path: root/src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp
diff options
authorMike Kelly <mike.kelly@arm.com>2019-05-22 17:21:49 +0100
committerRuomei Yan <ruomei.yan@arm.com>2019-05-23 09:23:19 +0000
commit9b3983299f882c8d84c5abd0d40ca75a801ea7f2 (patch)
tree40866201c7a65b5c4d10034b5f03a35070cc961f /src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp
parent31b2e134c392617de7a41c56d460ac494eab0140 (diff)
IVGCVSW-3025: Refactor reference Convolution2d workload
* Refactored RefConvolution2dWorkload to support all DataTypes through Encoders and Decoders. * Added Convolute function to ConvImpl that uses Encoders and Decoders to support all DataTypes. * Deleted RefConvolution2dFloat32Workload and RefConvolution2dUint8Workload. Signed-off-by: Mike Kelly <mike.kelly@arm.com> Signed-off-by: Teresa Charlin <teresa.charlinreyes@arm.com> Change-Id: Ic5ef0f499d08b948fa65fdee54b5f681fd0b1c05
Diffstat (limited to 'src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp b/src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp
index 8743a2bd0d..6a5ac535e4 100644
--- a/src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/reference/workloads/ConvImpl.cpp
@@ -68,4 +68,177 @@ int32_t QuantizedMultiplierSmallerThanOne::RoundingDivideByPOT(int32_t x, int ex
return (x >> exponent) + (remainder > threshold ? 1 : 0);
+inline unsigned int GetOffset(DataLayout& dataLayout, const TensorShape& shape, unsigned int b, unsigned int c,
+ unsigned int h, unsigned int w)
+ switch (dataLayout)
+ {
+ case DataLayout::NHWC:
+ b *= shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3];
+ h *= shape[2] * shape[3];
+ w *= shape[3];
+ break;
+ case DataLayout::NCHW:
+ default:
+ b *= shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3];
+ c *= shape[2] * shape[3];
+ h *= shape[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ return b + c + h + w;
+void Convolve(const TensorShape& rInputShape,
+ Decoder<float>& rInputDecoder,
+ const TensorShape& rOutputShape,
+ Encoder<float>& rOutputEncoder,
+ const TensorShape& rFilterShape,
+ Decoder<float>& rFilterDecoder,
+ bool biasEnabled,
+ Decoder<float>* pBiasDecoder,
+ DataLayout dataLayout,
+ unsigned int paddingTop,
+ unsigned int paddingLeft,
+ unsigned int xStride,
+ unsigned int yStride,
+ unsigned int xDilation,
+ unsigned int yDilation,
+ bool depthwise)
+ if (biasEnabled && !pBiasDecoder)
+ {
+ throw InvalidArgumentException("Bias is enabled but the bias data is invalid");
+ }
+ const armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed dataLayoutIndexed(dataLayout);
+ const unsigned int channelsIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetChannelsIndex();
+ const unsigned int heightIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetHeightIndex();
+ const unsigned int widthIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetWidthIndex();
+ unsigned int depthMultiplier = depthwise ? rFilterShape[0] : 1;
+ unsigned int inputChannels = depthwise ? rFilterShape[1] : rFilterShape[channelsIndex];
+ unsigned int outputChannels = depthwise ? inputChannels * depthMultiplier : rFilterShape[0];
+ unsigned int batchSize = rOutputShape[0];
+ unsigned int outputHeight = rOutputShape[heightIndex];
+ unsigned int outputWidth = rOutputShape[widthIndex];
+ unsigned int inputHeight = rInputShape[heightIndex];
+ unsigned int inputWidth = rInputShape[widthIndex];
+ unsigned int filterHeight = depthwise ? rFilterShape[2] : rFilterShape[heightIndex];
+ unsigned int filterWidth = depthwise ? rFilterShape[3] : rFilterShape[widthIndex];
+ for (unsigned int batchIdx = 0; batchIdx < batchSize; batchIdx++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int cOutput = 0; cOutput < outputChannels; cOutput++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int yOutput = 0; yOutput < outputHeight; yOutput++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int xOutput = 0; xOutput < outputWidth; xOutput++)
+ {
+ // This loop goes over each output element.
+ float sum = 0.0f;
+ // For depthwise, each output channel corresponds to exactly one input channel.
+ // For normal, must loop over each input channel.
+ for (unsigned int cInput = 0; cInput < (depthwise ? 1 : inputChannels); cInput++)
+ {
+ unsigned int depthwiseMultiplierIdx = 0;
+ if (depthwise)
+ {
+ cInput = cOutput / depthMultiplier;
+ depthwiseMultiplierIdx = cOutput % depthMultiplier;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int yFilter = 0; yFilter < filterHeight; yFilter++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int xFilter = 0; xFilter < filterWidth; xFilter++)
+ {
+ // This loop goes over each input element for each output element.
+ unsigned int filterIndex = 0;
+ // Since dimensionality of kernel depends on depthwiseness, so does index.
+ if (depthwise)
+ {
+ filterIndex = depthwiseMultiplierIdx * filterWidth * filterHeight * inputChannels +
+ cInput * filterWidth * filterHeight +
+ yFilter * filterWidth +
+ xFilter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+ {
+ filterIndex = cOutput * filterHeight * filterWidth * inputChannels +
+ yFilter * filterWidth * inputChannels +
+ xFilter * inputChannels +
+ cInput;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ filterIndex = cOutput * filterWidth * filterHeight * inputChannels +
+ cInput * filterWidth * filterHeight +
+ yFilter * filterWidth +
+ xFilter;
+ }
+ }
+ rFilterDecoder += filterIndex;
+ float filterValue = rFilterDecoder.Get();
+ rFilterDecoder -= filterIndex;
+ unsigned int yInput = yOutput * yStride + yFilter * yDilation;
+ unsigned int xInput = xOutput * xStride + xFilter * xDilation;
+ float inputValue;
+ // Check if we're in the padding.
+ if (yInput < paddingTop || yInput >= inputHeight + paddingTop ||
+ xInput < paddingLeft || xInput >= inputWidth + paddingLeft )
+ {
+ inputValue = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int inputIndex;
+ if (dataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC)
+ {
+ inputIndex = batchIdx * inputHeight * inputWidth * inputChannels +
+ (yInput - paddingTop) * inputWidth * inputChannels +
+ (xInput - paddingLeft) * inputChannels +
+ cInput;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inputIndex = batchIdx * inputWidth * inputHeight * inputChannels +
+ inputWidth * inputHeight * cInput +
+ inputWidth * (yInput - paddingTop) +
+ xInput - paddingLeft;
+ }
+ rInputDecoder += inputIndex;
+ inputValue = rInputDecoder.Get();
+ rInputDecoder -= inputIndex;
+ }
+ sum += filterValue * inputValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (biasEnabled)
+ {
+ *pBiasDecoder += cOutput;
+ sum += pBiasDecoder->Get();
+ *pBiasDecoder -= cOutput;
+ }
+ unsigned int outIdx = GetOffset(dataLayout, rOutputShape, batchIdx, cOutput, yOutput, xOutput);
+ rOutputEncoder += outIdx;
+ rOutputEncoder.Set(sum);
+ rOutputEncoder -= outIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
} //namespace armnn