path: root/docs/00_introduction.dox
diff options
authorPablo Tello <pablo.tello@arm.com>2018-05-15 11:49:33 +0100
committerAnthony Barbier <anthony.barbier@arm.com>2018-11-02 16:52:35 +0000
commitb5cc95bac9e3253214c56009b60a22f7e7485758 (patch)
tree96ecdac1f3a9a1f14cda9593dc8dd03344e02030 /docs/00_introduction.dox
parent96b86a9e6846a8ea35e154e81cbb9c6af3f9c0fb (diff)
COMPMID-1164: Update Doxygen with Changelog.
Change-Id: I88c410c0b604e3d5fa02625d4a3b946b61ecb850 Reviewed-on: https://eu-gerrit-1.euhpc.arm.com/131237 Tested-by: Jenkins <bsgcomp@arm.com> Reviewed-by: Anthony Barbier <anthony.barbier@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/00_introduction.dox')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/00_introduction.dox b/docs/00_introduction.dox
index 1d309cb80f..c5ec3c9946 100644
--- a/docs/00_introduction.dox
+++ b/docs/00_introduction.dox
@@ -196,10 +196,60 @@ If there is more than one release in a month then an extra sequential number is
@subsection S2_2_changelog Changelog
v18.05 Public maintenance release
+ - Various bug fixes.
+ - Various optimisations.
- Major redesign in the interface for the neon kernels implemented in assembly.
- Removed arm_compute::NEGEMMLowpAArch64A53Kernel / arm_compute::NEGEMMLowpAArch64Kernel / arm_compute::NEGEMMLowpAArch64V8P4Kernel / arm_compute::NEGEMMInterleavedBlockedKernel / arm_compute::NEGEMMLowpAssemblyMatrixMultiplyCore / arm_compute::NEHGEMMAArch64FP16Kernel
- Added NEGEMMAssemblyWrapper and AssemblyKernelGlue which are used to execute assembly kernels in neon functions.
- Minor changes to the CPUInfo type to make it compatible with the new assembly gemm interface.
+ - Moved neon assembly kernels to the folder src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm.
+ - Improved doxygen documentation.
+ - Improved memory management for layer's transitions.
+ - Added support for NHWC data layout in tensors.
+ - Added NHWC data layout support to:
+ - @ref NEGEMMConvolutionLayer
+ - @ref NEDirectConvolutionLayer
+ - @ref NEPoolingLayer / @ref CLPoolingLayer
+ - @ref NEBatchNormalizationLayer / @ref CLBatchNormalizationLayer
+ - @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayer
+ - @ref NEScale
+ - @ref NEIm2Col
+ - Added support for dilated convolutions in @ref NEConvolutionLayer and @ref CLConvolutionLayer.
+ - New OpenCL kernels / functions:
+ - @ref CLChannelShuffleLayer / @ref CLChannelShuffleLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLConvertFullyConnectedWeightsKernel / @ref CLConvertFullyConnectedWeights
+ - @ref CLCopy / @ref CLCopyKernel
+ - @ref CLRNNLayer
+ - @ref CLWidthConcatenateLayer / @ref CLWidthConcatenateLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLWinogradFilterTransformKernel / @ref CLWinogradInputTransformKernel / @ref CLWinogradConvolutionLayer
+ - @ref CLWinogradInputTransformKernel / @ref CLWinogradInputTransform
+ - New Neon kernels / functions:
+ - @ref CLRNNLayer
+ - @ref NEConvertFullyConnectedWeightsKernel / @ref NEConvertFullyConnectedWeights.
+ - Created the validate method in @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer.
+ - Beta and gamma are no longer mandatory arguments in @ref NEBatchNormalizationLayer and @ref CLBatchNormalizationLayer.
+ - Added depth multiplier support in @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayer and @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer.
+ - Added broadcast multiply support in @ref NEPixelWiseMultiplication / @ref NEPixelWiseMultiplicationKernel.
+ - Port mobilenet example to NHWC data layout.
+ - Enabled Winograd method in @ref CLConvolutionLayer.
+ - Renamed NEWinogradLayer to @ref NEWinogradConvolutionLayer.
+ - Updated @ref NEWinogradConvolutionLayer to use highly optimised assembly kernels in src/core/NEON/kernels/arm_gemm.
+ - Added memory manager support in GLES functions.
+ - Major refactoring of the graph API.
+ - Added GLES backend in the graph API.
+ - Added support for the memory manager in the graph API.
+ - Enabled Winograd Convolution method in the graph API.
+ - Added support for grouped convolutions in the graph API.
+ - Replaced NEDeconvolutionLayerUpsampleKernel with @ref NEScaleKernel in @ref NEDeconvolutionLayer.
+ - Added fast maths flag in @ref CLConvolutionLayer.
+ - Added new tests and benchmarks in validation and benchmark frameworks
+ - Merge Activation layer with Convolution Layer (NEON. CL, GLES)
+ - Added support to OpenCL 2.0 SVM
+ - Added support to import memory in OpenCL tensors.
+ - Added the prepare() method to perform any one off pre-processing before running the function.
+ - Added new examples:
+ - graph_inception_v4.cpp
+ - Added memory measurement instrument for CL.
v18.03 Public maintenance release
- Various bug fixes.