path: root/arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEGEMMConvolutionLayer.h
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEGEMMConvolutionLayer.h b/arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEGEMMConvolutionLayer.h
index 2d4aaa495f..6452fc9249 100644
--- a/arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEGEMMConvolutionLayer.h
+++ b/arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions/NEGEMMConvolutionLayer.h
@@ -231,13 +231,14 @@ private:
/** Static function to check if GEMM3D is supported in @ref NEGEMM or in @ref NEGEMMLowpMatrixMultiplyCore
* @param[in] input_info Input tensor info. Data types supported: QASYMM8/F16/F32.
+ * @param[in] weights_info Weights tensor info. Data types supported: QASYMM8/F16/F32.
* @param[in] act_info Activation layer information in case of a fused activation. Only RELU, BOUNDED_RELU and LU_BOUNDED_RELU supported.
* @param[in] gemm_3d_depth Depth of GEMM 3D
* @param[in] skip_im2col Flag which specifies if im2col has to be skipped. i.e. 1x1 convolution with NHWC data layout
* @return a status
- static Status validate_gemm3d(const ITensorInfo *input_info, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int gemm_3d_depth, bool skip_im2col);
+ static Status validate_gemm3d(const ITensorInfo *input_info, const ITensorInfo *weights_info, const ActivationLayerInfo &act_info, int gemm_3d_depth, bool skip_im2col);
MemoryGroup _memory_group;