// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2024 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. int round_to_nearest_int(float_t f) Converts the floating-point value to f, with rounding to the nearest integer value. For the required precision see the section: Main inference precision requirements. float_t round_to_nearest_float_nonsaturating(in_t f) Converts the input value into floating-point, rounding to the nearest representable value. Values that are not NaN outside of the representable range of the destination type must be set to infinity of the correct sign. For the required precision see the section: Main inference precision requirements. float_t round_to_nearest_float_saturating(in_t f) Converts the input value into floating-point, rounding to the nearest representable normal value. Values that are not NaN outside of the representable range must return the maximum representable normal value of the correct sign. For the required precision see the section: Main inference precision requirements. out_t sign_extend(in_t input) Floating point values are unchanged. For two's complement integer values where out_t has more bits than in_t, replicate the top bit of input for all bits between the top bit of input and the top bit of output. out_t zero_extend(in_t input) Floating point values are unchanged. For two's complement integer values where out_t has more bits than in_t, insert zero values for all bits between the top bit of input and the top bit of output. out_t truncate(in_t input) output is the sizeof(out_t) least significant bits in input. Nop for floating-point types