path: root/src/core/CL/kernels/CLGEMMLowpOffsetContributionOutputStageKernel.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-14COMPMID-2790: Add support for QASYMM8_SIGNED in CLGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCoreManuel Bottini
2019-11-14COMPMID-2309 : CLConvolutionLayer: support QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL filtersVidhya Sudhan Loganathan
2019-07-12COMPMID-2414 Add add_2D_tensor_argument_if for OpenCLMichalis Spyrou
2019-03-15COMPMID-1694: Fuse offset contribution with the output stage when we use NEGE...George Wort
2018-11-02COMPMID-1413 - Improve the performance of GEMMLowp with 8 bit dot product on ...Gian Marco Iodice