path: root/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
diff options
authorSadik Armagan <sadik.armagan@arm.com>2020-11-17 16:43:56 +0000
committerFinn Williams <Finn.Williams@arm.com>2020-11-17 19:56:11 +0000
commit5d03e31aaf4d82e9f9cdc03c41d2328bbb2a0dee (patch)
tree6af2bfa7747ee5461d00bee7da6b0224fd4f9b6f /tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
parenta40b434e2e3afdbf2254ef735758244bd840ef77 (diff)
IVGCVSW-5377 Add ArmNN TfLite delegate to ExecuteNetwork
* Added package manger to turn internal calls to find_package into a no-op * Changed delegate cmake so it can now be built within armnn Change-Id: I2a7ecb9a3c1ca05474cd1dccd91498f6f6c0b32e Signed-off-by: Finn Williams <Finn.Williams@arm.com> Signed-off-by: Sadik Armagan <sadik.armagan@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp b/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
index c17eabd837..fa84a6ee4f 100644
--- a/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
+++ b/tests/ExecuteNetwork/ExecuteNetwork.cpp
@@ -25,9 +25,194 @@
#if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER)
#include "armnnOnnxParser/IOnnxParser.hpp"
+#include <armnn_delegate.hpp>
+#include <DelegateOptions.hpp>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/builtin_ops.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/c/common.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/optional_debug_tools.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/kernels/builtin_op_kernels.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h>
+#include <tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h>
#include <future>
+int TfLiteDelegateMainImpl(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params,
+ const std::shared_ptr<armnn::IRuntime>& runtime = nullptr)
+ using namespace tflite;
+ std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile(params.m_ModelPath.c_str());
+ auto tfLiteInterpreter = std::make_unique<Interpreter>();
+ tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
+ tflite::InterpreterBuilder builder(*model, resolver);
+ builder(&tfLiteInterpreter);
+ tfLiteInterpreter->AllocateTensors();
+ // Create the Armnn Delegate
+ armnnDelegate::DelegateOptions delegateOptions(params.m_ComputeDevices);
+ std::unique_ptr<TfLiteDelegate, decltype(&armnnDelegate::TfLiteArmnnDelegateDelete)>
+ theArmnnDelegate(armnnDelegate::TfLiteArmnnDelegateCreate(delegateOptions),
+ armnnDelegate::TfLiteArmnnDelegateDelete);
+ // Register armnn_delegate to TfLiteInterpreter
+ int status = tfLiteInterpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(std::move(theArmnnDelegate));
+ std::vector<std::string> inputBindings;
+ for (const std::string& inputName: params.m_InputNames)
+ {
+ inputBindings.push_back(inputName);
+ }
+ armnn::Optional<std::string> dataFile = params.m_GenerateTensorData
+ ? armnn::EmptyOptional()
+ : armnn::MakeOptional<std::string>(params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths[0]);
+ const size_t numInputs = inputBindings.size();
+ for(unsigned int inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < numInputs; ++inputIndex)
+ {
+ int input = tfLiteInterpreter->inputs()[inputIndex];
+ if (params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex].compare("float") == 0)
+ {
+ auto inputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<float>(input);
+ TContainer tensorData;
+ PopulateTensorWithData(tensorData,
+ params.m_InputTensorShapes[inputIndex]->GetNumElements(),
+ params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex],
+ armnn::EmptyOptional(),
+ dataFile);
+ inputData = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&tensorData);
+ armnn::IgnoreUnused(inputData);
+ }
+ else if (params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex].compare("int") == 0)
+ {
+ auto inputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int32_t>(input);
+ TContainer tensorData;
+ PopulateTensorWithData(tensorData,
+ params.m_InputTensorShapes[inputIndex]->GetNumElements(),
+ params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex],
+ armnn::EmptyOptional(),
+ dataFile);
+ inputData = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&tensorData);
+ armnn::IgnoreUnused(inputData);
+ }
+ else if (params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex].compare("qasymm8") == 0)
+ {
+ auto inputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<uint8_t>(input);
+ TContainer tensorData;
+ PopulateTensorWithData(tensorData,
+ params.m_InputTensorShapes[inputIndex]->GetNumElements(),
+ params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex],
+ armnn::EmptyOptional(),
+ dataFile);
+ inputData = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&tensorData);
+ armnn::IgnoreUnused(inputData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unsupported input tensor data type \"" << params.m_InputTypes[inputIndex] << "\". ";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < params.m_Iterations; x++)
+ {
+ // Run the inference
+ tfLiteInterpreter->Invoke();
+ // Print out the output
+ for (unsigned int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < params.m_OutputNames.size(); ++outputIndex)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Printing out the output" << std::endl;
+ auto tfLiteDelegateOutputId = tfLiteInterpreter->outputs()[outputIndex];
+ TfLiteIntArray *outputDims = tfLiteInterpreter->tensor(tfLiteDelegateOutputId)->dims;
+ int outputSize = 1;
+ for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < static_cast<unsigned int>(outputDims->size); ++dim)
+ {
+ outputSize *= outputDims->data[dim];
+ }
+ std::cout << params.m_OutputNames[outputIndex] << ": ";
+ if (params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex].compare("float") == 0)
+ {
+ auto tfLiteDelageOutputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<float>(tfLiteDelegateOutputId);
+ if(tfLiteDelageOutputData == NULL)
+ {
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Output tensor is null, output type: "
+ "\"" << params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex] << "\" may be incorrect.";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
+ {
+ std::cout << tfLiteDelageOutputData[i] << ", ";
+ if (i % 60 == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex].compare("int") == 0)
+ {
+ auto tfLiteDelageOutputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<int32_t>(tfLiteDelegateOutputId);
+ if(tfLiteDelageOutputData == NULL)
+ {
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Output tensor is null, output type: "
+ "\"" << params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex] << "\" may be incorrect.";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
+ {
+ std::cout << tfLiteDelageOutputData[i] << ", ";
+ if (i % 60 == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex].compare("qasymm8") == 0)
+ {
+ auto tfLiteDelageOutputData = tfLiteInterpreter->typed_tensor<uint8_t>(tfLiteDelegateOutputId);
+ if(tfLiteDelageOutputData == NULL)
+ {
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Output tensor is null, output type: "
+ "\"" << params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex] << "\" may be incorrect.";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < outputSize; ++i)
+ {
+ std::cout << unsigned(tfLiteDelageOutputData[i]) << ", ";
+ if (i % 60 == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Output tensor is null, output type: "
+ "\"" << params.m_OutputTypes[outputIndex] <<
+ "\" may be incorrect. Output type can be specified with -z argument";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
template<typename TParser, typename TDataType>
int MainImpl(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params,
const std::shared_ptr<armnn::IRuntime>& runtime = nullptr)
@@ -242,6 +427,16 @@ int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
else if(modelFormat.find("tflite") != std::string::npos)
+ if (ProgramOptions.m_ExNetParams.m_EnableDelegate)
+ {
+ return TfLiteDelegateMainImpl(ProgramOptions.m_ExNetParams, runtime);
+ #else
+ ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with Tensorflow-Lite parser support.";
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ #endif
+ }
return MainImpl<armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser, float>(ProgramOptions.m_ExNetParams, runtime);