path: root/src/backends/WorkloadFactory.hpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-10-25IVGCVSW-2071 : remove GetCompute() from the WorkloadFactory interfaceDavid Beck
2018-10-25IVGCVSW-2067 : dynamically create workload factories based on the backends in...David Beck
2018-10-22IVGCVSW-2019 : replace Compute enum in the Layer objectDavid Beck
2018-10-10IVGCVSW-1642 : introducing the IBackend interfaceDavid Beck
2018-10-10IVGCVSW-1888 Plumb data layout parameter for Convolution2DFrancis Murtagh
2018-10-10IVGCVSW-1897 : build infrastructure for the src/backends folderDavid Beck