AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-13IVGCVSW-5839 'HAL 1.3 Test Failure'v21.05branches/android-nn-driver_21_05Sadik Armagan
2021-05-11IVGCVSW-5903 Update android-nn-driver NnapiSupport.txt for 21.05Nikhil Raj
2021-05-05IVGCVSW-5410 Move ILayerSupport.hpp to backends folderFrancis Murtagh
2021-05-05Update boostorg URL to download boostNikhil Raj
2021-05-04IVGCVSW-5940 Enabling NN Driver dumps results in a driver segfaultMike Kelly
2021-05-04IVGCVSW-5880 Update Integrator guideNikhil Raj
2021-04-26IVGCVSW-5416 'Add android-nn-driver support for CAST'Sadik Armagan
2021-04-19IVGCVSW-5826 Remove cross-wireing in depthwiseJan Eilers
2021-04-12IVGCVSW-5763 Remove datalayout from dumps, as it is not known.Teresa Charlin
2021-04-02IVGCVSW-5355 Skipped VTS DynamicOutputShape Expand Dims should be passingNikhil Raj
2021-03-30IVGCVSW-5766 Avoiding driver abort when Cts tests use invalid filter shape.Colm Donelan
2021-03-18IVGCVSW-5742 'NonConstWeights: Update FullyConnected in android-nn-driver'Sadik Armagan
2021-03-12IVGCVSW-5767 'Regression on SqueezeNet v1.1'Sadik Armagan
2021-02-24IVGCVSW-5131 Add support for REDUCE_SUM, REDUCE_MIN and REDUCE_MAXTeresa Charlin
2021-02-23Updating Readme and Integrator guideNikhil Raj
2021-02-16IVGCVSW-5686 Add GpuAcc MLGO tuning file configuration argument to nnapiFinn Williams
2021-02-16IVGCVSW-4873 Implement Pimpl Idiom for INetwork and IOptimizedNetworkFrancis Murtagh
2021-02-15IVGCVSW-5665 Basic NN Driver support for next OS VersionSadik Armagan
2021-02-12IVGCVSW-5685 Add CpuAcc specific configuration option numberOfThreadsMatthew Sloyan
2021-01-28IVGCVSW-5487 Update setup and Android.bp files to build v8.2a driverNikhil Raj
2021-01-28IVGCVSW-4874 Provide LayerSupportHandle to frontend usersFrancis Murtagh
2021-01-13IVGCVSW-4417 'Serialise ArmNN Model on android-nn-driver'Sadik Armagan
2021-01-11IVGCVSW-5485 'Add CacheLoadedNetwork options to Android NN Driver'Sadik Armagan
2020-11-25IVGCVSW-5347 Update Android-NN driver FAQ.md and IntegratorsGuide.md.Sadik Armagan
2020-11-20IVGCVSW-5347 Update Readme for 20.11Teresa Charlin
2020-11-17ConvertMaximum. Fix wrong function name in logTeresa Charlin
2020-11-16Added SECURITY.md fileMike Kelly
2020-11-12IVGCVSW-5090 Add android-nn-driver Support for Logical operatorsNarumol Prangnawarat
2020-10-30IVGCVSW-5267 Remove use of boost::array from unit tests.Colm Donelan
2020-10-30IVGCVSW-5267 Remove boost from core android-nn-driverJames Ward
2020-10-29IVGCVSW-5267 Remove boost from core android-nn-driverJames Ward
2020-10-23IVGCVSW-5353 - Fix skipped concat VTS testsDavid Monahan
2020-10-21IVGCVSW-5445 Fix for Android-NN-Driver cmd line parametersMike Kelly
2020-10-13IVGCVSW-5335 Documentation for fast_mathMike Kelly
2020-10-09IVGCVSW-5359 Fix Transpose Conv2d Dynamic testsFinn Williams
2020-10-09IVGCVSW-5357 Fix skipping Dynamic Grouped Conv2d testsFinn Williams
2020-10-08IVGCVSW-5278 Fixing an error in the definition of fp16-enabled parameter.Colm Donelan
2020-10-07IVGCVSW-5278 Switch Android-nn-driver/DriverOptions.cpp over to cxxoptsColm Donelan
2020-10-07IVGCVSW-5298 Remove boost::format from Android-nn-driverColm Donelan
2020-10-02IVGCVSW-5356 Fix skipping VTS DynamicOutputShape FullyConnectedFinn Williams
2020-10-01IVGCVSW-4566 Add support for EXP operatorTeresa Charlin
2020-09-30MLCE-233 Added ability to enable fast_math through the NNAPI driverMike Kelly
2020-09-14IVGCVSW-5304 Remove boost::numeric_cast from Android-nn-driverMatthew Sloyan
2020-09-11IVGCVSW-5245 Support Fused Activations for Dynamic TensorsKevin May
2020-09-08IVGCVSW-5270 Update ConvertConcatenation function to use ShapeInferenceMethodKeith Davis
2020-09-03IVGCVSW-5274 'Update ConvertQuantizedLstm function to use ShapeInferenceMethod'Sadik Armagan
2020-09-03IVGCVSW-5271 'Update ConvertQuantized16BitLstm function to use ShapeInference...Sadik Armagan
2020-09-03IVGCVSW-5272 'Update ConvertLstm function to use ShapeInferenceMethod'Sadik Armagan
2020-09-02IVGCVSW-5276 'Update ConvertSqueeze function to use ShapeInferenceMethod'Sadik Armagan
2020-08-31IVGCVSW-4917 Adding Unit test to Android-nn-driver for Hal1.3 QosDavid Monahan