path: root/src/armnnOnnxParser/OnnxParser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/armnnOnnxParser/OnnxParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 1676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/armnnOnnxParser/OnnxParser.cpp b/src/armnnOnnxParser/OnnxParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdf43076ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/armnnOnnxParser/OnnxParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1676 @@
+// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "OnnxParser.hpp"
+#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
+#include <armnn/Utils.hpp>
+#include <VerificationHelpers.hpp>
+#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <numeric>
+using namespace armnn;
+namespace armnnOnnxParser
+void CheckValidDataType(std::initializer_list<onnx::TensorProto::DataType> validInputTypes,
+ const onnx::TensorProto::DataType actualValue,
+ const char* validExpr,
+ std::string nodeName,
+ std::string tensorName,
+ const armnn::CheckLocation& location)
+ bool isValid = std::any_of(validInputTypes.begin(),
+ validInputTypes.end(),
+ [&actualValue](onnx::TensorProto::DataType x) { return x == actualValue; } );
+ if (!isValid)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(
+ boost::str(
+ boost::format("Datatype %1% is not valid for tensor '%2%' of node '%3%', not in {%4%}. %5%") %
+ onnx::TensorProto::DataType_Name(actualValue) %
+ tensorName %
+ nodeName %
+ validExpr %
+ location.AsString()));
+ }
+using StrTypeListPair = std::pair<const char*, std::initializer_list<onnx::TensorProto::DataType>>;
+#define STR_LIST(...) StrTypeListPair(#__VA_ARGS__, {__VA_ARGS__})
+template <typename Callable>
+void ReadMandatoryNodeAttributeImpl(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& attribName,
+ onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType expectedType,
+ Callable callable)
+ auto attribs = node.attribute();
+ int attriNum = 0;
+ while (attriNum < node.attribute_size())
+ {
+ if (attribs.Get(attriNum).name() == attribName)
+ {
+ if (attribs.Get(attriNum).type() == expectedType)
+ {
+ callable(attribs.Get(attriNum));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(boost::format(
+ "Attribute %1% of node %2% expected to have %3% as onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType, "
+ "but found %4% instead %5%")
+ % attribName
+ % node.name()
+ % onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType_Name(expectedType)
+ % onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType_Name(attribs.Get(attriNum).type())
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++attriNum;
+ }
+ if (attriNum == node.attribute_size())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(boost::format("Could not find required attribute %1% in node %2% %3%")
+ % attribName % node.name() % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+template <typename Callable>
+void ReadOptionalNodeAttributeImpl(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& attribName,
+ onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType expectedType,
+ Callable callable)
+ auto attribs = node.attribute();
+ for (int attriNum = 0; attriNum < node.attribute_size(); ++attriNum)
+ {
+ if (attribs.Get(attriNum).name() == attribName)
+ {
+ if (attribs.Get(attriNum).type() == expectedType)
+ {
+ callable(attribs.Get(attriNum));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(boost::format(
+ "Attribute %1% of node %2% expected to have %3% as onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType, "
+ "but found %4% instead %5%")
+ % attribName
+ % node.name()
+ % onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType_Name(expectedType)
+ % onnx::AttributeProto::AttributeType_Name(attribs.Get(attriNum).type())
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+std::vector<uint32_t> ReadMandatoryNodeUint32ListAttribute(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& name)
+ std::vector<uint32_t> attriList;
+ ReadMandatoryNodeAttributeImpl(node, name, onnx::AttributeProto::INTS,
+ [&attriList](const onnx::AttributeProto& attrValue)
+ {
+ for (int attriNum = 0; attriNum < attrValue.ints_size(); ++attriNum)
+ {
+ attriList.push_back(CHECKED_NON_NEGATIVE(CHECKED_INT32(attrValue.ints().Get(attriNum))));
+ }
+ });
+ return attriList;
+uint32_t ReadOptionalNodeUint32Attribute(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const uint32_t defaultVal = 0u)
+ uint32_t attribValue = defaultVal;
+ ReadOptionalNodeAttributeImpl(node, name, onnx::AttributeProto::INT,
+ [&attribValue](const onnx::AttributeProto& attrValue)
+ {
+ attribValue = CHECKED_NON_NEGATIVE(CHECKED_INT32((attrValue.i())));
+ });
+ return attribValue;
+std::vector<uint32_t> ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& name)
+ std::vector<uint32_t> attriList;
+ ReadOptionalNodeAttributeImpl(node, name, onnx::AttributeProto::INTS,
+ [&attriList](const onnx::AttributeProto& attrValue)
+ {
+ for (int attriNum = 0; attriNum < attrValue.ints_size(); ++attriNum)
+ {
+ attriList.push_back(CHECKED_NON_NEGATIVE(CHECKED_INT32(attrValue.ints().Get(attriNum))));
+ }
+ });
+ return attriList;
+float ReadOptionalNodeFloatAttribute(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const float defaultValue = 0.0f)
+ float attribValue = defaultValue;
+ ReadOptionalNodeAttributeImpl(node, name, onnx::AttributeProto::FLOAT,
+ [&attribValue](const onnx::AttributeProto& attrValue)
+ {
+ attribValue = attrValue.f();
+ });
+ return attribValue;
+std::string ReadOptionalNodeStringAttribute(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const std::string& name)
+ std::string attribValue = "";
+ ReadOptionalNodeAttributeImpl(node, name, onnx::AttributeProto::STRING,
+ [&attribValue](const onnx::AttributeProto& attrValue)
+ {
+ attribValue = attrValue.s();
+ });
+ return attribValue;
+armnn::TensorInfo ToTensorInfo(const onnx::ValueInfoProto& info)
+ const onnx::TensorShapeProto onnxShape = info.type().tensor_type().shape();
+ std::vector<unsigned int> shapeDims;
+ for (int i = 0; i < onnxShape.dim_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ shapeDims.push_back(CHECKED_NON_NEGATIVE(CHECKED_INT32(onnxShape.dim(i).dim_value())));
+ }
+ DataType type;
+ switch(info.type().tensor_type().elem_type())
+ {
+ case onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT:
+ {
+ type = DataType::Float32;
+ break;
+ }
+ case onnx::TensorProto::INT32:
+ case onnx::TensorProto::INT64:
+ {
+ type = DataType::Signed32;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ throw ParseException(
+ boost::str(
+ boost::format("'%1%' is not a currently supported datatype for tensor %2%."
+ " Supported dataTypes are FLOAT, INT32 and INT64. %3%") %
+ onnx::TensorProto::DataType_Name(info.type().tensor_type().elem_type()) %
+ info.name() %
+ CHECK_LOCATION().AsString() ));
+ }
+ }
+ return TensorInfo(TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(shapeDims.size()), shapeDims.data()), type);
+std::string TensorInfoAsString(const TensorInfo& info,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const onnx::TensorProto::DataType& type)
+ const TensorShape shape = info.GetShape();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "tensor '" << name << "' contains "
+ << onnx::TensorProto::DataType_Name(type)
+ << " and has shape [";
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shape.GetNumDimensions() - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ ss << shape[i] << ", ";
+ }
+ ss << shape[shape.GetNumDimensions() - 1] << "]";
+ return ss.str();
+void CalcPadding(uint32_t inputSize, uint32_t filterSize, uint32_t stride, uint32_t* paddingFront,
+ uint32_t* paddingBack, bool isUpper)
+ uint32_t outputSize = (inputSize + stride - 1) / stride;
+ uint32_t temp = (outputSize - 1) * stride + filterSize;
+ *paddingFront = (temp - inputSize) / 2;
+ *paddingBack = *paddingFront;
+ if((temp - inputSize) % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ if (isUpper)
+ {
+ *paddingBack += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *paddingFront += 1;
+ }
+ }
+TensorInfo ComputeReshapeInfo(const onnx::TensorProto& targetShapeTensor,
+ const TensorShape& inShape,
+ const std::string& outName)
+ std::vector<int> targetDims;
+ for(int i = 0; i < targetShapeTensor.int64_data_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ int val = CHECKED_INT32(targetShapeTensor.int64_data(i));
+ if(val == 0)
+ {
+ targetDims.push_back(static_cast<int>(inShape[static_cast<uint>(i)]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetDims.push_back(val);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned int> outDims(targetDims.begin(), targetDims.end());
+ const auto stretchDim = std::find(targetDims.begin(), targetDims.end(), -1);
+ if (stretchDim != targetDims.end())
+ {
+ if (std::find(std::next(stretchDim), targetDims.end(), -1) != targetDims.end())
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "[ ";
+ for(uint i = 0; i < targetDims.size() - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ ss << targetDims[i] << ", ";
+ }
+ ss << targetDims[targetDims.size() - 1] << " ]";
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Error during creation of reshaped tensor '%1%'. At most one component of shape can be "
+ " -1 and here, shape is %2% %3%")
+ % outName
+ % ss.str()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ auto targetNumElements = boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>(std::accumulate(targetDims.begin(), targetDims.end(),
+ -1, std::multiplies<int32_t>()));
+ auto stretchIndex = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(targetDims.begin(), stretchDim));
+ outDims[stretchIndex] = inShape.GetNumElements() / targetNumElements;
+ }
+ TensorShape outShape = TensorShape{static_cast<unsigned int>(outDims.size()), outDims.data()};
+ return TensorInfo(outShape, DataType::Float32);
+} //namespace
+const std::map<std::string, OnnxParser::OperationParsingFunction> OnnxParser::m_ParserFunctions = {
+ { "BatchNormalization", &OnnxParser::ParseBatchNormalization},
+ { "GlobalAveragePool", &OnnxParser::ParseGlobalAveragePool},
+ { "AveragePool", &OnnxParser::ParseAveragePool },
+ { "Constant", &OnnxParser::ParseConstant },
+ { "MaxPool", &OnnxParser::ParseMaxPool },
+ { "Reshape", &OnnxParser::ParseReshape },
+ { "Relu", &OnnxParser::ParseRelu },
+ { "Conv", &OnnxParser::ParseConv },
+ { "Add", &OnnxParser::ParseAdd },
+template<typename TypePair, typename Location>
+void OnnxParser::ValidateInputs(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ TypePair validInputs,
+ const Location& location)
+ for(auto input : node.input())
+ {
+ CheckValidDataType(validInputs.second,
+ m_TensorsInfo[input].m_dtype,
+ validInputs.first,
+ node.name(),
+ input,
+ location);
+ }
+ OnnxParser::ValidateInputs(NODE, \
+std::vector<TensorInfo> OnnxParser::ComputeOutputInfo(std::vector<std::string> outNames,
+ const IConnectableLayer* layer,
+ std::vector<TensorShape> inputShapes)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(! outNames.empty());
+ bool needCompute = std::any_of(outNames.begin(),
+ outNames.end(),
+ [this](std::string name)
+ {
+ return (m_TensorsInfo.count(name) == 0 || m_TensorsInfo[name].m_info == nullptr);
+ });
+ std::vector<TensorInfo> outInfo;
+ //if the output info(s) are not here, we need to compute them
+ std::vector<TensorShape> inferredShapes;
+ if(needCompute)
+ {
+ inferredShapes = layer->InferOutputShapes(inputShapes);
+ BOOST_ASSERT(inferredShapes.size() == outNames.size());
+ }
+ for (uint i = 0; i < outNames.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(needCompute)
+ {
+ m_TensorsInfo[outNames[i]] = OnnxTensor();
+ m_TensorsInfo[outNames[i]].m_info = std::make_unique<TensorInfo>(
+ TensorInfo(inferredShapes[i], DataType::Float32));
+ }
+ outInfo.push_back(*m_TensorsInfo[outNames[i]].m_info);
+ }
+ return outInfo;
+IOnnxParser* IOnnxParser::CreateRaw()
+ return new OnnxParser();
+IOnnxParserPtr IOnnxParser::Create()
+ return IOnnxParserPtr(CreateRaw(), &IOnnxParser::Destroy);
+void IOnnxParser::Destroy(IOnnxParser* parser)
+ delete parser;
+ : m_Network(nullptr, nullptr)
+void OnnxParser::ResetParser()
+ m_Network = armnn::INetworkPtr(nullptr, nullptr);
+ m_Graph = nullptr;
+void OnnxParser::Cleanup()
+ m_TensorConnections.clear();
+ m_TensorsInfo.clear();
+ m_OutputsMap.clear();
+ m_OutputsFusedAndUsed.clear();
+std::pair<ConstTensor, std::unique_ptr<float[]>> OnnxParser::CreateConstTensor(const std::string name)
+ const TensorInfo tensorInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[name].m_info;
+ onnx::TensorProto onnxTensor = *m_TensorsInfo[name].m_tensor;
+ auto srcData = onnxTensor.float_data().data();
+ if(tensorInfo.GetNumElements() != static_cast<uint>(onnxTensor.float_data_size()))
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("The number of data provided (%1%) does not match the tensor '%2%' number of elements"
+ " (%3%) %4%")
+ % onnxTensor.float_data_size()
+ % name
+ % tensorInfo.GetNumElements()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<float[]> tensorData(new float[tensorInfo.GetNumElements()]);
+ // Copy the value list entries into the destination
+ ::memcpy(tensorData.get(),srcData, tensorInfo.GetNumBytes());
+ // Const tensors requires at least a list of values
+ if (tensorInfo.GetNumElements() == 0)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("No tensor data found for Const tensor '%1%' %2%")
+ % name
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(ConstTensor(tensorInfo, tensorData.get()), std::move(tensorData));
+ModelPtr OnnxParser::LoadModelFromTextFile(const char* graphFile)
+ FILE* fd = fopen(graphFile, "r");
+ if (fd == nullptr)
+ {
+ throw FileNotFoundException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Invalid (null) filename %1%") % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ // Parse the file into a message
+ ModelPtr modelProto = std::make_unique<onnx::ModelProto>();
+ using google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream;
+ std::unique_ptr<FileInputStream> input = std::make_unique<FileInputStream>(fileno(fd));
+ bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(input.get(), modelProto.get());
+ fclose(fd);
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ std::stringstream error;
+ error << "Failed to parse graph file";
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("%1% %2%") % error.str() % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ return modelProto;
+INetworkPtr OnnxParser::CreateNetworkFromTextFile(const char* graphFile)
+ ResetParser();
+ ModelPtr modelProto = LoadModelFromTextFile(graphFile);
+ return CreateNetworkFromModel(*modelProto);
+ModelPtr OnnxParser::LoadModelFromBinaryFile(const char* graphFile)
+ FILE* fd = fopen(graphFile, "rb");
+ if (fd == nullptr)
+ {
+ throw FileNotFoundException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Invalid (null) filename %1%") % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ // Parse the file into a message
+ ModelPtr modelProto = std::make_unique<onnx::ModelProto>();
+ google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream inStream(fileno(fd));
+ google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream codedStream(&inStream);
+ codedStream.SetTotalBytesLimit(INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
+ bool success = modelProto.get()->ParseFromCodedStream(&codedStream);
+ fclose(fd);
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ std::stringstream error;
+ error << "Failed to parse graph file";
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("%1% %2%") % error.str() % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ return modelProto;
+INetworkPtr OnnxParser::CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(const char* graphFile)
+ ResetParser();
+ ModelPtr modelProto = LoadModelFromBinaryFile(graphFile);
+ return CreateNetworkFromModel(*modelProto);
+ModelPtr OnnxParser::LoadModelFromString(const std::string& protoText)
+ if (protoText == "")
+ {
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Invalid (empty) string for model parameter %1%") % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ // Parse the string into a message
+ ModelPtr modelProto = std::make_unique<onnx::ModelProto>();
+ bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(protoText, modelProto.get());
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ std::stringstream error;
+ error << "Failed to parse graph file";
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("%1% %2%") % error.str() % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ return modelProto;
+INetworkPtr OnnxParser::CreateNetworkFromString(const std::string& protoText)
+ ResetParser();
+ ModelPtr modelProto = LoadModelFromString(protoText);
+ return CreateNetworkFromModel(*modelProto);
+INetworkPtr OnnxParser::CreateNetworkFromModel(onnx::ModelProto& model)
+ m_Network = INetwork::Create();
+ try
+ {
+ m_Graph = std::make_unique<onnx::GraphProto>(*model.mutable_graph());
+ LoadGraph();
+ }
+ catch (const ParseException& e)
+ {
+ Cleanup();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ Cleanup();
+ return std::move(m_Network);
+void OnnxParser::LoadGraph()
+ BOOST_ASSERT(m_Graph.get() != nullptr);
+ //Fill m_TensorsInfo with the shapes and value of every tensor
+ SetupInfo(m_Graph->mutable_output());
+ SetupInfo(m_Graph->mutable_input());
+ SetupInfo(m_Graph->mutable_value_info());
+ for (auto tensor : m_Graph->initializer())
+ {
+ m_TensorsInfo[tensor.name()].m_tensor = std::make_unique<const onnx::TensorProto>(tensor);
+ }
+ SetupInputLayers();
+ SetupOutputLayers();
+ //Detect FullyConnected layers with bias and update the FusedAndUsed map acccordingly
+ DetectFullyConnected();
+ //Parsing the graph
+ for(size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < static_cast<size_t>(m_Graph->node_size()); nodeIndex++)
+ {
+ auto node = m_Graph->node(static_cast<int>(nodeIndex));
+ const std::string& operation = node.op_type();
+ // check which layers we handled already (add and matmul fused as FC)
+ if(operation == "MatMul" )
+ {
+ if(m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[nodeIndex].inputForNodes != m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[nodeIndex].fusedWithNodes.size())
+ {
+ //Node which can not be fused as a FullyConnected layer (used in layers as a simple matmul output)
+ AddFullyConnected(node);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!(m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[nodeIndex].fusedWithNodes.empty()) && operation == "Add")
+ {
+ int matmulIndex = static_cast<int> (m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[nodeIndex].fusedWithNodes[0]);
+ AddFullyConnected(m_Graph->node(matmulIndex), &node);
+ }
+ else if (m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[nodeIndex].fusedWithNodes.empty()) //node is not part of a fused layer
+ {
+ auto it = m_ParserFunctions.find(operation);
+ if (it != m_ParserFunctions.end())
+ {
+ auto func = it->second;
+ (this->*func)(node);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Unsupported operation %1% for node '%2%' %3%")
+ % operation
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Making the connections between outputs and inputs of each layers
+ for (const auto& tensorCon : m_TensorConnections)
+ {
+ if (tensorCon.second.outputSlot != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (size_t inputSlotIdx = 0; inputSlotIdx < tensorCon.second.inputSlots.size(); ++inputSlotIdx)
+ {
+ tensorCon.second.outputSlot->Connect(*(tensorCon.second.inputSlots[inputSlotIdx]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void OnnxParser::SetupInfo(const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<onnx::ValueInfoProto >* list)
+ for (auto tensor : *list)
+ {
+ m_TensorsInfo[tensor.name()] = OnnxTensor();
+ m_TensorsInfo[tensor.name()].m_info = std::make_unique<TensorInfo>(ToTensorInfo(tensor));
+ m_TensorsInfo[tensor.name()].m_dtype = tensor.type().tensor_type().elem_type();
+ }
+void OnnxParser::DetectFullyConnected()
+ m_OutputsFusedAndUsed = std::vector<UsageSummary> (static_cast<size_t>(m_Graph->node_size()), UsageSummary());
+ auto matmulAndConstant = [&](const std::string& constInput,
+ const std::string& matmulInput,
+ int& nodeIndex)
+ {
+ auto matmulIt = m_OutputsMap.find(matmulInput);
+ if(matmulIt != m_OutputsMap.end() && matmulIt->second.first->op_type() == "MatMul"
+ && m_TensorsInfo[constInput].isConstant())
+ {
+ nodeIndex = matmulIt->second.second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ for(int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < m_Graph->node_size(); nodeIndex++)
+ {
+ const onnx::NodeProto* node = &m_Graph->node(nodeIndex);
+ for (const std::string& output : node->output())
+ {
+ m_OutputsMap[output] = std::make_pair(node, nodeIndex);
+ }
+ for (const std::string& input : node->input()) //count how many time a node is used as input
+ {
+ auto matmulIt = m_OutputsMap.find(input);
+ if(matmulIt != m_OutputsMap.end()){
+ ++m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[static_cast<size_t>(matmulIt->second.second)].inputForNodes; //node used
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->op_type() == "Add")
+ {
+ int matmulIndex = 0;
+ if (matmulAndConstant(node->input(0), node->input(1), matmulIndex) ||
+ matmulAndConstant(node->input(1), node->input(0), matmulIndex))
+ {
+ //matmul and add were fused
+ m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[static_cast<size_t>(matmulIndex)].fusedWithNodes
+ .push_back(static_cast<size_t>(nodeIndex));
+ m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[static_cast<size_t>(nodeIndex)].fusedWithNodes
+ .push_back(static_cast<size_t>(matmulIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto output: m_Graph->output()) { //Add usages as output of the graph in count of usages
+ auto matmulIt = m_OutputsMap.find(output.name());
+ if(matmulIt != m_OutputsMap.end()){
+ ++m_OutputsFusedAndUsed[static_cast<size_t>(matmulIt->second.second)].inputForNodes;
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Location>
+void OnnxParser::GetInputAndParam(const onnx::NodeProto& node,
+ std::string* inputName,
+ std::string* constName,
+ const Location& location)
+ int cstIndex;
+ if (m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].isConstant())
+ {
+ cstIndex = 0;
+ }
+ else if (m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].isConstant())
+ {
+ cstIndex = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("One of the input tensors ('%1%' or '%2%') should be constant in node '%3%' %4%")
+ % node.input(0)
+ % node.input(1)
+ % node.name()
+ % location.AsString()));
+ }
+ if(constName)
+ {
+ *constName = node.input(cstIndex);
+ }
+ if(inputName)
+ {
+ *inputName = node.input(!cstIndex);
+ }
+template<typename Location>
+void OnnxParser::To1DTensor(const std::string& name, const Location& location)
+ TensorShape shape = m_TensorsInfo[name].m_info->GetShape();
+ std::vector<uint32_t> newShape;
+ for(uint i = 0; i < shape.GetNumDimensions() - 1; ++i)
+ {
+ if(shape[i] != 1)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Only tensors with shape [1, ..., 1, X] can be converted to 1D and %1% %2%")
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[name].m_info, name, m_TensorsInfo[name].m_dtype)
+ % location.AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ newShape.push_back(shape[shape.GetNumDimensions() - 1]);
+ m_TensorsInfo[name].m_info->SetShape(TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(newShape.size()), newShape.data()));
+void OnnxParser::AddFullyConnected(const onnx::NodeProto& matmulNode, const onnx::NodeProto* addNode)
+ // find matmul inputs
+ std::string weightName;
+ std::string inputName;
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(matmulNode.input_size()), 2);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(matmulNode.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(matmulNode, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ GetInputAndParam(matmulNode, &inputName, &weightName, CHECK_LOCATION());
+ FullyConnectedDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_BiasEnabled = addNode != nullptr;
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = nullptr;
+ if(desc.m_BiasEnabled)
+ {
+ // find bias const
+ std::string biasName;
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(addNode->input_size()), 2);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(addNode->output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(*addNode, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ GetInputAndParam(*addNode, nullptr, &biasName, CHECK_LOCATION());
+ //Output shape is [1, weights[1]] and 1d vec in ONNX can be [1,X] so we convert biases to "armnn" 1D
+ To1DTensor(biasName, CHECK_LOCATION());
+ TensorInfo weightInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[weightName].m_info;
+ TensorInfo biasInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[biasName].m_info;
+ if (weightInfo.GetShape()[1] != biasInfo.GetShape()[0])
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Shape of weights '%1%' and bias of following Add node '%2%' do not match : %3%"
+ " and %4% ( /!\\ bias should be a 1D tensor) %5%")
+ % weightName
+ % addNode->name()
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[weightName].m_info,
+ weightName,
+ m_TensorsInfo[weightName].m_dtype)
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[biasName].m_info, biasName,
+ m_TensorsInfo[biasName].m_dtype )
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ layer = m_Network->AddFullyConnectedLayer(desc,
+ CreateConstTensor(weightName).first,
+ CreateConstTensor(biasName).first,
+ matmulNode.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({addNode->output(0)}, layer,
+ {m_TensorsInfo[inputName].m_info->GetShape(),
+ m_TensorsInfo[weightName].m_info->GetShape()});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {inputName});
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {addNode->output(0)});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ layer = m_Network->AddFullyConnectedLayer(desc, CreateConstTensor(weightName).first, matmulNode.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({matmulNode.output(0)}, layer,
+ {m_TensorsInfo[inputName].m_info->GetShape(),
+ m_TensorsInfo[weightName].m_info->GetShape()});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {inputName});
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {matmulNode.output(0)});
+ }
+void OnnxParser::CreateConstantLayer(const std::string& tensorName, const std::string& layerName)
+ auto armnnTensor = CreateConstTensor(tensorName);
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddConstantLayer(armnnTensor.first, layerName.c_str());
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(armnnTensor.first.GetInfo());
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {tensorName});
+void OnnxParser::ParseConstant(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.attribute_size()), 1);
+ if (!node.attribute(0).has_t())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Value not found for Constant node '%1%' %2%")
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ const onnx::TensorProto& onnxTensor = node.attribute(0).t();
+ //ONNX can have Float16 and double constant nodes but ArmNN only supports float32
+ CHECK_VALID_DATATYPE(node.name(), onnxTensor.name(), onnxTensor.data_type(), onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT);
+ //Register this as a m_ConstParam so we know we can use it as a constant param in future layers.
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.output(0)].m_tensor = std::make_unique<const onnx::TensorProto>(onnxTensor);
+ CreateConstantLayer(node.output(0), node.name());
+void OnnxParser::ParseMaxPool(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ Pooling2dDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_PoolType = PoolingAlgorithm::Max;
+ desc.m_PaddingMethod = PaddingMethod::Exclude;
+ AddPoolingLayer(node, desc);
+void OnnxParser::ParseGlobalAveragePool(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ Pooling2dDescriptor desc = Pooling2dDescriptor();
+ desc.m_PoolType = PoolingAlgorithm::Average;
+ //kernel size is the same as input
+ TensorShape inputShape = m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape();
+ desc.m_PoolWidth = inputShape[3];
+ desc.m_PoolHeight = inputShape[2];
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddPooling2dLayer(desc, node.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({node.output(0)}, layer, {inputShape});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::ParseAveragePool(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ Pooling2dDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_PoolType = PoolingAlgorithm::Average;
+ uint32_t count_include_pad = 0;
+ count_include_pad = ReadOptionalNodeUint32Attribute(node, "count_include_pad");
+ if(count_include_pad) {
+ desc.m_PaddingMethod = PaddingMethod::IgnoreValue;
+ }
+ AddPoolingLayer(node, desc);
+void OnnxParser::AddPoolingLayer(const onnx::NodeProto& node, Pooling2dDescriptor& desc)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 1);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(node, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ std::vector<uint32_t> kernel_shape = ReadMandatoryNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "kernel_shape"); //size of pool win
+ std::vector<uint32_t> strides = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "strides");
+ std::vector<uint32_t> pads = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "pads");
+ desc.m_OutputShapeRounding = OutputShapeRounding::Floor;
+ desc.m_PoolWidth = kernel_shape[1];
+ desc.m_PoolHeight = kernel_shape[0];
+ if(strides.empty())
+ {
+ desc.m_StrideX = 1;
+ desc.m_StrideY = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desc.m_StrideX = strides[1];
+ desc.m_StrideY = strides[0];
+ }
+ //Check new padding version first
+ if(pads.empty())
+ {
+ //Check deprecated version
+ std::string paddingString = ReadOptionalNodeStringAttribute(node, "auto_pad");
+ if(paddingString != "VALID" && paddingString != "" && paddingString != "NOTSET")
+ {
+ bool isUpper;
+ if( paddingString == "SAME_LOWER")
+ {
+ isUpper = false;
+ }
+ else if (paddingString == "SAME_UPPER")
+ {
+ isUpper = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Invalid auto_pad attribute for node %1%. "
+ "Only SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID supported and found %2% %3%")
+ % node.name()
+ % paddingString
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ auto inputInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info;
+ uint32_t inputHeight = inputInfo.GetShape()[2];
+ uint32_t inputWidth = inputInfo.GetShape()[3];
+ CalcPadding(inputHeight, desc.m_PoolHeight, desc.m_StrideY, &desc.m_PadTop, &desc.m_PadBottom, isUpper);
+ CalcPadding(inputWidth, desc.m_PoolWidth, desc.m_StrideX, &desc.m_PadLeft, &desc.m_PadRight, isUpper);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desc.m_PadTop = pads[0];
+ desc.m_PadLeft = pads[1];
+ desc.m_PadBottom = pads[2];
+ desc.m_PadRight = pads[3];
+ }
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddPooling2dLayer(desc, node.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({node.output(0)}, layer, {m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape()});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::CreateReshapeLayer(const std::string& inputName,
+ const std::string& outputName,
+ const std::string& layerName)
+ const TensorInfo outputTensorInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[outputName].m_info;
+ ReshapeDescriptor reshapeDesc;
+ reshapeDesc.m_TargetShape = outputTensorInfo.GetShape();
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddReshapeLayer(reshapeDesc, layerName.c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputTensorInfo);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {inputName});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {outputName});
+void OnnxParser::ParseReshape(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 2);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ CHECK_VALID_DATATYPE(node.name(), node.input(0),
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_dtype,
+ onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT); //input
+ CHECK_VALID_DATATYPE(node.name(), node.input(1),
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_dtype,
+ onnx::TensorProto::INT64); //shape
+ if(!m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].isConstant())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Shape '%1%' should be constant in Reshape layer '%2%' %3%")
+ % node.input(1)
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ if(m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].isConstant())
+ {
+ //make a new cst tensor -> move the data to the output tensor (the shape is already good in the output tensor)
+ if(m_TensorsInfo.count(node.output(0)) == 0)
+ {
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.output(0)] = OnnxTensor();
+ }
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.output(0)].m_tensor =
+ std::make_unique<onnx::TensorProto>(*m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_tensor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TensorShape inputShape = m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape();
+ if(m_TensorsInfo.count(node.output(0)) == 0 || m_TensorsInfo[node.output(0)].m_info == nullptr)
+ {
+ auto outInfo = ComputeReshapeInfo(*m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_tensor, inputShape, node.output(0));
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.output(0)].m_info = std::make_unique<TensorInfo>(outInfo);
+ }
+ CreateReshapeLayer(node.input(0), node.output(0), node.name());
+ }
+void OnnxParser::ParseRelu(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 1);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(node, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ ActivationDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_Function = ActivationFunction::ReLu;
+ IConnectableLayer* const layer = m_Network->AddActivationLayer(desc, node.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({ node.output(0)}, layer, {m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape()});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::AddConvLayerWithDepthwiseConv(const onnx::NodeProto& node, const Convolution2dDescriptor& convDesc)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(node.op_type() == "Conv");
+ DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_PadLeft = convDesc.m_PadLeft;
+ desc.m_PadRight = convDesc.m_PadRight;
+ desc.m_PadTop = convDesc.m_PadTop;
+ desc.m_PadBottom = convDesc.m_PadBottom;
+ desc.m_StrideX = convDesc.m_StrideX;
+ desc.m_StrideY = convDesc.m_StrideY;
+ desc.m_BiasEnabled = convDesc.m_BiasEnabled;
+ armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer;
+ auto weightTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(1));
+ TensorShape& weightShape = weightTensor.first.GetShape();
+ weightShape[1] = weightShape[0];
+ weightShape[0] = 1;
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_info->SetShape(weightShape);
+ if (node.input_size() == 3)
+ {
+ if(!m_TensorsInfo[node.input(2)].isConstant())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Bias '%1%' should be constant in Conv layer '%2%' %3%")
+ % node.input(2)
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ desc.m_BiasEnabled = true;
+ auto biasTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(2));
+ layer = m_Network->AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(desc,
+ weightTensor.first,
+ biasTensor.first,
+ node.name().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ layer = m_Network->AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(desc,
+ weightTensor.first,
+ node.name().c_str());
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({ node.output(0) }, layer,
+ { m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape(),
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_info->GetShape() });
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::ParseConv(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 2, 3); //input, weight, (bias)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(node, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ if(m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetNumDimensions() != 4)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("ArmNN only supports 2D convolution and Conv layer '%1%' input %2% %3%")
+ % node.name()
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info, node.input(0),
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_dtype)
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ if(!m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].isConstant())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Weights '%1%' should be constant in Conv layer '%2%' %3%")
+ % node.input(1)
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ auto inputInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> dilations = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "dilations");
+ if (!dilations.empty())
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "[ ";
+ for (auto dilation : dilations)
+ {
+ ss << dilation << ", ";
+ if (dilation != 1u)
+ {
+ ss << "... ]";
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("ArmNN only supports Convolution layers with dilations [1,1], and node '%1%' "
+ "has dilatation %2% %3%")
+ % node.name()
+ % ss.str()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Convolution2dDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_BiasEnabled = false;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> strides = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "strides");
+ if(strides.empty())
+ {
+ desc.m_StrideX = 1;
+ desc.m_StrideY = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desc.m_StrideX = strides[1];
+ desc.m_StrideY = strides[0];
+ }
+ std::vector<uint32_t> pads = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "pads");
+ //Check new padding version first
+ if(pads.empty())
+ {
+ //Check deprecated version
+ std::string paddingString = ReadOptionalNodeStringAttribute(node, "auto_pad");
+ if(paddingString != "VALID" && paddingString != "" && paddingString != "NOTSET")
+ {
+ bool isUpper;
+ if( paddingString == "SAME_LOWER")
+ {
+ isUpper = false;
+ }
+ else if (paddingString == "SAME_UPPER")
+ {
+ isUpper = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Invalid auto_pad attribute for node %1%. "
+ "Only SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID supported and found %2% %3%")
+ % node.name()
+ % paddingString
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ uint32_t inputHeight = inputInfo.GetShape()[2];
+ uint32_t inputWidth = inputInfo.GetShape()[3];
+ uint32_t weightHeight;
+ uint32_t weightWidth;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> kernel_shape = ReadOptionalNodeUint32ListAttribute(node, "kernel_shape");
+ if (kernel_shape.empty())
+ {
+ const TensorInfo weightTensorInfo = *m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_info;
+ weightHeight = weightTensorInfo.GetShape()[2];
+ weightWidth = weightTensorInfo.GetShape()[3];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ weightHeight = kernel_shape[0];
+ weightWidth = kernel_shape[1];
+ }
+ CalcPadding(inputHeight, weightHeight, desc.m_StrideY, &desc.m_PadTop, &desc.m_PadBottom, isUpper);
+ CalcPadding(inputWidth, weightWidth, desc.m_StrideX, &desc.m_PadLeft, &desc.m_PadRight, isUpper);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ desc.m_PadTop = pads[0];
+ desc.m_PadLeft = pads[1];
+ desc.m_PadBottom = pads[2];
+ desc.m_PadRight = pads[3];
+ }
+ uint32_t group = ReadOptionalNodeUint32Attribute(node, "group", 1);
+ if(group > 1)
+ {
+ if (group > inputInfo.GetShape()[1])
+ {
+ throw ParseException(
+ boost::str(
+ boost::format(
+ "Error parsing Convolution node: %1%. "
+ "The 'group'=%2% parameter cannot be larger than the "
+ "channel of the input shape=%3% (in NCHW format). %4%") %
+ node.name() %
+ group %
+ inputInfo.GetShape()[1] %
+ CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ else if (group == inputInfo.GetShape()[1])
+ {
+ // we use a depthwise convolution here, because the number of groups equals to the
+ // input channels
+ AddConvLayerWithDepthwiseConv(node, desc);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: split the input by channels into channels/groups separate convolutions
+ // and merger the results afterwards
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Error parsing Convolution node: %1%. "
+ "The 'group'=%2% parameter should be 1 or be equal to the "
+ "channel of the input shape=%3% (in NCHW format). %4%") %
+ node.name() %
+ group %
+ inputInfo.GetShape()[1] %
+ CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer;
+ auto weightTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(1));
+ if (node.input_size() == 3)
+ {
+ if(!m_TensorsInfo[node.input(2)].isConstant())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Bias '%1%' should be constant in Conv layer '%2%' %3%")
+ % node.input(2)
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ desc.m_BiasEnabled = true;
+ auto biasTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(2));
+ layer = m_Network->AddConvolution2dLayer(desc,
+ weightTensor.first,
+ biasTensor.first,
+ node.name().c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ layer = m_Network->AddConvolution2dLayer(desc,
+ weightTensor.first,
+ node.name().c_str());
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({ node.output(0) }, layer,
+ { m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape(),
+ m_TensorsInfo[node.input(1)].m_info->GetShape() });
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ // only the tensors for the inputs are relevant, exclude the const tensors
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)});
+ // register the output connection slots for the layer, connections are made after all layers have been created
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::PrependForBroadcast(const std::string& outputName,
+ const std::string& input0,
+ const std::string& input1)
+ //input0 should be reshaped to have same number of dim as input1
+ TensorInfo outputTensorInfo = TensorInfo(*m_TensorsInfo[input0].m_info);
+ TensorShape input0Shape = m_TensorsInfo[input0].m_info->GetShape();
+ TensorShape input1Shape = m_TensorsInfo[input1].m_info->GetShape();
+ uint32_t diff = input1Shape.GetNumDimensions() - input0Shape.GetNumDimensions();
+ std::vector<uint32_t> newShape;
+ while(diff > 0)
+ {
+ newShape.push_back(1);
+ diff--;
+ }
+ for (uint dim = 0; dim < input0Shape.GetNumDimensions(); ++dim)
+ {
+ newShape.push_back(input0Shape[dim]);
+ }
+ outputTensorInfo.SetShape(TensorShape(static_cast<unsigned int>(newShape.size()), newShape.data()));
+ //add the new tensor to m_TensorsInfo
+ m_TensorsInfo[outputName] = OnnxTensor();
+ m_TensorsInfo[outputName].m_info = std::make_unique<TensorInfo>(outputTensorInfo);
+ //add reshape layer if the parent was not constant...
+ if( ! m_TensorsInfo[input0].isConstant())
+ {
+ CreateReshapeLayer(input0, outputName, boost::str(boost::format("Add:reshapeOf%1%") % input0));
+ }
+ else //make it constant and it will be create in Add
+ {
+ m_TensorsInfo[outputName].m_tensor = std::make_unique<onnx::TensorProto>(*m_TensorsInfo[input0].m_tensor);
+ }
+std::pair<std::string, std::string> OnnxParser::AddPrepareBroadcast(const std::string& input0,
+ const std::string& input1)
+ std::pair<std::string, std::string> inputs = std::make_pair(input0, input1);
+ TensorShape input0Shape = m_TensorsInfo[input0].m_info->GetShape();
+ TensorShape input1Shape = m_TensorsInfo[input1].m_info->GetShape();
+ if(input1Shape.GetNumDimensions() < input0Shape.GetNumDimensions())
+ {
+ auto outputName = boost::str(boost::format("reshape_output_%1%") % input1);
+ PrependForBroadcast(outputName, input1, input0);
+ inputs.second = outputName;
+ }
+ else if(input0Shape.GetNumDimensions() < input1Shape.GetNumDimensions())
+ {
+ auto outputName = boost::str(boost::format("reshape_output_%1%") % input0);
+ PrependForBroadcast(outputName, input0, input1);
+ inputs.first = outputName;
+ }
+ return inputs;
+void OnnxParser::ParseAdd(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 2);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(node, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ // TODO: unify broadcast validation code across layers
+ // tracked by: IVGCVSW-1576
+ // Checking broadcast compatibility : only scalar or 1D tensors
+ auto inputs = AddPrepareBroadcast(node.input(0), node.input(1));
+ auto input0 = *m_TensorsInfo[inputs.first].m_info;
+ auto input1 = *m_TensorsInfo[inputs.second].m_info;
+ BOOST_ASSERT(input0.GetNumDimensions() == input1.GetNumDimensions());
+ unsigned int numDims = input0.GetNumDimensions();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDims; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int dim0 = input0.GetShape()[i];
+ unsigned int dim1 = input1.GetShape()[i];
+ if (dim0 != dim1 && dim0 != 1 && dim1 != 1)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Broadcast is only supported for scalar or 1D tensors in Add node '%1%'. "
+ "Input dimensions should either match or one should be of size 1 and here, "
+ "%2% and %3% %4%")
+ % node.name()
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[inputs.first].m_info, inputs.first,
+ m_TensorsInfo[inputs.first].m_dtype)
+ % TensorInfoAsString(*m_TensorsInfo[inputs.second].m_info, inputs.second,
+ m_TensorsInfo[inputs.second].m_dtype)
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddAdditionLayer(node.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({ node.output(0) }, layer,
+ { m_TensorsInfo[inputs.first].m_info->GetShape(),
+ m_TensorsInfo[inputs.second].m_info->GetShape() });
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ // register the input connection -> for constant inputs, we need to make a newDim constant layer
+ if(m_TensorsInfo[inputs.first].isConstant()) {
+ CreateConstantLayer(inputs.first, boost::str(boost::format("Add:constant_of_%1%") % node.input(0)));
+ }
+ if(m_TensorsInfo[inputs.second].isConstant()) {
+ CreateConstantLayer(inputs.second, boost::str(boost::format("Add:constant_of_%1%") % node.input(1)));
+ }
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {inputs.first, inputs.second});
+ // register the output connection
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::ParseBatchNormalization(const onnx::NodeProto& node)
+ //IGNORE momentum parameter and spatial parameters
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.input_size()), 5);
+ CHECK_VALID_SIZE(static_cast<size_t>(node.output_size()), 1);
+ VALID_INPUTS(node, STR_LIST(onnx::TensorProto::FLOAT));
+ for(int ind = 1; ind < node.input_size(); ++ind)
+ {
+ auto tensor = node.input(ind);
+ if(! m_TensorsInfo[tensor].isConstant())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Input tensor '%1%' should be constant in BatchNormalization node '%2%' %3%")
+ % tensor
+ % node.name()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ }
+ float epsilon = ReadOptionalNodeFloatAttribute(node, "epsilon", 1e-5f);
+ BatchNormalizationDescriptor desc;
+ desc.m_Eps = epsilon;
+ auto scaleTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(1));
+ auto biasTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(2));
+ auto meanTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(3));
+ auto varTensor = CreateConstTensor(node.input(4));
+ IConnectableLayer* layer = m_Network->AddBatchNormalizationLayer(desc,
+ meanTensor.first,
+ varTensor.first,
+ biasTensor.first,
+ scaleTensor.first,
+ node.name().c_str());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ auto outputInfo = ComputeOutputInfo({node.output(0)}, layer, {m_TensorsInfo[node.input(0)].m_info->GetShape()});
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(outputInfo[0]);
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, {node.input(0)}); //don't register constant inputs
+ // register the output connection
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer, {node.output(0)});
+void OnnxParser::SetupInputLayers()
+ //Find user input and add their layers
+ for(int inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < m_Graph->input_size(); ++inputIndex)
+ {
+ auto input = m_Graph->input(inputIndex);
+ if (! m_TensorsInfo[input.name()].isConstant())
+ {
+ IConnectableLayer* layer =
+ m_Network->AddInputLayer(static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>(inputIndex), input.name().c_str());
+ auto tensorInfo = ToTensorInfo(input);
+ layer->GetOutputSlot(0).SetTensorInfo(tensorInfo);
+ RegisterOutputSlots(layer,{ input.name() });
+ }
+ }
+void OnnxParser::SetupOutputLayers()
+ if(m_Graph->output_size() == 0)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(boost::format("The given model does not have any outputs %1%")
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ for(int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < m_Graph->output_size(); ++outputIndex)
+ {
+ IConnectableLayer* layer =
+ m_Network->AddOutputLayer(static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>(outputIndex),
+ m_Graph->output(outputIndex).name().c_str());
+ RegisterInputSlots(layer, { m_Graph->output(outputIndex).name() });
+ }
+void OnnxParser::RegisterInputSlots(IConnectableLayer* layer, const std::vector<std::string>& tensorIds)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ if (tensorIds.size() != layer->GetNumInputSlots())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(
+ boost::str(boost::format("The number of tensor inputs (%1%) does not match the number expected (%2%) %3%") %
+ tensorIds.size() %
+ layer->GetNumInputSlots() %
+ CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ for (unsigned int slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < layer->GetNumInputSlots(); ++slotIndex)
+ {
+ std::string tensorId = tensorIds[slotIndex];
+ armnn::IInputSlot* slot = &(layer->GetInputSlot(slotIndex));
+ auto it = m_TensorConnections.find(tensorId);
+ if (it == m_TensorConnections.end())
+ {
+ //First time seing this tensor, we need to map it
+ m_TensorConnections[tensorId] = TensorSlots();
+ }
+ m_TensorConnections[tensorId].inputSlots.push_back(slot);
+ }
+void OnnxParser::RegisterOutputSlots(IConnectableLayer* layer, const std::vector<std::string>& tensorIds)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
+ if (tensorIds.size() != layer->GetNumOutputSlots())
+ {
+ throw ParseException(
+ boost::str(boost::format("The number of tensor outputs (%1%) does not match the number expected (%2%) %3% ")
+ % tensorIds.size()
+ % layer->GetNumOutputSlots()
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ for (unsigned int slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < layer->GetNumOutputSlots(); ++slotIndex)
+ {
+ std::string tensorId = tensorIds[slotIndex];
+ armnn::IOutputSlot* slot = &(layer->GetOutputSlot(slotIndex));
+ auto it = m_TensorConnections.find(tensorId);
+ if (it == m_TensorConnections.end())
+ {
+ //First time seing this tensor, we need to map it
+ m_TensorConnections[tensorId] = TensorSlots();
+ }
+ TensorSlots & tensorSlots = m_TensorConnections[tensorId];
+ // assuming there is only one producer for that tensor
+ if (tensorSlots.outputSlot != nullptr)
+ {
+ throw ParseException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("Another layer has already registered itself as the producer of "
+ "tensor:%2% %3%") %
+ tensorId %
+ CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ tensorSlots.outputSlot = slot;
+ }
+BindingPointInfo OnnxParser::GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(const std::string& name) const
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_Graph->input_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto input = m_Graph->input(i);
+ if(input.name() == name)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>(i), ToTensorInfo(input));
+ }
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(boost::format("The input layer '%1%' does not exist %2%")
+ % name % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+BindingPointInfo OnnxParser::GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(const std::string& name) const
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_Graph->output_size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto output = m_Graph->output(i);
+ if(output.name() == name)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(static_cast<armnn::LayerBindingId>(i), ToTensorInfo(output));
+ }
+ }
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(boost::format("The output layer '%1%' does not exist %2%")
+ % name % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+std::vector<std::string> OnnxParser::GetInputs(ModelPtr& model)
+ if(model == nullptr) {
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("The given model cannot be null %1%")
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> inputNames;
+ std::map<std::string, bool> isConstant;
+ for(auto tensor : model->graph().initializer())
+ {
+ isConstant[tensor.name()] = true;
+ }
+ for(auto input : model->graph().input())
+ {
+ auto it = isConstant.find(input.name());
+ if(it == isConstant.end())
+ {
+ inputNames.push_back(input.name());
+ }
+ }
+ return inputNames;
+std::vector<std::string> OnnxParser::GetOutputs(ModelPtr& model)
+ if(model == nullptr) {
+ throw InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(
+ boost::format("The given model cannot be null %1%")
+ % CHECK_LOCATION().AsString()));
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> outputNames;
+ for(auto output : model->graph().output())
+ {
+ outputNames.push_back(output.name());
+ }
+ return outputNames;
+} // namespace armnnOnnxParser