path: root/tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp
diff options
authorJim Flynn <jim.flynn@arm.com>2020-03-19 17:03:14 +0000
committerJim Flynn <jim.flynn@arm.com>2020-03-19 17:03:14 +0000
commit0e2bab81442ee6cc2b94e4f7881ed0c5c6af65e7 (patch)
treeb0af08b5a0b74149fca422151127ac6310385399 /tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp
parent8c3259fa007d43fcc5ea56fe6928526dbe79f3c0 (diff)
Creating gh-pages documentation for ArmNN
Signed-off-by: Jim Flynn <jim.flynn@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp b/tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02adffb2cc..0000000000
--- a/tests/profiling/gatordmock/tests/GatordMockTests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#include <CommandHandlerRegistry.hpp>
-#include <DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <ProfilingService.hpp>
-#include <GatordMockService.hpp>
-#include <PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <StreamMetadataCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler.hpp>
-#include <test/ProfilingMocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
-#include <boost/test/unit_test_suite.hpp>
-using namespace armnn;
-using namespace std::this_thread; // sleep_for, sleep_until
-using namespace std::chrono_literals;
- using boost::numeric_cast;
- profiling::PacketVersionResolver packetVersionResolver;
- // Data with timestamp, counter idx & counter values
- std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>> indexValuePairs;
- indexValuePairs.reserve(5);
- indexValuePairs.emplace_back(std::make_pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>(0, 100));
- indexValuePairs.emplace_back(std::make_pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>(1, 200));
- indexValuePairs.emplace_back(std::make_pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>(2, 300));
- indexValuePairs.emplace_back(std::make_pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>(3, 400));
- indexValuePairs.emplace_back(std::make_pair<uint16_t, uint32_t>(4, 500));
- // ((uint16_t (2 bytes) + uint32_t (4 bytes)) * 5) + word1 + word2
- uint32_t dataLength = 38;
- // Simulate two different packets incoming 500 ms apart
- uint64_t time = static_cast<uint64_t>(
- std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch())
- .count());
- uint64_t time2 = time + 5000;
- // UniqueData required for Packet class
- std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> uniqueData1 = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(dataLength);
- unsigned char* data1 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(uniqueData1.get());
- std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> uniqueData2 = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(dataLength);
- unsigned char* data2 = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(uniqueData2.get());
- uint32_t sizeOfUint64 = numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint64_t));
- uint32_t sizeOfUint32 = numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint32_t));
- uint32_t sizeOfUint16 = numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint16_t));
- // Offset index to point to mem address
- uint32_t offset = 0;
- profiling::WriteUint64(data1, offset, time);
- offset += sizeOfUint64;
- for (const auto& pair : indexValuePairs)
- {
- profiling::WriteUint16(data1, offset, pair.first);
- offset += sizeOfUint16;
- profiling::WriteUint32(data1, offset, pair.second);
- offset += sizeOfUint32;
- }
- offset = 0;
- profiling::WriteUint64(data2, offset, time2);
- offset += sizeOfUint64;
- for (const auto& pair : indexValuePairs)
- {
- profiling::WriteUint16(data2, offset, pair.first);
- offset += sizeOfUint16;
- profiling::WriteUint32(data2, offset, pair.second);
- offset += sizeOfUint32;
- }
- uint32_t headerWord1 = packetVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 4).GetEncodedValue();
- // Create packet to send through to the command functor
- profiling::Packet packet1(headerWord1, dataLength, uniqueData1);
- profiling::Packet packet2(headerWord1, dataLength, uniqueData2);
- gatordmock::PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler commandHandler(0, 4, headerWord1, true);
- // Simulate two separate packets coming in to calculate period
- commandHandler(packet1);
- commandHandler(packet2);
- BOOST_ASSERT(commandHandler.m_CurrentPeriodValue == 5000);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < commandHandler.m_CounterCaptureValues.m_Uids.size(); ++i)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(commandHandler.m_CounterCaptureValues.m_Uids[i] == i);
- }
- // The purpose of this test is to setup both sides of the profiling service and get to the point of receiving
- // performance data.
- //These variables are used to wait for the profiling service
- uint32_t timeout = 2000;
- uint32_t sleepTime = 50;
- uint32_t timeSlept = 0;
- profiling::PacketVersionResolver packetVersionResolver;
- // Create the Command Handler Registry
- profiling::CommandHandlerRegistry registry;
- // Update with derived functors
- gatordmock::StreamMetadataCommandHandler streamMetadataCommandHandler(
- 0, 0, packetVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 0).GetEncodedValue(), true);
- gatordmock::PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler counterCaptureCommandHandler(
- 0, 4, packetVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 4).GetEncodedValue(), true);
- profiling::DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler directoryCaptureCommandHandler(
- 0, 2, packetVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 2).GetEncodedValue(), true);
- gatordmock::TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler timelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler(
- 1, 0, packetVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(1, 0).GetEncodedValue(), true);
- // Register different derived functors
- registry.RegisterFunctor(&streamMetadataCommandHandler);
- registry.RegisterFunctor(&counterCaptureCommandHandler);
- registry.RegisterFunctor(&directoryCaptureCommandHandler);
- registry.RegisterFunctor(&timelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler);
- // Setup the mock service to bind to the UDS.
- std::string udsNamespace = "gatord_namespace";
- gatordmock::GatordMockService mockService(registry, false);
- mockService.OpenListeningSocket(udsNamespace);
- // Enable the profiling service.
- armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions::ExternalProfilingOptions options;
- options.m_EnableProfiling = true;
- profiling::ProfilingService& profilingService = profiling::ProfilingService::Instance();
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Bring the profiling service to the "WaitingForAck" state
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == profiling::ProfilingState::Uninitialised);
- profilingService.Update();
- BOOST_CHECK(profilingService.GetCurrentState() == profiling::ProfilingState::NotConnected);
- profilingService.Update();
- // Connect the profiling service to the mock Gatord.
- int clientFd = mockService.BlockForOneClient();
- if (-1 == clientFd)
- {
- BOOST_FAIL("Failed to connect client");
- }
- // Give the profiling service sending thread time start executing and send the stream metadata.
- while (profilingService.GetCurrentState() != profiling::ProfilingState::WaitingForAck)
- {
- if (timeSlept >= timeout)
- {
- BOOST_FAIL("Timeout: Profiling service did not switch to WaitingForAck state");
- }
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleepTime));
- timeSlept += sleepTime;
- }
- profilingService.Update();
- // Read the stream metadata on the mock side.
- if (!mockService.WaitForStreamMetaData())
- {
- BOOST_FAIL("Failed to receive StreamMetaData");
- }
- // Send Ack from GatorD
- mockService.SendConnectionAck();
- timeSlept = 0;
- while (profilingService.GetCurrentState() != profiling::ProfilingState::Active)
- {
- if (timeSlept >= timeout)
- {
- BOOST_FAIL("Timeout: Profiling service did not switch to Active state");
- }
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleepTime));
- timeSlept += sleepTime;
- }
- mockService.LaunchReceivingThread();
- // As part of the default startup of the profiling service a counter directory packet will be sent.
- timeSlept = 0;
- while (!directoryCaptureCommandHandler.ParsedCounterDirectory())
- {
- if (timeSlept >= timeout)
- {
- BOOST_FAIL("Timeout: MockGatord did not receive counter directory packet");
- }
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleepTime));
- timeSlept += sleepTime;
- }
- const profiling::ICounterDirectory& serviceCounterDirectory = profilingService.GetCounterDirectory();
- const profiling::ICounterDirectory& receivedCounterDirectory = directoryCaptureCommandHandler.GetCounterDirectory();
- // Compare thre basics of the counter directory from the service and the one we received over the wire.
- BOOST_ASSERT(serviceCounterDirectory.GetDeviceCount() == receivedCounterDirectory.GetDeviceCount());
- BOOST_ASSERT(serviceCounterDirectory.GetCounterSetCount() == receivedCounterDirectory.GetCounterSetCount());
- BOOST_ASSERT(serviceCounterDirectory.GetCategoryCount() == receivedCounterDirectory.GetCategoryCount());
- BOOST_ASSERT(serviceCounterDirectory.GetCounterCount() == receivedCounterDirectory.GetCounterCount());
- receivedCounterDirectory.GetDeviceCount();
- serviceCounterDirectory.GetDeviceCount();
- const profiling::Devices& serviceDevices = serviceCounterDirectory.GetDevices();
- for (auto& device : serviceDevices)
- {
- // Find the same device in the received counter directory.
- auto foundDevice = receivedCounterDirectory.GetDevices().find(device.second->m_Uid);
- BOOST_CHECK(foundDevice != receivedCounterDirectory.GetDevices().end());
- BOOST_CHECK(device.second->m_Name.compare((*foundDevice).second->m_Name) == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(device.second->m_Cores == (*foundDevice).second->m_Cores);
- }
- const profiling::CounterSets& serviceCounterSets = serviceCounterDirectory.GetCounterSets();
- for (auto& counterSet : serviceCounterSets)
- {
- // Find the same counter set in the received counter directory.
- auto foundCounterSet = receivedCounterDirectory.GetCounterSets().find(counterSet.second->m_Uid);
- BOOST_CHECK(foundCounterSet != receivedCounterDirectory.GetCounterSets().end());
- BOOST_CHECK(counterSet.second->m_Name.compare((*foundCounterSet).second->m_Name) == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(counterSet.second->m_Count == (*foundCounterSet).second->m_Count);
- }
- const profiling::Categories& serviceCategories = serviceCounterDirectory.GetCategories();
- for (auto& category : serviceCategories)
- {
- for (auto& receivedCategory : receivedCounterDirectory.GetCategories())
- {
- if (receivedCategory->m_Name.compare(category->m_Name) == 0)
- {
- // We've found the matching category.
- BOOST_CHECK(category->m_DeviceUid == receivedCategory->m_DeviceUid);
- BOOST_CHECK(category->m_CounterSetUid == receivedCategory->m_CounterSetUid);
- // Now look at the interiors of the counters. Start by sorting them.
- std::sort(category->m_Counters.begin(), category->m_Counters.end());
- std::sort(receivedCategory->m_Counters.begin(), receivedCategory->m_Counters.end());
- // When comparing uid's here we need to translate them.
- std::function<bool(const uint16_t&, const uint16_t&)> comparator =
- [&directoryCaptureCommandHandler](const uint16_t& first, const uint16_t& second) {
- uint16_t translated = directoryCaptureCommandHandler.TranslateUIDCopyToOriginal(second);
- if (translated == first)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- // Then let vector == do the work.
- BOOST_CHECK(std::equal(category->m_Counters.begin(), category->m_Counters.end(),
- receivedCategory->m_Counters.begin(), comparator));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Finally check the content of the counters.
- const profiling::Counters& receivedCounters = receivedCounterDirectory.GetCounters();
- for (auto& receivedCounter : receivedCounters)
- {
- // Translate the Uid and find the corresponding counter in the original counter directory.
- // Note we can't check m_MaxCounterUid here as it will likely differ between the two counter directories.
- uint16_t translated = directoryCaptureCommandHandler.TranslateUIDCopyToOriginal(receivedCounter.first);
- const profiling::Counter* serviceCounter = serviceCounterDirectory.GetCounter(translated);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_DeviceUid == receivedCounter.second->m_DeviceUid);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Name.compare(receivedCounter.second->m_Name) == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_CounterSetUid == receivedCounter.second->m_CounterSetUid);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Multiplier == receivedCounter.second->m_Multiplier);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Interpolation == receivedCounter.second->m_Interpolation);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Class == receivedCounter.second->m_Class);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Units.compare(receivedCounter.second->m_Units) == 0);
- BOOST_CHECK(serviceCounter->m_Description.compare(receivedCounter.second->m_Description) == 0);
- }
- mockService.WaitForReceivingThread();
- options.m_EnableProfiling = false;
- profilingService.ResetExternalProfilingOptions(options, true);
- // Future tests here will add counters to the ProfilingService, increment values and examine
- // PeriodicCounterCapture data received. These are yet to be integrated.