path: root/delegate/src/armnn_delegate.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'delegate/src/armnn_delegate.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1059 deletions
diff --git a/delegate/src/armnn_delegate.cpp b/delegate/src/armnn_delegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ddfc1a35f..0000000000
--- a/delegate/src/armnn_delegate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2020-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <armnn_delegate.hpp>
-#include "Version.hpp"
-#include "Activation.hpp"
-#include "ArgMinMax.hpp"
-#include "BatchMatMul.hpp"
-#include "BatchSpace.hpp"
-#include "Comparison.hpp"
-#include "Convolution.hpp"
-#include "Control.hpp"
-#include "ElementwiseBinary.hpp"
-#include "ElementwiseUnary.hpp"
-#include "Fill.hpp"
-#include "FullyConnected.hpp"
-#include "Gather.hpp"
-#include "GatherNd.hpp"
-#include "LogicalBinary.hpp"
-#include "Lstm.hpp"
-#include "Normalization.hpp"
-#include "Pack.hpp"
-#include "Pad.hpp"
-#include "Pooling.hpp"
-#include "Prelu.hpp"
-#include "Quantization.hpp"
-#include "Redefine.hpp"
-#include "Reduce.hpp"
-#include "Resize.hpp"
-#include "Round.hpp"
-#include "Shape.hpp"
-#include "Slice.hpp"
-#include "StridedSlice.hpp"
-#include "Softmax.hpp"
-#include "SpaceDepth.hpp"
-#include "Split.hpp"
-#include "Transpose.hpp"
-#include "UnidirectionalSequenceLstm.hpp"
-#include "Unpack.hpp"
-#include <armnnUtils/Filesystem.hpp>
-#include <armnn/utility/Timer.hpp>
-#include <flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h>
-#include <tensorflow/lite/context_util.h>
-#include <tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-namespace armnnDelegate
-DelegateOptions TfLiteArmnnDelegateOptionsDefault()
- DelegateOptions options(armnn::Compute::CpuRef);
- return options;
-TfLiteDelegate* TfLiteArmnnDelegateCreate(armnnDelegate::DelegateOptions options)
- auto* armnnDelegate = new ::armnnDelegate::Delegate(options);
- return armnnDelegate->GetDelegate();
-void TfLiteArmnnDelegateDelete(TfLiteDelegate* tfLiteDelegate)
- if (tfLiteDelegate != nullptr)
- {
- delete static_cast<::armnnDelegate::Delegate*>(tfLiteDelegate->data_);
- }
-TfLiteStatus DoPrepare(TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, TfLiteDelegate* tfLiteDelegate)
- TfLiteIntArray* supportedOperators =
- static_cast<::armnnDelegate::Delegate*>(tfLiteDelegate->data_)->IdentifyOperatorsToDelegate(tfLiteContext);
- // ArmNN Delegate Registration
- static const TfLiteRegistration kArmnnSubgraphRegistration = {
- // ArmnnSubgraph Init
- .init = [](TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, const char* buffer, size_t length) -> void* {
- armnn::IgnoreUnused(length);
- const TfLiteDelegateParams* parameters = reinterpret_cast<const TfLiteDelegateParams*>(buffer);
- return static_cast<void*>(ArmnnSubgraph::Create(
- tfLiteContext, parameters, static_cast<::armnnDelegate::Delegate*>(parameters->delegate->data_)));
- },
- // ArmnnSubgraph Free
- .free = [](TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, void* buffer) -> void {
- armnn::IgnoreUnused(tfLiteContext);
- if (buffer != nullptr)
- {
- delete static_cast<ArmnnSubgraph*>(buffer);
- }
- },
- // ArmnnSubgraph Prepare
- .prepare = [](TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode) -> TfLiteStatus {
- if (tfLiteNode->user_data == nullptr)
- {
- return kTfLiteError;
- }
- return static_cast<ArmnnSubgraph*>(tfLiteNode->user_data)->Prepare(tfLiteContext);
- },
- // ArmnnSubgraph Invoke
- .invoke = [](TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode) -> TfLiteStatus {
- if (tfLiteNode->user_data == nullptr)
- {
- return kTfLiteError;
- }
- return static_cast<ArmnnSubgraph*>(tfLiteNode->user_data)->Invoke(tfLiteContext, tfLiteNode);
- },
- .profiling_string = nullptr,
- .builtin_code = kTfLiteBuiltinDelegate,
- .custom_name = "TfLiteArmNnDelegate",
- .version = 1,
- .registration_external = nullptr,
- };
- const TfLiteStatus status =
- tfLiteContext->ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels(
- tfLiteContext, kArmnnSubgraphRegistration, supportedOperators, tfLiteDelegate);
- TfLiteIntArrayFree(supportedOperators);
- return status;
-Delegate::Delegate(armnnDelegate::DelegateOptions options)
- : m_Options(std::move(options))
- // Configures logging for ARMNN
- if (m_Options.IsLoggingEnabled())
- {
- armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, m_Options.GetLoggingSeverity());
- }
- // Create/Get the static ArmNN Runtime. Note that the m_Runtime will be shared by all armnn_delegate
- // instances so the RuntimeOptions cannot be altered for different armnn_delegate instances.
- m_Runtime = GetRuntime(m_Options.GetRuntimeOptions());
- std::vector<armnn::BackendId> backends;
- if (m_Runtime)
- {
- const armnn::BackendIdSet supportedDevices = m_Runtime->GetDeviceSpec().GetSupportedBackends();
- for (auto& backend : m_Options.GetBackends())
- {
- if (std::find(supportedDevices.cbegin(), supportedDevices.cend(), backend) == supportedDevices.cend())
- {
- "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Requested unknown backend %s", backend.Get().c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- backends.push_back(backend);
- }
- }
- }
- if (backends.empty())
- {
- // No known backend specified
- throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException("TfLiteArmnnDelegate: No known backend specified.");
- }
- m_Options.SetBackends(backends);
- TFLITE_LOG_PROD_ONCE(tflite::TFLITE_LOG_INFO, "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Created TfLite ArmNN delegate.");
-TfLiteIntArray* Delegate::IdentifyOperatorsToDelegate(TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext)
- TfLiteIntArray* executionPlan = nullptr;
- if (tfLiteContext->GetExecutionPlan(tfLiteContext, &executionPlan) != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- TF_LITE_KERNEL_LOG(tfLiteContext, "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to get graph execution plan.");
- return nullptr;
- }
- // Delegate data with null network
- DelegateData delegateData(m_Options.GetBackends());
- TfLiteIntArray* nodesToDelegate = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(executionPlan->size);
- nodesToDelegate->size = 0;
- std::set<int32_t> unsupportedOperators;
- for (int i = 0; i < executionPlan->size; ++i)
- {
- const int nodeIndex = executionPlan->data[i];
- // If TfLite nodes can be delegated to ArmNN
- TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode = nullptr;
- TfLiteRegistration* tfLiteRegistration = nullptr;
- if (tfLiteContext->GetNodeAndRegistration(
- tfLiteContext, nodeIndex, &tfLiteNode, &tfLiteRegistration) != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- TF_LITE_KERNEL_LOG(tfLiteContext,
- "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to get node and registration for node %d.",
- nodeIndex);
- continue;
- }
- TfLiteStatus visitStatus;
- try
- {
- visitStatus = ArmnnSubgraph::VisitNode(
- delegateData, tfLiteContext, tfLiteRegistration, tfLiteNode, nodeIndex);
- }
- catch(std::exception& ex)
- {
- ARMNN_LOG(error) << "ArmNN Failed to visit node with error: " << ex.what();
- visitStatus = kTfLiteError;
- }
- if ( visitStatus != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- // node is not supported by ArmNN
- unsupportedOperators.insert(tfLiteRegistration->builtin_code);
- continue;
- }
- nodesToDelegate->data[nodesToDelegate->size++] = nodeIndex;
- }
- for (std::set<int32_t>::iterator it=unsupportedOperators.begin(); it!=unsupportedOperators.end(); ++it)
- {
- TF_LITE_KERNEL_LOG(tfLiteContext,
- "Operator %s [%d] is not supported by armnn_delegate.",
- tflite::EnumNameBuiltinOperator(tflite::BuiltinOperator(*it)),
- *it);
- }
- if (!unsupportedOperators.empty() && m_Options.TfLiteRuntimeFallbackDisabled())
- {
- std::stringstream exMessage;
- exMessage << "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: There are unsupported operators in the model. ";
- exMessage << "Not falling back to TfLite Runtime as fallback is disabled. ";
- exMessage << "This should only be disabled under test conditions.";
- throw armnn::Exception(exMessage.str());
- }
- if (nodesToDelegate->size == 0)
- {
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "No operators in this model are supported by the Arm NN TfLite delegate." <<
- " The model will be executed entirely by TfLite runtime.";
- }
- std::sort(&nodesToDelegate->data[0], &nodesToDelegate->data[nodesToDelegate->size]);
- return nodesToDelegate;
-TfLiteDelegate* Delegate::GetDelegate()
- return &m_Delegate;
-const std::string Delegate::GetVersion()
-TfLiteStatus ArmnnSubgraph::AddInputLayer(DelegateData& delegateData,
- TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext,
- const TfLiteIntArray* inputs,
- std::vector<armnn::BindingPointInfo>& inputBindings)
- const size_t numInputs = static_cast<size_t>(inputs->size);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i)
- {
- const int32_t tensorId = inputs->data[i];
- const TfLiteTensor tensor = tfLiteContext->tensors[tensorId];
- // Do not create bindings for constant inputs
- if (tensor.allocation_type == kTfLiteMmapRo)
- {
- continue;
- }
- auto bindingId = static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>((tensorId));
- armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = delegateData.m_Network->AddInputLayer(bindingId);
- auto tensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tensor);
- armnn::IOutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(0);
- outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo);
- // Store for creating connections
- delegateData.m_OutputSlotForNode[static_cast<unsigned long>(tensorId)] = &outputSlot;
- inputBindings.push_back(std::make_pair(bindingId, tensorInfo));
- }
- return kTfLiteOk;
-TfLiteStatus ArmnnSubgraph::AddOutputLayer(DelegateData& delegateData,
- TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext,
- const TfLiteIntArray* outputs,
- std::vector<armnn::BindingPointInfo>& outputBindings)
- const size_t numOutputs = static_cast<size_t>(outputs->size);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOutputs; ++i)
- {
- const int32_t tensorId = outputs->data[i];
- const TfLiteTensor tensor = tfLiteContext->tensors[tensorId];
- auto bindingId = static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>((tensorId));
- armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer = delegateData.m_Network->AddOutputLayer(bindingId);
- auto tensorInfo = GetTensorInfoForTfLiteTensor(tensor);
- ARMNN_ASSERT(delegateData.m_OutputSlotForNode[static_cast<unsigned long>(tensorId)] != nullptr);
- delegateData.m_OutputSlotForNode[static_cast<unsigned long>(tensorId)]->Connect(layer->GetInputSlot(0));
- outputBindings.push_back(std::make_pair(bindingId, tensorInfo));
- }
- return kTfLiteOk;
-ArmnnSubgraph* ArmnnSubgraph::Create(TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext,
- const TfLiteDelegateParams* parameters,
- const Delegate* delegate)
- const auto startTime = armnn::GetTimeNow();
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "ArmnnSubgraph creation";
- TfLiteIntArray* executionPlan;
- if (tfLiteContext->GetExecutionPlan(tfLiteContext, &executionPlan) != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- // Initialize DelegateData holds network and output slots information
- DelegateData delegateData(delegate->m_Options.GetBackends());
- // Build ArmNN Network
- armnn::NetworkOptions networkOptions = delegate->m_Options.GetOptimizerOptions().m_ModelOptions;
- armnn::NetworkId networkId;
- delegateData.m_Network = armnn::INetwork::Create(networkOptions);
- delegateData.m_OutputSlotForNode = std::vector<armnn::IOutputSlot*>(tfLiteContext->tensors_size, nullptr);
- std::vector<armnn::BindingPointInfo> inputBindings;
- std::vector<armnn::BindingPointInfo> outputBindings;
- // Add input layer
- auto status = AddInputLayer(delegateData, tfLiteContext, parameters->input_tensors, inputBindings);
- if (status != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- throw armnn::Exception("TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to add Inputs to the network!");
- }
- // Parse TfLite delegate nodes to ArmNN
- const auto parseStartTime = armnn::GetTimeNow();
- for (int i = 0; i < parameters->nodes_to_replace->size; ++i)
- {
- const int nodeIndex = parameters->nodes_to_replace->data[i];
- TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode = nullptr;
- TfLiteRegistration* tfLiteRegistration = nullptr;
- if (tfLiteContext->GetNodeAndRegistration(
- tfLiteContext, nodeIndex, &tfLiteNode, &tfLiteRegistration) != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- throw armnn::Exception(&"TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to get node registration: " [ nodeIndex]);
- }
- if (VisitNode(delegateData, tfLiteContext, tfLiteRegistration, tfLiteNode, nodeIndex) != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- throw armnn::Exception(&"TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to parse node: " [ nodeIndex]);
- }
- }
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Parse nodes to ArmNN time: " << std::setprecision(2)
- << std::fixed << armnn::GetTimeDuration(parseStartTime).count() << " ms";
- // Add Output layer
- status = AddOutputLayer(delegateData, tfLiteContext, parameters->output_tensors, outputBindings);
- if (status != kTfLiteOk)
- {
- throw armnn::Exception("TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to add Outputs to the network!");
- }
- // Optimize ArmNN network
- armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet(nullptr, nullptr);
- try
- {
- const auto optimizeStartTime = armnn::GetTimeNow();
- optNet = armnn::Optimize(*(delegateData.m_Network.get()),
- delegate->m_Options.GetBackends(),
- delegate->m_Runtime->GetDeviceSpec(),
- delegate->m_Options.GetOptimizerOptions());
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Optimize ArmnnSubgraph time: " << std::setprecision(2)
- << std::fixed << armnn::GetTimeDuration(optimizeStartTime).count() << " ms";
- }
- catch (std::exception& ex)
- {
- std::stringstream exMessage;
- exMessage << "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Exception (" << ex.what() << ") caught from optimize.";
- throw armnn::Exception(exMessage.str());
- }
- if (!optNet)
- {
- // Optimize failed
- throw armnn::Exception("TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Unable to optimize the network!");
- }
- // If set, we will serialize the optimized model into a dot file.
- const std::string serializeToDotFile = delegate->m_Options.GetSerializeToDot();
- if (!serializeToDotFile.empty())
- {
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Writing graph to dot file: " << serializeToDotFile;
- fs::path filename = serializeToDotFile;
- std::fstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
- optNet->SerializeToDot(file);
- }
- try
- {
- const auto loadStartTime = armnn::GetTimeNow();
- // Load graph into runtime
- std::string errorMessage;
- armnn::Status loadingStatus;
- armnn::MemorySource inputSource = armnn::MemorySource::Undefined;
- armnn::MemorySource outputSource = armnn::MemorySource::Undefined;
- // There's a bit of an assumption here that the delegate will only support Malloc memory source.
- if (delegate->m_Options.GetOptimizerOptions().m_ImportEnabled)
- {
- inputSource = armnn::MemorySource::Malloc;
- }
- if (delegate->m_Options.GetOptimizerOptions().m_ExportEnabled)
- {
- outputSource = armnn::MemorySource::Malloc;
- }
- armnn::INetworkProperties networkProperties(false,
- inputSource,
- outputSource,
- delegate->m_Options.GetInternalProfilingState(),
- delegate->m_Options.GetInternalProfilingDetail());
- loadingStatus = delegate->m_Runtime->LoadNetwork(networkId,
- std::move(optNet),
- errorMessage,
- networkProperties);
- if (loadingStatus != armnn::Status::Success)
- {
- // Network load failed.
- throw armnn::Exception("TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Network could not be loaded: " + errorMessage);
- }
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Load ArmnnSubgraph time: " << std::setprecision(2)
- << std::fixed << armnn::GetTimeDuration(loadStartTime).count() << " ms";
- }
- catch (std::exception& ex)
- {
- std::stringstream exMessage;
- exMessage << "TfLiteArmnnDelegate: Exception (" << ex.what() << ") caught from LoadNetwork.";
- throw armnn::Exception(exMessage.str());
- }
- // Register debug callback function
- if (delegate->m_Options.GetDebugCallbackFunction().has_value())
- {
- delegate->m_Runtime->RegisterDebugCallback(networkId, delegate->m_Options.GetDebugCallbackFunction().value());
- }
- ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Overall ArmnnSubgraph creation time: " << std::setprecision(2)
- << std::fixed << armnn::GetTimeDuration(startTime).count() << " ms\n";
- // Create a new SubGraph with networkId and runtime
- return new ArmnnSubgraph(networkId, delegate->m_Runtime, inputBindings, outputBindings);
-TfLiteStatus ArmnnSubgraph::Prepare(TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext)
- armnn::IgnoreUnused(tfLiteContext);
- return kTfLiteOk;
-TfLiteStatus ArmnnSubgraph::Invoke(TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext, TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode)
- // Prepare inputs
- armnn::InputTensors inputTensors;
- size_t inputIndex = 0;
- for (auto inputIdx : tflite::TfLiteIntArrayView(tfLiteNode->inputs))
- {
- TfLiteTensor* tensor = &tfLiteContext->tensors[inputIdx];
- if (tensor->allocation_type != kTfLiteMmapRo)
- {
- const armnn::BindingPointInfo& inputBinding = m_InputBindings[inputIndex];
- armnn::TensorInfo inputTensorInfo = inputBinding.second;
- inputTensorInfo.SetConstant(true);
- const armnn::ConstTensor inputTensor(inputTensorInfo, tensor->data.data);
- inputTensors.emplace_back(inputIdx, inputTensor);
- ++inputIndex;
- }
- }
- // Prepare outputs
- armnn::OutputTensors outputTensors;
- size_t outputIndex = 0;
- for (auto outputIdx : tflite::TfLiteIntArrayView(tfLiteNode->outputs))
- {
- const armnn::BindingPointInfo& outputBinding = m_OutputBindings[outputIndex];
- TfLiteTensor* tensor = &tfLiteContext->tensors[outputIdx];
- const armnn::Tensor outputTensor(outputBinding.second, tensor->data.data);
- outputTensors.emplace_back(outputIdx, outputTensor);
- ++outputIndex;
- }
- // Run graph
- auto status = m_Runtime->EnqueueWorkload(m_NetworkId, inputTensors, outputTensors);
- // The delegate holds its own Arm NN runtime so this is our last chance to print internal profiling data.
- std::shared_ptr<armnn::IProfiler> profiler = m_Runtime->GetProfiler(m_NetworkId);
- if (profiler && profiler->IsProfilingEnabled())
- {
- profiler->Print(std::cout);
- }
- return (status == armnn::Status::Success) ? kTfLiteOk : kTfLiteError;
-TfLiteStatus ArmnnSubgraph::VisitNode(DelegateData& delegateData,
- TfLiteContext* tfLiteContext,
- TfLiteRegistration* tfLiteRegistration,
- TfLiteNode* tfLiteNode,
- int nodeIndex)
- switch (tfLiteRegistration->builtin_code)
- {
- case kTfLiteBuiltinCustom:
- {
-#if defined(ARMNN_POST_TFLITE_2_5)
- // Custom operators are defined by the name rather than the builtin code.
- // Parse the custom_name param in the registration to point to the correct visitor function.
- std::string customOperatorName = tfLiteRegistration->custom_name;
- if ( customOperatorName == "AveragePool3D" )
- {
- return VisitPooling3dOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- customOperatorName);
- }
- else if (customOperatorName == "MaxPool3D")
- {
- return VisitPooling3dOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- customOperatorName);
- }
- // Invalid or unsupported custom operator
- return kTfLiteError;
- }
- case kTfLiteBuiltinAbs:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Abs);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinAdd:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinAdd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinArgMax:
- return VisitArgMinMaxOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinArgMax);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinArgMin:
- return VisitArgMinMaxOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinArgMin);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinAveragePool2d:
- return VisitPooling2dOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinAveragePool2d);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinBatchMatmul:
- return VisitBatchMatMulOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinBatchMatmul);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinBatchToSpaceNd:
- return VisitBatchToSpaceNdOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinBatchToSpaceNd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinCast:
- return VisitCastOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinCast);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinConcatenation:
- return VisitControlOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinConcatenation);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinConv2d:
- return VisitConvolutionOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinConv2d);
-// Conv3d is only correctly supported for external delegates from TF Lite v2.6, as there was a breaking bug in v2.5.
-#if defined(ARMNN_POST_TFLITE_2_5)
- case kTfLiteBuiltinConv3d:
- return VisitConvolutionOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinConv3d);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinDepthToSpace:
- return VisitDepthToSpaceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinDepthToSpace);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinDepthwiseConv2d:
- return VisitConvolutionOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinDepthwiseConv2d);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinDequantize:
- return VisitDequantizeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinDequantize);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinDiv:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinDiv);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinElu:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinElu);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinEqual:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinEqual);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinExp:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Exp);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinExpandDims:
- return VisitExpandDimsOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinExpandDims);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinFill:
- return VisitFillOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinFill);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinFloor:
- return VisitFloorOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinFloor);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinFloorDiv:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinFloorDiv);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinFullyConnected:
- return VisitFullyConnectedOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinFullyConnected);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinGather:
- return VisitGatherOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinGather);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinGatherNd:
- return VisitGatherNdOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinGatherNd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinGreater:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinGreater);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinGreaterEqual:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinGreaterEqual);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinHardSwish:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinHardSwish);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinL2Normalization:
- return VisitL2NormalizationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinL2Normalization);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinL2Pool2d:
- return VisitPooling2dOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinL2Pool2d);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLess:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLess);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLessEqual:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLessEqual);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLocalResponseNormalization:
- return VisitLocalResponseNormalizationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLocalResponseNormalization);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLog:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Log);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLogicalAnd:
- return VisitLogicalBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLogicalAnd,
- armnn::LogicalBinaryOperation::LogicalAnd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLogicalNot:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::LogicalNot);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLogicalOr:
- return VisitLogicalBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLogicalOr,
- armnn::LogicalBinaryOperation::LogicalOr);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLogistic:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLogistic);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLogSoftmax:
- return VisitSoftmaxOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLogSoftmax);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinLstm:
- return VisitLstmOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinLstm);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMaxPool2d:
- return VisitPooling2dOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMaxPool2d);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMaximum:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMaximum);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMean:
- return VisitControlOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMean);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMinimum:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMinimum);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMirrorPad:
- return VisitPadOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMirrorPad);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinMul:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinMul);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinNeg:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Neg);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinNotEqual:
- return VisitComparisonOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinNotEqual);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinPack:
- return VisitPackOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinPack);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinPad:
- return VisitPadOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinPad);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinPadv2:
- return VisitPadOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinPadv2);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinPrelu:
- return VisitPreluOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinPrelu);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinQuantize:
- return VisitQuantizeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinQuantize);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinRank:
- return VisitControlOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinRank);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinReduceMax:
- return VisitReduceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinReduceMax);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinReduceMin:
- return VisitReduceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinReduceMin);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinReduceProd:
- return VisitReduceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinReduceProd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinRelu:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinRelu);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinReluN1To1:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinReluN1To1);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinRelu6:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinRelu6);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinReshape:
- return VisitReshapeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinReshape);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinResizeBilinear:
- return VisitResizeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinResizeBilinear);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinResizeNearestNeighbor:
- return VisitResizeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinResizeNearestNeighbor);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinRsqrt:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Rsqrt);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinShape:
- return VisitShapeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinShape);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSin:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Sin);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSplit:
- return VisitSplitOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSplit);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSplitV:
- return VisitSplitVOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSplitV);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSqrt:
- return VisitElementwiseUnaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- armnn::UnaryOperation::Sqrt);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSqueeze:
- return VisitSqueezeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSqueeze);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSlice:
- return VisitSliceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSlice);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinStridedSlice:
- return VisitStridedSliceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinStridedSlice);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSum:
- return VisitReduceOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSum);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinTranspose:
- return VisitTransposeOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinTranspose);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinTransposeConv:
- return VisitConvolutionOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinTransposeConv);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSoftmax:
- return VisitSoftmaxOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSoftmax);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSpaceToBatchNd:
- return VisitSpaceToBatchNdOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSpaceToBatchNd);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSpaceToDepth:
- return VisitSpaceToDepthOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSpaceToDepth);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinSub:
- return VisitElementwiseBinaryOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinSub);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinTanh:
- return VisitActivationOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinTanh);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinUnidirectionalSequenceLstm:
- return VisitUnidirectionalSequenceLstmOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinUnidirectionalSequenceLstm);
- case kTfLiteBuiltinUnpack:
- return VisitUnpackOperator(delegateData,
- tfLiteContext,
- tfLiteNode,
- nodeIndex,
- kTfLiteBuiltinUnpack);
- default:
- return kTfLiteError;
- }
-} // armnnDelegate namespace \ No newline at end of file