path: root/src/armnn/test
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diff --git a/src/armnn/test/SubgraphViewTests.cpp b/src/armnn/test/SubgraphViewTests.cpp
index 48f4a7fc01..e0fd5fe7c1 100644
--- a/src/armnn/test/SubgraphViewTests.cpp
+++ b/src/armnn/test/SubgraphViewTests.cpp
@@ -2603,13 +2603,109 @@ TEST_CASE("MultipleInputMultipleOutputSlots_SubstituteGraph")
SubgraphView::IOutputSlots expectedOutputSlots = {activationOutputSlot,
- // expecting addition input slot to be changed with standin input slot
// convInputSlot MUST remain as an expected input slot
- SubgraphView::IInputSlots expectedInputSlots = {convInputSlot,
- &standInLayer->GetInputSlot(0)};
+ SubgraphView::IInputSlots expectedInputSlots = {convInputSlot};
CHECK(expectedOutputSlots == viewCopy.GetIOutputSlots());
CHECK(expectedInputSlots == viewCopy.GetIInputSlots());
+ // Construct graph //
+ // //
+ // input //
+ // | //
+ // conv2d //
+ // | //
+ // const relu //
+ // \ / \ //
+ // add output //
+ // | //
+ // output //
+ // //
+ // SubgraphView layers: conv2d relu add const
+ Graph graph;
+ Layer* inputLayer = graph.AddLayer<InputLayer>(0, "input");
+ Layer* convLayer = graph.AddLayer<Convolution2dLayer>(Convolution2dDescriptor(), "conv");
+ Layer* reluLayer = graph.AddLayer<ActivationLayer>(ActivationDescriptor(), "activation");
+ Layer* constLayer = graph.AddLayer<ConstantLayer>("const");
+ Layer* addLayer = graph.AddLayer<AdditionLayer>("add");
+ Layer* outputLayer1 = graph.AddLayer<OutputLayer>(0, "output1");
+ Layer* outputLayer2 = graph.AddLayer<OutputLayer>(1, "output2");
+ inputLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(convLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
+ convLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(reluLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
+ constLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(addLayer->GetInputSlot(0));
+ reluLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(addLayer->GetInputSlot(1));
+ reluLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer1->GetInputSlot(0));
+ addLayer->GetOutputSlot(0).Connect(outputLayer2->GetInputSlot(0));
+ // main subgraph creation
+ SubgraphView::IInputSlots inputSlots = {&convLayer->GetInputSlot(0)};
+ SubgraphView::IOutputSlots outputSlots = {&reluLayer->GetOutputSlot(0), &addLayer->GetOutputSlot(0)};
+ auto view = CreateSubgraphViewFrom({convLayer, reluLayer, addLayer, constLayer},
+ std::move(inputSlots),
+ std::move(outputSlots));
+ // need to call GetWorkingCopy() in order for SubstituteSubgraph() to work later on
+ SubgraphView viewCopy = view->GetWorkingCopy();
+ IConnectableLayer* addCopyLayer = nullptr;
+ for (auto layer : viewCopy.GetIConnectableLayers())
+ {
+ // GetWorkingCopy() has caused address pointer of convolution layer to change.
+ // Finding new address pointer...
+ if (layer->GetType() == LayerType::Addition)
+ {
+ addCopyLayer = layer;
+ }
+ }
+ // substitute subgraph creation
+ OptimizationViews optimizationViews;
+ IConnectableLayer* standInLayer = optimizationViews.GetINetwork()->AddStandInLayer(StandInDescriptor(2,2),
+ "standin");
+ // Extra inputSlot (needed explicit use of vector to prevent ambiguity)
+ auto substituteSubgraph1 = CreateSubgraphViewFrom({standInLayer},
+ {&standInLayer->GetInputSlot(0),
+ &standInLayer->GetInputSlot(1)},
+ std::vector<IOutputSlot*>{&standInLayer->GetOutputSlot(0)});
+ // Extra outputSlot
+ auto substituteSubgraph2 = CreateSubgraphViewFrom({standInLayer},
+ {&standInLayer->GetInputSlot(0)},
+ std::vector<IOutputSlot*>{&standInLayer->GetOutputSlot(0),
+ &standInLayer->GetOutputSlot(1)});
+ // pattern subgraph creation
+ IConnectableLayer* constCopyLayer = &addCopyLayer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetOwningIConnectableLayer();
+ // Mismatched number of input slots (needed explicit use of vector to prevent ambiguity)
+ SubgraphView::SubgraphViewPtr patternSubgraph1 =
+ CreateSubgraphViewFrom({addCopyLayer, constCopyLayer},
+ {&addCopyLayer->GetInputSlot(0)},
+ std::vector<IOutputSlot*>{&addCopyLayer->GetOutputSlot(0)});
+ // Mismatched number of output slots
+ SubgraphView::SubgraphViewPtr patternSubgraph2 = CreateSubgraphViewFrom({addCopyLayer, constCopyLayer},
+ {&addCopyLayer->GetInputSlot(0)},
+ {&addCopyLayer->GetOutputSlot(0)});
+ // Ensure that a substitute subgraphView has same number of InputSlots as the pattern subgraphView
+ CHECK_THROWS_AS(viewCopy.SubstituteSubgraph(*patternSubgraph1, *substituteSubgraph1),
+ armnn::InvalidArgumentException);
+ // Ensure that a substitute subgraphView has same number of OutputSlots as the pattern subgraphView
+ CHECK_THROWS_AS(viewCopy.SubstituteSubgraph(*patternSubgraph2, *substituteSubgraph2),
+ armnn::InvalidArgumentException);