path: root/src/armnn/QuantizerVisitor.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/armnn/QuantizerVisitor.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/src/armnn/QuantizerVisitor.hpp b/src/armnn/QuantizerVisitor.hpp
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index 65bd67101e..0000000000
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-// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-#pragma once
-#include "armnn/LayerVisitorBase.hpp"
-#include "StaticRangeVisitor.hpp"
-#include "NetworkQuantizationScheme.hpp"
-#include <armnn/INetwork.hpp>
-#include <armnn/Types.hpp>
-#include <armnnQuantizer/INetworkQuantizer.hpp>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace armnn
-// Forward declaration
-class StaticRangeVisitor;
-/// Visitor object for quantizing layers in a network
-class QuantizerVisitor : public LayerVisitorBase<VisitorThrowingPolicy>
- QuantizerVisitor(const RangeTracker& rangeTracker,
- const IQuantizationScheme* quantizationScheme,
- bool preserveType = false);
- ~QuantizerVisitor() = default;
- /// Functions to quantize the individual layers, overridden from ILayerVisitor
- ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer instead")
- void VisitAbsLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer, const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitActivationLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ActivationDescriptor& activationDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitAdditionLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer, const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitArgMinMaxLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ArgMinMaxDescriptor& argMinMaxDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitBatchNormalizationLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const BatchNormalizationDescriptor& desc,
- const ConstTensor& mean,
- const ConstTensor& variance,
- const ConstTensor& beta,
- const ConstTensor& gamma,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitBatchToSpaceNdLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& batchToSpaceNdDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitComparisonLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ComparisonDescriptor& comparisonDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitConcatLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const OriginsDescriptor& originsDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitConstantLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ConstTensor& input,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitConvolution2dLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor,
- const ConstTensor& weights,
- const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitDepthToSpaceLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const DepthToSpaceDescriptor& depthToSpaceDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& desc,
- const ConstTensor& weights,
- const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ElementwiseUnaryDescriptor& elementwiseUnaryDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitFillLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const FillDescriptor& desc,
- const char* name) override;
- void VisitFullyConnectedLayer(const IConnectableLayer *layer,
- const FullyConnectedDescriptor& desc,
- const ConstTensor& weights,
- const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
- const char *name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitInputLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer, LayerBindingId id, const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitInstanceNormalizationLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const InstanceNormalizationDescriptor& instanceNormalizationDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitLogSoftmaxLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const LogSoftmaxDescriptor& logSoftmaxDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitMeanLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const MeanDescriptor& meanDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitMultiplicationLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitNormalizationLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const NormalizationDescriptor& normalizationDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitOutputLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer, LayerBindingId id, const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitPadLayer(const IConnectableLayer*,
- const PadDescriptor&,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitPermuteLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const PermuteDescriptor& permuteDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitPooling2dLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const Pooling2dDescriptor& pooling2dDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitPreluLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitReshapeLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ReshapeDescriptor& reshapeDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitResizeLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ResizeDescriptor& resizeDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use VisitResizeLayer instead")
- void VisitResizeBilinearLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const ResizeBilinearDescriptor& resizeDesc,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- ARMNN_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use VisitElementwiseUnaryLayer instead")
- void VisitRsqrtLayer(const IConnectableLayer*,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSliceLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const SliceDescriptor& sliceDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSoftmaxLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const SoftmaxDescriptor& softmaxDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSpaceToBatchNdLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor& spaceToBatchNdDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSpaceToDepthLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const SpaceToDepthDescriptor& spaceToDepthDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSplitterLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const SplitterDescriptor& splitterDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitStackLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const StackDescriptor& stackDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitStridedSliceLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const StridedSliceDescriptor& stridedSliceDescriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitSubtractionLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitTransposeConvolution2dLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor,
- const ConstTensor& weights,
- const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- void VisitTransposeLayer(const IConnectableLayer* layer,
- const TransposeDescriptor& descriptor,
- const char* name = nullptr) override;
- /// Extract the quantized network
- INetworkPtr RetrieveFinalNetwork() { return std::move(m_QuantizedNetwork); }
- /// Connects the layer to preceeding layers and sets the quantization parameters based on recorded ranges
- void SetQuantizedInputConnections(const IConnectableLayer* srcLayer, IConnectableLayer* quantizedLayer);
- /// Record the guids so we can easily find the layers later
- void RecordLayer(const IConnectableLayer* srcLayer, IConnectableLayer* qLayer);
- /// Sets the bias quantization scale based on input and weight scales
- ConstTensor CreateQuantizedBias(const IConnectableLayer* srcLayer,
- const ConstTensor& weights,
- const Optional<ConstTensor>& biases,
- std::vector<int32_t>& weightsBacking);
- /// Reference to the static range visitor used to retrieve the quantization ranges
- const RangeTracker& m_Ranges;
- /// Quantized version of the model we are building up
- INetworkPtr m_QuantizedNetwork;
- /// Mapping from input network guids to quantized network guids
- std::unordered_map<LayerGuid, LayerGuid> m_OriginalToQuantizedGuidMap;
- /// Mapping from guid to layer in quantized network
- std::unordered_map<LayerGuid, IConnectableLayer*> m_QuantizedGuidToLayerMap;
- const IQuantizationScheme* m_QuantizationScheme;
- const bool m_PreserveType;
-} //namespace armnn