path: root/1.0
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-10-02IVGCVSW-3737 Add support for converting DEPTH_TO_SPACEAron Virginas-Tar
2019-08-14IVGCVSW-3633 Refactor HalPolicy to fully support V1.2 modelsMike Kelly
2019-07-31IVGCVSW-3601 Fix skipped VTS Concatenate TestsMike Kelly
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3593 Remove HAL1.2-specific code from HAL1.0 ConvertConv2d() and Conv...Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-29IVGCVSW-3578 Report dynamic output unsupported for further operations in hal_...Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-26IVGCVSW-3578 Do not attempt to infer dynamic output shapesAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-25IVGCVSW-3529 Fix UnknownCombinationsTest for Android Q NeuralNetworks 1.0 & 1.1Aron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-25IVGCVSW-3530 Fix DynamicOutput Tests for Android Q NeuralNetworks 1.0 & 1.1Sadik Armagan
2019-07-24IVGCVSW-3567 Add more verbose logging to conversion methodsAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-23IVGCVSW-3553 Fix failing zero_sized testsAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-16IVGCVSW-3498 Fix Vts 1.2 fully_connected dynamic output testsFinnWilliamsArm
2019-07-16IVGCVSW-3477 Refactor android-nn-driver to use armnn ILayerSupportedFerran Balaguer
2019-07-12IVGCVSW-3460 Fix VTS l2_normalization dynamic_output_shape test failuresFinnWilliamsArm
2019-07-11IVGCVSW-3461 Add support for dynamic output shape in ConvertDequantizeAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-11IVGCVSW-3459 Add support for dynamic output shape in ConvertSoftmaxAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-10IVGCVSW-3482 Report operations with dynamic output size as unsupportedAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-09IVGCVSW-3396 Support joined lstm parametersFerran Balaguer
2019-07-08IVGCVSW-3197 Support SPACE_TO_DEPTH on AndroidKeith Davis
2019-07-03Fix bug in hal_1_0::HalPolicy::ConvertResizeBilinearAron Virginas-Tar
2019-07-02IVGCVSW-3382 Deprecate ResizeBilinear and use Resize with Bilinear methodAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-14IVGCVSW-3280 Refactor conversion methods to depend only on HalPolicyAron Virginas-Tar
2019-06-11IVGCVSW-3181 Add HAL 1.2 support to android-nn-driverMike Kelly
2019-05-30IVGCVSW-3146 Update Android NN Driver to support DequantizeDavid Monahan
2019-05-29IVGCVSW-3119 Rename Merger to ConcatJim Flynn
2019-05-20IVGCVSW-3125 Deprecate CreateMergerDescriptorForConcatenation functionJim Flynn
2019-05-14Use the new deprecation APIMatteo Martincigh
2019-05-14IVGCVSW-3076 Add ConcatLayer methods to public APIJim Flynn
2019-05-07IVGCVSW-2911 Work towards compatibility with QMatthew Bentham
2019-04-25MLCE-117 Handle more cases for implicit flattening of Fully Connected inputMatthew Bentham
2019-04-25MLCE-117 Add a unit test for implicit flatten of FC layer inputMatthew Bentham
2019-04-04IVGCVSW-2886 Support multiple backends in Android driverNattapat Chaimanowong
2019-02-22MLCE-91: Fix for LSTM not supporting optional inputv19.02branches/android-nn-driver_19_02David Monahan
2019-02-22MLCE-87 Fix ConvertFullyConnected not supportedKevin May
2019-01-23IVGCVSW-2394 Update Android Hal Policy for ResizeBilinear IsLayerSupportedSadik Armagan
2019-01-11IVGCVSW-2454 Merge together the pluggable backends work (was in aMatteo Martincigh
2019-01-02MLCE-77 Depthwise Convolution with depth multiplier > 1 doesn't workMatteo Martincigh
2018-11-18IVGCVSW-2127- Update HAL Policy for mergerbranches/android-nn-driver_18_11narpra01
2018-11-08IVGCVSW-1972 - Update HAL Policy Convolution2d to use NHWC data layoutexperimental/nhwc-previewnarpra01
2018-11-01IVGCVSW-2084: Edit HAL Policy NHWC DepthwiseConvolutionJames Conroy
2018-10-29IVGCVSW-1986 Modify HAL Policy for Resize BilinearMohamed Nour Abouelseoud
2018-10-25IVGCVSW-2065 - Modify HAL Policy for Normalization to use NHWC data layoutnarpra01
2018-10-22IVGCVSW-1875 Proper support for NHWC L2NormalizationMatteo Martincigh
2018-10-12IVGCVSW-1964: Replace optional biases with home-grown Optionalarovir01
2018-10-12IVGCVSW-1863 Support NHWC for L2NormalizationMatteo Martincigh
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1806 More Android NN Driver refactoringMatteo Martincigh
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1713 Create a minimum unit test to compare the resultsNikhil Raj
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1806: Refactor Android-NN-Driver ModelToINetworkConverterarovir01
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1807: change license text in file headersDavid Beck
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1806 Restored the fp16 flag left behind during the previousMatteo Martincigh
2018-09-18IVGCVSW-1806 Refactored Android-NN-Driver, added common "getCapabilities",Matteo Martincigh