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-/// Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited.
-/// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-/// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-/// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-/// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-/// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-/// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-/// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-/// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-/// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-namespace armnn
-@page backends Backend Developer Guides
-@section S12_backend_developer_guide Backend Developer Guide
-Arm NN allows adding new backends through the `Pluggable Backend` mechanism.
-@subsection S12_1_backend_developer_guide How to add a new backend
-Backends reside under [src/backends](./), in separate subfolders. For Linux builds they must have a `backend.cmake` file,
-which is read automatically by [src/backends/backends.cmake](backends.cmake). The `backend.cmake` file
-under the backend-specific folder is then included by the main CMakeLists.txt file at the root of the
-Arm NN source tree.
-### The backend.cmake file
-The `backend.cmake` has three main purposes:
-1. It makes sure the artifact (a cmake OBJECT library) is linked into the Arm NN shared library by appending the name of the library to the `armnnLibraries` list.
-2. It makes sure that the subdirectory where backend sources reside gets included into the build.
-3. To include backend-specific unit tests, the object library for the unit tests needs to be added to the `armnnUnitTestLibraries` list.
-Example `backend.cmake` file taken from [reference/backend.cmake](reference/backend.cmake):
-# Make sure the reference backend is included in the build.
-# By adding the subdirectory, cmake requires the presence of CMakeLists.txt
-# in the reference (backend) folder.
-# Add the cmake OBJECT libraries built by the reference backend to the
-# list of libraries linked against the Arm NN shared library.
-list(APPEND armnnLibraries armnnRefBackend armnnRefBackendWorkloads)
-# Backend specific unit tests can be integrated through the
-# armnnUnitTestLibraries variable. This makes sure that the
-# UnitTests executable can run the backend-specific unit
-# tests.
-list(APPEND armnnUnitTestLibraries armnnRefBackendUnitTests)
-### The CMakeLists.txt file
-As described in the previous section, adding a new backend will require creating a `CMakeLists.txt` in
-the backend folder. This follows the standard cmake conventions, and is required to build a static cmake OBJECT library
-to be linked into the Arm NN shared library. As with any cmake build, the code can be structured into
-subfolders and modules as the developer sees fit.
-Example can be found under [reference/CMakeLists.txt](reference/CMakeLists.txt).
-### The backend.mk file
-Arm NN on Android uses the native Android build system. New backends are integrated by creating a
-`backend.mk` file, which has a single variable called `BACKEND_SOURCES` listing all cpp
-files to be built by the Android build system for the Arm NN shared library.
-Optionally, backend-specific unit tests can be added similarly, by
-appending the list of cpp files to the `BACKEND_TEST_SOURCES` variable.
-Example taken from [reference/backend.mk](reference/backend.mk):
- RefLayerSupport.cpp \
- RefWorkloadFactory.cpp \
- workloads/Activation.cpp \
- workloads/ElementwiseFunction.cpp \
- workloads/Broadcast.cpp \
- ...
- test/RefCreateWorkloadTests.cpp \
- test/RefEndToEndTests.cpp \
- test/RefJsonPrinterTests.cpp \
- ...
-@subsection S12_2_backend_developer_guide How to Add Common Code Across Backends
-For multiple backends that need common code, there is support for including them in the build
-similarly to the backend code. This requires adding three files under a subfolder at the same level
-as the backends folders. These are:
-1. common.cmake
-2. common.mk
-3. CMakeLists.txt
-They work the same way as the backend files. The only difference between them is that
-common code is built first, so the backend code can depend on them.
-[aclCommon](aclCommon) is an example for this concept and you can find the corresponding files:
-1. [aclCommon/common.cmake](aclCommon/common.cmake)
-2. [aclCommon/common.mk](aclCommon/common.mk)
-3. [aclCommon/CMakeLists.txt](aclCommon/CMakeLists.txt)
-@subsection S12_3_backend_developer_guide Identifying Backends
-Backends are identified by a string that must be unique across backends. This string is
-wrapped in the [BackendId](../../include/armnn/BackendId.hpp) object for backward compatibility
-with previous Arm NN versions.
-@subsection S12_4_backend_developer_guide The IBackendInteral Interface
-All backends need to implement the [IBackendInternal](../../include/armnn/backends/IBackendInternal.hpp) interface.
-The interface functions to be implemented are:
- virtual IMemoryManagerUniquePtr CreateMemoryManager() const = 0;
- virtual IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory(
- const IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager = nullptr) const = 0;
- virtual IBackendContextPtr CreateBackendContext(const IRuntime::CreationOptions&) const = 0;
- virtual IBackendProfilingContextPtr CreateBackendProfilingContext(const IRuntime::CreationOptions& creationOptions,
- armnn::profiling::IBackendProfiling& backendProfiling) const = 0;
- virtual ILayerSupportSharedPtr GetLayerSupport() const = 0;
- virtual Optimizations GetOptimizations() const = 0;
- virtual SubgraphUniquePtr OptimizeSubgraph(const SubgraphView& subgraph, bool& optimizationAttempted) const;
- virtual OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView& subgraph) const;
-Note that `GetOptimizations()` and `SubgraphViewUniquePtr OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView& subgraph, bool& optimizationAttempted)`
-have been deprecated.
-The method `OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraph(const SubgraphView& subgraph)` should be used instead to
-apply specific optimizations to a given sub-graph.
-The Arm NN framework then creates instances of the IBackendInternal interface with the help of the
-[BackendRegistry](../../include/armnn/BackendRegistry.hpp) singleton.
-**Important:** the `IBackendInternal` object is not guaranteed to have a longer lifetime than
-the objects it creates. It is only intended to be a single entry point for the factory functions it has.
-The best use of this is to be a lightweight, stateless object and make no assumptions between
-its lifetime and the lifetime of the objects it creates.
-For each backend one needs to register a factory function that can
-be retrieved using a [BackendId](../../include/armnn/BackendId.hpp).
-The Arm NN framework creates the backend interfaces dynamically when
-it sees fit and it keeps these objects for a short period of time. Examples:
-- During optimization Arm NN needs to decide which layers are supported by the backend.
- To do this, it creates a backends and calls the `GetLayerSupport()` function and creates
- an `ILayerSupport` object to help deciding this.
-- During optimization Arm NN can run backend-specific optimizations. After splitting the graph into
- sub-graphs based on backends, it calls the `OptimizeSubgraphView()` function on each of them and, if possible,
- substitutes the corresponding sub-graph in the original graph with its optimized version.
-- When the Runtime is initialized it creates an optional `IBackendContext` object and keeps this context alive
- for the Runtime's lifetime. It notifies this context object before and after a network is loaded or unloaded.
-- When the LoadedNetwork creates the backend-specific workloads for the layers, it creates a backend
- specific workload factory and calls this to create the workloads.
-@subsection S12_5_backend_developer_guide The BackendRegistry
-As mentioned above, all backends need to be registered through the BackendRegistry so Arm NN knows
-about them. Registration requires a unique backend ID string and a lambda function that
-returns a unique pointer to the [IBackendInternal interface](../../include/armnn/backends/IBackendInternal.hpp).
-For registering a backend only this lambda function needs to exist, not the actual backend. This
-allows dynamically creating the backend objects when they are needed.
-The BackendRegistry has a few convenience functions, like we can query the registered backends and
-are able to tell if a given backend is registered or not.
-Dynamic backends are registered during the runtime creation.
-@subsection S12_6_backend_developer_guide The ILayerSupport Interface
-Arm NN uses the [ILayerSupport](../../include/armnn/ILayerSupport.hpp) interface to decide if a layer
-with a set of parameters (i.e. input and output tensors, descriptor, weights, filter, kernel if any) are
-supported on a given backend. The backends need a way to communicate this information by implementing
-the `GetLayerSupport()` function on the `IBackendInternal` interface.
-Examples of this can be found in the [RefLayerSupport header](reference/RefLayerSupport.hpp)
-and the [RefLayerSupport implementation](reference/RefLayerSupport.cpp).
-@subsection S12_7_backend_developer_guide The IWorkloadFactory Interface
-The [IWorkloadFactory interface](backendsCommon/WorkloadFactory.hpp) is used for creating the backend
-specific workloads. The factory function that creates the IWorkloadFactory object in the IBackendInterface
-takes an IMemoryManager object.
-To create a workload object the `IWorkloadFactory` takes a `WorkloadInfo` object that holds
-the input and output tensor information and a workload specific queue descriptor.
-@subsection S12_8_backend_developer_guide The IMemoryManager Interface
-Backends may choose to implement custom memory management. Arm NN supports this concept through the following
-- the `IBackendInternal` interface has a `CreateMemoryManager()` function, which is called before
- creating the workload factory
-- the memory manager is passed to the `CreateWorkloadFactory(...)` function so the workload factory can
- use it for creating the backend-specific workloads
-- the LoadedNetwork calls `Acquire()` on the memory manager before it starts executing the network and
- it calls `Release()` in its destructor
-@subsection S12_9_backend_developer_guide The Optimizations
-The backends may choose to implement backend-specific optimizations.
-This is supported through the method `OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraph(const SubgraphView& subgraph)` of
-the backend interface that allows the backends to apply their specific optimizations to a given sub-graph.
-The `OptimizeSubgraph(...)` method returns an OptimizationViews object containing three lists:
-- A list of the sub-graph substitutions: a "substitution" is a pair of sub-graphs, the first is the "substitutable" sub-graph,
- representing the part of the original graph that has been optimized by the backend, while the second is the "replacement" sub-graph,
- containing the actual optimized layers that will be replaced in the original graph correspondingly to the "substitutable" sub-graph
-- A list of the failed sub-graphs: these are the parts of the original sub-graph that are not supported by the backend,
- thus have been rejected. Arm NN will try to re-allocate these parts on other backends if available.
-- A list of the untouched sub-graphs: these are the parts of the original sub-graph that have not been optimized,
- but that can run (unoptimized) on the backend.
-The previous way backends had to provide a list optimizations to the Optimizer (through the `GetOptimizations()` method)
-is still in place for backward compatibility, but it's now considered deprecated and will be remove in a future release.
-@subsection S12_10_backend_developer_guide The IBackendContext Interface
-Backends may need to be notified whenever a network is loaded or unloaded. To support that, one can implement the optional
-[IBackendContext](../../include/armnn/backends/IBackendContext.hpp) interface. The framework calls the `CreateBackendContext(...)`
-method for each backend in the Runtime. If the backend returns a valid unique pointer to a backend context, then the
-runtime will hold this for its entire lifetime. It then calls the following interface functions for each stored context:
-- `BeforeLoadNetwork(NetworkId networkId)`
-- `AfterLoadNetwork(NetworkId networkId)`
-- `BeforeUnloadNetwork(NetworkId networkId)`
-- `AfterUnloadNetwork(NetworkId networkId)`
-@subsection S12_11_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backends
-Backends can also be loaded by Arm NN dynamically at runtime.
-To be properly loaded and used, the backend instances must comply to the standard interface for dynamic backends and to the versioning
-rules that enforce ABI compatibility.
-@subsection S12_12_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backends Base Interface
-The dynamic backend shared object must expose the following interface for Arm NN to handle it correctly:
-extern "C"
-const char* GetBackendId();
-void GetVersion(uint32_t* outMajor, uint32_t* outMinor);
-void* BackendFactory();
-Interface details:
-- `extern "C"` is needed to use avoid C++ name mangling, necessary to allow Arm NN to dynamically load the symbols.
-- `GetBackendId()`: must return the unique id of the dynamic backends.
- If at the time of the loading the id already exists in the internal Arm NN's backend registry, the backend will be skipped and
- not loaded in Arm NN
-- `GetVersion()`: must return the version of the dynamic backend.
- The version must indicate the version of the Backend API the dynamic backend has been built with.
- The current Backend API version can be found by inspecting the IBackendInternal interface.
- At the time of loading, the version of the backend will be checked against the version of the Backend API Arm NN is built with.
- If the backend version is not compatible with the current Backend API, the backend will not be loaded as it will be assumed that
- it is not ABI compatible with the current Arm NN build.
-- `BackendFactory()`: must return a valid instance of the backend.
- The backend instance is an object that must inherit from the version of the IBackendInternal interface declared by GetVersion().
- It is the backend developer's responsibility to ensure that the backend implementation correctly reflects the version declared by
- GetVersion(), and that the object returned by the BackendFactory() function is a valid and well-formed instance of the IBackendInternal
- interface.
-@subsection S12_13_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backend Versioning and ABI Compatibility
-Dynamic backend versioning policy:
-Updates to Arm NN's Backend API follow these rules: changes to the Backend API (the IBackendInternal interface) that break
-ABI compatibility with the previous API version will be indicated by a change of the API's major version, while changes
-that guarantee ABI compatibility with the previous API version will be indicated by a change in API's the minor version.
-For example:
-- Dynamic backend version 2.4 (i.e. built with Backend API version 2.4) is compatible with Arm NN's Backend API version 2.4
- (same version, backend built against the same Backend API)
-- Dynamic backend version 2.1 (i.e. built with Backend API version 2.1) is compatible with Arm NN's Backend API version 2.4
- (same major version, backend built against earlier compatible API)
-- Dynamic backend version 2.5 (i.e. built with Backend API version 2.5) is not compatible with Arm NN's Backend API version 2.4
- (same major version, backend built against later incompatible API, backend might require update to the latest compatible backend API)
-- Dynamic backend version 2.0 (i.e. built with Backend API version 2.0) is not compatible with Arm NN's Backend API version 1.0
- (backend requires a completely new API version)
-- Dynamic backend version 2.0 (i.e. built with Backend API version 2.0) is not compatible with Arm NN's Backend API version 3.0
- (backward compatibility in the Backend API is broken)
-@subsection S12_13_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backend Loading Paths
-During the creation of the Runtime, Arm NN will scan a given set of paths searching for suitable dynamic backend objects to load.
-A list of (absolute) paths can be specified at compile-time by setting a define named `DYNAMIC_BACKEND_PATHS` in the form of a colon-separated list of strings.
-The paths will be processed in the same order as they are indicated in the macro.
-It is also possible to override those paths at runtime when creating the Runtime object by setting the value of the `m_DynamicBackendsPath` member in the CreationOptions class.
-Only one path is allowed for the override via the CreationOptions class.
-By setting the value of the `m_DynamicBackendsPath` to a path in the filesystem, Arm NN will entirely ignore the list of paths passed via the
-`DYNAMIC_BACKEND_PATHS` compiler directive.
-All the specified paths are validated before processing (they must exist, must be directories, and must be absolute paths),
-in case of error a warning message will be added to the log, but Arm NN's execution will not be stopped.
-If all paths are not valid, then no dynamic backends will be loaded in the Arm sNN's runtime.
-Passing an empty list of paths at compile-time and providing no path override at runtime will effectively disable the
-dynamic backend loading feature, and no dynamic backends will be loaded into Arm NN's runtime.
-@subsection S12_14_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backend File Naming Convention
-During the creation of a Runtime object, Arm NN will scan the paths specified for dynamic backend loading searching for suitable backend objects.
-Arm NN will try to load only the files that match the following accepted naming scheme:
-<vendor>_<name>_backend.so[<version>] (e.g. "Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so" or "Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3")
-Only alphanumeric characters are allowed for both the `<vendor>` and the `<name>` fields, namely lowercase and/or uppercase characters,
-and/or numerical digits (see the table below for examples).
-Only dots and numbers are allowed for the optional `<version>` field.
-Symlinks to other files are allowed to support the standard linux shared object versioning:
-Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so -> Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3
-Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1 -> Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3
-Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2 -> Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3
-Files are identified by their full canonical path, so it is allowed to have files with the same name in different directories.
-However, if those are actually the same dynamic backend, only the first in order of parsing will be loaded.
-| Filename | Description |
-| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so | valid: basic backend name |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1 | valid: single field version number |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2 | valid: multiple field version number |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3 | valid: multiple field version number |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.10.1.27 | valid: Multiple digit version |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.10.1.33. | not valid: dot not followed by version number |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.3.4..5 | not valid: dot not followed by version number |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so.1,1.1 | not valid: comma instead of dot in the version |
-| Arm123_GpuAcc_backend.so | valid: digits in vendor name are allowed |
-| Arm_GpuAcc456_backend.so | valid: digits in backend id are allowed |
-| Arm%Co_GpuAcc_backend.so | not valid: invalid character in vendor name |
-| Arm_Gpu.Acc_backend.so | not valid: invalid character in backend id |
-| GpuAcc_backend.so | not valid: missing vendor name |
-| _GpuAcc_backend.so | not valid: missing vendor name |
-| Arm__backend.so | not valid: missing backend id |
-| Arm_GpuAcc.so | not valid: missing "backend" at the end |
-| __backend.so | not valid: missing vendor name and backend id |
-| __.so | not valid: missing all fields |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend | not valid: missing at least ".so" at the end |
-| Arm_GpuAcc_backend_v1.2.so | not valid: extra version info at the end |
-| Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so | valid: basic backend name |
-| Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so.1 -> Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so | valid: symlink to valid backend file |
-| Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so.1.2 -> Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so.1 | valid: symlink to valid symlink |
-| Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so.1.2.3 -> Arm_CpuAcc_backend.so.1.2 | valid: symlink to valid symlink |
-| Arm_no_backend.so -> nothing | not valid: symlink resolves to non-existent file |
-| pathA/Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so | valid: basic backend name |
-| pathB/Arm_GpuAcc_backend.so | valid: but duplicated from pathA/ |
-Arm NN will try to load the dynamic backends in the same order as they are parsed from the filesystem.
-@subsection S12_15_backend_developer_guide Dynamic Backend Examples
-The source code includes an example that is used to generate some mock dynamic backends for testing purposes. The source files are:
-- TestDynamicBackend.hpp
-- TestDynamicBackend.cpp
-This example is useful for going through all the use cases that constitute an invalid dynamic backend object, such as
-an invalid/malformed implementation of the shared object interface, or an invalid value returned by any of the interface methods
-that would prevent Arm NN from making use of the dynamic backend.
-A dynamic implementation of the reference backend is also provided. The source files are:
-- RefDynamicBackend.hpp
-- RefDynamicBackend.cpp
-The implementation itself is quite simple and straightforward. Since an implementation of this particular backend was already available,
-the dynamic version is just a wrapper around the original code that simply returns the backend id, version and an instance of the
-backend itself via the factory function.
-For the sake of the example, the source code of the reference backend is used to build the dynamic version (as you would for any new
-dynamic backend), while all the other symbols needed are provided by linking the dynamic backend against Arm NN.
-The makefile used for building the reference dynamic backend is also provided: [CMakeLists.txt](dynamic/reference/CMakeLists.txt)
-A unit test that loads the reference backend dynamically and that exercises it is also included in the file
-[DynamicBackendTests.cpp](dynamic/backendsCommon/test/DynamicBackendTests.cpp), by the test case `CreateReferenceDynamicBackend`.
-In the test, a path on the filesystem is scanned for valid dynamic backend files (using the override option in `CreationOptions`)
-where only the reference dynamic backend is.
-In this example the file is named `Arm_CpuRef_backend.so`, which is compliant with the expected naming scheme for dynamic backends.
-A `DynamicBackend` is created in the runtime to represent the newly loaded backend, then the backend is registered in the Backend
-Registry with the id "CpuRef" (returned by `GetBackendId()`).
-The unit test makes sure that the backend is actually registered in Arm NN, before trying to create an instance of the backend by
-calling the factory function provided through the shared object interface (`BackendFactory()`).
-The backend instance is used to verify that everything is in order, testing basic 2D convolution support by making use of the
-Layer Support API and the Workload Factory.
-At the end of test, the runtime object goes out of scope and the dynamic backend instance is automatically destroyed, and the handle to
-the shared object is closed.
-@section S13_dynamic_backend_guide Standalone Dynamic Backend Developer Guide
-Arm NN allows adding new dynamic backends. Dynamic Backends can be compiled as standalone against Arm NN
-and can be loaded by Arm NN dynamically at runtime.
-To be properly loaded and used, the backend instances must comply to the standard interface for dynamic backends
-and to the versioning rules that enforce ABI compatibility.
-The details of how to add dynamic backends can be found in [src/backends/README.md](../backends/README.md).
-@subsection S13_1_dynamic_backend_guide Standalone Dynamic Backend Example
-The source code includes an example that is used to generate a dynamic implementation of the reference backend
-is provided at
-- RefDynamicBackend.hpp
-- RefDynamicBackend.cpp
-The makefile used for building the standalone reference dynamic backend is also provided:
-@subsection S13_2_dynamic_backend_guide Dynamic Backend Loading Paths
-During the creation of the Runtime, Arm NN will scan a given set of paths searching for suitable dynamic backend objects to load.
-A list of (absolute) paths can be specified at compile-time by setting a define named `DYNAMIC_BACKEND_PATHS`
- in the form of a colon-separated list of strings.
-The paths will be processed in the same order as they are indicated in the macro.
-} \ No newline at end of file