path: root/docs/00_introduction.dox
diff options
authorIsabella Gottardi <isabella.gottardi@arm.com>2018-11-20 09:56:46 +0000
committerAnthony Barbier <Anthony.barbier@arm.com>2018-11-20 14:29:54 +0000
commit8773d7cec5a22dd39305206072a496eb2548968b (patch)
treedef4b883d10283ca6b7db52dcc599fc61cf84486 /docs/00_introduction.dox
parent5bd1e5750a99ba664a04e4c8665f99519f62cdcc (diff)
COMPMID-1798: Update doxygen for 18.11
Change-Id: I5f99e448e208be6ca819bf4ab2c7b367c874d3f5
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/00_introduction.dox')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/00_introduction.dox b/docs/00_introduction.dox
index de2a6fbb35..9968fd30fc 100644
--- a/docs/00_introduction.dox
+++ b/docs/00_introduction.dox
@@ -238,6 +238,69 @@ If there is more than one release in a month then an extra sequential number is
@subsection S2_2_changelog Changelog
+v18.11 Public major release
+ - Various bug fixes.
+ - Various optimisations.
+ - New Neon kernels / functions:
+ - @ref NEChannelShuffleLayer / @ref NEChannelShuffleLayerKernel
+ - @ref NEReduceMean
+ - @ref NEReorgLayer / @ref NEReorgLayerKernel
+ - @ref NEPriorBoxLayer / @ref NEPriorBoxLayerKernel
+ - @ref NEUpsampleLayer / @ref NEUpsampleLayerKernel
+ - @ref NEYOLOLayer / @ref NEYOLOLayerKernel
+ - New OpenCL kernels / functions:
+ - @ref CLBatchToSpaceLayer / @ref CLBatchToSpaceLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLBoundingBoxTransform / @ref CLBoundingBoxTransformKernel
+ - @ref CLComputeAllAnchorsKernel
+ - @ref CLGenerateProposalsLayer
+ - @ref CLNormalizePlanarYUVLayer / @ref CLNormalizePlanarYUVLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLReorgLayer / @ref CLReorgLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLSpaceToBatchLayer / @ref CLSpaceToBatchLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLPadLayer
+ - @ref CLReduceMean
+ - @ref CLPriorBoxLayer / @ref CLPriorBoxLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLROIAlignLayer / @ref CLROIAlignLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLSlice
+ - @ref CLSplit
+ - @ref CLStridedSlice / @ref CLStridedSliceKernel
+ - @ref CLUpsampleLayer / @ref CLUpsampleLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLYOLOLayer / @ref CLYOLOLayerKernel
+ - New CPP kernels / functions:
+ - @ref CPPBoxWithNonMaximaSuppressionLimit / @ref CPPBoxWithNonMaximaSuppressionLimitKernel
+ - Added the validate method in:
+ - @ref NEDepthConvertLayer
+ - @ref NEFloor / @ref CLFloor
+ - @ref NEGEMMMatrixAdditionKernel
+ - @ref NEReshapeLayer / @ref CLReshapeLayer
+ - @ref CLScale
+ - Added new examples:
+ - graph_shufflenet.cpp
+ - graph_yolov3.cpp
+ - Added documentation for add a new function or kernel.
+ - Improved doxygen documentation adding a list of the existing functions.
+ - Add 4D tensors support to
+ - @ref CLWidthConcatenateLayer
+ - @ref CLFlattenLayer
+ - @ref CLSoftmaxLayer
+ - Add dot product support for @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3NHWCKernel non-unit stride
+ - Add SVE support
+ - Fused batch normalization into convolution layer weights in @ref CLFuseBatchNormalization
+ - Fuses activation in @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3NCHWKernel, @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3NHWCKernel and @ref NEGEMMConvolutionLayer
+ - Added NHWC data layout support to:
+ - @ref CLChannelShuffleLayer
+ - @ref CLDeconvolutionLayer
+ - @ref CLL2NormalizeLayer
+ - Added QASYMM8 support to the following kernels:
+ - @ref CLScaleKernel
+ - @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3Kernel
+ - @ref CLPixelWiseMultiplicationKernel
+ - Added FP16 support to the following kernels:
+ - @ref CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3NHWCKernel
+ - @ref NEDepthwiseConvolutionLayer3x3Kernel
+ - @ref CLNormalizePlanarYUVLayerKernel
+ - @ref CLWinogradConvolutionLayer (5x5 kernel)
+ - More tests added to both validation and benchmarking suites.
v18.08 Public major release
- Various bug fixes.
- Various optimisations.