// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2021 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. == Operators === Operator Arguments Operators process input arguments to produce output arguments. Their behavior can be configured using attribute arguments. Arguments may have one of the following types: * `tensor_t`, abbreviated `T`, represents a tensor whose elements are of type `element_type` where `element_type` can be any of the data types supported in TOSA. * `tensor_list_t` represents a list of tensors. When lists are homogeneous, i.e. contain tensors of the same type, their type is further qualified as follows: `tensor_list_t>`. * `tosa_graph_t` represents a TOSA graph (see <>). Arguments belong to one of three categories: Input, Output, or Attribute. The category to which an argument belongs further constrains its type: * An Input argument must be a tensor or a list of tensors used to provide the data read by the operation. * An Output argument must be a tensor or a list of tensors into which the data produced by the operation is written. * An Attribute argument is constant, i.e. its value is known at compilation time. It may have any data type supported by TOSA. [[operator-graphs]] === Operator Graphs A TOSA graph is a collection of TOSA operators where: * The output of an operator in the graph may be connected to one or more inputs of other operators in the graph * When an output is connected to an input the tensor list shapes must match * The attributes of the operators are defined and considered part of the graph * The attributes must be in the valid range permitted for the operator * The tensor dimensions must be in the valid range permitted for the operator Some operators, such as control flow operators, take a graph of other operators as an attribute. The type `tosa_graph_t` will denote a graph of operators and the following functions define the tensor shape list for the graph input and outputs: [source,c++] ---- shape_list_t tosa_input_shape(tosa_graph_t graph); shape_list_t tosa_output_shape(tosa_graph_t graph); ---- Similarly the type tensor_list_t will be used for a list of tensors and the following function returns the shape of a tensor list: [source,c++] ---- shape_list_t tensor_list_shape(tosa_list_t tensor_list); ---- The following function denotes the execution of a TOSA graph within a TOSA context, on an input tensor list to produce an output tensor list. A TOSA context, represented by `tosa_context_t` provides the environment in which a TOSA graph is executed. Any side-effects that result from the execution of a graph within a context are not observable by graphs executing in a different context. Operators are executed in an implementation-defined order that must be a topological ordering of the TOSA graph. [source,c++] ---- tosa_execute_graph(tosa_context_t context, tosa_graph_t graph, tosa_list_t input_list, tosa_list_t output_list, tosa_level_t level) { ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_input_shape(graph)); ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(output_list) != tosa_output_shape(graph)); for_each(operator in graph order) { ERROR_IF(operator input tensors do not meet requirement of operator Arguments inputs) ERROR_IF(operator attributes do not meet requirement of operator Arguments attributes) ERROR_IF(operator output tensors do not meet requirement of operator Arguments outputs) ERROR_IF(operator data types do not meet requirement of operator Supported Data Types) // Execute the operator as defined by the operation function pseduo-code tosa_execute_operator(context, operator, level); } } ---- include::tensor_ops.adoc[] include::activation_funcs.adoc[] include::ewise_binary.adoc[] include::ewise_unary.adoc[] include::ewise_ternary.adoc[] include::comparison.adoc[] include::reduction.adoc[] include::data_layout.adoc[] include::scatter_gather.adoc[] include::image.adoc[] include::type_conversion.adoc[] include::data_nodes.adoc[] include::custom.adoc[] include::control_flow.adoc[]