path: root/src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/gemm_hybrid.hpp
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diff --git a/src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/gemm_hybrid.hpp b/src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/gemm_hybrid.hpp
index 7a983ed6ac..d702cffce1 100644
--- a/src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/gemm_hybrid.hpp
+++ b/src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm/gemm_hybrid.hpp
@@ -77,51 +77,43 @@ class GemmHybrid : public GemmCommon<To, Tr> {
return args._cfg->inner_block_size;
- const unsigned int L1_size = args._ci->get_L1_cache_size();
+ // Target block size (512 for FP32, scaling for other types). Don't block until size reaches 1.5X this.
+ unsigned int target_block_size = 2048 / sizeof(To);
- // k_block: Find out how much of the larger array can be loaded into half the cache.
- // This should account for associative caches.
- unsigned int k_block = (L1_size / 2) / (sizeof(Toi) * (std::max(strategy::out_width(), strategy::out_height())));
+ if (args._Ksize >= ((3 * target_block_size) / 2)) {
+ unsigned int target_blocks = iceildiv(args._Ksize, target_block_size);
- // Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the K unroll level.
- k_block /= strategy::k_unroll();
- k_block = std::max(k_block, 1U) * strategy::k_unroll();
+ unsigned int block_size = iceildiv(args._Ksize, target_blocks);
- // Now tune to presented problem size; this is how many blocks we need.
- unsigned int numk_blocks = iceildiv(args._Ksize, k_block);
+ block_size = roundup(block_size, strategy::k_unroll());
- // So divide the space equally into that many blocks.
- k_block = iceildiv(args._Ksize, numk_blocks);
- // And round UP to the K unroll level required.
- k_block = roundup(k_block, strategy::k_unroll());
+ return block_size;
+ }
- return k_block;
+ return args._Ksize;
+ // New N blocking strategy: if it's narrow, or much taller than it is wide, do the full width. Otherwise do a
+ // single block.
static unsigned int compute_n_block(const GemmArgs &args) {
if (args._cfg && args._cfg->outer_block_size) {
return args._cfg->outer_block_size;
- const unsigned int k_block = compute_k_block(args);
- const unsigned int L2_size = args._ci->get_L2_cache_size();
- // n_block: Work out how many rows (of length k_block) will fit in the L2
- // Don't allocate more than 90% of the L2 to allow for overheads, and subtract off the L1 contents.
- unsigned int n_block = (((L2_size * 9) / 10) - (k_block * sizeof(Toi) * (strategy::out_width() + strategy::out_height()))) /
- (sizeof(Toi) * k_block);
+ if (args._Nsize <= 64) {
+ return args._Nsize;
+ }
- // Needs to be (at least a single) multiple of the kernel output width.
- n_block /= strategy::out_width();
- n_block = std::max(n_block, 1U) * strategy::out_width();
+ if ((args._Msize / args._Nsize) > 155) {
+ return args._Nsize;
+ }
- // And tune to the presented problem size.
- unsigned int numblocks = iceildiv(args._Nsize, n_block);
- n_block = iceildiv(args._Nsize, numblocks);
- n_block = roundup(n_block, strategy::out_width());
+ // Go slightly wider if thread count and depth are small.
+ if ((args._Ksize <= 128) && (args._maxthreads <= 16)) {
+ return strategy::out_width() * 3;
+ }
- return n_block;
+ return strategy::out_width();