
+ INFO - Allocating tensors
+ INFO - Model INPUT tensors:
+ INFO - tensor type is INT8
+ INFO - tensor occupies 16384 bytes with dimensions
+ INFO - 0: 1
+ INFO - 1: 128
+ INFO - 2: 128
+ INFO - 3: 1
+ INFO - Quant dimension: 0
+ INFO - Scale[0] = 0.008138
+ INFO - ZeroPoint[0] = -70
+ INFO - Model OUTPUT tensors:
+ INFO - tensor type is INT8
+ INFO - tensor occupies 2 bytes with dimensions
+ INFO - 0: 1
+ INFO - 1: 2
+ INFO - Quant dimension: 0
+ INFO - Scale[0] = 0.022299
+ INFO - ZeroPoint[0] = -17
+ INFO - Activation buffer (a.k.a tensor arena) size used: 133292
+ INFO - Number of operators: 19
+ INFO - Operator 0: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 1: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 2: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 3: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 4: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 5: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 6: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 7: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 8: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 9: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 10: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 11: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 12: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 13: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 14: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 15: PAD
+ INFO - Operator 16: ethos-u
+ INFO - Operator 17: AVERAGE_POOL_2D
+ INFO - Operator 18: ethos-u
+ ```
+5. “List Images” menu option prints a list of pair image indexes - the original filenames embedded in the application:
+ ```log
+ INFO - List of images:
+ INFO - 0 => adult_blur.png
+ INFO - 1 => man_in_red_jacket.png
+ ```
+### Running Visual Wake Word
+Please select the first menu option to execute Visual Wake Word.
+The following example illustrates application output for classification:
+INFO - Running inference on image 0 => adult_blur.png
+INFO - Final results:
+INFO -Total number of inferences: 1
+INFO - 0) 0 (0.601562) -> Person detected: No
+INFO - Profile for Inference :
+INFO - NPU ACTIVE cycles: 372782
+INFO - NPU IDLE cycles: 390
+INFO - NPU total cycles: 373172
+It could take several minutes to complete one inference run (average time is 2-3 minutes).
+The log shows the inference results for “image 1” (1 - index) that corresponds to “adult_blur.png” in the sample
+image resource folder.
+The profiling section of the log shows that for this inference:
+- Ethos-U's PMU report:
+ - 373,172 total cycle: The number of NPU cycles
+ - 372,782 active cycles: number of NPU cycles that were used for computation
+ - 390 idle cycles: number of cycles for which the NPU was idle
+ - 95,992 AXI0 read beats: The number of AXI beats with read transactions from AXI0 bus. AXI0 is the bus where
+ Ethos-U NPU reads and writes to the computation buffers (activation buf/tensor arenas).
+ - 59,735 AXI0 write beats: The number of AXI beats with write transactions to AXI0 bus.
+ - 34,477 AXI1 read beats: The number of AXI beats with read transactions from AXI1 bus. AXI1 is the bus where
+ Ethos-U NPU reads the model (read only)
+- For FPGA platforms, CPU cycle count can also be enabled. For FVP, however, CPU cycle counters should not be used as
+ the CPU model is not cycle-approximate or cycle-accurate.
+The application prints the detection with label index, confidence score and labels from associated pd_labels.txt file.