path: root/build-tool/README.md
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authorJames Conroy <james.conroy@arm.com>2022-08-18 08:30:28 +0100
committerCathal Corbett <cathal.corbett@arm.com>2022-08-18 17:02:33 +0100
commit0ba0b2bf80f1d7aff1eff8de2b67eb04081b2af0 (patch)
treef835625bc8df94a489d64d2855cf96d91d16ee81 /build-tool/README.md
parent1e22d965034d8ca7964bd2be095adef67ca287e3 (diff)
IVGCVSW-6779 Add build-tool Docs and update docsv22.08branches/armnn_22_08
* Added Arm NN Build Tool README.md and license. * Added Dockerfile diagram image and license. * Updated existing guides: added note to the cross compile guide to use build-tool, removed content from the Delegate BuildGuideNative.md. * Added Arm NN logo image to homepage README.md and added license. Signed-off-by: James Conroy <james.conroy@arm.com> Change-Id: I9306ad24165cf3b0203c2a1852ec3afd718e9eab
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+# Arm NN Build Tool
+The **_Arm NN Build Tool_** provides a collection of **parameterized bash scripts** accompanied by a **Dockerfile** for building Arm NN and its dependencies, including **[Arm Compute Library (ACL)](https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary/)**.
+This tool replaces/supersedes the majority of the existing Arm NN build guides as a user-friendly way to build Arm NN from scratch.
+The main benefit of building Arm NN from scratch is the ability to **exactly choose which components to build, targeted for your ML project**.<br>
+The Arm NN Build Tool is tested on **x86_64 (Intel) and aarch64 (Arm) build hosts** for the **Ubuntu** platform.
+Other host platforms such as Windows and Mac **should** work (with Docker installed), but have not been officially tested.<br>
+At present, the tool supports **targeting Linux devices (from Ubuntu 18.04 onwards) on x86_64, aarch32 and aarch64** architectures.<br>
+We recommend using the Arm NN Build Tool through the use of Docker. However, the scripts may be [executed directly on your machine](#build-arm-nn-without-docker) if desired.
+**If you already have Docker installed** and want to quickly build the Arm NN Dockerfile with some default build arguments, please follow the [Docker Build Steps](#docker-build-steps).
+* [Overview](#overview)
+* [System Requirements](#system-requirements)
+* [Install Docker](#install-docker)
+ * [Ubuntu / Linux](#ubuntu--linux)
+ * [Windows and Mac](#windows-and-mac)
+* [Docker Build Arguments Reference](#docker-build-arguments-reference)
+ * [SETUP_ARGS](#setup_args)
+ * [BUILD_ARGS](#build_args)
+* [Docker Build Steps](#docker-build-steps)
+* [Build Arm NN Without Docker](#build-arm-nn-without-docker)
+* [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
+ * [Use custom Arm NN and ACL repository versions during build](#use-custom-arm-nn-and-acl-repository-versions-during-build)
+ * [Additional Docker Build Arguments](#additional-docker-build-arguments)
+ * [Inspect the contents of the Docker Image](#inspect-the-contents-of-the-docker-image)
+ * [Bind Mounts](#bind-mounts)
+## Overview
+The Arm NN Build Tool consists of an official Arm NN **Dockerfile** with associated **scripts** for building Arm NN:
+1. **```install-packages.sh```:** builds CMake from source and installs system-wide **apt packages**
+2. **```setup-armnn.sh```:** downloads and builds Arm NN **dependencies** (e.g. Flatbuffers, TF Lite, Protobuf)
+3. **```build-armnn.sh```:** builds Arm NN and ACL
+4. **```common.sh```:** common variables and functions used by ```setup-armnn.sh``` and ```build-armnn.sh```
+5. **```validation.sh```:** validation of common command-line arguments to ```setup-armnn.sh``` and ```build-armnn.sh```
+6. **```docker-copy-to-host```:** helpful script to copy contents of a Docker Image to the host machine
+A **Dockerfile** is a text document which outlines the instructions for building a **Docker Image**. Running ```docker build```
+on the Arm NN Dockerfile will result in a Docker Image that contains:
+1. The Ubuntu operating system
+2. Installed system-wide packages required by Arm NN
+3. Source code for Arm NN and its dependencies
+4. The build for Arm NN and its dependencies
+All scripts except ```docker-copy-to-host.sh``` are used during the ```docker build``` process.
+The ```docker-copy-to-host.sh``` script creates a temporary [**Docker Container**](https://www.docker.com/resources/what-container/) which is required to retrieve files from the
+Docker Image. A Docker Container is a **runtime** version of a Docker Image. It can be interacted with through a command-line
+terminal, like a lightweight virtual machine (VM). The ```docker-copy-to-host.sh``` script is designed to run on the host
+machine after ```docker build``` to copy the Arm NN build to the host.
+The **diagram below** outlines the operation of the Arm NN **Dockerfile** and the contents of the resulting **Docker Image** after
+running ```docker build```. During ```docker build```, the provided **```SETUP_ARGS```** determine which of Arm NN's
+dependencies to download and build. The **```BUILD_ARGS```** Docker argument determines which components of Arm NN to build.
+The resulting Docker Image contains the Arm NN build (along with everything required to build it) in the home directory ```/home/arm-user```.
+There are two directories: **```source```** which contains the source code of Arm NN and its dependencies, and **```build```**
+which contains the Arm NN build and the builds of each dependency of Arm NN.
+The **```armnn_aarch64_build.tar.gz``` tarball** in the home directory is a compressed archive of the Arm NN build which is located at ```/home/arm-user/build/armnn```.
+The home directory also contains the **scripts** mentioned above (not pictured in the diagram), which are copied into the
+Docker Image during the ```docker build``` process.
+<div align="center">
+ <img src="dockerfile_armnn.png" class="center" alt="Arm NN Dockerfile" width="800"/>
+**Benefits of using Docker:**
+1. Run one ```docker build``` command instead of executing multiple scripts, saving developer time
+2. Can easily manage multiple different build configurations at once, each in their own Docker Image
+3. System packages are installed in the Docker Image only, isolated from the host machine
+4. Build in the exact environment the Arm NN Team used during testing, ensuring consistency in builds
+5. Allows Arm NN to be built on a wide range of hosts, as long as they support Docker
+**Disadvantages of using Docker:**
+1. Requires the developer to install Docker on their host machine
+2. Requires the developer to get familiar with Docker (this guide should help)
+3. Possible incompatibilities/limitations if the host machine's Linux Kernel version is too different than that of the
+base OS in the Docker Image. This is due to the fact that Docker Containers share the Linux Kernel of the host machine
+(unlike VM's which each have their own Kernel).
+## System Requirements
+This guide will not provide the system requirements for installing Docker - please refer to the Docker documentation during installation.
+The built Docker Image has disk requirements of **less than 6GB**, depending on the Arm NN components chosen and whether
+the build included a cross compile (i.e. building aarch64 on x86_64). Repeated builds may cause the total disk usage to increase
+beyond 6GB. The ```docker images``` command shows the disk usage of each Docker Image. To view total disk space used by all
+Docker Images and Docker Containers, use the command ```docker system df```.
+This Dockerfile was built on a **Ubuntu 18.04 host machine with Docker version 20.10.14**. We recommend using a host machine
+with at least Ubuntu 18.04 and a similar Docker version, if possible. Other Linux distros such as **Debian** should also work as
+long as the Docker version is similar to **20.10.14**.
+The build outputs from this Dockerfile have been tested on an **Odroid N2+ target device with Ubuntu 18.04** installed. The build outputs
+should also work on newer versions of Ubuntu (and Debian) but this has not been exhaustively tested.
+To view the system packages that are installed during ```docker build```, please refer to the ```install-packages.sh``` script.
+## Install Docker
+Builds of the official Arm NN Dockerfile have been tested on the **Ubuntu 18.04** host platform.
+Whilst other platforms have not been tested, Docker should be able to build the Arm NN Dockerfile on other platforms such as Windows and Mac.
+On **Linux**, we recommend using **Docker Engine** which is used through the command-line interface (CLI).
+For **Windows and Mac** users, **Docker Desktop** is available which allows the use of the CLI plus a graphical interface.<br>
+This guide will **only** provide steps on using Docker through the use of the CLI and not Docker Desktop.
+### Ubuntu / Linux
+For Ubuntu users, we recommend installing **Docker Engine** with the following steps from the Docker documentation:<br>
+1. [Uninstall any old versions of Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#uninstall-old-versions)
+2. [Install using the repository](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository)
+3. [Add user to Docker Unix Group](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user) (**recommended**: allows running of Docker commands **without ```sudo```**)
+Similar steps for installing Docker Engine on other Linux distributions can be found by clicking on your distro under the Server table on [this page](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/#server).
+### Windows and Mac
+We do not officially test the building of the Arm NN Dockerfile on Windows or Mac. However, it's likely that it will work if your system supports Docker.
+For **Windows**, use the Docker Desktop download link on [this page](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/).
+For **Mac** users, please use the Docker Desktop download link on [this page](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/). <br>
+**Note:** we unfortunately cannot provide support for the installation of Docker and/or the use of the Arm NN Dockerfile on Windows and Mac platforms.
+## Docker Build Arguments Reference
+The following describes the ```docker build``` arguments that can be used to customize the Arm NN build.
+Docker build arguments such as ```SETUP_ARGS``` and ```BUILD_ARGS``` are provided in the ```docker build``` as a ```--build-arg```.
+These arguments are eventually passed to ```setup-armnn.sh``` which downloads and builds Arm NN dependencies.
+For ease of use (but longer initial docker build), use ```--all``` to have all Arm NN dependencies available for use during Arm NN builds.
+Repeated docker builds with the same ```SETUP_ARGS``` will skip the setup process (using [caching](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#leverage-build-cache) of previous Docker build steps).
+The ```SETUP_ARGS``` string should start and end with **double quotes** ```"```.
+| SETUP_ARGS | Description |
+| --tflite-delegate | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate |
+| --tflite-parser | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN TF Lite Parser |
+| --onnx-parser | **flag:** setup dependencies for the Arm NN ONNX parser |
+| --all | **flag:** setup dependencies for all Arm NN components listed above |
+| --target-arch= | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, aarch32, x86_64``` |
+**At least one component** (e.g. ```--tflite-delegate```) must be provided **or** else provide ```--all``` to setup dependencies for all components.
+Setup for aarch64 with all Arm NN dependencies:<br>
+```SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all"```
+Setup for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate and TF Lite Parser dependencies only:<br>
+```SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --tflite-parser"```
+The following arguments are given to ```build-armnn.sh``` and define which components of Arm NN to include in the build.
+The ```BUILD_ARGS``` string should start and end with **double quotes** ```"```.
+| BUILD_ARGS | Description |
+| --tflite-delegate | **flag:** build the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate component |
+| --tflite-parser | **flag:** build the Arm NN TF Lite Parser component |
+| --onnx-parser | **flag:** build the Arm NN ONNX parser component |
+| --all | **flag:** build all Arm NN components listed above |
+| --target-arch= | **mandatory option:** specify a target architecture ```aarch64, aarch32, x86_64``` |
+| --neon-backend | **flag:** build Arm NN with the NEON backend (CPU acceleration from ACL) |
+| --cl-backend | **flag:** build Arm NN with the OpenCL backend (GPU acceleration from ACL) |
+| --ref-backend | **flag:** build Arm NN with the reference backend<br/>**Should be used for verification purposes only.<br/>Does not provide any performance acceleration.** |
+| --debug | **flag:** build Arm NN (and ACL) with debug turned on (optional: defaults to off) |
+| --armnn-cmake-args= | **option:** provide additional space-separated CMake arguments string for building Arm NN (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>Please refer to **armnn/cmake/GlobalConfig.cmake** |
+| --acl-scons-params= | **option**: provide additional space-separated scons parameters string for building ACL (optional)<br/>String should start and end with **single quotes** ```'```<br/>ACL provide [documentation](https://arm-software.github.io/ComputeLibrary/latest/how_to_build.xhtml#S1_1_build_options) for their build options |
+**At least one component** (i.e. ```--tflite-delegate```, ```--tflite-parser```, ```--onnx-parser```) must be provided or else provide ```--all``` to build all Arm NN components.<br>
+**A component given in ```BUILD_ARGS``` must also have been given in ```SETUP_ARGS``` previously**, or else Arm NN will fail to build.<br>
+**At least one backend** (i.e. ```--neon-backend```, ```--cl-backend```, ```--ref-backend```) must be chosen.<br>
+Build for aarch64 with all Arm NN components, NEON enabled and OpenCL enabled:<br>
+```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend"```
+Build for aarch64 with TF Lite Delegate, OpenCL enabled and additional ACL scons params:<br>
+```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --cl-backend --acl-scons-params='compress_kernels=1 benchmark_examples=1'"```
+Setup for aarch32 with all Arm NN dependencies, OpenCL enabled and additional Arm NN cmake args:<br>
+```BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch32 --all --cl-backend --armnn-cmake-args='-DBUILD_SAMPLE_APP=1 -DBUILD_UNIT_TESTS=0'"```
+**Example _valid_ combination of SETUP_ARGS and BUILD_ARGS:**<br>
+SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all"
+BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate --neon-backend --cl-backend"
+**Example _invalid_ combination of SETUP_ARGS and BUILD_ARGS:**<br>
+SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --tflite-delegate"
+BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend"
+The example above is invalid since it tries to build all Arm NN components after **only** building the dependencies required by the TF Lite Delegate.
+## Docker Build Steps
+First clone the Arm NN repo to obtain the build-tool. This automatically downloads the latest release version of Arm NN.
+git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn.git armnn
+Enter into the Arm NN build-tool directory where the Dockerfile and associated scripts are located.
+cd armnn/build-tool
+Run the ```docker build```, which downloads and builds Arm NN and its dependencies. This process is isolated from the host machine's filesystem and the result is a Docker Image being created.<br>
+Dockerfile arguments are provided using ```--build-arg```, the relative path to the Dockerfile is given with ```--file``` and the current directory is given with ```.```<br>
+Provide a descriptive name for the Image with ```--tag``` in the form of ```image_name:tag``` (example given below). The backslashes ```\``` tell Bash to expect a continuation of the command on the next line.
+This example's choice of **[SETUP_ARGS](#setup_args)** and **[BUILD_ARGS](#build_args)** builds all Arm NN components with NEON and OpenCL accelerated backends for aarch64 target.
+This process should take **less than an hour** with a modern machine but will vary depending on the arguments chosen and host machine specification.
+docker build \
+--build-arg SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all" \
+--build-arg BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend" \
+--tag armnn:aarch64 \
+--file docker/Dockerfile .
+Arm NN and all of its dependencies are now built within a Docker Image. Built Docker images can be listed with ```docker images```.
+docker images
+armnn aarch64 cc623174fd98 7 seconds ago 5.02GB
+A tarball archive of the Arm NN build is located inside the Docker home directory (```/home/arm-user/```), named ```armnn_<target-arch>_build.tar.gz```.
+If the ```--debug``` build flag is provided in the ```BUILD_ARGS``` above, the tarball will be named ```armnn_<target-arch>_build_debug.tar.gz```.<br>
+The ```docker-copy-to-host.sh``` script will copy a file from the Docker Image (in arm-user's home directory) to the host machine.<br>
+The script copies the tarball into a new directory on the host in ```build-tool/docker_output```. It takes two arguments: ```image_name:tag``` and ```filename```.<br>
+The filename is a relative path from the home directory created inside the Docker Image (```/home/arm-user/```).
+./scripts/docker-copy-to-host.sh armnn:aarch64 armnn_aarch64_build.tar.gz
+This tarball can now be used for integration in an ML application. The method of extraction is given below.<br>
+If the ```--target-arch``` chosen in the arguments above matches the host machine, the build can be tested locally (else copy the tarball to a remote device).
+cd docker_output
+# Extract the tarball into a directory called <target_arch>_build
+# If --debug is enabled, the extracted build directory will be called <target_arch>_build_debug
+tar -xzf armnn_aarch64_build.tar.gz
+cd aarch64_build
+# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the current aarch64_build directory (.)
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.; ./UnitTests
+# If the Arm NN TF Lite Delegate is built, we can also run DelegateUnitTests
+cd delegate
+# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the current delegate directory (.) and the aarch64_build directory (..)
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:..; ./DelegateUnitTests
+**Note:** Repeated Docker builds may result in an accumulation of unwanted, dangling images. **To remove dangling images** (good practice), run the following command: ```docker image prune```
+## Build Arm NN without Docker
+For ease of use, we recommend that the official Arm NN Dockerfile is used to build Arm NN.
+If you'd like to build locally on a Ubuntu host machine without Docker, execute the build-tool scripts directly instead.
+This involves running ```install-packages.sh``` followed by ```setup-armnn.sh``` and ```build-armnn.sh```.
+The arguments for ```setup-armnn.sh``` and ```build-armnn.sh``` are very much the same as ```SETUP_ARGS``` and ```BUILD_ARGS```.
+Please use ```--help``` for more specific information.
+cd build-tool/scripts
+sudo ./install-packages.sh
+./setup-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --all
+./build-armnn.sh --target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend
+./setup-armnn.sh --help
+./build-armnn.sh --help
+## Advanced Usage
+### Use custom Arm NN and ACL repository versions during build
+By default, the docker build process (specifically, during ```build-armnn.sh```) will download the latest release versions of Arm NN and ACL.
+If you'd like to use different versions during the build, check them out in the ```build-tool``` directory on the host (both must be provided).<br>
+When providing custom repositories, the following ```docker build``` argument must be provided ```--build-arg BUILD_TYPE=dev```.
+This will trigger Docker to copy the custom repos into the Docker Image during build.
+**Note:** the Arm NN version used for build-tool (Dockerfile and scripts) is not the same version of Arm NN that is used during the build.
+This means that separate versions of Arm NN can be used for the build-tool and for building Arm NN itself.<br>
+If you repeat the ```docker build``` process multiple times (e.g. with different ```BUILD_ARGS```), the setup process will be skipped as long as ```SETUP_ARGS``` remains the same.
+cd build-tool
+git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/armnn.git armnn
+cd armnn
+git checkout <branch or SHA>
+cd ..
+git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary.git acl
+cd acl
+git checkout <tag or SHA>
+cd ..
+# Example docker build with BUILD_TYPE=dev
+docker build \
+--build-arg BUILD_TYPE=dev \
+--build-arg SETUP_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all" \
+--build-arg BUILD_ARGS="--target-arch=aarch64 --all --neon-backend --cl-backend" \
+--tag armnn:aarch64 \
+--file docker/Dockerfile .
+### Additional Docker Build Arguments
+The default base Image used during ```docker build``` is ```ubuntu:18.04```. Building Arm NN with this default image should be sufficient for a wide range of target devices.
+To use a different Ubuntu base Image, provide ```UBUNTU_VERSION``` during ```docker build``` e.g. ```--build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION=20.04```.
+By default, ```BUILD_TYPE``` is set to ```production```. This means that the latest release versions of Arm NN and ACL are used during builds.
+To use custom repositories as explained [above](#Use-custom-Arm-NN-and-ACL-repository-versions-during-build), provide ```--build-arg BUILD_TYPE=dev```.
+#### Additional SETUP_ARGS and BUILD_ARGS
+The following are additional ```SETUP_ARGS``` and ```BUILD_ARGS``` that can be provided to the ```docker build```.
+| SETUP_ARGS / BUILD_ARGS | Description |
+| --num-threads= | **option:** specify number of threads/cores to build Arm NN and its dependencies with (this defaults to number of online cores on the host)<br/>e.g. --num-threads=4 |
+| -x | **flag:** enable shell tracing during setup-armnn.sh and build-armnn.sh script execution |
+#### USER_ID and GROUP_ID
+By default, the Docker Image creates a user called ```arm-user``` with user/group ID of 1000. This ensures the build outputs can be used by a wide range of users on target devices.<br>
+To provide a more specific user and group ID to be associated with the build, provide ```--build-arg USER_ID=XXXX``` and ```--build-arg GROUP_ID=YYYY```.
+### Inspect the contents of the Docker Image
+To inspect the full contents of the Docker Image, the Image must be run as a **Docker Container**.
+A Container is a runtime version of the Image, like a **lightweight virtual machine** with its own filesystem.
+The following shows how to run a container with an interactive terminal based on a specified Docker Image ```image_name:tag```.
+The ID of the generated container in this example is ```4da7c575a95a```. An ```ls``` command shows the contents of the ```/home/arm-user``` directory.
+docker run --interactive --tty armnn:aarch64
+arm-user@4da7c575a95a:~$ ls
+armnn_aarch64_build.tar.gz build build-armnn.sh common.sh setup-armnn.sh source validation.sh
+The ```source``` directory contains the downloaded dependencies for building Arm NN.<br>
+The ```build``` directory contains the built Arm NN dependencies and the Arm NN build itself.<br>
+The ```armnn_aarch64_build.tar.gz``` tarball is an archive of the build located at ```build/armnn/aarch64_build```.<br>
+The scripts (e.g. ```build-armnn.sh```) in this directory can be run as you wish, changes will persist within the container but not the Docker Image.
+To exit the docker container, run ```CTRL-D```. A list of Docker containers can be obtained with the following command:
+# --all shows both running and non-running containers
+docker ps --all
+4da7c575a95a armnn:aarch64 "bash" 7 minutes ago Exited (0) 7 seconds ago pedantic_joliot
+To restart the same container (and any changes made to it) in a terminal again, use the following commands:
+# 4da7c575a95a in this case is the CONTAINER ID from above
+docker start 4da7c575a95a # restart container in background
+docker attach 4da7c575a95a # re-attach to terminal
+# After exiting with CTRL-D
+docker stop 4da7c575a95a
+To save space over time, stopped Docker containers can be deleted with the following command:<br>
+```docker container prune```.
+### Bind Mounts
+**Bind Mounts** may be used to mount directories from the host machine to inside a Docker container. This could be useful when
+frequently changing the contents of the Arm NN or ACL source repositories (in ```/home/arm-user/source```) between runs of
+build-armnn.sh inside the container. Note that bind mounts are a feature that apply to runtime versions of Docker
+images i.e. Docker Containers (```docker run```, not ```docker build```).
+Please refer to the [Docker documentation for more information about bind mounts](https://docs.docker.com/storage/bind-mounts/). \ No newline at end of file