path: root/ConversionUtils.hpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-12-06IVGCVSW-4225 Reject dynamic tensors to TRANSPOSEMatthew Bentham
2019-11-29Catch std::exception instead of armnn::ExceptionDerek Lamberti
2019-11-28IVGCVSW-4209 Create a public API for the ArmNN UtilsMatteo Martincigh
2019-11-27MLCE-115 Remove redundant support checking for PermuteMatthew Bentham
2019-11-25MLCE-144 Fix 2d pooling convert functionFinnWilliamsArm
2019-11-25Refactor DequantizeIfRequired()Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-11-21IVGCVSW-4151 HAL 1_2 Dequantize FP32 Per Channel Tests on CpuAcc FailingSadik Armagan
2019-11-19IVGCVSW-3697 Add Support for ANEURALNETWORKS_ARG[MAX|MIN] to HAL 1.2 DriverFrancis Murtagh
2019-11-18IVGCVSW-4137 Failing LSTM android-nn-driver Unit Tests in HAL 1.2Sadik Armagan
2019-11-18IVGCVSW-4139 Fix regression in ConvertDequantize()Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-11-12IVGCVSW-4079 Modify the channel dimension accordingly with the weights permut...Teresa Charlin
2019-11-07MLCE-133 Fixed ASR hero use-casePablo Tello
2019-11-06IVGCVSW-3841 Add support for per-axis quantizationAron Virginas-Tar
2019-11-01MLCE-143 Fix for reference implementation for service stopping when running CTS.Teresa Charlin
2019-10-04IVGCVSW-3818 Support Group convolution from AndroidTeresa Charlin
2019-10-02IVGCVSW-3737 Add support for converting DEPTH_TO_SPACEAron Virginas-Tar
2019-09-09IVGCVSW-3746 Add Android NN Driver support for ABSKevin May
2019-08-19IVGCVSW-3618 Fix VTS/Neural Netwok Test FailuresSadik Armagan
2019-08-15IVGCVSW-3643 Fix Ref Normalization failuresMike Kelly
2019-08-14IVGCVSW-3633 Refactor HalPolicy to fully support V1.2 modelsMike Kelly
2019-08-07IVGCVSW-3540 Fixed PReLU Being SkippedMike Kelly
2019-08-02IVGCVSW-3604 Fix TransposeConv2d padding calculationNarumol Prangnawarat
2019-08-01Fix explanatory comment around SanitizeBiasQuantizationScale()Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3601 Fix skipped VTS Concatenate TestsMike Kelly
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3586 Fix Skipped Space_To_Batch Hal 1.2 VTS FailuresFinn Williams
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3583 Correct data layout index for ConvertBatchToSpaceNdFinn Williams
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3583 Fix Skipped Batch_To_Space Hal 1.2 TestsFinn Williams
2019-07-30IVGCVSW-3591 Fixed unexpectedly skipped SUB testsMike Kelly
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3593 Remove HAL1.2-specific code from HAL1.0 ConvertConv2d() and Conv...Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3540 Fixed PReLU Being SkippedMike Kelly
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3582 Fix Skipped Pooling Hal 1.2 TestsSadik Armagan
2019-07-26IVGCVSW-3578 Do not attempt to infer dynamic output shapesAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-25IVGCVSW-3572 Fix tests failing due to usupported input tensorAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-25IVGCVSW-3530 Fix DynamicOutput Tests for Android Q NeuralNetworks 1.0 & 1.1Sadik Armagan
2019-07-25Fix verbose logging in ConvertPadAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-25IVGCVSW-3521 CpuAcc V1.2 pad FailuresMike Kelly
2019-07-23IVGCVSW-3530 Fix DynamicOutput Tests for Android Q NeuralNetworks 1.0 & 1.1Sadik Armagan
2019-07-23IVGCVSW-3553 Fix failing zero_sized testsAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-16IVGCVSW-3477 Refactor android-nn-driver to use armnn ILayerSupportedFerran Balaguer
2019-07-12IVGCVSW-3454 Fix VTS convolution test failures where output shape is incorrectMike Kelly
2019-07-09IVGCVSW-3456 Add support for dynamic output shape in ConvertPreluAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-05IVGCVSW-3301 Support PAD_V2 in HAL1.2 driverAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-05IVGCVSW-3370 Add broadcasting support to PReLU to properly run the Android VT...Matteo Martincigh
2019-07-05IVGCVSW-3295 Support ResizeNearestNeighbour in HAL1.2 driverAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-18IVGCVSW-3136 Run VTS tests with 1.2 DriverSadik Armagan
2019-06-14IVGCVSW-3280 Refactor conversion methods to depend only on HalPolicyAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-12IVGCVSW-3265 Add support for optional Convolution2d dilation parametersAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-12IVGCVSW-3272 Add support for optional DepthwiseConvolution2d dilation parametersAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-11IVGCVSW-3181 Add HAL 1.2 support to android-nn-driverMike Kelly
2019-05-07IVGCVSW-2911 Work towards compatibility with QMatthew Bentham