path: root/ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py
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authorTim Hall <tim.hall@arm.com>2020-04-27 18:20:16 +0100
committerTim Hall <tim.hall@arm.com>2020-04-29 13:00:51 +0100
commit79d07d2cbf1c5013ab40bb46a6ccd4c569966536 (patch)
tree410d17239b417be5593b3e6800001b797f8d3f98 /ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py
parent47bca71566d4d10e48f5a4d66e1130b8bf60700d (diff)
Add Vela codebase0.1.0
- Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec. - Added README and various configuration files. Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
Diffstat (limited to 'ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py b/ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b4ac696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/vela/weight_compressor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Description:
+# Compresses and pads the weigths. It also calculates the scales and packs with the biases.
+import os
+import sys
+import enum
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from collections import namedtuple
+from .numeric_util import round_up
+from .scaling import quantise_scale
+from .tensor import TensorPurpose, TensorSubPurpose, TensorFormat, TensorBlockTraversal
+from .operation import NpuBlockType
+from .architecture_features import Block
+from .nn_graph import SchedulingStrategy
+from .data_type import DataType
+from ethosu import mlw_codec
+def encode(weight_stream):
+ assert np.amin(weight_stream) >= -255
+ assert np.amax(weight_stream) <= 255
+ # Encode flattened signed weight stream
+ compressed = mlw_codec.encode(weight_stream)
+ # pad with 0xFF as needed so the length of the weight stream
+ # is a multiple of 16
+ while (len(compressed) % 16) != 0:
+ compressed.append(0xFF)
+ return compressed
+def generate_brick(arch, brick_weights, ofm_block, block_traversal, ifm_bitdepth):
+ is_depthwise = block_traversal == TensorBlockTraversal.DepthWise
+ is_partkernel = block_traversal == TensorBlockTraversal.PartKernelFirst
+ subkernel_max = arch.subkernel_max
+ ofm_ublock = arch.ofm_ublock
+ ifm_ublock = arch.ifm_ublock
+ # Expect weights formatted HWIO
+ ofm_depth = brick_weights.shape[-1]
+ ifm_depth = brick_weights.shape[-2]
+ kernel_width = brick_weights.shape[-3]
+ kernel_height = brick_weights.shape[-4]
+ # IFM block depth
+ if is_partkernel or (ifm_bitdepth == 16):
+ # IFM block depth is always 16 for part-kernel-first
+ ifm_block_depth = 16
+ elif ifm_bitdepth == 8:
+ ifm_block_depth = 32
+ else:
+ assert False
+ stream = []
+ # Top level striping - OFM blocks in the entire brick's depth
+ for ofm_block_z in range(0, ofm_depth, ofm_block.depth):
+ clipped_ofm_block_depth = min(ofm_block.depth, ofm_depth - ofm_block_z)
+ # IFM blocks required for the brick
+ for ifm_block_z in range(0, (1 if is_depthwise else ifm_depth), ifm_block_depth):
+ if is_depthwise:
+ clipped_ifm_block_depth = ifm_ublock.depth
+ else:
+ clipped_ifm_block_depth = (
+ min(ifm_block_depth, ifm_depth - ifm_block_z) if is_partkernel else ifm_block_depth
+ )
+ # Weight decomposition
+ # Subkernel Splitting (H)
+ for subkernel_y in range(0, kernel_height, subkernel_max.height):
+ sub_height = min(kernel_height - subkernel_y, subkernel_max.height)
+ # Subkernel splitting (W)
+ for subkernel_x in range(0, kernel_width, subkernel_max.width):
+ sub_width = min(kernel_width - subkernel_x, subkernel_max.width)
+ subkernel_elements = sub_width * sub_height
+ # Part kernel first works across the kernel H/W and needs padding
+ if is_partkernel:
+ if ifm_bitdepth == 16 and subkernel_elements % 2 != 0:
+ subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 2) * 2)
+ elif ifm_bitdepth == 8 and subkernel_elements % 4 != 0:
+ subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 4) * 4)
+ # Depthwise Conv requires multiple of 4 kernel elements in its weight block
+ # this is different from normal conv which is considered "weights depth-first"
+ elif is_depthwise:
+ subkernel_elements = int(math.ceil(subkernel_elements / 4.0) * 4)
+ ifm_block_depth_outer = clipped_ifm_block_depth if is_partkernel else 1
+ ifm_block_depth_inner = 1 if is_partkernel else clipped_ifm_block_depth
+ # IFM Ublocks in IFM-block over depth for part-kernel-first mode
+ # For depth-first IFM Ublocks are traversed after subkernel elements so this loop is ignored.
+ for ifm_ublk_outer in range(0, ifm_block_depth_outer, ifm_ublock.depth):
+ # OFM Ublocks in OFM-block over depth
+ for ofm_ublk in range(0, clipped_ofm_block_depth, ofm_ublock.depth):
+ # HW Kernel element traversal - cannot be a H/W loop due to element
+ # padding requirement on depthwise/part-kernel configurations
+ for element in range(subkernel_elements):
+ kx = element % sub_width
+ ky = element // sub_width
+ # IFM Ublocks in IFM-block over depth (only 1 ublock if depthwise)
+ # In case of part-kernel-first IFM Ublock traversal have already been handled
+ # and this loop is ignored.
+ for ifm_ublk_inner in range(0, ifm_block_depth_inner, ifm_ublock.depth):
+ # Feed OFM ublock elements
+ for ofm_ublock_z in range(ofm_ublock.depth):
+ # Source IFM ublock elements (only 1 element deep if depthwise)
+ for ifm_ublock_z in range(1 if is_depthwise else ifm_ublock.depth):
+ # Source position within the current subkernel
+ wx = subkernel_x + kx
+ wy = subkernel_y + ky
+ # Source IFM/OFM slices
+ ifm_ublk = ifm_ublk_inner + ifm_ublk_outer
+ ifm_z = ifm_block_z + ifm_ublk + ifm_ublock_z
+ ofm_z = ofm_block_z + ofm_ublk + ofm_ublock_z
+ if (ifm_z >= ifm_depth) or (ofm_z >= ofm_depth) or (ky >= sub_height):
+ stream.append(0)
+ else:
+ stream.append(brick_weights[wy][wx][ifm_z][ofm_z])
+ return stream
+# Compress the weights
+def compress_weights(tens, arch, npu_block_type, ofm_block, ofm_depth_step, min_val=None, max_val=None):
+ assert tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.Weights
+ assert tens.format == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed
+ WeightCompressionConfig = namedtuple("WeightCompressionConfig", ["npu_block_type", "ofm_block", "ofm_depth_step"])
+ # check if weights have already been compressed
+ wcc = tens.weight_compression_config
+ if wcc is not None:
+ assert wcc.npu_block_type == npu_block_type, "Weights not used by the same operator type"
+ if wcc.ofm_block == ofm_block and wcc.ofm_depth_step == ofm_depth_step:
+ return
+ assert tens.quantization is not None
+ assert tens.quantization.scale_f32 is not None
+ assert tens.quantization.zero_point is not None
+ zero_point = tens.quantization.zero_point
+ quant_buf = tens.quant_values.astype(np.int64)
+ # Early zero-point correction
+ weights = quant_buf - zero_point
+ if len(weights.shape) == 2:
+ weights = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(weights, axis=0), axis=0)
+ weights_shape = (weights.shape[0], 1, 1, weights.shape[1])
+ else:
+ weights_shape = weights.shape
+ compression_scales = []
+ compressed_offsets = []
+ encoded_streams = []
+ offset = 0
+ max_single_buffer_len = 0
+ ifm_bitdepth = tens.consumer_list[0].inputs[0].dtype.size_in_bits()
+ ifm_depth = weights.shape[-2]
+ if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise:
+ tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.DepthWise
+ if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN:
+ # Determine which block traversal strategy has better DPU utilization
+ kernel_size = weights_shape[0] * weights_shape[1]
+ depth_utilization = weights_shape[2] / round_up(weights_shape[2], 32 if ifm_bitdepth == 8 else 16)
+ part_kernel_utilization = (weights_shape[2] / round_up(weights_shape[2], 8)) * (
+ kernel_size / round_up(kernel_size, 4 if ifm_bitdepth == 8 else 2)
+ )
+ if part_kernel_utilization >= depth_utilization or ifm_depth <= 8:
+ # Part-kernel first is always better for ifm depths <= 8
+ tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.PartKernelFirst
+ else:
+ tens.block_traversal = TensorBlockTraversal.DepthFirst
+ # Slice weight stream up depth-ways into bricks and compress
+ full_ofm_depth = quant_buf.shape[-1]
+ for idx in range(0, full_ofm_depth, ofm_depth_step):
+ # Get the weights necessary for this brick
+ count = min(full_ofm_depth - idx, ofm_depth_step)
+ brick_weights = weights[:, :, :, idx : idx + count]
+ # Encode all weights into one chunk
+ raw_stream = generate_brick(arch, brick_weights, ofm_block, tens.block_traversal, ifm_bitdepth)
+ encoded = encode(raw_stream)
+ encoded_streams.append(encoded)
+ # Remember maximum encoded length for DoubleBuffering
+ if max_single_buffer_len < len(encoded):
+ max_single_buffer_len = len(encoded)
+ # Remember where we put it for linear addressing
+ compressed_offsets.append(offset)
+ offset += len(encoded)
+ assert offset % 16 == 0
+ # Compression scale tracking
+ compression_scales.append(len(encoded) / len(raw_stream))
+ # Also track complete length in the offsets array
+ compressed_offsets.append(offset)
+ if tens.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer and len(encoded_streams) > 2:
+ offset = 2 * max_single_buffer_len
+ assert offset % 16 == 0
+ tens.storage_shape = [1, 1, 1, offset]
+ tens.weight_compression_scales = compression_scales
+ tens.weight_compression_config = WeightCompressionConfig(npu_block_type, ofm_block, ofm_depth_step)
+ tens.weight_compressed_offsets = compressed_offsets
+ tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = np.amax(compression_scales)
+ tens.storage_compression_scale = tens.bandwidth_compression_scale = np.average(compression_scales)
+ tens.compressed_values = encoded_streams
+ tens.brick_size = (weights_shape[0], weights_shape[1], weights_shape[2], min(tens.shape[-1], ofm_depth_step))
+def calc_scales_and_pack_biases(tens, arch, oc_quantum, rescale_for_faf=False):
+ assert tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
+ assert tens.format == TensorFormat.NHWC
+ # the connected operator should expect a bias input unless it is a FullyConnected
+ assert "Bias" in tens.consumer_list[0].type or tens.consumer_list[0].type.startswith("FullyConnected")
+ # the input bias tensor is the same as that connected to the operator
+ assert tens is tens.consumer_list[0].inputs[2]
+ # the operator should only have a single output
+ assert len(tens.consumer_list[0].outputs) == 1
+ def pack_bias_and_scale(bias, scale, shift):
+ bias = np.int64(bias)
+ assert -(1 << (40 - 1)) <= bias < (1 << (40 - 1)) # signed 40-bit range
+ assert 0 <= scale < (1 << 32) # unsigned 32-bit range
+ assert 0 <= shift < (1 << 6) # unsigned 6-bit range
+ # pack the 80 bit value = [0(2-bits),shift(6-bits),scale(32-bits),bias(40-bits)]
+ data = bytearray(10)
+ data[0] = (bias >> (0 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[1] = (bias >> (1 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[2] = (bias >> (2 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[3] = (bias >> (3 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[4] = (bias >> (4 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[5] = (scale >> (0 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[6] = (scale >> (1 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[7] = (scale >> (2 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[8] = (scale >> (3 * 8)) & 0xFF
+ data[9] = shift & 0x3F
+ return data
+ biases = tens.quant_values
+ first_consumer_op = tens.consumer_list[0]
+ ifm_dtype = first_consumer_op.inputs[0].dtype
+ ifm_scale = first_consumer_op.inputs[0].quantization.scale_f32
+ ofm_scale = first_consumer_op.outputs[0].quantization.scale_f32
+ weight_scales = first_consumer_op.inputs[1].quantization.scale_f32
+ # biases can have multiple consumers for rnn cells. if so, then check that they are all the same
+ for op in tens.consumer_list[1:]:
+ assert ifm_scale == op.inputs[0].quantization.scale_f32
+ assert ofm_scale == op.outputs[0].quantization.scale_f32
+ assert weight_scales == op.inputs[1].quantization.scale_f32
+ if not hasattr(weight_scales, "__iter__"):
+ # If weight_scales is not already an iterable make it into a list
+ weight_scales = [weight_scales]
+ # Convert scales to np.double (from np.float32) to conform to TensorFlow Lite which
+ # uses double during scaling calculations
+ # TensorFlow Lite casts the scales slightly differently for uint8 and int8
+ if not rescale_for_faf:
+ if ifm_dtype == DataType.uint8:
+ scales = [np.double(ifm_scale * weight_scale) / np.double(ofm_scale) for weight_scale in weight_scales]
+ elif ifm_dtype == DataType.int8:
+ scales = [
+ (np.double(ifm_scale) * np.double(weight_scale)) / np.double(ofm_scale)
+ for weight_scale in weight_scales
+ ]
+ else:
+ assert False, str(ifm_dtype) + " not implemented"
+ else:
+ if ifm_dtype == DataType.uint8:
+ scales = [np.double(ifm_scale * weight_scale * 0x3000) for weight_scale in weight_scales]
+ elif ifm_dtype == DataType.int8:
+ scales = [(np.double(ifm_scale * 0x3000) * np.double(weight_scale)) for weight_scale in weight_scales]
+ else:
+ assert False, str(ifm_dtype) + " not implemented"
+ # quantise all of the weight scales into (scale_factor, shift)
+ quantised_scales = [quantise_scale(scale) for scale in scales]
+ for _, shift in quantised_scales:
+ assert shift >= 16
+ # pack the biases and scales
+ tens.compressed_values = []
+ if len(quantised_scales) == 1:
+ # If only 1 quantised scale is used, repeat that value for the length of the biases
+ quantised_scales = [quantised_scales[0]] * len(biases)
+ assert len(quantised_scales) == len(biases)
+ for i, bias in enumerate(biases):
+ tens.compressed_values.append(pack_bias_and_scale(bias, *quantised_scales[i]))
+ tens.element_size_bytes = 10
+ # Figure out if we need padded storage (extra whole elements)
+ padding = (len(tens.compressed_values) * tens.element_size_bytes) % 16
+ if padding != 0:
+ padding = 16 - padding
+ # This adds enough padding to allow over-reads
+ while padding > 0:
+ tens.compressed_values.append(pack_bias_and_scale(0, 0, 0))
+ padding = padding - tens.element_size_bytes
+ tens.storage_shape = [len(tens.compressed_values)]
+def update_pass_weight_and_scale_tensors(nng, arch):
+ def find_npu_usage_of_tensor(tens):
+ # TODO: This function is identical to the one in mark_tensors.py. A common version should be used.
+ for op in tens.consumers():
+ if op.type == "DMA":
+ return find_npu_usage_of_tensor(op.outputs[0])
+ if "npu_block_type" in op.attrs:
+ return op.attrs["npu_block_type"]
+ return NpuBlockType.Default
+ for sg in nng.subgraphs:
+ for ps in sg.passes:
+ if ps.weight_tensor != None:
+ npu_usage_of_tensor = find_npu_usage_of_tensor(ps.weight_tensor)
+ if npu_usage_of_tensor == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise:
+ ps.weight_tensor.quant_values = np.transpose(ps.weight_tensor.quant_values, (0, 1, 3, 2))
+ ps.weight_tensor.shape = ps.weight_tensor.storage_shape = ps.weight_tensor.bandwidth_shape = list(
+ ps.weight_tensor.quant_values.shape
+ )
+ ps.weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise = True
+ needs_dma = len(ps.weight_tensor.ops) == 1 and ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].type == "DMA"
+ if ps.cascade.strategy == SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream and needs_dma:
+ ofm_depth_step = ps.block_config[-1]
+ else:
+ ofm_depth_step = ps.weight_tensor.shape[-1]
+ compress_weights(
+ ps.weight_tensor,
+ arch,
+ npu_usage_of_tensor,
+ Block(ps.block_config[-3], ps.block_config[-4], ps.block_config[-1]),
+ ofm_depth_step,
+ )
+ # Update source tensor
+ if len(ps.weight_tensor.ops) == 1 and ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].type == "DMA":
+ src_tens = ps.weight_tensor.ops[0].inputs[0]
+ src_tens.shape = ps.weight_tensor.shape
+ src_tens.weight_transpose_depthwise = ps.weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise
+ src_tens.quant_values = ps.weight_tensor.quant_values
+ src_tens.compressed_values = ps.weight_tensor.compressed_values
+ src_tens.storage_shape = [1, 1, 1, ps.weight_tensor.weight_compressed_offsets[-1]]
+ src_tens.brick_size = ps.weight_tensor.brick_size
+ src_tens.weight_compression_scales = ps.weight_tensor.weight_compression_scales
+ src_tens.weight_compressed_offsets = ps.weight_tensor.weight_compressed_offsets
+ if ps.scale_tensor != None:
+ rescale_for_faf = False
+ activation_ops = set(("Sigmoid", "Tanh"))
+ if (ps.ops[-1].type in activation_ops) and (ps.npu_block_type != NpuBlockType.ElementWise):
+ rescale_for_faf = True
+ calc_scales_and_pack_biases(ps.scale_tensor, arch, ps.block_config[3], rescale_for_faf)