// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2021 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. == Operators === Operator Parameters An operator processes input operands to produce output operands. An operator can have three types of parameters: * An input operand. This must be a tensor or a list of tensors and data is read by the operation. * An output operand. This must be a tensor or a list of tensors and data is written by the operation. * An attribute. This is a parameter that is constant for a particular instance of the operator. It may have any data type supported by TOSA. It is expected to be set at compile time. === Operator Graphs Some operators, such as control flow operators, take a graph of other operators as an attribute. The type tosa_graph_t will denote a graph of operators and the following functions define the tensor shape list for the graph input and outputs: [source,c++] ---- shape_list_t tosa_input_shape(tosa_graph_t graph); shape_list_t tosa_output_shape(tosa_graph_t graph); ---- Similarly the type tensor_list_t will be used for a list of tensors and the following function returns the shape of a tensor list: [source,c++] ---- shape_list_t tensor_list_shape(tosa_list_t tensor_list); ---- The following function denotes the execution of a TOSA graph, on an input tensor list to produce an output tensor list. [source,c++] ---- tosa_execute_graph(tosa_graph_t graph, tosa_list_t input_list, tosa_list_t output_list) { assert(tensor_list_shape(input_list)==tosa_input_shape(graph)); assert(tensor_list_shape(output_list)==tosa_output_shape(graph)); } ---- Note that within the graph, each input operand is instantiated as a PLACEHOLDER operator. include::tensor_ops.adoc[] include::activation_funcs.adoc[] include::ewise_binary.adoc[] include::ewise_unary.adoc[] include::ewise_ternary.adoc[] include::comparison.adoc[] include::reduction.adoc[] include::data_layout.adoc[] include::scatter_gather.adoc[] include::image.adoc[] include::type_conversion.adoc[] include::data_nodes.adoc[] include::custom.adoc[] include::control_flow.adoc[]